Moral Degeneration


“All things come to those who wait,” I mumbled as I parked outside of the minimum security prison. 


It was Sunday now. My week had only gotten busier since fucking the brains out of Principal Leland and her girlfriend. I still didn’t figure out who the mystery teacher was, but I wasn’t too heartbroken. My Thursday I had spent sourcing everything I needed to deal with the Nightingales. 


I finally found a program to give me a general idea of GPS time and location. I was able to plant my GPS tracker on Red’s Jeep, she was the pledge for the Nightingales, so if she did more stops for collection money and laundering then I would hopefully be able to see it. It was the year 2000 so the GPS wasn’t terribly accurate and was more of a general location, but still better than watching the place 24/7. 


After that I worked on my Chevelle. It was coming together and I was up until midnight rebuilding the engine that night. School on Friday I decided to go and spend my time with Brianna, Ryleigh, and Luna. Saturday I was able to get access to the gas station and Jess, my mechanic friend, towed the Chevelle over to the station all for the simple price of me using a few condoms on her. 


Once that was setup I started trusting the girls. After a very hushed and detail-lacking conversation with Penny and Luna, I had them running around town buying what I needed to deal with the Nightingales. The girls paid cash for everything and had no idea why I would need balaclavas and industrial grade air cylinders, but they got it all and I went to work building what I needed. 

That was around the time I got the call that my Sunday was booked. Florence from the Nightingales was calling in her favor. I really should have known it was to fuck someone. I was simply surprised it was someone in jail. 


I was currently at Sandstone prison. A few hours away from Minneapolis it was a minimum security prison. A very simple and meek version of prison, it was set aside for the first time offenders. There was still barbed wire around the perimeter but there were also a couple of tennis and basketball courts noticeable from the parking lot. All the prisoners wore a beige uniform, and the guards wore black. Everyone around was a woman, of course. 


I waited in Violet’s car until the time slot, thinking over how to speed up dealing with Florence. That was until someone said my name at least. 

“Russ?” Brianna asked walking over to me. I jolted awake and noticed her, her mother, and little sister right in front of my car. 


“Hey,” I said, unsure what to say. 


“You um visiting someone?” Brianna’s mom asked. 

“Something like that,” I said, getting out of the car. “I uh, didn’t think you were coming today.” 

“Turns out my mom does have to work next Sunday,” Brianna said. I nodded looking at her mom then back to her. She got the hint. “You mind giving us a second?” 

Her mom nodded and dragged her little sister, Dahlia, inside. I pulled Brianna to the back of the small car. “What’s up?” She asked. 

“I got blackmailed,” I admitted. 



“Quiet,” I hissed. “By Florence.” 


“No! Because of… my thing?” She asked, nervous.

“Not really,” I said. “No, she just needed a man for something and threatened me enough to make me do it.”

“Do what?” Brianna asked. 

“I have to sleep with someone,” I said.

“What?!” Brianna yelled. I didn’t try to quiet her. It did sound pretty bad. “Who?” 

“Her daughter,” I said. “Apparently you get a reduced sentence if you’re preggers. Her daughter got caught with drugs. Was doing a few years here. The Florence wants me to get her daughter pregnant to get her out.”

“That’s sick,” Brianna said. 

“I agree,” I said.

“W-what do you need from me?” She asked, unsure what to say. 


“Nothing,” I said, more than a little annoyed at the situation. 

“Russ, let me help. What can I do?” She asked more fervently. 


“Brianna, I appreciate the offer, but I’m taking care of it,” I said. 

“Taking care of how?” She asked slowly. 


“No one blackmails me,” I said firmly. I left it at that. “Go, enjoy time with your sister. Here, give her this on me.” I handed her $200. 


“Russ, I can’t-” Brianna said. 

“You can. Let her have some money in her account,” I said. 

She frowned but slowly took it. “How long will you be?” 


“No idea, never done this before and I hope to never again,” I said. 


“Can I…ride back with you?” She asked shyly. I opened my mouth to say no but thought better of it. 

