Moral Degeneration


“Bodyshots!” Penny yelled, all the girls around me cheered and it was hard to say no to that. We were at the large booth practically spilling over with women. All the chatter around the women had large smiles on as Penny began pushing drinks to their respective owners. I took off my button down shirt revealing my chest. All eyes were on me then. My chest was pale in the room, but there was at least plenty of muscle there. The women ate it up. 


Laying on the now cleared table, I understood why Penny discreetly handed me a razor and told me to clean up during my last restroom break. Putting my hands behind my head I ignored the stares as Penny grabbed the tequila bottle the waitress brought over and poured a shot in my belly button. I felt weird as hell, but I did admit if a hot woman did this for me I wouldn’t hesitate to drink. I doubted any of these women had done one off of a man, and I had told Penny to pimp me out. 

“Now, rules,” Penny said. “Your hands have to stay behind your back at all times. Girls, whoever is taking the shot is free game to trip up. If she uses her hands to catch herself she has to pay for all the shots.” 

More cheers went out. She gave me a wink. “You, you look like you need a drink. Show these girls how it’s done,” Penny said. Pointing to the oldest woman there, she was in her 50s, but was more than happy to take her turn. She was hovering over the table and slurped up the shot without hesitation. Then she was sniffing me which I had gotten used to. A lot of girls did that. 

“You next,” Penny said, keeping it going and the line went around. Friends tried to trip up friends, and a few had laughing fits but none used their hands to catch themselves.  “Oh you girls are tough,” Penny said, playing the ringleader to these women that could probably buy and sell us a few times over each. “I think you each deserve a reward, and Rory needs his shot. So pucker up buttercup. Time for another line of girls.” She leaned down and started it off by kissing me hungrily. I got into it but then she was pulling away and a new girl was kissing me. Most were quick and to the point, but I had to see myself as a tool for this to work. 


The girls cheered more when they finished and I was sitting up. A few overweight women, a few older, most were in their 30s or 40s. They all got my attention. “Switch!” Penny yelled, and I was moving a space over to sit next to 2 different women. I had been approached twice already about a VIP room so we had to shorten the time I was sitting next to girls. 


So far the plan was working better than I thought. Penny and Luna were a big part of that. Always moving, mingling, and involving everyone the bombshells were sure to flirt as well. We had gotten stink eyes from all the guys and the girls they brought with them for protection but we had a waitress assigned to our table since I was handling about 15 girls to the other guys 1 or 2. All were getting charged the boy price for drinks, and were happy to pay it. 


“My turn,” June said, raising her hand. We were going around the table letting everyone ask questions. The questions had been mild at the start, but had quickly gotten raunchy as the older girls went. June was one of the trust fund girls though, and seemed rather innocent. “What’s your favorite part of a girl?”

I laughed and eyed her. “Perky breasts, nice ass, cute smile, long dark hair helps, and if she can pull off a black dress that’s more points in her favor in my book,” I said describing her. She beamed me a smile as she noticed the compliment. “But I’m a very simple man. I enjoy a woman that can enjoy a good time. And I must admit, all have you are turning out to be a great time.”

More smiles and cheers, urged on by Penny. Luna signaled me as she walked up and the woman I’d sent her after was in tow. Her name was Beatrice Childs. CFO of Hodgins Incorporated and worked directly with my father. I’d noticed her about an hour ago, but she had latched onto Titus, one of the guys. During one of my restroom breaks from the girls I’d gotten close to her and confirmed it. I knew she worked for my father because she did a double take when looking me over, so I hoped she was interested. 


I gave her my best grin and assigned Luna to watch her. Titus couldn’t sit with her forever, so once he stepped away it was as simple as Luna saying ‘oh are you alone? Why don’t you join the real party?’ or something. We had already stolen a few girls as our party got rowdier, so I wasn’t too ashamed of it. 


Beatrice was older, in her mid-to-late-thirties. Dark hair cut to her shoulders, bangs were in front of her eyes. Wearing a black business suit it was loose on her except in the chest. She had a much larger bust than I had noticed before. Enough to make Penny and Luna show some appreciation. Her eyes kept darting up to me then looking away nervously. 


“Your turn,” Penny said pointing to the next girl.

“Uh how many girls have you been with?” The woman asked and the whole table oooed. 


“That’s a tough one,” I said. “It could always be more.”

