Moral Degeneration


I knocked on Farrah’s door and she opened it almost instantly. “There you are,” she said. She was in a tight pale orange dress. Her chest barely held into the top. My eyes bulged as hers did the same.

“Have you/they gotten bigger?” We asked as one. She was commenting on my height and I was commenting on her chest. 


“They have,” Farrah said, smiling. Squeezing her elbows together as her chest almost spilled out. I was on her instantly. Grabbing at her I lifted her up easily as I pulled up the bottom of her low cut dress. 

“Fuck,” she squeaked. “I’ve been waiting.”

“I’m an hour early,” I countered as I carried her to her bedroom. 


“Still-” she said but shut up as I kissed her. She was pristine as always. Her black hair cut to shoulder length, it was puffier than usual. Silver eye shadow on, thick mascara, orange lipstick on her top lip and black on the bottom I wanted her more. 

“Don’t ruin the dress,” she said.

“No promises,” I said, unbuckling my pants. Laying her on the bed she didn’t appear to care much as I moved her panties to the side and dove in. Her thick legs moving to my sides she cried out as I used my full length on her.

“Fuck! How are you so big?”

“Growth spurt,” I said but was humping her hard. She cried out and came. Pulling her skirt up higher she pulled her breasts out and I was licking and nibbling them. We forgot the rest of the world as I kept humping into her. Staying in missionary we kissed and came together only for me to start up again. 

It wasn’t until an alarm went off that we rushed to finish again and were readjusting ourselves. “Need to check my makeup,” she said and was running off. My cum dripping out of her I followed and watched her in the mirror as she did her work. 

“What got into you?” She asked. 

“No idea. Just remembered how much I missed you,” I said, moving forward I couldn’t help but lift her dress to marvel at her rump. Squeezing the perfect skin she swatted me away but I moved up behind her, kissing her neck. 

“You’re definitely taller,” she said, a smile on her lips.

“Maybe,” I said with a shrug. Moving my hands to her stomach I tried to be as much of a hindrance as possible, but she finished her work. 

“No sex until after dinner,” she said.

“Why are we doing dinner so early?” I asked. It was only 3 PM. 


“My mom has other meetings, and I need to get to work afterward,” she said. I nodded and followed after her as she picked up a matching purse. Farrah’s home was modest, but it looked like she spent some money on nice clothes.

“Can’t we do a quickie? You look way too good in that,” I said.

“After,” she said. “Now let’s go.” She moved to the door that led to her garage but I grabbed her hand. 


“Oh no, I’m driving,” I said.

“I’m not going to meet my mother in your Civic or whatever,” she said, annoyed but let me drag her. Instead of answering I made a big deal of the Chevelle and her eyes sparkled as she took it in. “That’s not a Civic.”

“It is not, you’re so observant.”

“Stop, when did you finish rebuilding it?” She asked.

“Thursday,” I said. “Wanted to surprise you.”

“Consider me surprised,” she said walking up to it. “We uh…can maybe do a quickie inside.” 

“Perfect,” I said and was opening her door. She looked even hotter in the old car as I got in and drove us downtown. My hand on her thigh, she was all smiles until she remembered where we were going. 


“My mom is very no nonsense,” Farrah said. “Her mom was from China, so she is very traditional too.” 

“What’s that mean?” I asked. 


“To be honest, I have no idea. After the Pox all traditions were pretty much squashed. And uh, I know I haven’t mentioned it, but uh her business dealings aren’t all that…legal.” 

“Oh yeah?” I asked, playing dumb. 

“I um, growing up I thought it was normal to go to China so much. But over there they have this group called the Triad…she is pretty insulated but I’m told she deals with them a lot.”

“Really?” I asked. “They have a lot of influence in Minnesota?”

“Maybe? I don’t know. I kind of ignore that part of my mother. For all I know she is a small fry, I just…thought you should know,” she admitted with a long sigh. 


“It’s fine, I kind of heard about it,” I admitted. 

“What?” She asked. 

“I looked into it a little. I didn’t think it was that normal for a mother to gift a daughter a strip club. So what, you launder some money for her?”

“You knew?!” She yelled, drawing my eye. 

“I guessed, looks like I know for sure now too,” I said. “What?” She had some tears in her eyes as she studied me.

“You’re telling me I’ve been fretting over this all day and you knew the whole time?” She asked. 

“Farrah, darling. It’s not that big of a secret that your mom handles a lot of shady things in town. Not the biggest player, but she is a player. I didn’t know when I met you, but I figured I might as well find out who I impregnated.” The information actually came from Sarah. Her parents were big in the railroad industry, and came from old money. After a date with Lyza she spilled on all the bigger names in town. The Altier name was one of the shadier ones. 


“And you don’t care?” She asked. 

“Why would I care?” I asked. 

“I don’t know. People hear mobbed up and they get all nervous.”

“You’re not mobbed up, are you?” I asked. 

“No, but my mom is more of a silent silent partner. Hell, that’s why I pay the Nightingales for protection. I don’t want her anywhere near the place. She deals with some less than legal endeavors,” Farrah said.

“That’s fine with me. Why do you think I wanted to meet her?” I asked. 

“I don’t know, you tell me,” she said, still annoyed.

