Moral Degeneration


The venue was a large room. The main part was littered with tables covered in white cloth. On one section was a laminate floor section for dancing. A platform with a podium was set up at the far wall. Lining the opposite wall from the dance floor were rectangular tables with items on them. 


“Welcome,” a woman at a small table outside the room said. “We have set up a bidding raffle. Everyone gets 5 tickets and they can put in to win items that were donated. Make sure you write your name on the tickets.”

“Oh fun,” Sarah said as we all took tickets. We walked in and made a line for the items being raffled off. There was an assortment of items on the tables. It all gave me the nostalgia. They were the types of items I dreamed of getting for Christmas back in the day. A camcorder and the gaming systems were my go to. But of course there were things like tickets to plays and spa day coupons. 


“What is this?” Lyza asked, coming up to one of the last tables. There was a picture of me on it. 


“That is a date with me, paid for by Audrey,” I said. “I was hesitant, but she thought it might be a big hit.” 


“Now that sounds fun,” Sarah said. 


“Don’t put in for it. We can just plan a date,” I said. “That’s for people that aren’t my baby momma.” 


“Really?” Sarah asked sweetly. “Okay.” She had a smile on her face, blushing. I didn’t understand this world. They were all surprised I was willing to take them out for some fun. 


“Gotta mingle. Want to find a spot for us to sit?” I asked. 


“Sure sure,” Lyza said. They decided to go back down the line and put their tickets in. I kept mine for now. I felt a little bad bidding on stuff since Audrey bought most of it. It was for her employees, not me. I could buy all these if I really wanted them. This was just another bonus for them working for her. They deserved it. 


I walked my way through the tables. My true goal became clear as I noticed the bar. It had been a while since I had a drink. My mouth watered as I saw the line of liquors on the wall. I eyed the bartenders. There were 3 all staying busy. I was able to find my target easily. She glanced at me once, then got busy, glanced again, then blushed as she noticed me staring at her. 


Putting on a wide grin I walked over to her and sat at the bar. “Rum please,” I said. She pretended not to hear me. “You cutie. Rum. On the rocks.” 


“Me?” She squeaked. She was a smaller woman. Perhaps in her early 20s. She wore a black and white uniform similar to a tuxedo like the other bartenders. She was slim and had her hair tied back. 


I dropped a $20 bill on the table. “Yes, you gorgeous. Rum.” She blushed and turned to start making it for me. The other 2 bartenders eyed her, but didn’t step in. She eventually got me the drink. Filled quite high I accepted it and took a sip. She moved to give me change. “Keep it.” I gave her a wink and went back in the crowd. 


Sipping the drink I was feeling the alcohol already. Once upon a time I had the constitution of a sailor. Drinking from dusk to dawn then going on dangerous missions. Now I was a 1 drink Nancy. It was probably a good thing, but I couldn’t get past the shame of it. 


I noticed Lyza and Sarah at one of the tables and sat next to Sarah. The girls held hands as we waited for others to show up. People slowly streamed in. We kept up some idle chatter. I noticed the Coopers coming in and waved. Luna made a B-Line for our table. 


“You mind?” Luna asked, pointing at my drink. “I’m parched.” She was drinking my rum before I could stop her. She sputtered and coughed. “What the fuck is that?!”


“Rum,” I said with a smile. Her cheeks were already rosy. 


“I thought it was tea,” she said, shaking her head. “Where the hell did you get that?” 

“The bar,” I said with a smile. “Who wants a drink?”


“If alcohol tastes like that, I will go without,” Luna said. Sarah and Lyza laughed. 


“Oh there’s girlie drinks. Come on, I’m buying.” The girls were soon following me to the bar. I found my favorite bartender. “What do you girls want?”

“I’ll take a beer,” Lyza said. 


“I better stick to soda,” Sarah said. I agreed with her, I forgot she was trying to get pregnant. 


“Ok, a sex on the beach for my blonde friend here,” I said pointing to Luna. The girl was already feeling the rum. My bartender made the drinks and I was soon sipping away at my drink. Feeling like a proper adult once more. 


“This is good,” Luna noted. “Are you sure there’s alcohol in it?”


“Yep. Just a little. You’re tipsy enough. Oh sorry, do you ladies know Luna?” We did introductions. Luna stayed near me and I put my arm over her shoulder to help steady her. 


