Moral Degeneration


“You know, part of me was making fun of you for rebuilding this thing,” Luna admitted. “But hot damn I love this car.” She was driving it, revving the engine every chance she could as we left school. It was Friday and she had demanded to drive it to school that morning as well. 


“I’m glad you like it,” I said. “When are we going to teach you to drive, Ry?” 

“This is too much for me,” she said from the backseat. Shaking her head she still wooed and gasped when Luna sped it up. A smile on her face I had shown up to her house with the car that morning and Rose was practically salivating over it. She promised to not report me for driving if I let her drive it once, so I let her and Linda take it around the block, which turned out to be a mistake because Ry and I had more than enough time to make out and then some in their absence. 


Brianna had been pissed at me for not taking her in the car because it had been the talk of the school. Thus I was guilted into letting her drive it during lunch. Which led to sex, so it was all good in the end. Either way I was enjoying it, but looking forward to everyone not fighting over it. Once they had some time I would put my foot down…unless blowjobs were involved then I really didn’t care who drove it. 


“What are your plans this weekend?” I asked Ryleigh. 

“My moms want to go to some Amish colony,” she said, annoyed. 

“Ha!” Luna laughed. “The girls and I are going skiing.” 

“Skiing? How is this the first I’m hearing of it? Isn’t it a little late in the year?” I asked. 

“Wasn’t supposed to happen, but Brittany’s mom got called into work. Mom let me go in her place,” she said. “I have no idea when the snows melt, but Brittany said the resort is open till April. They like to do it now during the off-season.” 

“Lucky,” I said. 


“I have to meet some mothers,” I said. 

“Mothers?” Luna asked.

I eyed Ryleigh in the backseat. “I’ll tell you later.” 


Ryleigh blushed but leaned forward. “What is it?” 

“Something you don’t want to know about,” I said.

“Oh…I want to know,” she said.

“Oh yeah?” I asked. 

“Yeah,” she said shyly. “I uh I’m getting better about it.” 

“You sure?” I asked.

“What’s going on?” Luna asked with a frown. 

“Ry and I have this agreement where I don’t talk about…being a man,” I said. 

“Ah,” Luna said. “I tried that too, Ryleigh. Trust me, it’s better to know.” 

“So you know all about…what he does?” Ryleigh asked. Luna nodded. “Oh…okay yeah, I want to know.” 

I let out a sigh, hoping it wasn’t a mistake. I tried to word it as simply as possible. “So prospective people that want me as a…donor. I’m scheduled to meet their mothers this weekend.”

“What? No way,” Luna said. “Who?” 

“That Wendy girl, and Farrah. Their moms own a lot of businesses in the area,” I said. “I’m hoping to leverage some more…insights.” 

“Like what?” 

“Like what they own. Maybe try to brow beat them into letting me use some of their services,” I said.

“Nice,” Luna said. “You just gonna straight up and ask for stuff?”

“No. I don’t really need anything right now. This is just the introduction. But if I’m…in their lives. I’m hoping they’ll be amenable to help me, help them if I do need something in the future.” 

“Smart,” Luna said. She looked back into the rearview mirror at Ryleigh he appeared confused. “Don’t believe half of what Russ says. You have to learn to read between the lines because he is very sneaky. Basically 2 girls he knocked up have rich moms that he wants to seduce.”

“I don’t want to seduce them…sexually,” I said. “Financially.”

“Whatever,” Luna said. She pulled into the neighborhood but focused on Ryleigh in the back. Stopping the car she said, “I’ll walk Ryleigh from here. Looks like she needs some more girl talk.”

“What?” I asked. Ryleigh didn’t appear to be crying but she was a annoyed with what Luna said. “Ry-”

“Ignore it,” Luna said. “Come on, Ryleigh. I think you and I have a long overdue talk.” Ryleigh studied me then turned to Luna. Grabbing her bag she scooted out and there was an obvious pit in my stomach. “I’ll walk from here. Go do your thing.” 

“I want to be here for-”

“Too bad,” Luna said, her arm on Ryleigh’s as they walked to her house. “You cause enough trouble as it is.” Giving me a wink she mouthed the words, ‘trust me’. I couldn’t help but blow a raspberry and scoot to the driver’s seat. I really hoped she was saying like there is a reason Russ is this way. He has big plans. Ignore it. But I worried she was saying things like I’m number 1 and you need to learn to kiss the ring now if you want to stick around. 


I really liked Ryleigh. Enough that I didn’t touch her before she was ready. The last thing I wanted was to ruin what we were building. Especially with the mind of a pervert like Luna whispering in her ear, but I had to learn to trust her. If she fucked it up I would just have to work hard to unfuck it. Who knew, maybe Luna could fix whatever issue Ryleigh was having now. 


Annoyed that I had to leave it in someone else’s hands I followed as they walked to Ryleigh’s house. Instead of going inside they continued walking and talking though. Ryleigh wasn’t crying at least and I only left when Luna turned around and flipped me off. Taking that as a signal that I wasn’t welcome I turned around and headed off into the city. 


Before my mother dates I had a much bigger event going on. The Gothika concert I promised Anastasia all that time ago. Heading off to the college I had confirmed she was ready to go over the last few days. I made a point to call each girl every few days. Ready with a list of possible days we could meet up my schedule was jam packed but at least I was never bored. 