“Don’t dodge it,” a girl laughed. “We want to know.” 

“Hmm had sex with or made love?” I asked, doing my best to make it as sappy as possible. 

“What’s the difference?” 

“I call them afterward,” I said with a smile. 

“Oh yeah?” “You lay and call back?” 

“And make breakfast in bed,” I assured. “I’m the whole package.” I gave them my best smile as I continued to think. “How about this…” I eyed Luna. She gave me a slight nod. “I’ve had a few requests for the VIP Room.” The girls quieted as it got serious. “How about if you’re interested in having my many services all to yourself, you guess how many women I’ve been with. The closest woman gets the right to hog me all to herself.” 

“I like that idea” “I’m in” “Can we double up?”

“If one of you wins you can have as many come back with us as you want. But no sore losers, ladies,” I said. “So, whose going to guess first?” I put up the number 4 with my left hand then the number 3 with my right as I grabbed my beer. Penny nodded and signaled Luna who would discreetly tell Beatrice. 


“200!” The first girl said. 

“Ha!” I laughed thinking she was joking. 

“300,” another said. “250.” And the numbers were all in the hundreds. I felt a little bad about it. They must have really seen me as a ladies man or some kind of slut. Numbers got higher as my look became more disbelieving. “1,000!” Penny yelled playing into it. A few more numbers went out then Beatrice said, “40.” The got some laughs until I nodded and pointed to her. 

“43,” I said.

“What?!” Girls yelled. “You’re lying” “Prove it” 

“What? I don’t really sleep around all that much,” I said. “Not as much as you girls think anyway.” 

“But the pregnancy program. There’s no way you don’t donate,” a girl said. 

“Oh that, I’m not signed up,” I said. All the girls eyes bulged. “What? I like to get to know a girl when I impregnate them. Take them out to dinner and drinks. None of this business transaction crap.” It was a sad time to be alive when being with 43 women was considered low. “What?” 

“Prove it,” one of the girls said. 

“I don’t know how,” I said. “…I can name them all.”

“What? You know the names of everyone you’ve slept with?” One of the girls asked. 

“Pretty sure I do,” I said. “I could do it alphabetically if you want. Amelie, Anastasia, Audrey, Ava, Brianna, Chloe, Drew…” And I went down the list of everyone I could remember, totalling 43 girls. Including the virgins I’d had at Julie’s party and the short encounters with girls on my road trip. “What?” I asked, challenging them. 

“Just a surprise,” one girl said. “You’re a weird one.”

“That I am,” I said lifting my glass and downing my drink. “But I am sorry ladies. A bet is a bet.” Standing up I jumped to the cushion, then the back of the bench seat. Walking around it I gave the girls my best smile and jumped off the end. Extending my arm out to Beatrice she blushed profusely but stood up and took my arm. 


“Wait-” A couple of girls said, but I was already walking her away. I was sure they’d try to talk her into sharing, but she was my true target for the evening. Maybe I could have swung adding more, but she was rather pretty so I didn’t bother. Luna and Penny were left to wrap up with the girls as I spoke in whispered tones to Beatrice. 

“I’m Rory, if you didn’t know,” I said. “You don’t have to hire me for the VIP room if you don’t want to.”

“Oh I know,” she said, grabbing on tighter. I noticed Titus made a B-line for us. I moved us straight at him as I watched him in my peripherals. My eyes focused on the bangs of Beatrice. I stumbled when Titus got a little close. Catching myself I kneed him in the groin and played it off like an accident. “Sorry, are you alright? Let’s get security over here.” I helped him out of my way and waved one of the security guards over but was grabbing back onto Beatrice and walking her to the back rooms soon after. 

She was quiet as we walked. I could feel she was rather nervous for some reason. Her eyes kept darting up to stare at me through her bangs, but I ignored them. The VIP rooms were in a hallway. I hadn’t been back to any yet. But as I opened one of the doors it was as I expected. A box of condoms sitting out clear as day. There was also a small box mounted on the wall for calling people, turning down the music, and requesting drinks. Around the perimeter of the room were leather bench seats that matched the rest of the decor in the place. At the center was a flat leather ottoman. Big enough for 2 people to lay on. It must have replaced the bed. 