“You 2 seem close,” Sarah noted. “It’s like looking at a real brother and sister.” 


I laughed and Luna giggled. “What can I say? We are best friends.” Luna rested her head on my shoulder as the music started and the venue filled up more. We made it back to our table and it was soon filled with more women. People stopped by and said hi. Lyza and Sarah mingled. Luna sipped her drink and became more tipsy as the night went on. 


To be honest, it was pretty boring. I was never the office party type. But this was the role I was playing. So I did my best to be a perfect host. Going out of my way to talk and flirt with the women from the office. Food was brought out and people got in line for the buffet. As people finished up their food the drawing of the raffle items was done. Audrey excitedly announced winners. There was cheering and groaning as they won or lost. 


One of the last items and apparently most sought after was a date with me. I went up to the stage next to Audrey as she explained the rules. The date had to be used up within the month. I would plan it, with Audrey’s money. People excitedly waited for the drawing. It was won by one of the older women. Much older. I went to her table to congratulate her. 


“Hello Miss White,” I said with a smile. She was easily in her 70s, but she blushed and laughed as I took her hand and kissed it. There were jealous stares from the other older women around the table. “Where should we go on our date?” I was a little disappointed the date wouldn’t end in sex, but that was life. 


“I am curious what the restrictions of our date are,” she said slowly. 


“I am sorry to say, but I will have to wear clothes,” I said. The older women laughed and guffawed. 


“No, I have a granddaughter. Would it be a problem to give her the date instead?” Miss White said after she recovered from my brazen offer. 


“This is your date. You do what you want with it,” I said. “How about I stop by at work on Monday, we can talk particulars then.” 

“That sounds nice,” she said. I kissed her cheek and was back to my table. 


“Like them older?” Lyza asked. She was one of the people less nervous around me. I felt like she was more a drinking buddy that didn’t mind giving me shit. 


“Age is just a number,” I said. “I like a woman with experience.” 


The table laughed and I cracked a few more jokes. Audrey did a long speech about the state of the company. Cooper Trucking was expected to make a lot more with the new contract. People cheered and continued to drink. A lot of these women were older though. Some had kids as well. The party started dying down around 10. 


Even Lyza and Sarah were yawning a bunch. I walked them to their car. No sex was had, but I promised to plan a real date with them. Next Ava and Willow were tapping out. They had their own party to go to. We hadn’t really had much sex since the first time, but I doubted it would be long until they invited me again. 

The party was pretty much dead as midnight rolled around. Violet got pretty drunk. I had to carry her to Audrey’s car. Audrey thanked me for sticking around until everyone was gone for her. Then they were on their way. I was having way less sex than I expected, then again not everyone was up for public acts. A few people had gotten a room in the hotel. I stuck around and made sure they left without causing issue. 


Before I knew it midnight rolled around and the hotel staff began clearing up the tables. I found Luna drinking at the bar, talking to my favorite bartender. 


“He is so sweet,” Luna said, her words slurring. “He has this whole day planned for me tomorrow.” 


“We telling people about that now?” I asked walking up to her. 


“Babe!” Luna said opening her arms. She hugged me as I sat at the bar. “You need to meet my new friend Drew. I was just telling her about our date tomorrow.” Luna sipped at a daiquiri. Giggling as she sat back down on the bar stool. 


“Nice to meet you Drew. Thanks for keeping this lightweight company.” I rubbed Luna’s hair as she pouted. 


“Stop. I’m mad at you,” she said pouting, but then began sipping at her drink again. A smile on her face as she kept getting drunker. 


“What did I do?” I asked, not really caring. I knew I could make it up to her. 


“You promised to let me watch,” she whispered. “You spent the whole night flirting. But no action.” 


“I’m sorry babe. Wasn’t sure if you were serious.” 

“I wasn’t, but I’m drunk enough now. I’m horny,” she said wiggling her chest. I looked to Drew. The girl stared at us, her eyes wide. 

“Night’s still young,” I said. “Drew, you interested in having some fun?” Luna perked up staring at Drew. The bartender blushed. 


“What kind of fun?” She asked shyly. 

“What kind of fun, Luna?” I asked. “You get to choose.” 


