Moral Degeneration


Jess left around 2. I promised to stop by Thursday when I had my full list of what I needed. She was all blushes as she left. Obviously not used to this sort of thing. I was busy working on the Chevelle. There was plenty that needed to be done before I spent more money on it. I began cleaning out the engine to make sure it could actually run. 


My phone began ringing again as I was under the car changing the oil filter. “Yep?”


“Hey handsome,” Penny said into the phone. “Wanna fuck?”


“Always,” I said. “But not right now. Playing around with my new car.”


“Oh fun. Can I watch?” She asked. I looked to the work light that was pointed in the opposite direction I needed. 


“Can you work a flashlight?” I asked. It was a long shot, but maybe I’d get lucky. She was over soon enough. My dirty blonde girl walked in wearing tight jeans and a tank top. Her large chest bounced with every step of her high heels. 


“Stripper clothes off,” I ordered. She smiled widely, taking off her shirt without shame. She was wearing a lace red bra. I struggled to fight my erection. Throwing her a gray set of coveralls she frowned but put it on. Leaving a few buttons open she at least showed off some cleavage. 


An hour later I had only yelled at her 8 times to point the flashlight at the right spot. We were getting ready to test it when Luna came into the garage. 


My other blonde dirty girl stopped mid-step as Penny leaned over the open hood of the Chevelle. I was in the driver seat about to turn the key. “How was school, Luna?” I asked.


“Good,” she said, slowly walking forward. Penny moved from the hood to face her. “Who’s your friend?”


“Luna, Penny, Penny, Luna,” I said. “I’ve told you about each other.”


“Ohhh the stripper,” Luna said, her eyes widening. Penny stuck her chest out more. “So I finally get to meet you?”


“Looks like it,” Penny said. I watched the 2 of them eyeing one another up. They were both about the same height. Penny a little taller. The stripper's hair was darker. Both were blonde. Luna’s chest was a little larger. Penny’s skin was more tan and firm. 


As they stared at one another I grew a little worried they were sisters. I hadn’t thought about it before, but fathers stuck around in one area and impregnated women. They very well could be half-sisters. I pushed that thought away. It’s not like they could have kids together. And a depraved part of me thought the idea was kind of hot. It wasn’t like I would ever stop banging either of them. 


This meeting had been in the works for a while, but instead of planning it. I thought it best to let it happen naturally. As the girls looked one another up and down I pictured them naked. 


“Alright, talk later ladies,” I said. “Moment of truth.” Sitting back in the driver's seat I tried the keys. The new battery made some lights turn on and the engine tried to turn over. 


I tried it again. Same result. “Okay, ether,” I said to Penny. She snapped out of her study of the other blonde and went over to my cans of sprays. “That one. No the black one. The one that literally says ‘Starting Fluid’ on it.” 


Penny finally found it. “Spray when I turn the engine.” I turned the key again. This time as she sprayed it fired up. The engine started up loudly. 


“Boo yeah baby,” I yelled happily as I hit the steering wheel. Letting it run for a minute I turned it off. Checking the engine I noticed a dripping noise. “Ugh add replace oil hose to the list,” I said as I found the leak. Penny nodded and wrote it down on our paper copy. 


“Nice car,” Luna finally said. “I see you’ve been busy with your day off.”


“You had the day off?” Penny asked. “Why didn’t you call?”


“Because you sleep till 1 as it is,” I said. I started the engine over again. It fired up reluctantly. “Add new starter to the list.” Letting out a sigh I had a lot of work ahead of me, but also a lot of fun. There was something special about restoring a car. 


“How long it gonna take you to fix?” Luna asked getting in the passenger's seat. The black leather seats still had plenty of life in them as she bounced.


“If I can find the parts? Couple weeks,” I said. “You care to learn a thing or 2 about cars?”


“Why? You can just fix them for me,” Penny said happily. I guessed I spoiled her a little by getting her tires changed for her. She got in the back seat.


“Because it’s a good skill to have,” I said but understood it wasn’t for everyone. “Think my list is mostly done. You girls want dinner?” 


“Sure, you buying?” Penny asked. 


“I’m making,” I said. That put a bigger smile on her face. She popped open the coveralls giving Luna a view of her body. Luna discreetly watched her as she put her shirt back on. Taking them inside I got the girls helping me. Cutting veggies and boiling water we quickly whipped up a chicken Alfredo meal. 


“My own boy chef,” Penny said happily. “Never thought I’d see the day.”


“He looks extra cute in the apron,” Luna laughed. They were slowly becoming more comfortable around one another. “So tell me about yourself Penny.”


“Hmm not much to say,” she said as we sat down to eat. “Single mom. Public school. I got great tits so I started stripping. Way more money than a regular job and funner too. Your knockers ain’t half bad. You could do the job, easy.”


“Thank you,” Luna genuinely said. I awkwardly scooped pasta out to them. I wasn’t sure how women bonded. 


“What about you?” Penny asked. “Russ tells me he thought you and I would get along.”


