Moral Degeneration


“This is good for 2 people,” the security guard said when Ana handed her the crown. 

“Awww,” the girls said looking around.

“No problem,” I said. “Give it to the other girls.”

“What?” Ana asked with a frown. 

“Come on,” I said. “You and I can go do our special sex at a hotel. Let someone else have some fun.” She eyed me, obviously disappointed. I mouthed ‘trust me’. 


“Oh kay,” Ana said exaggeratedly. “You girls can fight over it.” Stepping away from the security guard. The girls quickly began arguing as the burly guard talked into her radio. I extended my arm for Ana and she walked with me away. 

“Wait!” The guard said. “They said they’ll take all of you.” 


“Really?” Ana asked, turning around instantly. The guard nodded and moved to the side. The girls squealed and Ana grabbed onto my arm harder as we walked down the hall. “How did you know?”

“I didn’t, I guessed,” I said. “I would much prefer the special sex.”

“Oh you’ll get it,” she said. I honestly had no idea what she could offer that could top normal sex with her, but it was worth the wait to find out. The dark hall extended out but an assistant waved us over to a door and we were let into where the bands were hanging out. 


The large room sectioned out for them. They were splayed out on large couches, or chairs. Drinking and playing instruments the women acted like anyone on break from work. A few openly doing cocaine I made a fist to force myself to steer away from it. Hookers were my choice for companionship in my last life, and cocaine was my drug of choice. I hadn’t felt the urge for it in a long time and I didn’t want to fall of the wagon. 


“Now which one is the boy,” a woman said. I recognized her as the Gothika lead singer. My group turned to me and I pulled off the wig. “Ah, rare to get an actual boy to the show. I swear its like 1 in 10 shows. Even rarer for one to come back here. Tell me about yourself.” The woman was tall in her 6 inch heels. Wearing a long black lace skirt it resembled the bottom of a wedding dress. A small corset on her chest it pushed up her very small chest, but she was pretty under all the makeup. 

“This is my date, Anastasia, and her friends,” I said, pushing her forward. “They’re the real fans.” 

“Of course,” she said ignoring me and turning to Ana who had stars in her eyes. “Tell me, what’s your favorite song?”

“Uh Juxtaposition,” she blurted. 


“Good,” she said. “Come on, meet the other bitches.” She turned around and brought us to a private room. Not as big as the one with the other bands there were black sofas lining the walls. I couldn’t tell who was in the band and who wasn’t since everyone was dressed the same but the others in my party were gushing over everyone. Whispering excitedly they began begging for signatures. 


“What about you? Want us to sign anything?” The lead singer asked. 

“Don’t know. Can I sell it for a lot?” I asked flashing her a grin. 

She barked a laugh. “Maybe, but there are a lot of fakes out there,” she admitted. “I’m Rissy.” 

“Russ,” I said, shaking her hand. “How long are you in town?”

“Just tonight. We head down to Des Moines then Omaha, then Lincoln, until we get back home,” she said. “We should be back this way soon enough on our way East this time.” She walked me over to a sofa that was empty. “Want a drink?”

“Sure, whiskey,” I said eyeing the bottle behind her.

“Good man,” she said, opening it up she poured us both a glass and clinked it. The girls got their signatures and were splitting up to talk to this or that person. Ana shyly moved over to us, but acted like she wasn’t worthy to sit near the lead singer. I extended my arm out and she blushed as she walked over. 

“How’d you nab this boy?” Rissy asked. I assumed it was short for Priscilla. 


“Got lucky,” she said. “He’s uh friends with my brother.” 

“Boyfriend and a brother? Some girls get all the luck,” Rissy said, sipping her drink. 


“There’s gotta be a few goth boys that are obsessed with your music,” I said.

“There are,” she said. “But they’re few and far between. Tell me, how long have you listened to us,” she asked Ana. 


Ana was all giggles and talking loudly as she answered and asked her own questions. A few of her friends came and asked more questions. Rissy was more than happy to answer. I counted down the minutes until it was enough time to ask to leave. Around midnight I’d had enough though.

“About time to wrap up I think,” I said, eyeing Ana. She hesitated but nodded. 

“Oh come on, one more drink,” Rissy said. She was smart about it and asked Ana.

“Just one more?” She asked, pleading. I rolled my eyes but nodded. I got up and made them. One of the band members handing me a glass I made a very small whiskey and a very iced up one for Ana. Giving her the glass the lead singer kept telling stories about the road and we relaxed in the seat. 



