Moral Degeneration


Thursday was my day off from school. I spent the early morning hour moving Sarah’s desk into her new office. It was surprisingly fun. Taking it apart and moving it into the room my pregnant girl was very thankful. She asked to take me to lunch, but I made plans with her over the weekend instead. 


Getting my list I went to the mechanic. Jaimie was sitting out front and Jess was soon there helping me figure out where to get some of the replacement parts. They had plenty of catalogs of where to get most everything. It was going to be expensive, but it was worth it. I soon had a bunch of items on order. 


“You mind throwing some tires on?” I asked Jess. 


“Sure,” she said and was helping me bring the rims in. Taking them to the back it was just me and her while she dug through their collection of tires. Still in her coveralls I found her sticking her butt and chest out more as she pulled out the right ones. 


“Got a spot gramps won’t see?” I asked boldly. She blushed and looked to where the old man was still sitting. Then we were in the back bathroom making out as I unbuttoned her coveralls. 


“Gotta be quick,” she said and I was diving into her. Taking her from the front as I pushed her against the wall she came quick as I pounded into her. Intoxicated by her scent as I kissed her neck she groaned as I didn’t stop. It took a little but as she was coming close to her second orgasm I was filling the condom. Her fingers scratched at my back as we came together. Dirtying me up, but I didn’t care. 


When I was empty I stayed buried in her for a while but she tapped my back. I pulled out sadly and she started buttoning back up. She blushed deeply and was out the door, back to working on my tires. Jess was in a daze as she did, I watched her the whole time. Enjoying the view. Once done I paid and was out the door. I promised to stop by next week. 


After replacing a shock, all 4 brake pads, and the tires I set it on jack stands. Taking my time I began to rip the engine out. It took the rest of the day to get it on the stand. I had ordered a rebuild kit to replace all the O-rings and gaskets. For now I could verify everything was as it should be. There was a reason the car was sold in the first place. I hoped rebuilding it would fix the issue. 


It was well into the evening when I finished. The girls had seen what I was doing and left me to it. I came into a quiet house. Which wasn’t too odd. Until I saw all the girls of the house sitting in the kitchen. Audrey, Violet, Luna, Ava, and even Willow turned to look at me. 


“What?” I asked. My hands and face covered in grease and grime. 


“Have you seriously been having sex with all of us?” Luna asked. I could hear the hurt in her voice as she said the words.


I frowned. “Well, I mean, yeah,” I said slowly. “I thought you all knew.” Despite the girls all knowing the truth they still gave me hurt stares.


“What the fuck, you manwhore,” Ava said immediately. I laughed loudly. 


“What? Seriously? I know you knew about Luna,” I said. Ava blushed and looked at the table. 


“You knew?” Luna asked. 


“We all knew. It was obvious,” Audrey said. “You have been in his room every night.” I walked over to them. Taking the seat at the end of the table I sat down with a sigh. 


“What brought this on?” I asked. 


“Willow told us how she became pregnant,” Audrey said. “The conversation kind of devolved to this from there.” 


“Ah, yeah sorry I didn’t tell you,” I said. “Was waiting for her to make a decision.” 


“What decision was that?” Ava asked. I wasn’t about to let her know I worried they would break up. 


“If she wanted me in the kid’s life. I had hoped. But she never confirmed,” I said. “So, do you?” 


Willow looked up, biting her lip, but nodded and blushed. I looked to the other women. Audrey and Violet gave me an angry glare. Ava was rather annoyed. Luna had tears in her eyes. 

I could apologize, but again I had all the cards here. They could all decide to leave me and I would be able to replace them. I frowned. I didn’t like where my thought process was going. These were human beings that I cared about, not pawns. 


“Listen up,” I said. “I’m the man of this house. Normally that would be a father’s job, but those aren’t around anymore. I happen to find myself lucky that I’m not related to any of you. And I’m sorry, but you’re all beautiful.” I looked them each in the eyes. Trying to let them know I meant every word. 