“Yeah, he might have mentioned that to me too,” Luna said blushing. “Um not much in my life. Live here with my mom and sister. And Russ now.”


“How long did it take before you 2 started boning?” Penny asked. 


“Weeks,” I said without hesitation. Luna blushed. 


“Really? A boy in my house. I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off him.” They were on the other side of the table sitting apart. I felt her foot move to my crotch. 


“We did other things the second day,” Luna said, trying to appear more mature. 


“Oh yeah?” Penny asked. “Do tell.” So Luna did. Walking her through our fun exploration exploits over dinner. Luckily Ava was off somewhere or else it would have been an awkward family dinner. She continued the story talking about our date a few weeks ago. She was good enough not to mention how it ended.


“No way! I’m so jealous,” Penny said. “I want a date like that. And you lost your virginity that night too? That’s like every girl's dream.” Luna looked at me proudly as she finished the story. 


“Russ, I want a day like that,” Penny said. 


“Fine with me,” I said. “Might need to schedule it though. And I’m gonna hold off on any till I get my car fixed up.”


“Boo no, that’ll take forever,” Penny said. 


“It’s for the best. I’m not about to try to woo anyone else driving a compact car around. I need a muscle car to do it right. You couldn’t handle a whole day date anyway. You’d be trying to sneak sex in the whole time.”


“How are you shameless enough to talk about banging other girls in front of me?” Luna asked. 


“I’m not much for lying,” I said with a mouth full of pasta. “Been pretty open about how this works. Open book, remember?”


“Yeah yeah,” Luna said, rolling her eyes. We slowly finished our meal. I noticed Penny tossing a piece of pasta to Duke. 


“Don’t,” I said. “He’s a guard dog. Not a garbage disposal.”


“Guard dog? But he’s so cute,” she said. The German Shepherd’s tail wagged happily at her. 


“He has a very important job,” I said. “Keeps bad guys away.”


“What kind of bad guys?” She asked teasingly. 


“The worst,” Luna mumbled. “How’d you 2 meet?” She asked, trying to change the subject. 


“My car got stuck in some ice. He gave me a ride to work. Proceeded to fuck me and a few other girls after work,” Penny said without shame. 


“A few other girls?” Luna asked. “And where are they?”


“No idea,” I said. “Penny’s special. I like to hang out with her.”


“You’re so sweet,” Penny said. Her foot became more aggressive as it moved across my dick over my pants.


“How many girls do you have?” Luna pouted. 


“A few,” I said. “I’m doing gods work. Getting women pregnant. You 2 are special. You have free passes on all my precious condoms.”


“You’re such a romantic,” Penny said, rolling her eyes. “It is pretty hot watching you work. I was promised we could make a porn. When are we going to do that? My nights can be lonely.”


“You work at night,” I said. 


“You know what I mean,” she said. “There’s only so many times you can watch the same videos. I need something exciting.” 


“We made one,” Luna piped in. Penny turned to her quickly. “A porno I mean. Just one.”


“You can’t stop there,” Penny said excitedly. “I have to see it.”


Luna shyly looked to me. “It’s your porno,” I said. “Do what you want with it.”


Luna stood up and took Penny’s hand. The stripper actually blushed with the touch. The high schooler escorted the girl upstairs. I chuckled and cleaned up. Taking my time. Filling Duke’s bowl I was soon on my way up to my room. 


I found Luna and Penny at my computer. I hadn’t messed with it too much. Mainly playing on the web, but the slow and limited internet was maddening. 


“Russ showed me how to edit it,” Luna said like a girl working on schoolwork. I went around to look over their shoulders. It was still at the beginning where Luna was blowing me. 


“You’re good,” Penny said. “I can’t hardly ever go down that far.”


“Thanks,” Luna said. We continued to watch. Her going up and down balls deep on my dick. Sucking on my balls. Felt a little weird to be watching it. The girls appeared to enjoy it. The porn I was used to had gigantic 10 inch dicks. My 7+ inch wasn’t anything to brag too much about. But it was more than enough for every girl I had met so far. 


Luna was deepthroating then took me in her mouth. Swallowing my seed she showed the camera her mouthful. Then she made a show of swallowing it. 


“That’s hot,” Penny noted. 


“Right?” Luna said. “I love it.” She exited out of the video. 


“Oh no. I want to watch the others,” Penny said. 


“They aren’t as good,” Luna said. Penny leaned over and started moving the mouse around to show the next video. It was me going down on her. 


“Fuck yeah,” Penny said. “Dang you look good naked. Can I have a copy?”


“Haha no,” I said. Moving over I exited out of the video. “Enough of that.”


“But now I’m horny,” Penny whined. “You promised we could make one.”


“I did,” I said looking to Luna. She was blushing. “But how to proceed? I mean Audrey will be home soon. And you work tonight.”


“It’s Tuesday, my night off,” Penny said quickly. “Come on. I’m so wet.” She moved closer. Kissing my cheek she whispered, “She’s cute. Let’s talk her into a threesome.”


