Moral Degeneration


I got into a short routine over the next couple days. Helping Luna sleep by fooling around together until she passed out. We did this all in my room. Nothing new she was excited to have me cum on her face and in her mouth. I fingered her and ate her out. 


My technique was never better. I expected her to gain a resistance to me making her cum. Instead of getting harder it became easier. I was starting to see the effects of no men on women. Even the lesbians Lyza and Sarah were easy to please. 


I was still a quick shot in my opinion. I was gaining my bearings with the young body. But I was certain to make them all cum before I did. 


I hadn’t met up with Lyza and Sarah since our lunch break rendezvous. But I had gotten their number and promised to check in. I made sure Sarah was still my date for the Cooper Shipping New Years Party. Since Christmas was their busy time, they usually had the party when it slowed down. Lyza was on board since she would go to the party as well. 


Audrey was on cloud 9 throughout the day when we came back to work. Apparently she had been worrying about Sarah leaving. She didn’t have any more missions for me. But we did have a quickie in her car before heading home. I spent the midnight hours with her. 


Sneaking away from Luna I woke Audrey up for fun. The older woman was focused on vanilla stuff for now. Simple vaginal intercourse was enough to make her scream. When she got bored of that I’d offer different options, but for now I was happy to use her as I pleased. 


I didn’t remember ever being able to cum so often. Back in my old life I had lost my virginity to a prostitute while I was in the military. Either I was more turned on by the women. My younger body could just keep going. Or I had an epic libido now. I was leaning toward the latter. On the day I bedded Sarah and Lyza I came 10 times between them and the mother and daughter I lived with. 


Now it was Thursday. Luna and I had done a quick exploration session in the shower after our morning workout. Some of her friends were back in town so she went to hang with them. I stopped by Ryleigh’s house during my run and we did our normal hoops, game of catch, and video games. 


I was teaching her the intricacies of pool. She was distracted though.  


“What’s up?” I asked. She set the pool cue down. But shyly looked to the couch. “oh, you want to practice kissing more?” 


The dark haired girl blushed. I dropped the cue and moved to the sofa. Ryleigh followed. Sitting next to me awkwardly. I told her, “I like kissing you too. I'm kind of leaving it up to you if you want to continue.” 


Everything we did together from throwing balls to video games was helping me get used to my body. A skill I desperately needed. But who wouldn’t want to kiss a girl their own age? She was my girl next door. 


“You can talk, you know,” I said. 


“I know,” she said quickly. Her nostrils flaring it was the most reaction I had gotten from her not related to sports. Since I was getting better at stuff quickly, Ryleigh would get angry if she wasn’t always winning. I thought it was cute. 


I put my arm over her shoulder. She stiffened but relaxed as I leaned her back to the sofa cushions. “Are you excited to go back to school?” Ryleigh shook her head. “What about your friends?”


“I don’t really have any,” she said. 


“You have me. We are friends, right?”


“If you want,” she said. 


“I’m supposed to sign up for school after the new year. How about I sign up for your classes? We can spend the school day together,” I said. “Would you like that?” 


Ryleigh nodded. “Come on Ryleigh. No more nodding. I want full sentences from now on.” Her eyes bulged. “I can’t be your friend if you can’t talk to me.”


“Fine,” she said. 


“Perfect. Now tell me what you like to do for fun.”


“This,” she said. 


“The kissing?”


“The sports,” she corrected. “I like to play basketball. And baseball. And soccer.”


“That’s great, Ryleigh,” I said. “And the kissing?” 






“And I like the kissing,” she forced out. 


“Me too,” I said and kissed her cheek. “It’s fun.” I kissed her again. “And new. Do you want to do anything else?” I asked. 


“Like what?” She asked innocently. 


“We could explore one another,” I offered. “If you want.” She still wore her baggy clothes. The hoodie and sweatpants were too large for her. But I wasn’t about to be the one to initiate. I liked being the devil on the shoulder. Not the devil himself. 


“We could,” she whispered. “If you want.”


“I do want. But what do you want?” I asked. “We can just be friends that kiss. Or stop the kissing. Or we can go further. Whatever you’re comfortable with.”


“Can I-can I touch you?” She whispered. 


I laid back against the cushions. My hands at my sides. “Explore away.”


Ryleigh turned to look at my body. She started at my face then looked down. Something about the situation was doing it for me. Either the idea of being someone’s first everything. Or the taboo of her mother asleep upstairs. She could catch us at any time. I was quickly getting a chubby. 


Her gaze went down to my growing erection. She surprised me by moving her hand to my groin with very little hesitation. I jerked erect as her hand moved to my dick. 


“Not so hard,” I said with a grunt. She released it then slowly went back to it. Just barely touching it over my jeans. Ryleigh ran her fingers along the length. I twitched. Enjoying the light stimulation. She kept it up for a few minutes. 


“Can I see it?” She asked. Her eyes locked onto the bulge. 


“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” I said. She blushed but didn’t reject it. 




