Moral Degeneration


We got back to the neighborhood with little drama. There was a lot of crying and questions but I made them wait as I mentally went through what needed to happen. 


When we pulled into the main drive leading to Audrey’s there were fire trucks. The house at the just inside the neighborhood had been lit on fire. I cursed. I hadn’t expected them to have a house in the neighborhood. 


The firemen were still fighting the fire as the snow fell. We went down the road until we were at Ryleighs. I sighed in relief that there were no lights on. I was scared the fire trucks may have caused her parents to step out to see what was going on. 


I grabbed the AK and started emptying the magazines. Then the Jericho. I moved ammunition around in the boxes to make the ammo in the back the ones missing. I’d have to replace them all later. But not now. 


I moved to get out. “Don’t go,” Luna said, grabbing my arm. 


I pulled out the revolver and handed it to her. “I’ll be right back. Shoot anyone not me. The gun was empty anyway. She shook taking it. The rifle and ammo boxes in hand I went around and pulled Ryleigh out of the car. 


She was numb as we walked around the house. I couldn’t hide the tracks in the snow. “If your mom asks. I came over tonight to talk.”


She didn’t answer. She left the window open. I jumped up into the window and pulled her in. I was down in the basement and had everything back the way I found it then was back in her room. 


Grabbing one of her shirts I wiped up the melted snow that came in while we were gone. Ryleigh was sitting in her bed numbly. 


“Ry, you ok?”


“You killed them,” she said. “3 people.”


“I did. As they would have killed me and those girls.” I moved down to her eye level. “You did great. You drove that car well. There is no way I could have done this without your help.”


“You killed them,” she mumbled. 


“As I’d kill anyone that threatened those close to me. I’d kill them just as easily if they threatened you.” I kissed her forehead. Moving her to lay down I ordered. “Go to sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning. By the way, happy birthday,” I said. 


She closed her eyes. With a sigh I jumped out the window. Pulling it shut slowly as I descended. I was then running back to the SUV. Luna didn’t point the gun at me, but she was close. I took it from her and headed to Audrey’s. 


There were no feds in the drive. Nothing. That was good. But they could be there any minute. I parked the SUV in the garage. Opening the girls door they slowly got out. 


I led them into the house. Grabbing sodas for everyone we headed upstairs. “It’s us,” I yelled before getting close to the door. “Aud! No guns.”


“Ok!” She yelled. I walked us in. The shotgun was on the bed but no one was holding it. I moved to it and emptied the chamber. Audrey ran over to the girls. Hugging and crying as they did the same to her. 


Even Willow was included in the desperation to hold onto them. I moved to Violet. She was still in shock. “Are you ok?”


She nodded. Tears in her eyes. “What happened?” She whispered. 


“I will tell all of you,” I promised. My arm over her shoulder I dragged her to the group of girls. She was soon in the pile crying with them. 


I found a cup of water near the nightstand. Moving to it I pulled a cigarette out of the pack I stole a while ago. There were 2 left. Lighting it I felt bad making Audrey’s house smell, but I fucking deserved it. 


I let my hands shake as they nicotine coursed through my veins. Taking in huge puffs I felt every cancer inducing breath. I felt ecstatic as I enjoyed the cigarette. My eyes closed as I let the smoke pour out of my mouth. 


As I finished it the girls were calming down. I put the cig in the water and got up. “Ok,” I said. I grabbed the sodas and passed them around. “We have some talking to do. Here is what happened…”




I woke up to the doorbell ringing. The girls were draped over my body. Audrey and Luna on my left and right, Violet, Ava, and Willow behind them. The doorbell rang again. The girls slowly groaned awake. 


Shaking them awake the doorbell rang again. Scared they got up slowly. “Ok. Remember. Short answers. Don’t elaborate. It’s fine to say you don’t remember.”


The girls looked scared but I led the way downstairs. I opened the front door to see an angry Agent Reels as well as the local director of the DOL Jackie Taylor. Behind them were a few more feds Agent Pliskey was the only man. 


“Good morning!” I said stepping back. “Come in. Coffee?” I turned around and headed to the kitchen. Starting the coffee I made it extra strong as I went through the sequence of last nights events again. 