I heard the door shut and someone from downstairs yell, “Russ!” I frowned, but knew this was coming. I ran downstairs to the garage.


“What the hell is this?” Violet asked, staring at my Chevelle. 


“My new car,” I said proudly. The sleek black exterior would have appeared more impressive if it wasn’t on blocks and parts of it were gutted. 


“Why is it in my spot?” Violet asked. 


“You hardly ever take your car anymore,” I said. “This is my new baby. It needs protection while I fix it up.”


“But what about my car?” She pouted. Dating the owner of the house had its perks. She had taken the 2nd spot in the garage as her own. 


“Just for a couple weeks. I’ll clear your car off of snow while it sits outside.”


“Hmm ok. But I get the first ride in this thing,” she said feeling along the body. “I can’t believe I’m saying this about a car. But it’s sexy.”


“Deal,” I said looking at Audrey. 


She frowned. “2 weeks?” She asked. 


“Month at most,” I assured. She slowly nodded. 


“Fine. But I want the right to borrow it,” she said, putting on her own smile. She moved into the driver's seat. Violet laughed and got in the passenger. They began excitedly talking and kissing. 


I rolled my eyes and headed back in. I had made enough food for the working girls. Finding Luna and Penny in the living room they were actually cuddling up next to one another watching tv. Excitedly whispering to one another I plopped down on the couch next to them. 


“What’s up?”


“Nothin,” Luna said. 


“Introducing ourselves,” Penny assured. The 2 blondes wore a mischievous grin. Again I worried they were siblings since the smile was so similar. I pushed the thought away. 


“You keep my mom busy. I’m going to show Penny my room,” Luna said suddenly. 


I doubted they would have any fun without me. I waved them off and was sitting with Audrey and Violet at the table. I told them about my day off. Luna had introduced Penny as her friend so they didn’t question her much.


“How does this all work with siblings?” I asked out of the blue. They gave me a confused look. “I mean, you 2 have to have siblings on your dad’s side. Ever met them?”


“I haven’t.”


“Me either,” Audrey admitted. “Usually only kids raised in the same house are considered siblings.”


“What about when…dating? There an issue with having the same dad?” I asked awkwardly. 


“Uh no,” Audrey chuckled. “No real issue with it since you can’t make a kid. We don’t really talk about who our dads are. What brought this on?”


“Just thinking about the future. If we bring more people here. I want all the kids to be like siblings,” I justified. I felt a little better about Luna and Penny with the news. 


“You know you keep talking about it. But you’ve never brought anyone over,” Audrey said. 


“Good point. Should we plan a party?” I asked. 


“How many girls you make pregnant?” Violet asked. 


“6?” I asked. 


“What the fuck,” Violet said. “Even,” she pointed at Audrey. Audrey was still late but her pregnancy tests were also negative. 


“No, 6 confirmed,” I said. 


“Who?” Audrey asked. 


“Hmm well you know Sarah and Wendy,” they nodded. “There’s Farrah, and Lanny, and Millie, and Gail.” I didn’t bring up Willow. 


“Oh right. I forgot about your Montana girls,” Audrey said. “Who are Farrah and Lanny?”


“You remember that night you 2 were making up?” They nodded. “I went out for a bit. It snowed and someone had their car stuck. I helped move their car and gave them a ride. They worked at a very distinguished gentle-lady’s club.”


“Oh my god, the Club?” Violet asked excitedly. 


“What the hell,” Audrey said. “Is that why my car was covered in glitter?” I nodded.


“The same. Farrah runs it and Lanny works there. They’ve been trying for kids and I offered my services.”


“Farrah Fredericks?” Audrey asked. I nodded. “Holy cow. Her mom owns a lot of businesses in the area. And you knocked her up? That’s great.”


“I agree, but why are you excited?”


“There’s a lot of opportunity there. We really should try to plan a party. A baby shower or something with everyone. Farrah’s mom owns a lot of places. Wendy’s mom has a lot of money. With you at the center and if you stay in your kids' lives. There are a lot of possibilities for connections. Keep going the way you are, we could have connections all over.”


“And we can take over the Tri-State area?” I asked. 


She frowned, not getting the reference. “No. But our kids could want for nothing. Connections everywhere. Dads aren’t involved. Government knows whose related but that’s it. This could be like our own secret group of moms that help each other.”


“That is a great point,” I said. “You’re so smart. Now, when do I get to put a bun in your oven.” I looked to Violet. 


“Ha! I’ve decided I won’t have a kid till I’m married,” she said. She began to make doe eyes at Audrey. I laughed as Audrey blushed deeply. Stammering as she tried to come up with a retort. 


“You 2 lovebirds go to bed. I’ll clean up,” I said. It was only 630 but the girls were soon going up the stairs. 


I heard Audrey say, “you said you didn’t want to ever be married.”


“That was single Vi. Now that we’re dating I changed my mind,” Violet chirped. 

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