“Fun fun,” she chirped. “Umm I don’t know. I had ideas, but I can’t remember now.” She started sucking the daiquiri from the straw deeply. “Ever been with a guy?” 


Drew shook her head. “What about a girl?” I asked. She slowly nodded. “Are you interested?” 


She looked around. Most of the tables were gone. “I um, get off in a bit. I can get us a room,” she whispered. I was getting excited. I looked to Luna. 

“Ok ok ok,” she said, quickly finishing her drink. “Where do we go from here?” 


“I’ll um meet you in the lobby,” Drew whispered. “Give me 15.” I paid and was soon walking to the elevator with Luna. 


“This is so exciting,” she said. “I can’t believe we are doing this.” 


“You don’t have to, you know.” 


She slapped my chest. “I want to. Could this be my first lesbian experience? I mean, I’ve kissed girls, but never gone all the way.” 


“It can be whatever you want,” I said. We were soon in the lobby sitting on some sofas. Luna leaned against my shoulder as her hand lazily ran along my inner thigh. I was getting more turned on by the treatment. I could feel her excitement, but also how tired she was. She let out a few big yawns as we waited. Then Drew came down. She saw us and went to the reception desk. She said some words and I noticed some keycards passed to her. 


She walked toward us nervously. Now that I knew we would be having sex I studied her. A little taller than Luna, she had long dark hair. In simple street clothes now she had on some tight jeans and a low cut crop top. Her pale white skin was obvious as her bust bounced in the shirt. Her uniform must have restricted her breasts before. Her breasts were almost as large as Luna’s. 


Luna sat up excitedly as she came closer. Drew sat across from us at another sofa. She had trouble meeting our eyes as she played with the keycards in her hand. I decided to take charge. “How much do I owe you for the room?”


“It’s fine,” she whispered. “Um the staff has a couple rooms we keep in reserve for…staying the night. Just in case.” 


“Cool,” I said. “How long have you worked here?”


“Few years,” she said. “Sorry, not sure how to do this.” 


“It’s pretty simple. How about you tell me what you want? Do you want to get pregnant?” She blushed and shook her head. “I have condoms, so that’s not an issue.” 


“You do?” She asked. “That’s a relief.” Letting out a sigh she began to relax. An idea struck me. 


“What time does the pool close?” 

“10,” she said. 


“And what time does it close for staff?” I asked. She slowly understood and a smile went to her face. We quickly made our way down the hall to the swimming pool. It wasn’t overly large, but there was a hot tub at the back. I mainly wanted to hit that, but before I could stop Luna she was naked and jumping into the pool. 


Screaming loudly when the cold water touched her she laughed and yelled for us to come in. I looked to Drew gave her a wink and did the same. Throwing my suit on the ground I yelled, “Cannonball.” The water splashed high and I got a great view of Luna’s naked body underwater. 


“That was huge,” Luna said laughing. “My turn.” She was getting out, unashamed by her nakedness. She gave Drew a look. “You coming?” Then she was jumping in next to me. Trying her best to make a big splash. “Strip,” she yelled at Drew. Watching and waiting for the girl to join us. She hesitantly did. 


“What next?” Luna asked like a little kid. Her blonde hair matted up to her head and her eyes sparked in mischief. I enjoyed her attitude. Treating this like any other day. 


“We could play games or with each other,” I said. Luna made her way over to me grabbing my dick. It wasn’t long until it was hard. 


“Drew, have you ever touched a penis?” Luna asked looking over to the now shy girl. I hated when Luna called it a penis. Felt like I was in health class. Drew shook her head. She stared at the 2 of us as I pulled Luna’s body to mine. “Come here.” 


Drew slowly made her way over. Luna pulled her to us and we were soon touching skin. “Fuck this is hot,” Luna said. Her hand moved down to Drew’s ass. Mine did the same. The girl whimpered. Luna released my dick and grabbed Drew’s hand. Pulling her to her they kissed. Drew hesitated but then was into the kiss, she was at least used to that. The kiss extended and they were making out a few inches away from me. My hands went to their breasts as my dick bulged with more blood. 


When they pulled back Luna said, “Wow. That was my hottest girl kiss.” 


“Don’t make out with your friends?” I laughed. 


“No, just simple stuff,” she said unashamedly. She grabbed Drew’s hand and moved it down to my dick. The girl’s grasp shook but then she latched on. 