“Mr. Willard,” Taylor said walking in. “We would like your permission to let the FBI ask you questions.”


“Starting with me?” I asked Pliskey. The man eyed me up and down but nodded. He was a lot more calm this time. 


“Okay, sit please,” I said pointing to the kitchen table. Some other agents were talking to the other girls in the other room. I sighed calming myself. 


“Where to begin?”


“How about the beginning,” Reels said. She and the DOL director sat down as well. 


I went through almost getting kidnapped. My assumptions. My escape. Not finding Luna. Heading home. Audrey and the phone call. 


“The kidnappers said they would release the girls at the corner of Berrhall and 5th. I headed there in Audrey’s SUV. She and Violet stayed in the house. Eventually the van that tried to kidnap me showed up. A woman in the back pushed them out and they drove off. I used a knife to get them out of their bindings. Got them in the car and drove here. I found Audrey and Violet still here. Audrey had already called you all. We calmed down together and fell asleep. Here you are.” 


Getting up I poured coffee. “You all want any?” They shook their heads. 


“Can you describe the women in the van?” Pliskey asked. I described them perfectly. 


“How do you know it was the same van?”


“I got the license plate,” I said. “I was running from it. I planned to call Agent Reels with the information when I had a chance.”


They asked more clarifying questions. I kept to the story. They were there for a good hour. Eventually the women interviewing the girls came in. Pliskey switched to the girls. I told the story again. 


It took time but eventually the feds were satisfied and left. I was surprised that Pliskey actually shook my hand. The real feds said their goodbyes. They drove Audrey and Violet to her work so she could get them information on the client they were supposed to ship for. The DOL ladies stayed behind. 


I was sitting in the front room with the other girls. “So I assume the feds got whatever shipment they were trying to smuggle.” Reels shared a look with Taylor. 


“They did,” she said. “It was a sterilization agent.” I frowned. That didn’t sound so bad. “Enough to sterilize a million people.”


My eyes widened. “What?” I asked. “Sterilize people?”


“It’s a new process. Can sterilize people. With how things are. Sterilizing a million people could mean another 125 men not born. And more men not born from their kids.”


“That’s over 900,000 women not born,” I whispered. The agents didn’t seem to care. I let out a sigh. “Terrorism?”


“I’m surprised you know that term,” Taylor commented. “But I don’t know why I keep letting you surprise me. Reels go get the bag.” Reels got up and headed outside. I grew worried I left some evidence. 


Reels came back in with a clear bag. Inside was my clothes I took off by the river. I let out a small sigh.


“We received a call about a boy running and perhaps being kidnapped. A few people said they saw someone jump in the river. I assume these are yours?” Reels said. 


“They are,” I said. Taking them from her she gave me a sad grin. 


“We will also be getting you a handgun. You can stop by the department tomorrow to get it,” Reels said. 


“Sweet,” I said. “Do we need to be worried these terrorists could come back?”


“A vehicle matching the description and license plate you gave was found up north. All occupants dead.”


“And the people that killed them?” 


“Long gone. There were tire impressions, but I doubt they’ll lead anywhere.”


I cursed mentally. I forgot about tire impressions. I made a mental note to get new tires for Audrey and Penny this week. 


“Anything else we should know?”


“No,” Reels said. “But good job. I wish you’d called us earlier. But everyone’s safe so we will leave it at this for now.”


“Thank you for giving up your weekends for this,” I said. Standing up I was done. I shook their hands and ushered them out the door. 


“Holy fuck,” Luna gasped and let out a sigh. “I didn’t think they’d ever leave.”


Willow and Ava nodded. Their eyes wide they all had been quiet. “Are you sure this is okay?” Luna asked. “I mean you saved us.”


“This is how it needs to be. No one would believe anything else. We never talk about this again. Ever. This becomes a bad dream. Willow you’ll have to tell your parents. But you stick to your story,” I said. 


“But you saved us,” Luna said. “I mean. You risked your life. You did-“


“Nothing but picked you girls up. Hey. I’m serious. No talking about this. Ever. Not even in your sleep. I did what I needed to do. And you are safe. That’s all that matters. Nothing else.” I moved over to them. Staring at them one by one. I waited until they all nodded. 