My head felt like it weighed 50 pounds as I lifted it up. “Awake already?” Rissy asked. She was standing in front of me completely nude. Drool escaped the side of my mouth as I struggled to make sense of what was going on. “Relax,” she said, running her hands through my hair as she sat on my lap. 


Numb I still felt my erect dick enter her. I groaned as I struggled to keep my eyes open. “Fuck you’re big,” she said as she continued to ease down. Her tits in my face I focused on them as I put it all together. I was roofied or something similar. 

Meaning to yell I groaned instead as she reached the base. “Fuck! This is a great cock,” she said. I heard a couple of cheers behind her. She began to rock back and forth on me as her hands rested on either side of my head. 


I had watched diligently to make sure this didn’t happen. A small part of me had known it was possible. Women could roofie with a mix of viagra to take a man, but hell I was willing. It was only the people into raping that did that sort of thing. I replayed the drinks I had and put together that the drugs must have been lining the rim of the glasses or were in the ice.

My eyes strayed around me as my head hung limp. I was starting to make sense of the shadows. We weren’t in the same room anymore. The small windows near the ceiling were dark so not much time had passed. I noticed 2 more of the goth girls sitting at another couch and between them was a dressed Anastasia. Her eyes were half lidded so they drugged her too. It had to be the last glasses. They didn’t know which one I would take.

I groaned again, trying to roar. “He likes it,” one of the girls laughed.

“I love it,” Prissy said as she kept going up and down. “This dick! Fuck. It’s like covered in cocaine it’s goddamn-you have to try it. Best one I’ve ever had.” 

I would have loved to hear that at any other point but I was struggling to stay awake. I let her do her thing, minute by minute I was able to feel a little more. She came enough and moved to reverse cowgirl. Her hands on my knees she lifted up and down screaming loudly as she rolled into one orgasm after another. 

When she lost all of her strength one of the others took her turn. She was heavier set but had actual tits. They were nice to watch as they bounced but the hypnotic nature of them made me drowsy. Shaking my head I took a breath and let it out as she continued to use me how she wanted. I had to do my torture method.


How I was taught to deal with torture was to make up an individual. Almost a split personality. And make them take all of the pain. Pretending someone else was the one drugged up I pushed all numbness over to him and focused on what I could feel. Slowly I made sense of my hands. They were restrained by handcuffs. I thought I felt the cool feel of metal on my wrists. I slowly moved both feet, neither of them was restrained. 


I took in more deep breaths as the girl wrapped her arms around my neck. Cumming as she barely moved back and forth I let her have her fun as I began to count. Every 60 seconds I would try to move a piece of my body. Counting quickly I started with my toes and fingers. It took effort but after the first 3 minutes I was able to move which ones I wanted. 


When the last girl began to take her turn she had a much prettier face and shaved pussy. But like with the Nightingales, no one fucked with me. I would make all 3 of them pay. I continued counting, pushing the numbness to the imaginary person as only I felt. The numbness slowly began to lessen.

The girl squirted on me and I felt all the wetness. Letting out a sigh I was getting there. She got off of me ashamed, but Prissy was back on me. “How have you not cum yet?” She asked. “Like fuck, man. This dick.” She sat back down and began kissing my semi-numb lips. I treated it as an exercise to kiss her back. She got more into it cumming after a few thrusts. I let her do what she wanted. 

When she finally sat on me out of breath and sweating I kicked off the floor. The chair I was in thrown back with her on me I moved my thumb so I would land on it. Popping and cracking out of it’s socket I groaned but twisted to roll her off. Roaring, I pulled my hand out of the cuff. I stood up in 2 large stomps. 

My numbness and feelings coming back to me all at once I faced her and let out a large guttural roar. She shied back, putting her hand in front of her face. I took in deep breaths staring at her wide eyed as I let the adrenaline take over. Then pulling my leg back I kicked her hard in the stomach. 


She cursed and groaned but moved away as I turned to the other 2. Both women stared at me wide eyed. I considered giving them the same treatment. “Clothes!” I barked, wiping more drool from my lips.

The huskier one pointed and I moved to Ana. She was half awake, but not all there. Grabbing her arm I threw her over my shoulder in a fireman carry. Groaning, I moved toward the door and found our clothes in a pile. “Keys!” I yelled. 