“I know you don’t like to talk about it, but I’m 14. I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t know what I was doing, I did. I now have a sheet of paper that says I have a genius level IQ. You are all human beings and I did my best to be honest with you from the start. You deserve the truth, and honestly all of you deserve my love,” I said. That brought some gazes to mine. Love wasn’t a word said in this household often, and I doubted any had heard it from a man. 


“I really do love you,” I said. “I fought it, and tried to deny it. But I love you. Not for any calculating or ulterior motives, I simply love you because you deserve it. You all deserve your own man or woman in your life to love you. Since there aren’t a whole lot of guys. It’s left to me.” 


“You just so happen to love all of us?” Ava asked. I could hear the annoyance in her voice, but also the hope. She wasn’t asking that question. She wanted to hear what I loved. These were all women that had never had a man that loved them. I could give them at least that. 


“Ava, I love that you try to be so strong. Willow, I love that you are always happy and in a good mood. You balance Ava out, and I know she needs it.” The girls were holding hands next to one another. I guessed the news about her becoming pregnant hadn’t separated them. Their grip became tighter as they processed my words. 


“Vi, I love how much you love Audrey.” She had tears in her eyes. “When I got here, that’s all it felt like people were doing. Taking from Audrey. Here she was, a single mother, owner of her own business, and all she was worried about was everyone else. I dropped everything to try to bring you back to her, because she needs you in her life.” 

“Aud,” I said. She was full on crying. No shame as the tears rolled down her eyes. “You know why I love you. You sacrifice everything with a smile. That’s why I want to give you everything I can. You deserve it.” She nodded, her mouth frowning as she fought a sob. 


“Luna,” I said, turning to her. She too was trying not to sob. My hand moved to hers slowly. She didn’t move away as I reached her. Despite my dirty hands she let me hold her. “You are the first woman I’ve ever told I loved them. Your attitude. Your fiery passion. Your humor. You are the whole package. I hope you know that.” 


She sobbed then, which led to others letting loose. I knew a part of me should have joined them, but I wasn’t in the mood. I let them cry for a little while. Holding Luna’s hand I then moved my other to Willow’s. She took it with a smile on her face. 


“You all have to know I would do anything for you.” I stressed the words. “Anything. If anyone tries to hurt you. I will be there.” I had saved 3 of their lives from kidnappers. They understood that I was telling the truth. “Nothing could stop me from protecting you.” 


“That said. I am a dumb man. And someday I will become a dad.” My grip tightened on Willow’s small hand. “I want all of you in my life, because I see you as my family. But this family will grow. I want my kids to know one another. I don’t want enmity or jealousy. If you don’t want any part of it. I understand. This is your life. You only get one.” I was getting 2, but who was counting. 


I locked eyes with Audrey. “I have been truthful with Audrey from the start. I was always willing to help each of you become pregnant, as I told you all my first week living with you. I’m sorry if I jumped the gun and honestly like to have sex without the possibility of getting pregnant. It’s fun, and natural. I didn’t tell her exactly who I was sleeping with, because I assumed ignorance was better than knowing the truth. But here we are. Confronted with the truth of things. I have had sex with all of you, and would love to continue to do so, but I’m not going to force myself on any of you, and I refuse to feel bad about something I’ve been truthful about from the start.” 


I looked to each of the girls. Their tears were drying up, but I still saw sadness in some of their eyes. “I gave Audrey the opportunity to kick me out when I moved in. I had recently lost my mother, and I wasn’t going to proceed with anything until I knew what she needed from me to live in her house. I have kept my word, so far. But here is the offer to all of you.” 


“Do you want me to leave the house for good?” I asked. I started with Willow. She was a little surprised I was looking to her, she quickly shook her head. Ava rolled her eyes but shook her head as well. I looked to Violet, who looked to Audrey, who looked to Luna. I studied my blonde beauty as she thought about it. 


“Of course not,” she said, her chin scrunching up trying to hold back another sob. “I mean, I love you too.” 


“I know, and I don’t deserve it,” I said. “So, where do we go from here?” I looked to Audrey. She blew a raspberry. 


“Don’t ask me,” she said. “This situation is already weird.” 


“One thing,” Luna asked. “How the hell do you do it now?” 