Turning down the volume on the wall I moaned happily, “Finally. I swear I have ringing in my ears from all that music.” I walked over to one of the bench seats and kicked my feet up to the ottoman. I pretended like this was any other moment for me. A very small and discrete camera mounted in the corner of the room I doubted many people knew about it. I wondered if it was used for blackmail or to keep an eye on what happened in there. These were the elites of the city, I guessed blackmail. 


“What’s your name, by the way?” I asked. Beatrice moved the hair out of her eyes. She was older, but very beautiful. Sparkling blue eyes watching me I wondered if I’d get a fake name or not. 

“Bea,” she said.

“Bea, good to meet you,” I said. “Ever done this before?”

“I don’t think we should talk about that,” she said shyly. 


“Well I have not,” I said.


“I haven’t, you heard my amount of partners,” I said. “I’m basically a virgin.” 


“I don’t believe that number,” she said, a small smile on her lips as she walked over. Stiff backed she sat next to me. Her eyes darted over to me now and then. If she had done this a lot, she wasn’t too experienced either. 


“It’s true,” I said. “Believe it or not, Bea. But who cares about that, what do you want?” I asked. 

“I want to know why you wanted me,” she said. “Your friend said you singled me out.”

“I did,” I said unashamedly. “Is that a problem?”

“No, but it’s a first,” she practically whispered. Still sitting straight back next to me I had to get her to relax. My hand reached over to hers and I slowly slid my hand up her forearm. Just some simple touch that made her smile then hide the smile. I wasn’t sure what her deal was but I planned to find out. I was getting mixed signals from her, and there was a reason, I was sure of it. 


“What can I say?” I asked, drawing her eye. “You’re very beautiful, and of all the girls there, I felt you were different.” 

She frowned at me. Disbelieving it, but girls liked to hear they were special. “You are,” I assured. “Look at this.” I lifted up her hand pointing to the watch at her wrist. “What does it cost? $100?” She blushed. “Your suit is nice and recently laundered. Hair is done up special, so you spent money on that. You barely wear any makeup though. I have like 12 girls makeup on me just from being in their vicinity. Your shoes…not designer but comfortable.” I guessed they weren’t designer. The girls around the table had practically begged to tell each other what they were and weren’t wearing and who designed it. Beatrice was a lot more modest. 

“Now all those things added together put you in a grouping of about 5 women outside this room,” I said, nodding to the door. “Of those 5, 4 weren’t shopping. Simply mingling with other girls, walking around. 2 of them were on the prowl for their own woman to be honest, but that’s another matter. So what else put you apart from all of them?” I asked. 


She was staring at me now through her bangs. I moved one out of her field of view so I could stare into her eye. “You’re beautiful,” I said. “Call me shallow, but I’d rather be in this room with someone I was attracted to. You don’t spend much money on your clothes. You keep up your appearance. But you were willing to waste your money on the boytoy Titus? No, I wanted you for myself. That’s why I dumped all of those other girls and had my friend give you the answer to the question.” 


She blinked rapidly, her face flushing and she was on me. Pushing into me hard she was a moaning mess as we fell to the cushioned seat. My seduction had gone a little too well. My hands all over her body. Hers were on me, but she wasn’t playing around. She already had my pants unzipped and dug out my cock before I had time to unbutton her blouse. 

Moving her panties to the side I halted piercing into her as we locked eyes. “Condom?” I asked. She exhaled, looking down to my dick then me. Doing that in quick succession more times than I expected she nodded slightly. I pulled one out of my pocket and put it on. All the while she was kissing my cheek and moaning as her pussy hovered closer to my dick. When it became impossible to put on I grabbed her thighs forcefully and opened them up. She gasped and bit her lip as I mounted over her. 


When I had the condom on I lined myself up and opened her shirt. Her breasts spilling out they were as big as I’d hoped, but instead her eyes took my focus. Staring at me hungrily I slowly entered her and she gasped. Thick thighs against my sides she was drenched and ready for all of me. My body overtop of hers we began to kiss sloppily as I kept moving into her. She hummed louder until I was buried inside of her. 


“Oh god,” she moaned, but my lips were on hers again. Pulling back I slammed back in and her chest rippled with the force of it. My hands pushing her legs down I stood up straight and began fucking her more forcefully. She came within a few thrusts, but I was only getting started. Barely any alcohol in my system at that point I felt everything and she did feel and look amazing. 


A few extra pounds. Breasts spilling out overtop of her bra her dark areolas called to me as my mouth latched onto them. She only cried out louder as I did. Speeding up, loud smacks sounded as our sexes collided and she was pushed into another orgasm. 