“I’d like that,” I admitted. “I’ll leave this door open. You can sit in the car if I’m gone a while.” 

“Okay,” she said, a smile on her lips. Kissing me she blushed and ran to the prison. I shook my head, surprised how much better I felt already. I had been tight lipped about what was going on. Originally I was supposed to spend the morning with Wendy at her church, then Sarah and Lyza, and Penny at night. I had to cancel with the girls and promise them other days. 


My docket filled most of the time. It had helped me stay out of trouble, but if all things went well I wouldn’t have to deal with these surprise orders from the Nightingales much longer. When the time came I walked up to the prison myself. Of all the things that had happened in my past life I had never had an extended stay in prison. I’d spent time in the drunk tank, or on my way to be taken to the big house, but bribes went through and I was saved from the really bad stuff. 


The worst part of being in prison was mostly mental. The fear of the unknown. Solitude was probably pretty bad as well, then the stripping of your rights. I hoped to never find out for sure wha the worst part of prison was. 


I got more than a few glances as I walked into the prison. All women guards, they weren’t sure I was actually a man until I spoke. “Here to see Erica Jefferson,” I said. 

“Conjugal?” The wide eyed woman behind the counter asked. 

“Yep,” I said. There was dead silence all around me. I guessed I was the first man to make the trip. One of the women was soon on the radio asking for assistance from a supervisor and another 5 guards showed up. 


“How do we pat him down?” One mumbled.

“Just a normal patdown,” I said. “Be gentle with my ass though.” The women’s eyes widened, all nervous if I was being serious or not. I wasn’t carrying any drugs to pass to the Nightingale leader's daughter at least. 


The guards ushered me into a room and I was starting to feel a little better about my predicament. The supervisor patted me down. Her hands were shaking the whole time. She groped my ass and junk a little more than was needed, but overall she was very subtle. I didn’t know if that was normal for minimum security but they let me into a waiting room with the other girlfriends/wives of prisoners. 


I was surprised how easy it was to get in to be honest. I thought there would need to be a background check for men or something, but no they only did that for women. For men they could show up, impregnate any and everyone that wanted, and be on their way. My biggest worry was if the DOL would be notified since I did have to show my ID. But since government agencies didn’t like to talk to one another I didn’t think it would happen. Not right away at least. If all went well this would be my one and only time doing this. 


The other women there slowly began to watch me more. I scanned them. Most were simple housewives. The rest were in the game. On break from their own stunts in prison. 


“Russel,” a guard said. I stood up as the door was opened. It looked like men got priority there as well. I followed the female guard down the hall. 


“Have you ever done this before?” She asked. Acting like seeing a man there was no big deal as she walked me through it. “Please leave the trailer like you found it. You have 1 hour. 30 minutes in I will stop by to check on you. You will be recorded at all times. You are consenting to whatever happens to you in the trailer by continuing on…” She kept on with the legal jargon as we were led outside. Half a dozen trailers spread apart from one another. They were set up in an extension of the parking lot. 


“You’ll be in trailer 1. Do you have any questions?” She asked. 


I looked her up and down. She wasn’t half bad. All business, her clothes were tight on her showing off a nice chest and ample rump. “You want a kid?” I asked. She opened her mouth then shut it. “I’m not against helping out.”


“My wife would be upset if I made a choice like that,” she admitted. 


“Offers out there,” I said with a shrug. It might be a good thing to seduce someone at the prison. I was starting to think I was biting off more than I could chew as far as being a dad to all these kids. For now I would keep going till I couldn’t. 


“Uh thanks,” she mumbled, opening the door she walked me in to reveal about what I expected. A bed in the middle of the trailer there was a restroom and that was about it. 


“I’ll bring her in next. 1 hour from now and you’re out,” she said. Pointing to a clock on the wall I noted the time as she left. Moving to a small chair near the wall I leaned back in it and waited. It wasn’t too long until the door was opened again. I didn’t get the reception I was expecting. 


