Moral Degeneration


After Luna left for school I cleaned up the kitchen a little as I waited for my ride. It was Tuesday so I didn’t have school. Everything came in for my Chevelle so I was rushing to get it all put together for the weekend. But that was my Thursday goal. I had other plans for today. 


When it was time I walked out of the house. Heading out for another jog I was sore but endurance wasn’t built on running once a day. The neighborhood was quiet now that everyone had left for school or work. I ran by empty houses, curious which ones I could rob if I was hurting for cash. 


After I left the neighborhood I kept running. Finding the bus stop unoccupied I sat down and waited. Going over my plan I forced my heart rate calm. Once the bus was driving up I put on my wig and tied it back in a ponytail. I was getting better at pretending to be a woman. Baggy clothes and long hair was all I needed. 


Taking the bus across town to a strip mall I found a good enough car at the back. Walking up to it I scanned the area to make sure no one was watching, but the trick to this sort of thing was to pretend you were supposed to be there. Pulling out a coat hanger I slid it into the window well and found the latch easily enough. 


One thing I loved about the past were the terrible security measures on cars. A simple coat hanger and flathead screwdriver was all I needed to borrow a car. Leaning under the steering wheel I forced open the undercarriage. Finding the wires I ripped them off of their terminals, connected them together and the car started right up. 


Sitting in the driver’s seat I shut the door and moved it into drive. I was on my way in my first actual stolen car in a long time. Having traveled the world it was good to know how to boost a car for a quick getaway. Hardly any cameras anywhere it was easy enough to get away, and with luck I’d have it back before anyone missed it. 


It didn’t take too long to get to the abandoned gas station Farrah had set me up with. The station was actually in a prime location. Near the interstate, close to a school. I wasn’t sure why it was left empty, but who knew the minds of rich people. 


Parking the car outside I used my key and opened the garage door. My pristine Chevelle sitting inside I was excited to finish it up, but for now I had other plans. 


Erica from the Sandstone prison gave me lots of information. I had taken a half day from school the day before and verified a lot of what she told me. My targets set I needed to start a gang war before I began to cause my own havoc for these women. 


Grabbing my modified propane tanks I had 4 ready to go, and enough to make another 4. Luna and Penny had been good enough to not ask questions when I asked them to buy the tanks. My piston door opener was ready for use too, as well as some thermite blocks if I needed a distraction. For now propane was enough. 


Throwing the tanks in the back seat of the stolen car I locked up and was on my way. Erica had told me that the largest gang in Minneapolis was actually the Hermanas. An all female Mexican drug cartel, they did most of the drug running to the city and into Canada. The Nightingales stuck to some drugs, but mostly gun smuggling and protection were their criminal enterprises. 


Erica had been doing a favor for one of her Hermana pals when she got popped. She also let slip that because of her getting arrested, the Nightingale and Hermana relations weren’t the best. Florence had a grudge against them because her daughter was in prison. I needed to use that. 


One of the many grow houses they used right in front of me I stopped the car and pulled out a propane tank. Setting it in the front seat I checked that the flare was still secured to the side. Letting out a long breath I looked around but the neighborhood was dead so early in the morning. 


Driving up slowly I parked the car out front. Walking the propane tank to the front door I struck the flare on the side. It lit up in a red glow. Opening the ball valve on the top of the tank it began to hiss and reek of rotten eggs. Tossing the tank into the window it crashed through and the gas became a huge fireball as the flare caught the gas. 

Walking back to the car I moved another propane tank to the front seat and drove on. Finding the other grow house close by, I did the same there as well. I actually heard yelling from this house though so I sped off once I lit the fire. It wasn’t too long until I was outside the Nightingale’s place. Throwing a black balaclava mask on I was lucky no one was outside. 


Kicking the propane tanks out the door they caught the tires of one car on fire, and the other started torching the street. Pulling out my 12 gauge shotgun Audrey bought for me I fired 3 times. The first made the 1st tank explode, and the rest made the other one explode. A huge fireball exploded out, breaking car windows and I sped off.  


Whistling as I made it a few blocks without issue, I checked my rear view mirror but it looked like I was scot free. Only time would tell though. I noticed one of the rear windows of the stolen car was cracked from the explosion. After dropping my gun and clothes off at the gas station I parked the car where I found it and took the bus to a different location. 


This time I was in a lower-middle class neighborhood. Nice homes, kid bikes and toys littering yards. I did a quick jog to my destination. Knocking on the front door, it took a bit to get answered. When the door was finally opened it wasn’t who I was expecting. 


