Moral Degeneration


“I hate to admit this, but I might be a little out of my depth,” I admitted. Luna and Penny were sipping from margaritas as we sat at a side table. I regretted picking their dresses because I was too drawn to their cleavage. I kept having to drag my eyes away from their racks to look at their faces. 


“Penny, how do you get women to spend money on you at the Club?” I asked. 


“No idea,” she said. I gave her a disappointed look. “What? It’s true. Farrah said I was a natural at being a stripper.”


“You got any pointers for something like this?” I asked, more than a little annoyed how nonchalant she and Luna were taking all this. I didn’t think they quite realized how rich these women could be. 


“Be yourself,” she said. “Always keep a smile on. Touch them as much as possible. And…act less like yourself.”


“How am I supposed to be myself and act less like myself?” I growled. 


“Most girls aren’t accustomed to this whole dangerous man thing,” she said. “Men are dainty little flowers. Be more…gentle. But be yourself by asking questions. Act oblivious to someone coming onto you. That sort of thing.”


“Okay. Anything else?” I asked. 


“Uhh let’s check out the competition,” she said. “You might want to show more skin. All kind of new to me. I’m used to swindling money out of middle aged women when I’m half-naked.”


“Good point,” I said. Moving from out of the booth. The side room for the guys had a nondescript door that read ‘Employees Only’. I stepped into a bright room much like the girl’s changing room at The Club. 


Inside were more men than I’d seen in one place before, at least in this world. There were all of 20 guys. They ranged in age from 20 to 50 years old. Immaculately dressed, perfect hair, teeth, many had makeup but not all, and all eyes were turned to me. 


A needy woman with glasses and a clipboard in front of her chest walked up to me. “You must be Rory.”


“That’s me.”


“And your companions are…”


“Luna” “Penelope” they said. We hadn’t talked about fake names for them, but it was probably unneeded. They still carried their margaritas, acting like they were on a vacation. 


“Great. I’ll uh set you up over here,” the assistant said, pushing her glasses up her nose. 


Walking through the room of men there was a small relaxing alcove at the far end. A leather padded barber chair facing a mirror. There were nice leather seats around it.


All around us, just like at The Club the other men working that night sat around in the barber chairs, touching up makeup or chatting to girls with them. I was really starting to dread this plan as I sat in the seat. 


I’d latched onto it because the corporate guys said this was the place the real executives frequented. But now I felt like all the other guys around me. The type to charge for impregnation or every little thing because being with a man was a commodity in this world. 


“I’ll check in with you soon,” the assistant said and was off to talking to one of the guys. 


“I’m freaking out a little bit,” Penny hissed as she sat in one of the sofas. Luna nodded sitting next to her. They faced the rest of the room and other guys scattered around us. 


“You’re not the only one,” I mumbled. In front of me the mirror table had makeup and other things just sitting out in the open. To my surprise there was a whole box of condoms sitting out. Intrigued I leaned forward and opened the box. 


Where the Japanese brand I had was golden foil on the outside, these were a red foil. With the name Prince on it the brand was most likely made in America since it was in English. I grabbed a handful and put them in my pocket. 


The girls gave me a disapproving look. “We literally went through like 20 last night. They aren’t cheap,” I said. 


“Gotta point. Maybe we should steal more,” Penny said. “Think they’ll-“


“Hey,” a man said walking over to us. I turned to see a man in his mid-twenties. He had a strong chin, thin nose, and red hair. Some muscle, the white button down shirt was tight on him. “I’m Titus.”


“Rory,” I said, sticking to my fake name. I stuck my hand out and shook his hand. 


“These your sisters?” He asked, looking to Luna and Penny. 


“Girlfriends,” I said, unashamed. 


“Ah, you’re one of those,” he said. He pointed his head at an older man who had 4 women around him. “Gary brings his girlfriends around too but they’re all pretty much married.”


“Cool,” I said. Happy to see I wasn’t the only one that actually liked some attachments. “What’s up? Can I help you with something?” I didn’t think for a second this guy actually wanted to help, but I was out of my depth. I could use some pointers even if they were laced with poison. 


“Just saying hey. I know what it’s like being new,” he said. He sat opposite the girls, still eyeing them up. I didn’t appreciate his gaze, but acted like I didn’t notice. My anger was abated by thinking of the easiest way to kill him. “Ever worked at a place like this?”


“Nope,” I admitted. “Not this fancy at least.”


“It’s pretty standard,” Titus said. He crossed his leg and extended his arms out on the sofa, as if he was relaxed as can be. “They like to stage our release from the pin. As women arrive they’ll call your name. They don’t want to overwhelm the women. As low man on the totem pole you’ll be called last unless you bribe the hostess.” He pointed at the woman that had escorted us over. 


“I’m not in too much of a hurry,” I said with a shrug. “Got any other kernels of wisdom?”


“We have our own codes,” Titus said. “Wiping your shoulder means to leave someone alone. Adjusting your cuffs means they could use some assistance. Coughing twice means you need security.”


“Security? Do the clients often get violent?”


“No, but they push for meeting outside of the Menagerie a lot. Which is a big no-no. Or they try to slip you a drug. Which I wouldn’t recommend trusting anything anyone gives you here.”


“All sound advice,” I admitted. Not seeing any traps yet. “What about stepping on people’s toes?”


“Definitely against the unwritten rules. Usually clients stick to certain guys. But some women think new is always better.” He pointed at me. “Try not to step on anyone’s toes with their regulars and you’ll do fine.”


“Sounds simple enough,” I said and directed the conversation elsewhere. “How long have you done this?”


“Shit, since I was 18,” he said. “7 years now. Had to work my way up to this place. Kind of a whole new world for me if you know what I mean.” He readjusted his tie, though it didn’t need it. “You sound interesting. Where’s your accent from?”


