Moral Degeneration


The school day ended smoothly. By the end of it Ryleigh and I were experts at ignoring one another. She actually met eyes with me once, instead of turning her face away from me when I was close to her line of view. It was progress. I would talk to her again eventually. For now I would let her get through whatever she needed to. 


Homework was easy for me. English, math, sciences, and all the other general studies stayed the same from my world. The only thing that was really different was History. I was easily able to remember dates and other important information. Breathing through the homework I was ready for another mission after school. 


“I want your car,” I told Luna. She was sitting at her small desk in her room. Her glasses on she was extra cute as she worked on homework. 

“What for?” She asked with a frown. I walked up behind her and started to rub her shoulders. 


“I’m going to confront Ava,” I said. She groaned happily as I worked through the knots. 


She let out a long sigh. “Why? She’s annoying.” 

“For your mom. You guys let things fester too much. I can tell she’s worried,” I said. 


“Want me to come with?” She asked looking up at me. “Jeez, are you taller?” She asked confused. 


“I think so,” I said. I might have checked my height against my locker. I guessed I was an inch taller than when I started school a week ago. I wasn’t sure how that was possible, but I had transmigrated to a new world. That was one of the less surprising things to happen in my life. 


“So, what do you say?” I asked. 

“Eh I need to work on homework. And let’s be honest, Ava won’t want to talk to me,” Luna said. “Have fun. But continue the rubdown when you get back.” She puckered her lips. I kissed her and squeezed her tits. She laughed cutely as I stole the keys from her desk. 


“Thanks babe. I’ll fill up the tank,” I said. I had a credit card linked to my account now. It wasn’t a problem to do simple stuff. 


Getting in her small car I let Audrey know I was helping someone. I called Willow next. 


“Hey,” she answered sadly. 


“What’s the matter?” I asked. 


“Nothing,” she said. Letting out a long sigh she added, “Ava broke up with me.” 

“What? When?” I asked. 


“Yesterday,” she sniffled. “We were at a party.” I heard her sob and sniffle. I guessed she was still crying. “She got drunk again. I don’t know. She’s been a different person lately. We fought and broke up.” 


“That’s too bad,” I said. “So you free for a date?”

She laughed loudly. “No, I-I wouldn’t be fun company.” 

“Don’t be like that. Come on. Where are you? You can curse her up and down if you want,” I said. 


“You won’t want to come here. I’m at my friend’s dorm room,” she said. I could hear a small smile in her voice. 

“Which one?” I asked. 


“Kinsley Hall,” she said. I was about 90% sure that was the one I had taken Anastasia to. 


“I know where that is. What room you staying in?” I asked. 


“283,” she whispered after some hesitation. 


“Perfect,” I said. “I’ll be there in a half hour.” Getting excited now I drove across town to the UM campus. The first day classes were back on. It was a little busy, but was manageable. The dorm parking lot was now filled so I had to park a little ways down the road. Bundled for the January weather I followed a couple of girls as they headed to Kinsley Hall. 


I followed them in but decided to wait for the big reveal. Listening to some idle chatter I headed up to the 2nd floor where Willow and Anastasia were waiting for me. Walking down the halls there were plenty of girls. A smile on my lips I took off the coat and hat. One girl noticed my gender and stopped in her tracks. I gave her a wide smile and knocked on Ana’s door first. 


It took time but eventually someone answered. I had a couple admirers stopping what they were doing to watch me. “What?” A girl asked opening the door. She was a little taller, but was not my goth Ana. She was more like Luna. Blonde, perfect face, tight clothes on a nice rack. Her face had been angry when she opened the door, but as she noticed I was a boy she was a little dumbstruck. 


“Hey, Ana here?” I asked. 


She slowly caught herself. “So the rumor was true,” she said. “Ana nabbed herself a boy.” 


“Oh, I’m worthy of more rumors?” I said. “And you are?” 


“Sorry, Rebecca, her roomate.” We shook hands. 


“Russ, so she in?” I asked.

“No, sorry. You just missed her. She’s going to that big lesbo rally,” she said. 


“Lesbo Rally?” I asked. 


“Yeah. Ran by the Gender Studies professor. All about subjugating men and women’s rights,” she said with a wry smile. 


“Too bad,” I said. “Tell her I stopped by?” I asked. She bit her lip and nodded. I turned to head down the hall, but she stopped me. 

“Hey, you really use condoms?” She asked. 


“Of course,” I said pulling a big stack out of my pocket. “Want to try one?” She blushed profusely. I laughed loudly. “Rain check. You’re pretty hot. Offer is out there,” I said with a smile. Heading back down the hall I walked through the group of girls that had been watching. I quickly got to room 283.


Knocking loudly I heard someone from inside yell, “It’s open!” 


Without hesitation I stepped in to see my second dorm room. A mirror image of Anastasia’s there were more girls in this one. One brunette was sitting in an office chair. An Indian girl was on a bed and Willow was on the other. She had a few used tissues sitting around her as she cried. 


“You actually came?” She asked surprised. Dropping the tissue she had been using she wore a deer in the headlights look. Without much shame I walked over and sat on the bed with her. Ignoring the snot rags. 


“Nope. I’m a ghost. Of course I did. Said I would.” I rest my hand on her shoulder. “How are you?”

“Not good,” she said with another sniffle. “She won’t answer my calls.” 


“Me either,” I said. She bit her lip staring at me. With a chuckle I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to me. The small girl with a pixie cut resisted at first but then was moving over to me. I remembered her being my height, but now I felt taller than her. Finagling her to sit on my lap I rubbed her back. She rested her head on my shoulder naturally. I was not sure why, but I liked Willow. She was small and cute. 