“Th-there!” Another said. I found the keys for the handcuffs on another chair neat the exit. Setting Ana on the ground I was on autopilot as I undid the cuffs and popped my thumb back into place. I had landed wrong so it was sprained too but I ignored that as I put my clothes on. The only thing there that was mine was the jeans so I put them on. My keys, condoms, and wallet still there, I piled up all the clothes in a wad and held them as I threw Ana back on my shoulder. 

Stumbling outside the door I didn’t recognize the hall but there was an emergency exit. Opening it an alarm went off but I ignored it. The cold February air nipping at me I was starting to feel more as I got my bearings. We were actually close to the car, out back of the venue. More than a few cars left it was unmolested as I set Ana in the passenger seat. 

“Russ?” She asked, hurt in her voice. 

“Gonna-okay,” I said. Stumbling to the driver’s seat the car roared on and I cranked up the heat. When I could feel my skin burning I put it in drive and drove away. My mind still far away I was on autopilot but managed to get out of the parking lot without hitting anything.

I don’t remember much about the drive back. Simple flashes of headlights, the red glow of stop lights, other cars out and about in the early Saturday morning. When I regained my train of thought I was close to the university. Ana was sitting up more, crying silently as I parked the car. 


I moved my hand to her shoulder and she shied away. “I’m sorry,” she sobbed. “I-I don’t know what happened.”

“Is okay,” I mumbled. Wiping more drool from my mouth. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

“Me?!” She yelled turning to me. Her black mascara was streaking down her cheeks. “They raped you.”

“Can’t rape the willing,” I said but only I chuckled. Shaking my head I got out. “Come on.” Walking around the car I opened her door. She put on her jeans and shirt and gathered her other stuff. Still crying we walked side by side as we headed to her dorm. Quiet all the way there we were the only ones awake as we walked the empty hall.

“Where do you shower?” I asked, feeling myself more and more. “I need to…”

“Yeah,” Ana said, wiping her eyes. “Here.” She walked me to a shared bathroom. Inside were bathroom stalls on one side and curtained showers on the other. No one was there either. “Do you need help?” 

I nodded as I stumbled to a shower. Dropping my clothes I worked the shower and jumped in. The water was ice cold but I didn’t care. Grabbing a bar of soap I began rubbing it on me as Ana eyed me from outside of the shower.

“Come in. I need your help,” I said.

“With what?” She asked. I didn’t answer, still washing myself she finally joined me as the water got hot. Grabbing her shoulder I pushed her to the tiled wall as she gasped. 


Water cascading down my face I studied her as I breathed in and out heavily. “I refuse to think on what just happened,” I said.


“It didn’t happen,” I said. “I had a great fucking time with you tonight. And it ended how I wanted it to.”

“How-” I showed her by poking my still very erect dick against her and kissing her. She pushed me away. “Russ? You can’t. You need to-”

“What? Go to the police? Cry about it to someone? No, I made a stupid mistake. But I refuse to let them ruin sex for me, Ana. It didn’t happen. Now, shut up and give me the special sex you promised. I don’t want to use my brain for a while.”


She bit back what she was going to say. Looking me up and down she relaxed her arms and I was kissing her again. This time she didn’t fight it. Kissing me back she became impassioned as well as her hand moved to my dick. Groaning I pushed the memories to some other imaginary bastard and focused on her. 

Sliding my cock into her she gasped as I filled her up. My hands on her pierced nipples I pulled them as I went in further. My increased size caused her to wince and moan but she was drenched by the time I was fully into her. 


“I fucking love you,” I groaned. My head in her shoulder as I soaked in her. 


“What?” She squeaked.

“I don’t know what it is. Your body, energy, joy, what? But I had a lot of fun tonight,” I admitted. 



“I want to spend more time with you,” I said. My hand on her ass as I pulled her closer. She moaned. “I expect more dates, okay?” I pulled back to stare at her.

Her lip quivered but she smiled and nodded. Pulling my face to hers our tongues intertwined and I began humping into her. My hands lifting her ass up she took everything as she cried out. Cumming after a few thrusts I never stopped my onslaught as I gave her all I was worth. From what I remembered she loved the pain so I gave it to her. 

Loud smacks echoing in the tiled shower she wasn’t quiet. Crying out with every thrust my face was buried in her tits. My mouth moving from one piercing to the other I wasn’t gentle with them either. She loved every bit of it. Each orgasm practically rolling into another I almost lost myself in it.