“What the shit?!” The girl yelled as the door shut behind her. The girl was shorter than I expected. Only 5 foot 5 inches tall, she was shorter than me. Darker skin, her father must have been black. Where Florence’s head was shaved, this girl had thick curly black hair. 


She had a very angry glare as she walked closer to me. “That old bitch actually found a man? You gotta be fucking kidding me.”


“You must be Erica,” I said, still leaning back in the chair like it was any other day. 


“Goddammit,” she mumbled, turning around. “A fucking boy. How the hell did she swing you coming here?”


“Threats,” I admitted. 


“Of fucking course. That stupid bitch. I’m going to have so many eyes on me now,” Erica groaned. Putting her head in her hands she sat on the squeaky mattress. 


“Well since you’re not naked and we aren’t having sex, I assume you didn’t sign up for this,” I said. I was prepared to finish the job. Pissed off sex had been on the docket. I could have taken out some of my anger on Erica, but her reaction gave me a better view of her. “So what’s your story?”


“My story? What’s yours?” She asked, exasperated. “How the hell did she rope a guy to actually come here. I mean we are told that if you can talk a guy into it you can do what you want. But seriously? I didn’t think it would ever happen.”


I frowned as I thought it over. “I’ll tell you my story if you tell me yours,” I said. 


She thought about it long and hard. Eyeing me up and down she shrugged. “Deal,” she said. Smiling, she laid on the bed and rested her head on the pillow. She was rather cute in the beige as she crossed her legs and stared down at me. “You first.”


“Not much to tell,” I said with a shrug. “Nightingales caused a ruckus where I have some people I am invested in. This was the only way to get Florence to back off.”


“Ah the old protection game,” Erica said. “Classic, but it works.” I nodded. She thought about it for a moment then blew a raspberry as she looked up a the ceiling. “Drugs got me a ticket here.”


“Using or selling?”


“Running,” she admitted. “It was dumb. But I was lucky since it was my first offense.”


“How long did you get?”


“5 years.” I whistled. “Yeah but I can get paroled here if I’m good.”


“And are you good?” I asked. 


“Squeaky clean,” she said with a shit eating grin. 


“Good for you. So what’s your story? Is Florence really your mom?”


“Florence? You actually call her that?”


“Only name I know her by,” I admitted. 


“Her real name is Janet. Call her that, piss her off for me.”


“Shaved head Janet, should have known,” I said. 


“Your story?”


“Me? I’m on a mission of love,” I said with a sigh.  


“Love? How’s that work?”


“I sex up most anyone that wants it,” I said. “Working on making my own army of kids.”


“An army of them, huh? How many in the army?”


“6 recruits or so right now. But I’ve only been at it for about 2 months,” I said. “You want to help me make another one?”


She barked a laugh. “That’s the worst pick up line I’ve ever heard.”


“Probably the only one you’ve heard, so it’s the best too,” I said. 


“I’ve heard a few in prison,” she said. 


“Any good ones?”


“Uhh shit there was one…Kiss me in the rain so I’ll be twice as wet,” she said. 

I chuckled, enjoying our interaction. “That’s a good one. A friend of a friend of mine is in here. The gangs pretty tough?” 

“Hell no,” she said, continuing to relax on the bed. “It’s a joke compared to some of the bigger places. Keep your nose clean and you can get out without issue. I’ve been in tougher Nightingale clubs.” 

“Oh yeah? Been with them long?” 


“Since I could waddle,” she admitted. “Pretty much my home away from home during the summer and on weekends.” I thought back and yeah I was usually only watching the club during school hours or at night. Of course they would bring their kids there, they were all women. They probably had a whole bunch running around. 


“Miss it?” I asked.


“Not terribly. Pretty much the same here. A bunch of women hanging out. Playing cards, talking tough. Hell, we even have a few pool tables in here.” Since there weren’t a bunch of men around I could see how prison was basically the same as the outside. 


“I don’t know much about the Nightingales,” I admitted. “I’ve talked to Florence, but all the other girls are nameless to me. Mind telling me about them?” 


“Why should I?” She asked, sitting up cross-legged on the bed. 