Parking the car outside of her dorm I headed up without a care in the world. I waved to a few girls in the hall as I passed. My presence wasn’t as big of a shock as it used to be since I’d been there a few times, but they still whispered as I walked past. I was able to get one knock on the door before it was opened in a rush. 

Anastasia was in front of me in all of her glory. Black hair cut short there had been some white steaks in it before but it was fully black now. Thick black makeup around her eyes and lips, her skin was as white as paper. She wore long earring with Christian crosses dangling from them, a black shirt of the Gothika band, black jeans with lines cut across the front to show off her thighs, and black high heels.

“Holy shit, you’re taller,” she said. 

“And you’re as beautiful as ever,” I said. Walking in she jingled as she jumped onto me. Her legs wrapping around me we kissed as I walked her back to her bed. Her roommate not there I was sure she kicked her out for my arrival. 


“Missed you,” I admitted. 

“I missed you,” she said. “Now what are we doing?” 

“Concert doesn’t start till 7,” I said. “I figured I’d take you on a real date. Get dinner. Ice cream. Whatever you wanted until then.”

“Okay,” she said. “There are a few places by the concert so we wouldn’t look too out of place.” 

“We?” I asked. 

“Yes,” she said, her smile growing wider. “You promised to let me dress you up.” 

“Oh right,” I said, acting like I forgot. “Fine, but no makeup.”

“You already got some on you,” she teased. I wiped my lip and she was right. 

“Fine, only a little,” I said, kissing her again. But she was pushing me off and showing me all the clothes splayed on her bed. What followed was a cringey montage of trying on different clothes. Most of it was tight but she practically squealed in glee and laughed with every set of clothes. After I had tried everything on we finally agreed on something. 

A black button down shirt with the sleeves cut off, a black leather jacket with studs in it, and my blue jeans since nothing she had fit. After that she talked me into a black wig and putting on a bunch of rings. I felt like Criss Angel by the time she was done, but she was having such a good time I couldn’t say no.

Practically skipping as we left her room hand in hand she only got more excited when she saw the car. “What?!” 

“I told you I’d have a surprise for you,” I said, opening the door for you. 


“Whose is this!?” She asked, slack jawed. Black really was her color so she practically came seeing it. 

“Mine. I rebuilt it,” I said. “Which is why I haven’t been around much.”

“Holy shit. Can I drive?” She asked. 

“Tell you what, I drive us to dinner, you can drive us to the concert,” I offered. 

“Deal,” she said, clapping she got in the car and kissed me again. Pushing me against the car she rasped, “You have condoms, right?” 

“As many as you can handle,” I assured.

“Perfect,” she said. Sitting down she marveled at every little thing. I’d already detailed it myself so it was spotless. The car was an automatic so no gearshift, but there was a center shifter. Luckily the center console was low. She didn’t bother with a seat belt and scooted over to hold onto me as I started it. 


Her hand on my junk she moaned as I hit the gas. “This is the best date ever,” she said. 

“Only just begun,” I said as I kicked it in reverse. Revving up the engine we shot forward and she was gasping with every turn. Holding onto me for dear life I wasn’t gentle as we broke the school grounds speed limit. 

She directed me where to go, but it wasn’t long until she had undone my pants and was slowly jerking me off. “Fuck, is your dick bigger too?” 

“Just looks that way in the car,” I said. My hand snaking into her shirt she wasn’t wearing a bra so I got a handful of her D-Cup breasts. The barbell studs in her nipples made me groan as I was reminded about them. “Fuck I missed you.”

“Good,” she said, kissing my cheek as she continued jerking me off. “How long do I have you tomorrow?” 

“Till noon,” I said with a shrug. “What’s the plan for the night?”

“I thought we would do the concert. Not sure after that. Can we go to your place?” 

“We could probably sneak in…or get a hotel,” I said.

“A hotel?” She asked, biting her black lips. 

“Yeah. I’m sure I could find us a place,” I said.

“Okay,” she said. “I’ll give you some special sex then.” 

“Special? I already get everything I want from you,” I said.

“I’m sure I can make it extra special,” she promised. I believed her as she moved down and took my dick in her mouth. Licking the head she wasn’t in too much of a hurry. Going down far she glugged and sputtered but pushed further down. 

“Fuck you’re huge. It’s been too long. I don’t remember struggling this much,” she said. 

“I believe you can do it,” I said. She nodded and tried again. She was choking but she made it to the base. After that she found a comfortable spot to go down. Playing with my balls she moaned and focused on my pleasure. My hand snaked into her shirt sleeve, pinching and pulling her nipples it wasn’t too long until I was cumming. 

“You taste so good,” she said, holding her hand up to her mouth as she sat back in her seat. “No more disappearing forever. I want to taste you at least once a week.” 

“I’d like that. We can work out times when you aren’t in class,” I said. She smiled happily and we found a food truck to eat at. Taking off her heels we got gyros and walked around the block as we talked about this or that. There were quite a few goths dressed up in the area. With my black wig that was shoulder length they didn’t think I was a man, which was probably best. 


After we finished our meal I let her drive us around. She sped it up to maybe 50 mph but the time for the concert quickly approached. We lined up with everyone else dressed up much like us. The air was full of anticipation for the concert. I regretted not bringing earplugs, but for now I was happy to make her happy. 

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