“You’re not Sabrina,” I said, turning my head. I had been expecting my curly haired masseuse. Instead I was looking at the mirror image version of her but with long straight hair. Tan skin, smaller nose, this version wore sweats as she studied me slack jawed. 

“Russ, you’re early,” Sabrina said as she peeked down the stairs in a bathrobe. 

“Sorry, I finished my errands,” I said. “You mind?” 

“Not at all,” she said, walking down the stairs. “This is my sister, Chloe.” The long haired version of Sabrina was still more than shocked that a man was standing in front of her. 


“Fraternal twin?” I asked, stepping around Chloe. 


“Good guess. Most people ask if we are identical,” she said, opening her arms she drew me in for a kiss. This was our first meeting outside of the massage parlor, so I was caught off guard by the reception. From the smile on her lips though it seemed Sabrina was playing a game on her sister. 


“Different noses and eyes,” I said simply. 


“Very observant,” she said. “So what do you want to do on our date?” 

“Whatever you want,” I said with a shrug. “I’ve worked up an appetite. We could get some food. See a movie. Whatever you want.” 

“I love all of it,” she said. “Chloe, what are you doing? Let’s get ready.” 

“You-you said we were going out,” Chloe said shyly. “With a girlfriend.”

“I said friend,” Sabrina corrected, a wicked smile on her lips. “You assumed it was a girl. Come on. Russ promised to do whatever I wanted. And I want to take you.” 

I shrugged unsure quite where this was going, but a man could dream. Who didn’t want twins in his harem? Sabrina grabbed her sister’s hand and dragged her upstairs. “Make yourself comfortable,” Sabrina said, giving me a wink. I nodded and sat down. It wasn’t long until I heard panicked yelling from one of them, then the shower turn on. After a good half hour a dolled up Sabrina came down the stairs. 


She wore mascara, and purple lipstick. Wearing a short black flower dress and leggings she looked gorgeous. Her curly hair shiny, it bounced with every step as she bit her tongue in a smile. 

“You like?” She asked, twirling for me as I stood. 

“Very much so,” I said. “I was hoping to see you out of it though.” 

“Too bad. I offered, but you said a date, so I will be taking full advantage of my baby daddy.”

“Pregnant already?” I asked. 

“Ha, I doubt it, but we will see,” she said. We heard cursing from upstairs. “I hope you don’t mind the extra date.”

“Not really,” I said. “Kind of a surprise. Feels like you surprised both of us for a reason.”

“I like surprising people,” she said with a giggle. 


“What are you expecting?” I asked, trying to hint at what I was hoping would happen. 


“Lunch, movie, some fun,” Sabrina said. “See where the night takes us.”

I shook my head. “Whatever you want, Sabrina. But I expect my massage too.”

“Deal,” she said. “And call me Rina.”

“Can do,” I said. Risking it I pinched her butt and she smiled wider. Pulling me down we kissed but I couldn’t help but turn it into more. Pushing her into the wall she moaned as I lifted her ass up. Her legs wrapping around me, the kiss got more heated. 

“Fucking fuck, you’re supposed to wait,” she mumbled, but drew me back in. 


“You’re so sexy though,” I said, my hardon digging into her. I had been hoping for a massage and baby making sex, so I would take what action I could. 


“So weird having a boy here. It's hard to say no,” she said in between kissing me. 

“Oh,” I said, seeing an opportunity. “Maybe I should tease you.” I began kissing and biting her neck as she started to pant. “Maybe I shouldn’t allow any touching until you tell me your secrets.” 


“Fuck that,” she said. “Goddamn I feel like I’m in heat.”

“Good-” I stopped as I heard someone walk down the stairs. Letting Rina go she dropped down and we adjusted our clothes as Chloe stopped at the bottom of the stairs. Her hair was done up to have a curl to it. She wore a dark green lipstick instead of the purple Rina was wearing. Instead of a short dress she had a long flowing white dress with flowers on it. 

“You both look gorgeous,” I admitted. “Shall we?” I extended my arm out to Rina. She blushed and took it. Chloe hesitated. 


“Where are we going?” She asked, nervous as she eyed me up and down. 

“Who cares? I’m buying,” I said, extending an elbow out for her. 


“Come on,” Rina said. “I told you there would be a surprise today. Let’s go get pampered by an actual boy.”

Chloe cracked a smile. Pushing her hair behind her ear she nodded and walked over. Putting her hand into my elbow I walked them out to go on my first double date ever. 


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