Moral Degeneration


“You did very well for flying your first time,” Audrey said as we were let off the plane first. I caught one more glimpse of my exotic beauty. With any luck I’d see her again. I gave her a wink and she blushed.


“I didn’t think about it, but you’re right,” I said. “Guess I’m trying to adapt fast.” She nodded and we made our way through the airport. Waiting for luggage I got some stares, but it wasn’t long till we were trying to find her car in the port. It was a giant SUV. My favorite. I was tempted to ask to drive, but decided to play dumb still. I regretted it of course, she ran 2 red lights during the trip to her home. 

In a gated community I could tell we were in the rich part of town. There was only 1 road into the place. Situated on a large hill I couldn’t help but think the area was there to look down on the others not in the gated area. On the North part of town I guessed we were in some suburb of Minneapolis. Nice house after nice house went by. Then she was pulling into the drive of a massive 3 story home. 


“Holy hell, is this yours?” I asked. Stone exterior, it looked more like a castle than a home. Snow on the ground only made it more beautiful. The light fading outside, there was still enough to make out a large fountain out front. “Are you Batman?” 


“Who?” She asked. My gut clenched. I really hoped she was just out of touch with comics, but part of me knew the answer. It was a sad day to know there was no Batman. 


“Nevermind,” I said as she pulled into the garage. I got our bags and made my way inside. A large kitchen was the first room. She directed me to drop everything. Aud wanted to give me a tour first. 


“This house has been in my family for a long time,” she said. “I had it renovated a few years back.” 


“And you can afford it running a shipping company? You don’t run drugs do you?” I asked jokingly. 


“Of course not,” she said, slapping my chest lightly. “We do quite well. Living room over there. There’s a big gym in the basement with storage. The second floor is where me and the girls live. You want to pick a room?” 


“Yes, please,” I said. I really was Batman now. An orphan in a big house, it was every man’s dream. The beautiful MILF by my side was just a bonus. 


“Let’s see if the girls are here. Christmas is in a couple days. They’re on Winter Break.” They walked up the wide stairs. “Ava! Luna!” She yelled, but there was no answer. “Their lights are on.” We headed down the hall. Knocking lightly she let herself into one of the rooms. Whichever girls room it was, I was turned around quickly. The daughter had apparently been watching porn and playing with herself. 




“Sorry!” Audrey yelled. “Put some clothes on! Ignore that,” she said blushing as the door was shut. 


I nodded as if I was going to, but hell no was that happening. I had thought the mom was hot, but the daughter was much more exotic. That also could have been because she was naked from the waist down. I would have to do more research later to know for sure who was the hottest. 


“Luna,” Audrey said, knocking on the door opposite. She knocked louder and eventually it was opened. 


Inside was a beautiful girl. A little older than me she had long blonde hair. Her skin pale, she wore glasses as she studied me. I wasn’t shy about doing the same to her. She wore a tight Hello Kitty shirt and loose pajama pants. Her hair tied back she had the appearance of a cheerleader. Skinny, perfect smile, smooth cheeks, light blue eyes, thick luscious lips. Her face flushed as I flashed her a smile. She blushed more. “Luna, this is Russ. He is going to live with us from now on,” Audrey said. 


“I was on the phone when you told me that, remember?” Luna said with a hiss. “It’s um nice to meet you,” she said. Grabbing my hand I shook it and the door to Ava’s room opened. 


“So this is him huh?” Ava asked. I reluctantly let go of Luna’s hand. I turned to see that Ava looked more like her mother. Tan skin, dark hair, she was a little muscular. Wearing a short shirt and booty shorts she didn’t leave much to the imagination. Her nipples poked out of the shirt straight at me. Her dark brown hair was braided on one side, but not the other. Her cheeks were full like Audrey’s, but she wore a frown as she stared at me. 

“That’s me,” I said. Extending my hand she took it. She regretted it immediately. I had seen what she was doing before, the hand was not clean. Ava pulled it away as she blushed. Pushing hair behind her ear she looked away. 


“Should we order pizza?” Audrey asked. She was either oblivious to the reaction her daughter’s had to me, or wanted this reaction. 


It didn’t take long for us to go to the main level and sit in the living room. Big sofas around a TV the girls sat awkwardly across from me. Audrey sat between us as we waited for the pizza. 


“So, were you like kidnapped or something?” Ava asked. 


“No, I was my mom’s kid. Kidnappings happen?” 

“To boys, yes, sadly,” Audrey said. “Let’s not talk about the circumstances that led Russell here, but be happy he is. He has lived a sheltered life. What would you like to do?” 