“Willow want me to take you home?” I asked. 


She slowly shook her head. Changing her mind she nodded. “Ok. Luna your car is downtown. I will take Violets.”


“I’ll go with you,” she said. 


“No. I want you to stay here. Ava you too. Keep each other company. Sleep if you can. I need to go make sure Ryleigh is ok. Then later tonight we can go get our cars.”


She wasn’t happy but Luna agreed. Luna and Ava tried not to show it but I could tell they were scared. Willow as well but her own family would help her through that. 


I got in Violets car. I had to hold Willow’s hand to get her to come along. She shook like a leaf as I put her in the passenger seat. “Your family going to be home?”


She numbly nodded. I drove us down the road. The FBI tail was pretty obvious. It could have been to keep us safe or to monitor us. I didn’t care. I’d have to watch it for the next few weeks until they moved onto something else. 


“Mind if we make a stop?” I asked. Willow shook her head. We headed downtown to the hotel Luna and I had. Willow demanded to stay close. I grabbed everything important and was out the door. I didn’t want a sex tape getting on the market. 


I went back to driving her home. I tried to get her talking. “Should I drop you off where you had the party? Had any other parties since then? Why didn’t you invite me? What’s your favorite color? Any plans for the week?” She gave short answers to start then longer ones. 


We got close to her house when she started crying. I let her go about it. People could use a good cry. She surprised me by saying, “they were going to kill us, weren’t they?“


I studied her but didn’t answer. The small girl was extra cute as tears streamed down her face. I reached out my hand to pat her head. I pulled over to talk to her. 


“That wouldn’t have happened,” I lied. 


“You can’t know that,” she cried. 


“I do. Because I was there Willow. I wouldn’t have let anyone touch you. You’re mine just as much as the other girls. I don’t let things that are mine get hurt. You call me. And I’ll be there. Anything. I don’t care if it’s a spider in your room. I will not let anyone or anything hurt you. Can you believe that?” 


She cried but nodded. Leaning forward we began to kiss. I could feel the desperation in her for the affection. Moaning in my mouth she began to touch me. Trying to feel something other than fear. I gave her what she wanted. 


Leaning back the drivers side seat she jumped on my lap. Grinding on me as we made out. My hands were on her tight ass as she raised up. Pulling away from me she unbuckled her pants and slid out of them expertly. Pulling my dick out she didn’t care about a condom and neither did I. 


Sinking down onto me she gasped as I filled her up. It took time as her cunt became wetter but she slowly took me to the base. With a moan she kissed me hard as her hips started to rock back and forth on me. 


Feeling everything in exquisite detail it was a rare form of lust. One caused during the desperation of one’s life being at risk and coming out alive. I wasn’t sure how long we were there. 


She gasped and came on me as she only moved faster. Trying her best to feel something other than terror. I humped into her but she did most all the work. The only change in her movements caused by her cumming but then she was back to it. Up and down on my dick. 


Eventually I couldn’t fight it anymore. “I’m gonna cum,” I warned. 


“Cum in me,” she pleaded. I didn’t try hard to stop myself. She felt amazing. Somehow wetter down below as I nodded. I groaned and released in her. She gasped accepting all of it. Her body shivering as I filled her up. 


She shivered, her hands going to her stomach as she felt the warmth of my cum in her. For the first time a smile split her face. When I finished moaning she laid down on top of me as she breathed heavily.  


“That was…” I tried to say. 


“Amazing,” she finished. She giggled happily and began to kiss my neck. “Thank you. For everything.”


“Anything for you,” I said. Kissing her she finally got off. Pulling her pants back up I did the same. I looked back. Apparently the feds got a good show. They were pretty close to us now. I didn’t bother to let her know they were there. . 


I started driving again and took her to her house. She hesitated getting out. “You’re not going to disappear are you?”


“Nope. You’ll see me at the Cooper’s. Besides, you and I need our date.”


Willow smiled and nodded. “Ok,” she said. Kissing me on the cheek I wasn’t sure if Ava would be included in the date. I hoped so, but I doubt they had an agreement to sleep with me when not together. I left that worry for another time. 

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