“Are you going to introduce us?” The Indian girl asked. She was the nerdy type. Hair cut short she didn’t have much of a figure. But she was cute as she stared at us wide eyed. 


“Sorry, I’m Russ. I keep pestering Willow to go on a date with me,” I said. She chuckled from my shoulder. At least she wasn’t crying anymore. 


“Um Kylie,” Indian girl said. 


“Fiona,” other girl said. 


“Nice to meet you,” I said still rubbing Willow’s back. “Now, walk me through what happened.”


Willow took a steadying breath and began. “It started Thursday.” That was the same night Violet was introduced to her. “She came to my place all pissed about something. Raided my parents liquor cabinet and started drinking. She didn’t stop. Crying a lot, but she wouldn’t talk about it. I confronted her about it yesterday. She was so mean,” she sobbed. Tears dropped onto my shirt as I continued rubbing her back. 


“Every little thing I said or did was pissing her off. I got sick of it and broke up with her. She actually appeared happy about it. It wasn’t long until she was making out with some other girl,” Willow sobbed. I did my best not to imagine Ava with other girls, but it was hard. 


“She wasn’t even at school today.” Willow let out a long sigh but had relaxed nicely on my chest. I could hear her smelling me. I moved my hand up. Rubbing her upper back I noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra. Looking down at her small cleavage I was fine sitting there to give her more time. She had finished though. 


“We know where she is now?” I asked. 


Kylie cut in, “I know she was going to Professor Stanton’s thing tonight.” 


“What’s that?” 

“She teaches Gender Studies. She is running a debate about Gender Inequality tonight. If you’re in her class you get extra credit for going,” Kylie said. 


“Cool, let’s go,” I said. 


“What?” Willow asked. 


“Let’s go. We know where she is. Let’s confront her,” I said. I tapped her back and she slid off my lap. Standing up I stretched. “What?” I asked. The 3 girls were giving me a worried look. 


“There’s no way you can go to that,” Fiona finally spoke. “They’d eat you alive.” 

“That’s not going to happen. This is a school with intellectuals. Not bull dykes man hating. A debate sounds fun,” I said. “A room full of women. Also, I’d love to hear more about this gender inequality.” 


“You really shouldn’t,” Willow whispered. 


I put my hand on her head and messed her hair up. “Do you want to work things out with Ava?” I asked. She hesitated but nodded. “Good. She is working through some things. I don’t know if you know, but she isn’t the best at expressing feelings. I’m sick of her dodging me. Time to get to the bottom of the issue.” 


I studied her. She was still hesitating. “You can’t let this stuff sit. It will only get worse from here. Need to nip a problem in the bud. And I mean, I’m going. Do you really want to let a poor defenseless boy go all by himself? I could be eaten alive by the big scary women.” I wasn’t too worried. These were college kids. They were taught to use their brains not fists. I was trained to be a killer. 


“This I gotta see,” Kylie said. I chuckled and I, Willow, and Kylie left. Fiona decided to stick around her room. I could see the fear in her eyes. These women didn’t like confrontation. If I wasn’t in the middle of things I would have voted to stay out as well. But I was the man of the house. I had to make sure it stayed together. 


We were bundled up in our coats and out the door. “Can’t believe I’m doing this,” Willow said. She actually had a smile on her lips. 


“Glad you are. Takes courage to want to fight for something,” I said. There were plenty of girls in the halls. More doors were open the usual. Girls gossiping as we walked by. 


“Jeez, you would think these girls had never seen a boy before,” Kylie said. 


I chuckled. “Yeah, it’s the same as the last time I was here.” 

“You were here before?” Willow asked. 

“Yeah. How do you think I knew where Kinsley Hall was?” I asked. “I was here Saturday, helping a friend move in.” 

“Saturday?” Kylie asked. “Oh my god, are you condom guy?”

I laughed loudly. “My legend precedes me,” I said. “I did have condoms. And do.” I pulled some out. 


“Holy fuck. I thought that story was fake. You really make that goth girl scream for an hour?” Kylie asked. 


“Her name is Anastasia,” I said. “Yeah, it was probably an hour. She’s at this debate too. Maybe I can say hi.”

“Wow,” Willow said. “Ava wasn’t joking. You really do sleep around.” 

“That I do,” I said unashamedly. Ava knew I was fooling around with her sister and her. I doubted Willow knew I had been fooling around with her girlfriend. “It’s fun. And most women haven’t been with a man. I feel it’s my duty to give them the experience.” The girls blushed as we left the dorm. 


“You can’t tell me you haven’t wanted to try,” I said. “You’ve been basically all over me Willow. I mean, you keep calling me.” 


“You keep calling me,” she said angrily. 


“That doesn’t sound right. A man calling a girl? I’m not a slut,” I said. “Although the offer is always out there. If things don’t work out between you and Ava. We can have some horizontal fun.” I gave her a wink. She laughed. 

“Maybe I’ll take you up on the offer,” she said. “That would really get Ava back for kissing another girl.” Yeah I didn’t think Ava had been truthful with her. 


“Is it cheating to be with a guy?” I asked. “I’ve been with a few lesbian couples. They’re usually all for a man joining.” 


The girls shared a look. Kylie decided to lead us, walking a few steps ahead. “It’s not really talked about,” Willow said. 

“My god, no one talks around here,” I said. “How the hell do people understand one another?”


“No one my age talks about it,” Willow corrected. “That’s like a married couple conversation.” 


“I can see that. And what would happen if Ava were to find out about our torrid affair?” I asked. 


“I wouldn’t break her trust like that,” she said. “I love her too much.” I cringed. This was going to be ugly. I tightened the coat around me. A large building ahead there were plenty of lights on. I guessed that was our destination. 


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