“I don’t know, you seem pretty bored,” I admitted. “Ever talked to men much?” 

“The Club Ride,” she admitted. 



“The guy they keep around and drugged up. He has lucid moments sometimes.” 


“Ah the tweaker. So this is probably the longest conversation you’ve had with a guy that isn’t drugged up to the gills.” She didn’t answer. “What do you want for information?”

“Why do you want to know about the club?” She asked. 

“I want to know who I’m dealing with.” Estranged daughter or not. I wasn’t about to spill anything about my plans to this girl. 


“And what do I get?” 

“Dick doesn’t seem to interest you,” I noted. 

“Eh, not much for kids,” she admitted. 


“Fair enough…a-” I almost said favor, but that was what got me in the mess in the first place. I needed to be in a better position of power before I started handing out favors. I forgot the first rule of owing people, make sure you had the power to say no. Otherwise they took what they wanted. “A penpal,” I said instead. 

“A what?” 

“Someone to write you letters,” I said with a shrug. “Gotta be boring here. I could take the time to write a letter a week.”

“What would you talk about?” 

“Anything,” I said. “My life. What I’m up to. You can do the same. Would help pass the time. Since I doubt you’ll get pregnant from this interaction, I’m sure mommy dearest would want me to come back. I don’t know. Could you use a friend other than your Nightingale cohorts?”

She was quiet for a long time. Eventually she started speaking. “Before my mom, the Florence was a mean old bitch by the name of Teresa. We called her Mother Teresa as a play on how mean she was. My mom joined up back in the 80s. She was pretty mid-level until she did this score where-” 

“I was told this place is setup with sound,” I said quickly. 


“I know, I know,” she said, rolling her eyes. “She did this score where she happened on a whole bunch of teddy bears.”

“Teddy bears?”

“Yep, the albino kind.”

“Ah, go on,” I said with a smile on my face as I continued to lean back. She scooted back to sit with her back against the wall, thinking as she spoke. “My mom’s best friend was Emily. But they had a falling out when the Florence was being voted on. She left for Chicago or something. Right now her cousin, Eleanor, is my mom’s number 2.”

“Wait, quick question,” I said. “What the hell is a supposed motorcycle club doing all the way up North in Minnesota. Shouldn’t they all be down South where you can ride more?” I asked. 

“Oh that’s actually pretty funny,” she said. “Back in the day, how the story goes the Nightingales were the wives and girlfriends of this gang called the Hells Angels. Thing is most of these wives and girlfriends couldn’t drive a bike. The women took over. Most just ride a bike year round. And as girls got promoted, and network extended across the US we kind of just stopped with the bikes. Anyway, after Eleanor is this….” She continued on telling me about this or that person. Veiled stories about jobs she heard. She even let slip a few companies the Nightingales owned. 

The guard eventually came in. Surprised and a little annoyed that we were dressed, Erica continued talking. I asked questions, threw in some jokes or my own experiences, but generally enjoyed myself. The guard came again and escorted her out then me. I got her address and information to write to her and left with a smile on my face. 


I had received more than I needed, and for once felt like I made a friend. Erica was more my style of girl. Rough around the edges, but secretly a sweetheart. She tried to hide it, but she really did prefer it inside. I wasn’t sure what I would do with her, but for now I was happy to keep her on my side. 


I came out to find Brianna sitting in the passenger seat of Violet’s car. She waved happily and I got in. “Knock someone else up?” She asked, teasing me. 

“For once, no,” I admitted.

“What the hell did you do then?” She asked, trying to hide her sigh of relief. 

“We talked,” I said. I turned on the car and slowly pulled out. “We got a long drive ahead of us. You care to talk too, or want some fun?” 


“What kind of fun?” She asked, biting her lip as her excitement built up. 


“Your favorite kind,” I assured. 


“I’m sure you can talk me into it,” she noted, leaning over the center console to kiss me. 


“I’m sure,” I said and we drove off. My mind was going all over the place with new information but I pushed it away as I talked her into getting naked. It was so hard to hear her talk with clothes on. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.