“Across the pond,” I said, still going with my mild Yorkshire accent. “You’ve been doing this a while. Ever thought of quitting and getting one of those corporate jobs?”


“I’ve had a few buddies who did that. But they’re more the…sell everything about themselves type. Here we provide companionship. Give them the dream of spending a few hours with a real man. Some have a kink for it. Just want to smell you for some reason. We provide that. No judgment. Simple commerce, buy and sell.” Now this guy was starting to sound like me, which I didn’t like. 


“You know what I mean?”


“I think so,” I admitted. 


“Good, well good luck to you,” he said. Getting up be eyed Luna and Penny again then walked back to his seat. I caught more gazes of men staring at us, but they turned away when I locked eyes with them. 


“I really don’t like this place,” Penny muttered. “I much prefer working with women.”


“You and me both,” I said with a sigh. “But this is life. New experiences and all. I don’t trust any of these guys here. They’re probably used to women throwing themselves at them.”


“Like women do for you?” Luna asked. 


“In my defense at least I bother to get numbers of the girls,” I said. “These guys seem to be the use and dump. So do me a favor and try not to be alone with any of them.”


“Oh my, is our Ru-Rory getting jealous?” Penny asked, stumbling on the fake name. 


I looked at her like she said something profoundly stupid. “Fuck yeah I am,” I said. “You 2 are the hottest women here. I don’t want some tool trying to steal you.”


The girls were stunned for a second but then gave me a wide grin. “Why was that comforting?” Luna asked Penny. 


“No idea. It’s kind of nice to have him all protective instead of go get yourself a girlfriend,” she said. 


“Seriously?” I asked. “That annoys you?”


“Kind of,” Luna said with a shrug. “It’s not like we need sex 24/7.”


“Unlike this sex machine here. Did you even sleep today?” Penny asked. 


“Not really,” I admitted. I’d gone right from fucking them to a shower to breakfast with Rowan. “So what’s our game plan?”


“Sounds like we have to wait for your name to be called,” Penny said. “Other than that, no idea.”


“I’d like to try to get more information from some of these guys. See if what Titus said checks out.”


“True,” Luna said. “I want to know about the guys with girlfriends. Why’s it only the older guys that seem to have more than a few with them?”


“Probably because they actually grew up having to meet girls and get to know them. Instead of all hookups being online and emotionless,” I said. 


“Oh shit, you think?” Penny asked. “I always felt like you were an old soul trapped in a kids body. Maybe that’s why you’re different.”


“Maybe,” I said. Laughing internally how close she was to the truth but I could tell she didn’t mean it. “Let’s split up. Make some friends. Go from there, alright?”


The girls nodded and we stood as one.




“Well that was pointless,” Penny said with a huff. Another man was called to go out on the floor and his sister walked out with him. 


“You’re not joking,” I grumbled. 


“I learned some cool stuff,” Luna said with a smile. “That old guy that was called first. He’s worked here since they opened 10 years ago. He’s got like 5 girlfriends and they have like 20 kids between them.”


“How’s that work? They don’t mind him fooling around with the rich ladies?” Penny asked. 


“They didn’t care. He makes so much here that none have to work. They’ve got like 8 kids they’re putting through college. When he doesn’t work they all go up to a farm they have upstate and just kind of live.”


“Sounds nice,” I said, wishing I’d had a chance to talk to him. There were still about half the guys left inside the waiting room so we had some time. “Did you meet any others with the same situation?”


“No, the older guy I met had a couple of girlfriends but they were new. Said they’d been dating a few months. So he liked to get newer models every few years,” Penny said. 


“Dumb. All the guys I talked to were with their sisters, cousins, or no one,” I said. “Guess wanting actual girlfriends is pretty rare.”


“To be honest I’m surprised we found anyone like that,” Penny said. “I swear I’ve talked to more guys today than I ever thought possible. Think we should talk Farrah into doing something like this back home?”


“I doubt it…but it's worth looking into. I really don’t want to waste my time working in a place like this,” I admitted. “And I doubt you want me to either.”


“True,” Luna said with a sigh. “You didn’t get anything from the others?”


“Just hit on,” Penny said. 


“Yeah me too,” I admitted. “It might surprise you but a lot of these guys are gay.”


“What?!” The girls asked together as they looked around. 


“Keep it down,” I said. “Not too surprising. Most of the girls at The Club are gay.”


“Yeah but that’s the way of the world,” Penny said. It was hard to argue with that. Not like I could tell her that strippers were usually gay in my original life either. 


“True,” I said. “Yeah most of these guys are the effeminate variety. So I’m sorry to burst your bubbles.”


“It just seems like such a waste,” Luna said. “No wonder having a man is such a rare commodity.”


“Which I’m glad of. Since I get you all to myself,” I admitted without shame. “But seriously. These guys were pretty tight lipped. I learned a few more signals. And they’re all pretty protective of their regulars. We are going to have to step on a few toes.”


“Why’s that?”


“From what I understand, my targets are regulars. Luckily the executives pictures were updated on their website so I know the faces of who I’m looking for. But I might need you girls to run interference.”


“Interference how?” Penny asked, getting interested as she leaned forward. 


“Let’s work on our own signals. I’ll need you to do what women do best. Distract and make these idiots blind to what’s going on around them in case I have to steal their women.”


“Yeah but how?” Luna asked, intrigued as well. 


Letting out a sigh I looked around. No one was near us and another man’s name was called. “I’m going to have to give you a crash course on how to be a spy. Now the first trick is to not draw attention to yourself. That won’t work for you 2 because well…you’re gorgeous. So I need you to do the opposite.”


“The opposite?” Penny asked. 


“Yep, when I need you to, you'll have to get every eye you can on you,” I said. “Don’t worry. I think this is the easy part.”

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