“I don’t know. Just kind of works,” I said.


“You don’t…you know…go one after the other do you?” Violet asked. Looking around awkwardly. 


“No, I shower…in between,” I said slowly. 


“Is that why you’re always showering?” Luna asked. “I thought you were just a neat freak.” The girls laughed, slowly breaking the awkward atmosphere. 


“Just because my room isn’t a mess, doesn’t mean I’m a neat freak,” I said. 


“Hey, I’ve gotten better about it,” Luna said. And she had, but mainly because she was in my room. 


“Seriously? He tells us he loves you, and you’re all moving on from this?” Ava asked. 


“No,” Luna said. “I’m going to do my best to forget this conversation ever happened. Besides, not like there are a bunch of guys lining out that door.” She exhaled slowly and stood up. Moving over she kissed me on the cheek. “I love you. And I never want to hear about this ever again.” 


“Can do,” I said. Grabbing her wrist I kissed her back. 

“Ew, you’re dirty. Take a shower,” she said and was going upstairs. A shiver went through her body. “I’m never going to look at showers the same.” She was acting stronger than I thought. I was sure she had to work through some things on her own. I gave her time to do that.


I studied the women that were left. “Any other rules for me, Audrey?” I asked. 


“No,” she said. “I guess this was going to happen at some point.” 


“My god,” Violet said, her mouth open. “Do you do everyone daily? But how? I mean, it’s got to be exhausting.” 


“I’m getting stronger,” I said. She laughed and stood up. 


“Come on, Aud. Let’s go on our date,” Violet said. Audrey laughed and got up. They were soon out the door. I let out a sigh. This was going better than I thought it would. Maybe I could start introducing other girls like Brianna and Wendy. If they could accept each other, outsiders should be less of an issue. 


“This is so weird,” Ava said. “My girlfriend is pregnant with your kid. And you’re banging my mom and sister. How the hell did you even start banging my mom?” 


“Do you really want the answer to that?” 


“Nevermind,” she said quickly. Letting out her own sigh she looked to Willow. “I’m with you Will,” she said. “Always. This jackasses kid or not. Of course I wouldn’t be angry at you.” 


“I know,” Willow said. Looking to the table she slowly said, “But it might not have been from that time we used a condom.” I cringed. I didn’t want to be here for this part of the conversation. “We um, had sex without you once.” 


Ava was quiet. Her grip tightened on Willow’s hand. “When?” She asked. 


“When he dropped me off. That day after the kidna-thing,” she said quickly. 


Ava took a slow breath and exhaled it much more slowly. “Can I ask why?” 


“I don’t know,” Willow said quickly. “He saved us. And I was so scared and-”


Ava put up her hand. “I know,” she said. “I was tempted after that as well. We were all cuddling and I felt safe and…And I have no right to be angry.” Ava locked eyes with me. “I don’t know. I keep thinking I don’t deserve you. And then I think I should just sleep with him and ruin it between us. Is that what you want? Us to be done?” 


“No,” Willow said. “But this situation is weird. I’m used to guys disappearing.” 


I got up from my chair. “I can do that if you want,” I said. Sometimes it was good to be the 3rd wheel because I could disappear when I wanted. But this probably wasn’t one of those times. “Or we can just accept the way the world is and that I’ll be sticking around. Let’s be honest ladies. You like the sex. There’s no shame in it. I know I like it. And now that you have my kid in you,” I said, moving to Willow. “I want you even more.”


Moving to her back I kissed her neck, causing her to shiver. “So, since it’s all out in the open can the 3 of us start having sex again? I really miss both of you.” I kissed Willow’s neck again. The pixie girl looked to Ava who rolled her eyes. 


“Fine, but shower first,” she said. 


I was quickly running up the stairs to shower. Luna and Ava’s room on opposite sides of the hall I didn’t hear any crying from Luna’s room. But I headed in anyway. Locking the door I felt she deserved my attention first. She was sitting cross legged on her bed staring at nothing. 


“You okay?” I asked. 


She was brought out of her thoughts and looked at me. A frown on her face she nodded then changed her mind and shook her head. “I think I always knew,” she said. “You always said you wanted to be open. And you were about a lot. But I could see you were holding something back. I just didn’t think that you were sleeping with all of them.” 