“Too rough,” I said wincing. 

“You have to be gentle,” Luna said sagely. “Maybe we should go up to the room.” 

“How about the hot tub,” I offered. The girls looked over and Luna was the first to start swimming toward it. She pushed a button on the wall and the jets started up. Getting into it Drew and I were soon following. 

“So good,” Luna said with a sigh. I sat next to her. Holding Drew’s hand I made her sit next to me. Luna leaned over kissing me as her hand went between my legs. She started directing Drew on what to do and I was quickly getting a double handjob from the girls. 


“This is so much better than porn,” Luna said hotly. Her grip was firm as she took care of the head. “Play with his balls. He loves that.” Drew obliged. It was surreal to be doing this so randomly. My other threesomes had been with lesbian couples that knew what they were doing. Now the virgin Luna was the expert as she told our addition what to do. 

Luna leaned over my legs. I moved Drew to do the same and the girls started kissing. Much more heated now they were enjoying themselves as they jerked me off. My hands moved around their rumps and began playing with their pussies. Both girls jolted as I touched them. Easily finding their slits I moved my fingers across the lips. The jets and hot temperature adding to the situation I began playing with their clits as they moaned. 

It wasn’t long till they were both cumming. Almost the same time, I could tell that Luna was extra turned on. Either because a girl was with us or because she was drunk. I would have to test more to know for sure. 


“Holy fuck,” Luna said. “How are you so good at that?” I leaned forward joining their double kiss. Our tongues fought as the women moaned. My balls bulged as Luna kept going up and down on my dick. Luna and I started making out, then I switched to Drew. The girl was now shy with me, but as our tongues fought she became more heated. 


“Ok,” I said with a nod. Luna understood and jerked me off harder. Her head moving to my glans she sucked my cum out as I began to spurt. Drew didn’t know what to do. She simply watched wide eyed as it happened. When I finished Luna pulled up and pulled Drew to her. Kissing her she moved some of my cum to the other girl. I was still rock hard as I watched. 

“I swear, you taste better,” Luna said. “Did you like it?” Drew moved some hair behind her ear and nodded. “How about we take this to the room?” We were out the door in towels as we carried our clothes. The room was on the second floor. There was a large king size bed and Luna excitedly ran to it and started jumping. Water glistened on her naked body as she looked down on us. 


“What next?” She asked. 


“Whatever you want,” I said. 


“I want you to go down on me,” she said excitedly. 


“Okay, but I want Drew’s help.” Luna blushed, looking to her new friend but shyly nodded. It was her first real lesbian experience. “Do you mind?” 


Drew shyly shook her head. I could tell she was lost in the situation, but I guessed exploring another woman wouldn’t be that bad. Luna laid down on the bed. I pulled Drew to me and started kissing her. Luna began to play with her clit as she watched. Drew slowly moved her hand to my dick and started playing with it. She had gotten better from Luna’s pointers. 


My hand played with her clit and every now and then I would look down at Luna. She was still fine. Biting her lip as her fingers played with her clit or pinched her nipple. “Kiss her,” I ordered Drew. A lost look in her eyes she slowly understood. Moving to Luna’s side they began to kiss. I laid on Luna’s front. Licking her nipples her waist bucked up into me. Our wet naked bodies making it all feel fresh and new. 


I moved down. Kissing between her legs. Making her body jolt and shiver as I teased her. She didn’t watch me, simply kept her eyes shut as she and Drew kissed. I could feel her excitement grow. I eventually made it to her pussy and started licking slowly. Luna gasped. Her hands moving to Drew’s body as the girls became more turned on.


My hand moved between Drew’s legs and started playing with her. Slow and steady their shivers and gasps became louder and stronger. I sped up on Luna’s clit and she was about to cum but I plopped off and stopped. 


“I was there,” she groaned as I looked down at her. 


“We are doing something special tonight,” I said. I felt like I had all the time and energy in the world. “Edging.” 


I pulled Drew to me. “Start licking her pussy, but don’t let her cum,” I ordered. Drew nodded and was soon licking Luna between the legs expertly. Luna gasped as her hands went to her tits. 