Pulling out just in time I dropped her. She was confused for a moment but as I jerked off she moved her head down and took my head in her mouth. Swallowing my cum with a moan she popped off and I was flipping her around. My dick parting her ass she nodded and braced herself against the wall. 

Sliding in I used water as lube as she cried out in pain this time. I went slow, forcing myself to not take what I wanted. I got in half way and began fucking her ass as my hands pulled her nipples as far as they would stretch. Her thighs jiggled and she moaned in a guttural tone as she came this time.

I didn’t bother to count her orgasms. I only knew I was done when I buried in her and came in her bowels. She ran her hand along the side of my face as I caught my breath but pulled away. Wiping my dick off in the water, she grabbed my hand and pulled me out. I had enough mind to grab my clothes but we got to her dorm room. 


The room was dark but we made it to her bed. She was giggling as we kissed and I felt a whole lot better already. That passenger of mine that was processing what had happened was becoming a distant memory as our naked bodies ran along one another. This time I put a condom on. 


Penetrating her slowly she moaned as I took her slow this time. “Fuck you’re big,” she rasped. A part of me felt a pit in my stomach from the same words Rissy had said but I squashed it and pushed it to the poor soul. 


“You’re as tight as ever,” I said. Sniffing her skin I was intoxicated by everything about her as I began to pull out and slam into her. Ana grabbed a pillow and threw it over her head to stifle her voice as I sped up. Cumming again she pulled her own nipples as her legs wrapped around me. 


“Fuck!” She yelled. 

“What the fuck!” Another voice yelled. Ana and I both turned as the light next to her roommate was turned on. 


Both of us had a deer in the headlights look as Rebecca came into focus. She was a beautiful blonde that should have belonged in a sorority. Even in pajamas she didn’t have a hair out of place. In a simple shirt and underwear her eyes widened in rage at us. 

“Whoops,” Ana said.

“Whoops?” Rebecca said. “Fucking get out of here and do that.”


“I’m not leaving this time,” she said. 


“Uh,” Ana said frowning. Looking up to me then back to Rebecca she offered, “then join us.”

“What?” Rebecca and I asked. My question was followed by my dick hardening. Ana’s eyes fluttered as it did.

“I offered you special sex,” she said shyly as she looked up at me. “I mean, if you want…” I was far from against it. I turned to Rebecca. She was sitting up, disbelieving what she was hearing. “Oh come on. You said you wanted a real guy to pop your cherry.”

“That was-not your boyfriend,” Rebecca said blushing. 

“You know any boys that use condoms?” Ana asked. “Trust me, Russ can handle both of us.” I wanted her more. Kissing her I began humping back into her. She groaned as her legs wrapped around each of my thighs. “Offers open,” she said and I continued into her.

We ignored her for a bit. Our eyes locked on one another I didn’t have any other thoughts as I pounded into her faster. Her body reacting to everything I was doing she was a sweating mess soon enough. My strength far above what it was the last time we went all out. She cried out louder with each orgasm. 

Flipping her around I took her in doggystyle but was humping her so hard she was pushed to lay her chest against the bed. My hips pulling back as far as possible I pounded into her with loud slaps. When my orgasm began to draw closer she gasped, “Cum on me.” I nodded, pulling my condom off. I jerked off painting her ass and back.

She sighed when I was done. Looking to her roommate she asked, “Care to try it? It’s better than they say.” Rebecca had been playing with herself. Her panties drenched, she was the one with the deer in the headlights look now. She had an internal struggle but slowly got up. Ana got up with all the confidence in the world. Wiping a glob of semen off of her ass she extended it out to Rebecca. The blonde stared at it for a while but Ana made the choice for her. Moving it to her lips the girl took her roomates finger in her mouth. 


Licking my cum off with a moan Ana began to scoop more off as she licked it off and shared it with Rebecca. I was ready to go again. Reloading a new condom I moved to Rebecca. Staring up at me she had fear and lust in her eyes. 


“I-” She tried to say but I stopped her as I kissed her. She moaned, wrapping her arms around my head. My hands on her ass I moved her to her bed. Laying her down the kiss was quick, I wanted more from her. Lifting up her shirt I nibbled her nipples causing her to jolt, but I kept going down. Pulling off her drenched panties my lips were latched onto her virgin pussy. 