“Ryleigh, you down there?!” Rose yelled from atop the stairs. Ryleigh pulled her hand back like my dick had bit her. 


“Yes ma! I’m with Russ!”


“Oh good,” she said. I was amazed how fine these women were with their daughters being alone with boys. Didn’t they know what could happen? Or did they hope it would? 


“I need to go to work for a bit,” she yelled down. “Your mom forgot her lunch. Mind running it to her?”


“Okay,” Ryleigh said. We were soon going up the stairs. 


“Hi Russ,” Rose said. My erection was gone, but I still had a flush on my face. “Sorry I can’t stay. Forgot to submit some paperwork. Mom’s lunch is on the counter. Bye love you.” Rose was out the door. 


“How are we going to get it to her?” I asked, staring at the lunch box. 


“She works in an office park just outside the neighborhood. I can take it to her if you want to go home,” Ryleigh said. 


“It’s fine. I don’t mind.” We were soon walking down the street. Cutting through some bushes we went by a park. 


The park was covered in snow, but everything was as I remembered. No plastic jungle gyms. It was all dangerous. Tall monkey bars. Rusty swings. That stainless slide that burned like hell in the summer. It gave me all the nostalgia. 


“We will be playing there on our way back,” I announced. 


“Ok,” Ryleigh said. We made it to the business park with little issue. Ryleigh’s other mom, Linda, was a dentist. 


We walked in and the waiting rooms eyes went to me. They were like predators as they watched me next to the girl. “Hi Ryleigh,” the receptionist said. “Whose your friend?” The receptionist was a young girl. Barely 20. 


“This is my friend Russ. We came to drop this off,” she said. More confident than I had ever seen her. She must have come to the dentist office a lot. 


“Oh I’ll go get your mom,” the receptionist said. 


“No need,” Ryleigh said. Grabbing my hand she dragged me outside. “Sorry. My mom can be a little nosy.” 


“It’s fine. Come on. Let’s go to the park.” I pulled her hand with me and we were soon running off to the death trap park. 


I had been in this world a little over a week and was ashamed to admit I didn’t notice the oddities right away. First there was a woman sitting at the park bench when we got there. I distinctly remembered it being covered in snow when we went by earlier. Now it was cleared off as she sat facing the empty slides and swings. 


The next indicator was that a van was parked on the road. It was close to where Ryleigh and I had cut through the bushes. Nondescript, white, with tinted windows. It was too subtle. 


The last hint was less conspicuous. 2 women were walking hand in hand down the path. I had checked. There were no footprints when we walked through before. The place had seen no foot traffic before Ryleigh and I walked by before.


I had been using the swings as it clicked in my head. My eyes going to the van. Woman at the bench. And couple stopping to chat close to the slide. All in a few quick peripheral glances. 


Stopping my swing instantly I moved to behind Ryleigh. “I’ll push you.” She smiled widely as I did. Oblivious to the danger. 


I thought quickly. The people were in a good triangular formation. The van was the extraction point. They’d wait for us to use the path, then grab us. I was positive someone would be just inside the bushes. 


“Hey,” I said. Stopping her swing I said with a smile on my face, “your mom ever do anything dangerous for the police?”


“Uhhh no. She’s just a cop.”


“Ok. I have to tell you something, Ryleigh,” I said. I put my arms over her shoulders. Kissing her cheek she shivered. “I think the people around us are going to try to kidnap me. Don’t look.” My hand grabbed her head. Stopping her from looking. I kissed her lips. 


“Don’t panic. They should be after me. Not you. I will give you my cell phone. I want you to call a number in it. It’s saved under Agent Simpson. Tell him there are people after me,” I said. 


“Russ,” she whispered. Fear in her voice. 


“It’s ok,” I kissed her again. “They won’t go after you.” I went through a few scenarios in my head. “I am going to walk behind us. When I start peeing, you pretend to get a call on my cell phone. Yell out loud so I can hear that you have to go back to your mom’s office. The kidnappers will stay here. When they can’t see you, you run as fast as you can to your moms office. Then you call the number.” She was shaking. 


“Who are you supposed to call?” I repeated.


“Simpson,” she whispered. 


“Good,” I said. “Are we clear? I can’t repeat. They’re getting suspicious.” I kissed her cheek and discreetly put the cell phone in her front hoodie pocket. “Call Audrey after you call Simpson.”


I stepped away. “I gotta take a leak,” I said. Turning around I headed straight back to the line of trees. I finagled my zipper. Took my time. I was worried she wouldn’t do it. 


Eventually she yelled, “Russ!” Her voice cracked. “I have to go back to my mom’s office!”


“Ok,” I said. “I’m gonna head home. I have to take a dump!” I yelled loud enough for people to hear. She blushed and began walking. I forced myself to pee. It was only a few spurts. 


I turned to see Ryleigh made it past the woman on the bench. The couple had gotten closer to me while on the path. Letting out a sigh I turned into the woods. 

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