“None of it happened right away. You were my first,” I said. 


“Jee thanks,” Luna said, rolling her eyes. I sat at the foot of her bed. “Was I-” she cut herself off fighting tears. “Was I not enough?” 


“You are,” I said. “It wasn’t even really about the sex either.” She gave me a look. “It wasn't, I swear. It was about the…companionship?” She gave me a quizzical look. “Do you want me to be completely honest? Even about things you don’t want to hear?” She slowly nodded. “When I got here, you all were so sad. I could feel it. You were practically on me as soon as we were alone. But we didn’t just have sex. We talked and laughed, and learned about one another. Building our own little relationship.” 


“Then I went on that date with your mom. She was so….sad,” I said. “Sad and lonely. No matter what I said, she laughed. She dropped everything to come get me. Ignoring more important things in her life, because she felt alone. You and Ava are grown. I think she was excited to find someone that wanted to spend time with her.” Luna frowned. “Don’t give me that. You’re always off doing something without her. You wouldn’t have gone sledding that day without me there. But you saw how happy she was. I took her on the date and she admitted to me she hadn’t had that good of a time in years. She didn’t even see me as a sexual partner until I pushed it.” 


“But she did see it. Once we were alone. She was like a little kid from how excited she was. Intimacy is so rare here. These men show up, do their business and send a woman on her way. Never connecting with them, as I have done with you. Showing you how much I love you. Did you ever question once that I cared about you?” She shook her head. “That’s because I show it. And one of the ways I do is through sex. I’m sure that is my own flaw, but I really do love you Luna. You are special to me. I don’t want to hurt or see you hurt. I would do anything to stop someone from making you cry. I would kill for you.” 


She bit her lip and leaned forward hugging me. My hand rubbed her back as she moved to straddle my hips. “I am sorry that I am usually the one that makes you cry. I don’t mean to. It’s just who I am. But as long as you want me here, I will be here. And hopefully some day we will have a long conversation and make our own kid.” She pulled back, a wide smile on her lips. 


“You mean it?” She asked. 


“Of course,” I said. “I’d love to bless a daughter with your looks.” She kissed me. The kiss quickly turned heated. Our tongues in one another’s mouths I pulled her ass cheeks toward me, making her pussy glide across my shaft. 


“I want to get married,” she said. “To you.” 


“Luna…” I said, rolling my eyes. 


“Not to hold you down. You can have the girls you want. We will have a huge family. But someday. I want to get married. Not some sham where we pretend and lie. Just-just think about it. You gave me a perfect day. And I want to do the same thing every year. I don’t even care if it’s a legal wedding. I want you. And to feel special walking down the aisle. And all that.” 


I couldn’t help but kiss her. “Fine,” I said. “If you’re not sick of me when we start talking about a kid. I’ll marry you.” 


“You mean it?” She asked. 


“I said it, didn’t I?” I asked. “But no more of this jealousy crap.” 


“No, no, of course not,” she said, her smile showing all of her teeth. “It was so hot watching you fuck Penny,” she whispered, starting to grind on my crotch again. “Are all of your girls so hot?” 


I chuckled. “In their own way,” I said. “You’ll have to meet them.”

“Okay,” she said. “I need to meet more. I keep picturing you doing my mom and sister,” she groaned shaking the image out of her head. “Tell me about the others.” 


“There is Farrah,” I said. “She lives down the street and runs the Club.” 


“Where Penny works? Oh my god. Can we go?” She asked. “I’ve always wanted to.” 


“Sure,” I said. “It’ll be my Valentine’s day present.” 


“Holy cow, I totally forgot,” Luna said. “Does that mean I’m your Valentine?” She asked excitedly. 


“Of course,” I said. “I’ve been keeping it under wraps. But do you want to be my Valentine?” 


She nodded quickly. “I’ve never had one before.”


“Me either,” I said. I hadn’t in a long time. Currently I had about 10 girls I had to see for Valentine’s day weekend. I was going to have a busy few days. 

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