She yelled out. Hands moving to the wall to push off of it she moved closer to me as I messily licked her lower lips. Pinching her nipples I finally moved up to her clit. The small bean as hard as a rock she jolted with every flick of my tongue. Each movement building up she came almost explosively. No squirt came out but she reacted far harder than most everyone. And most of these girls came hard. No Rebecca was like a whole new beast. Her legs kicking me her hands tried to push me away as she took in and expelled huge lungfuls of air. 


It was a struggle but I kept my face buried in her. Her eyes rolling to the back of her head she cursed and sputtered. “Oh Jesus. Please me go. Fuck! Fuck! I’m still cumming. Fuck! Please stop. Please. I-I-I’m fucking dying. Ahhh lord please keep going. Fuck! Ahhh my-my fuck. How are you! God damn!” She said then let out a long sigh and went limp. 


I licked again and her whole body jerked up. My face lifting up I stood and stared down at her. She was conscious but a long line of drool escaped her mouth. 


“You fucking broke her,” Ana said laughing as she bounced on Rebecca’s bed. 


“That was…” Rebecca said. 


“Like 10 orgasms in one?” Ana asked. “I want to see what his dick can do to you.”


I wanted to as well. Leaning over top of her I prodded her on by licking her nipples. She still jolted but moaned and moved her hand to the back of my head. I looked down at her with a wide smile. She bit her lip but nodded. 


I lined my dick up, running the head up and down her clit. She moaned and jolted. “Be gentle,” she said. 


“I want you to say it,” I said. 


“Say what?”


“Thank Ana for sharing my dick,” I teased. 


“I’m not doing that,” she said, looking to Ana who had a car who are the canary smile on her lips. 


“Then ask me to take your virginity,” I said. Leaning over her I licked her chest. 


“I’m sick of it. P-please take my virginity,” she said. 


“Yes, dear,” I said and dove in. She cried out in pain this time. Gritting her teeth I must have still been a little numb because I pierced her hymen without feeling much. I slowed down letting her relax but she let out a long content sigh. 


“Finally,” she mumbled. Wiping a tear from her eye she looked up to me then my dick still mostly out of her. “C-can it fit?”


“Let’s find out,” I said and started kissing her again.  Her hands moved along my muscles and she opened her legs wider. Ana began playing with herself as she watched. Sitting on her friend's pillow without a care in the world. 


I groaned, Rebecca’s tight cunt like a vice I wasn’t positive I would fit so I began pulling back and moving back in. She moaned. Her chest heaving up as I started into her harder she spasmed when I became fully sheathed. 


My hands grabbing her wrists I used them to pull her into me as I thrust. My groin striking her hard she cried out with each hard thrust. Not as loud as when I was going down on her but still feeling it she came after a full minute of giving her full force. 


“You’re huge,” she said. Eyes wide her mouth opened and closed like a fish as her mind went blank. She struggled against my hands but I held her firmly. 


“Fuck! Fuck! Holy shit. Ana I love you. Thank you for sharing. Fucking fuck fuck fuck. I’m cumuming! Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Fuck. Cum in me. I want you baby. Give me your fucking cum. I-I want it all just keep-doing-what-you’re-doing!” She said and let out another sigh as her eyes took on a sightless look. 


Her body reacted to my thrusts but her mouth was stuck in the shape of an O. She only snapped out of it when she came again. But her mind went blank again. I sped up and came in her. Releasing her hands they pushed on my thighs but she wasn’t all there. 


“You broke her,” Ana said. 


“She short circuited or something,” I said. Frowning I looked to her. “Ready to go again?”


“Always,” she said but winced. Extending her hands I helped her up and she bounced in front of me. Giggling she admitted, “I love you too.”


“Oh yeah?” I asked. I had kind of blurted it out. Trying to focus on other things. But I really did have feelings for her. 


“Sorry about-“


“A great date?” I asked. “I’m glad you wanted to go.”


She frowned but nodded. Pursing her lips I kissed her and picked her up. Throwing her back on her bed I took pussy and ass again. Not cumming near as hard as Rebecca she did cum as often. It wasn’t until the sun came out that we stopped having sex. Falling asleep in my arms I felt some bad feelings creep in. 


Getting up I picked up Rebecca and moved her to the bed as well. Maneuvering the girls to lay on either shoulder I felt a whole lot better and eventually did get to sleep.

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