“Holy fuck,” she said. “So hot.” She looked down to Drew. The woman locked eyes with her as she ate the blonde out. Her body shivered and it wasn’t long until she was ready to cum. I tapped Drew and she stopped. Luna groaned. I pulled Drew up and began kissing her. Both of us tasting like Luna’s pussy. 


When Luna calmed down I went back to eating her out. It became a process. As she became more and more turned on it became easier to make her get close. She would moan and curse when we stopped. Never letting her finish. She tried to sneak her hand in now and then to finish herself off, but it was a game. 


Around the 5th such instance of my turn going down on her Luna was a complete mess. Almost crying she wanted to cum so bad. Her legs shook and she begged. “Please make me cum,” she said. “Please. Pretty please. I’ll do anything.” Her legs shivered as I slowly licked her lower lips. 


“How bad do you want it?” I asked pulling my mouth off. 


“The worst,” she whined. 


“Too bad,” I said. She groaned as I started up again. I had my fun though. Speeding up she didn’t know what to do with herself as I went full speed. Licking her pussy and clit she didn’t think it was actually going to happen. My hands moved up to her nipples and pulled and she started to cum. 


She actually screamed this time as she began to squirt in my mouth. Her whole body shook as her eyes shut and her body came harder than ever. She breathed in and out heavily as her legs tried to kick me away. I released her tits and held her legs down as I continued to lick her clit for all I was worth. The orgasm felt like it lasted a whole minute. 


When it was done she breathed in and out heavily. Aftershocks hit her long and hard. I finally released her pussy and sat up. Staring down at her as a huge smile split her face and her eyes fluttered. 


“Fuck,” Drew said. One of the first words she had really said. “That was…hot.” 


“Thanks for the help,” I said. “Want me to try it on you?”


“I don’t know,” she said slowly. Luna still had aftershocks as she hummed happily. I guessed she would fall asleep soon. I pulled Drew to me and we started making out again. Laying her down next to Luna I ate her out but let her cum. It was easy and quick. 


“Condom, right?” I asked. She nodded staring at my erect dick. Luna was still in her own world. I put on a condom and dove into her pussy. It was tight, but she wasn’t a virgin. When I bottomed out in her she groaned as we kissed. “Ok. I am going to give you the same treatment.” I started humping into her. It wasn’t long till she was used to my size and started thrusting her hips into mine. 


When I thought she was close I pulled out. She groaned and I would kiss her only to dive right back in. After about the 3rd time of denying her an orgasm Luna woke up from her stupor. “That was amazing,” she said. Still light headed she sat up and watched Drew and I have sex. 


“Glad you liked it,” I said humping Drew. “I’m giving her the same treatment.” Drew groaned and I pulled out again. 


“Fucking fuck,” she cursed but was silenced as Luna began to make out with her. I moved over and grabbed Luna’s ass. Picking it up to be near the edge she let me do what I wanted as she kissed the bartender. I started fucking Drew again and playing with Luna’s clit as we fucked. 


After I denied her orgasm a few more times Luna grew bold and sat on Drew’s face. Facing me she and I kissed. Luna gasped. Holding her tits as Drew showed her what a woman could do. “This is the hottest thing ever,” Luna said cutely. “Look at your big dick pounding into her. I want a camera. Just to play with myself watching you do it.” Her ass shook as Drew became more fervent in eating her out. 


“Make her cum,” Luna ordered as she moved her fingers from her tits down to Drew’s clit. I sped up and it wasn’t long until Drew began to cum. She started screaming loudly as my dick filled up my condom inside of her. Drew’s body shook and writhed as she came harder than probably ever. Luna and I kissed as I kept humping away.


“It’s past midnight,” Luna said dismounting Drew’s head. “Our day date has started. You can take my virginity now.” My dick bulged and I was tempted. Luckily my balls had just been emptied. The edging for Drew had caused me to extend my orgasm as well, so I wasn’t as horny.  


“Oh no,” I said. “I’ve spent too much time thinking of your dream date to make it happen too soon. You will have to wait.” 


She blushed and nodded. “You make me feel special,” she said happily. “Now I’ve never done it. How do I go down on a girl?” Looking down to Drew I moved between her legs and gave her a tutorial. Drew was quiet and jolted now and then as I licked her clit or pussy. It wasn’t long till Luna was between her legs. She was pretty proud of herself when she made the other girl cum. I was pretty proud of her too. 

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