The bench small, she started to roll off as I let my thrusts push her further away. My arms wrapping around her lower back I slowly pulled her up causing her to laugh and latch onto my neck. Pulling her toward me I sat on the ottoman in the middle of the room and buried my face in her chest. 


“Do you like my tits?” She asked sweetly as her cunt squeezed around my dick. I nodded from between them. “Fuck, you’re so hot.” Her hand moved to the back of my head, holding me there as I couldn’t help but suck and nibble on her very erect nipples. “You feel so good.” She gasped as she began to raise up and down on my lap. Her tits stretching as I kept hold of them she dropped down and shivered. Doing it again and again she started to get more confident. Eventually I laid down on the ottoman and she was rocking back and forth. Her hand scratching my chest her mouth began to make the shape of an O as she became closer to climaxing again. 


I started humping up into her and she let out a cry. This time my hands had to hold her ass up so I could continue humping. She caught her breath but begged, “Cum in me.” I nodded and sped up. She moved her tit into my face and I gave her all I had. It was apparently too much for her because she came twice more before I finally emptied myself into my condom. 

Both of us gasped for breath as she laid on top of me. Her perfect pillows in my face I felt pretty good. She rolled off and grabbed her purse. Pulling out a cigarette she asked, “You mind?”

“Not if you have one for me,” I said. 

“You smoke?” She asked with a smile. 

“Just after sex,” I said. She laughed and handed me one. Lighting it for me then herself she laid on the ottoman as I sat staring down at her. Tits out, her skirt was hiked up but she looked just as pretty. 

“What the hell?” She asked, shaking her head as she blew out a puff of smoke.

“Hmm?” I asked, laying my head against her breast as I enjoyed my own smoke. 

“Nothin,” she said.

“What?” I asked more seriously. 

“Nothing…you just look like somebody I know,” she said. That’s when it clicked for me. The weird looks, the willingness to bid on me though we hadn’t spent much time together. I looked like her boss, my father, Jacob Hodgins. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. 


“Oh yeah? Is that a good or bad thing?”

“Good,” she assured with a sigh. She eyed me. “You’re so young. How old are you?” 

“21,” I lied. 


“Very young.”

“So,” I said with a shrug. “That’s why I’m here. I’m young and dumb and full of…well you can guess what I’m full of.” 

She let out a loud laugh. “I can guess, fuck. Are you on something? Usually it’s very…short lived in here.”

“I aim to please,” I said, a little weirded out that I’d finally slept with someone that was used to sleeping with other guys. “But I don’t think this place is for me.” 

“What?” She asked, perking up. “Why? You were a big hit out there.”

“I…don’t especially like places like this,” I said. “You heard my number. I’m one of those weird guys that likes to take things slow. Get to know someone. And now that we’ve done it. I want to get to know you.” 

“What?” She asked, more confused. 

“Let’s go get some food. Go to your place. Have some fun,” I said excitedly. 

“My place? Pretty sure that’s against the rules,” she said sitting up. But I could tell she liked the idea. 

“Who cares about rules,” I said. “I’m here for only a short while. I’ll probably move on in a week. I may not have many women, but I don’t stay somewhere long. So…interested in hosting me for a week?” 

“This is… more than a little weird,” she said with a blush. “You don’t know me, and I don’t know you.” 

“Then let’s get to know each other,” I said like it was obvious. “I chose you out of all those women for a reason. You’re kind and again, hot as hell. I don’t mean to be fickle but if you don’t want to, I understand. I’ll go back out there, pick someone else and offer them the same deal. We can fuck everyday and it’ll only cost you a meal instead of whatever the hell you pay here. Then when I’m gone you can go back to Titus.” 


I stood up and began fixing my clothes. Taking off my condom I threw it in the trash and continued to straighten myself out. This was my short and sweet answer to getting access to her house. If she said no, I’d steal her wallet or follow her home and get what I needed from there. But this was a Pretty Woman moment. I’d seen it in all the girl’s eyes as I played the center of attention for the last few hours. They wanted to talk about saving me from this life. Take me home. Have me all to themselves. They all thought it, and I was offering it to this woman with no strings attached.

“Whatta you say?” I asked. “Want to keep having fun?”  I reached out my hand. She studied it but slowly smiled and nodded as she took it. “Good girl.” 


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