“I’d love a movie and show recommendations,” I said. I needed to learn the pop-culture if I didn’t want to let a lot of stuff slip. “Also I want to use the gym. I didn’t leave the house much before…” 


Audrey changed the subject. “What about that list you were making on the plane? The one with all the things you wanted to do?” 

“Oh I dumped that,” I said. That was really just a show for a piece of paper. “I doubt too much is open since it’s Christmas anyway. Let me get my bearings and I’ll let you know.” Luna was quietly staring at me. Her eyes were focused on my face. I gave her a smile. 


“Russ’s birthday is in a few months, just like your’s Luna,” Audrey said. “Maybe we can do some big party.” 

“That sounds fun,” I lied. That sounded awful. “Will I be going to the same school as you, Luna?” She blushed but didn’t answer. 


“If you want,” Audrey said cheerily. “It would be great. You’ll be a Freshman. There are a couple of other boys in the school too, right?” 


Luna nodded. “Like 10, max,” Ava said. “Usually 2 to 4 guys each grade.” 


“Sounds exciting,” I lied again. Hanging with 14 year olds sounded boring. “And what if I wanted to get my GED?” 


“Why would you want that?” Audrey asked. 


“I don’t know. Just something I’ve been thinking about,” I said. 


“You could, I guess,” Audrey said sadly. “But wouldn’t it be better to hang with people your own age? Can you try it for a while?” 


I rolled my eyes but nodded. She was practically in tears asking the question. “Whatever you want, Aud,” I said. Her attitude changed immediately. 


“Calling you Aud already?” Ava asked, giving me a side eye. “You must have become quite close during your short trip. You didn’t…” She left the question open ended. It was easy to read what she was implying. 


“Yes, we did,” I said. “It was magical.” Ava and Luna’s eyes bulged. Audrey began sputtering. “I’m messing with you. Any of you smoke? I would love a cigarette,” I said. Ava felt like the rebellious type, I could tell she smoked. 


“Smoke? You can’t smoke?” Audrey said. “You’re 14!”


“Besides, I bet it’s illegal for boys to smoke. Pretty sure they don’t want you killing yourself prematurely,” Ava said. I felt a mild undertone of anger from her words. I needed to understand the role of men more. Given money, and resources, I could see why there would be tensions between the sexes. 


The doorbell rang and we were setting pizza out. Sitting at a table too big for the 4 of us the girls awkwardly ate. “Russ needs school supplies,” Audrey said. “Would you girls mind taking him around tomorrow?” 

“Can’t. Busy,” Ava said. She barely chewed on the pizza. Eye rolling was her go to for every question. With her attitude my eyes were drawn to Luna more. The blonde bombshell hardly ever looked away from me.

“But it’s Christmas Eve,” Audrey said. 


“Then why can’t you take him?” 

“I have to go to work, you know Christmas is our busy season,” Audrey said. 


“I’m sorry, I didn’t think of that,” I said. “Thank you for taking the time to get me.” 


“It was my pleasure, Russ,” she said, setting her hand on mine. 


“I can take him,” Luna offered. 


“Thank you, Luna. I expect you back for dinner. Then we will open presents,” Audrey said. I hadn’t noticed a Christmas Tree, but the house was big. It could be anywhere. 


“I met someone from the University of Minnesota on the plane,” I told Ava. “Maybe you know her.” 


“Its a big school,” she said, rolling her eyes again. 


“True. Her name was Amelie,” I said.


“When did you get her name?” Audrey asked. “I don’t remember her saying it.” 

“We ran into each other by the restroom,” I said. I was regretting bringing it up now. Family dinner wasn’t really my thing.  


“Amelie Markov?” She asked. “The track star?” 


“Maybe? She was black,” I said. Also super horny with an amazing ass, but they didn’t need to know that. The conversation mostly died after that. I was too nervous I’d say something I shouldn't, so I didn’t try to save it. 

After dinner I walked around and chose a room near the stairs of the second floor. I always stayed near an exit just in case. Far too big for me it had a distinct feminine flare to it. I brought my bags in. Unpacked and tried to get comfortable. 


I got a knock at the door soon after. I had hoped for a midnight caller, but it was earlier than expected. It was Audrey. She was in a sleeping gown. Pink and fluffy it was what a recent widow would wear to answer questions from police. 


“I just want to say how happy I am that you are here,” she said. A wide smile on her lips, there were tears in her eyes again. 


“Of course,” I said. Unsure what to do with the affection. “Thank you for having me.” She nodded and went in for a hug. I awkwardly accepted it. She said a few more words and headed out. I had expected her to get frisky or something. I was very confused by her actions. A part of me thought she wanted me there for a good time, not to take care of me. 


I decided to leave it. Sorting through clothes I eventually made it to bed. Thinking as I stared at the ceiling no one else knocked on my door that night. 


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