“Farrah, you know how I helped you and Lanny get pregnant?” I asked. She nodded. “And you don’t really seem to care who I sleep with.” 

“Well no,” she said. “You come to my place often enough.”

“And I want to more, trust me,” I said. “But you do know I’ve helped others get pregnant. One of those individuals has the name Gammot.”

“Like…Patricia Gammot. The real estate lady that owns a bunch of downtown?” 

“The same,” I said. “But her daughter. So I have you, my busty Asian bride, and Wendy, my petite blonde. Both of you are pregnant with my kids. Thus making the Gammots and Altiers tied together by blood. And-”

“Holy fucking shit,” Farrah said slowly. “Wait. You have the same deal with her too, don’t you? You want to be in her kid’s life?”

“I do, and I was hoping your and my kid, and my and her kids would be considered siblings.” 

“Siblings?” Farrah said. “Are you…what are you doing?” 


“I’m making a family,” I said. “Some criminal, mostly legit, but all connected. I know we haven’t talked about it much, but Farrah, there is no reason to go at this alone. I don’t want to have to make time to see you. I want you in my life so I can wake up and see you. I want my kids to grow up together. I want you and everyone else to be under one roof. And I want us all to help one another. Not some distant relative crap. Like our daughter saying, why is dad gone so much? There’s my half-sister. I don’t know anything about her. I want our daughter to never have to question where I am. I want to wake up with you. I want our kids to grow up together. I want it all, Farrah.” 


I had stopped the car and was mostly rambling but slowly turned to her. She wasn’t crying, but her eyes were red. “I hate you so much,” she said, making my stomach drop a little. “I am trying so hard not to cry so I don’t ruin my makeup right now. So I need you to shut up. But goddamn I want all of that.”

“You do?” I asked, smiling wide. She nodded and a tear dropped as we went for one another. Kissing and groping one another it wasn’t long until I was overtop her on the passenger side. Dropping the back of the chair she laughed as it jerked and settled. Opening her legs she slid her panties off completely this time. 

“I love you,” she said.

“I love you,” I admitted and buried myself in her drenched pussy. Groaning there was plenty of traffic around us and a few people walking the sidewalk but we didn’t care. Kissing all over she and I came together and held each other as we continued kissing. When we pulled away it was because someone honked at me. 


Rolling off of her she laid there as I rejoined traffic. A smile still on her face she sat back up slowly. “You’re going to be the death of me,” she said.

“I’d prefer not to be,” I admitted. 

“Then you need to talk about this stuff before the zero hour,” she said, shaking her head. “So, when am I moving in?”

“Honestly, this year? I’m hoping before the baby. I’m trying to plan a big baby shower with everyone. I doubt they would all be for living together for now, but that’s why I want to meet your mom?” 


“I want to get a feel for her businesses, legal and otherwise. You know as well as I do I don’t mind getting my hands dirty.” I eyed her, she slowly nodded. No one talked about the woman I took care of. “There is a lot of opportunity in the world to make money. I want to start building the wealth we will need.”

“How much will we need?”

“Is there ever enough?” I asked. “First I want a big house, enough for all of us. Who knows after that. I would prefer you didn’t need to work anymore. And we all just kind of live? Enjoy our lives with our kids.” 

“Mighty big goals,” she said. I eyed her. “But for some reason I think you can do it.” Smiling, she reached out and took my hand. “How can I help?” 

“Help me with your mom for now. We can work toward other stuff later. It’s going to take a lot of work, and won’t happen overnight. But I’m in it for the long haul, babe. I want you with me.”

“I’m with you,” she said. Kissing my cheek she pulled down the overhead mirror and tried to touch up her makeup again. Finally I got to the restaurant and parked. When Farrah was presentable again, we walked hand in hand. The skyscrapers of downtown all around us, there was a high class bar at the base of one. 


Walking in I had expected some Triad hangout, but the place was normal. Women in dresses and business suits all around, I actually saw a man in a business suit at a table. He must have been one of the Intercompany Relations men I heard about. Where the men were hired to sleep with who the higher ups ordered him to. 


Farrah on my arm she walked in confidently. I was caught off guard by the reception of the mother too. I had expected another Patricia, but this older woman was all smiles and waving. She was a little shorter than Farrah, her hair done in a long braid behind her head she didn’t mind showing some gray. Her eyes were thinner. She was fully Asian, unlike her daughter who was more half-Asian. But she stood up and hugged Farrah. 


“Mama,” Farrah said.

“Little Xiao,” Fen Altier whispered. Pulling back the mother turned to me. 


“Nin hao,” I said with a slight head bow.

“Taught him a proper greeting?” Her mother asked. 


“I didn’t,” Farrah said, eyeing me. 


“Oh no,” I said with a wicked smile. “Wo shuo putonghua,” I said which meant ‘I speak Mandarin’. 

I could have knocked them both over with a feather. “You didn’t tell me you spoke Mandarin,” Farrah said, in Mandarin. 

“If there are 2 things I know about the world. 1 is never reveal all your secrets,” I said, and paused for a long time until her mother barked a laugh. 

“This is a pleasant surprise,” her mother said in Mandarin and we continued the conversation in the language. “Your accent is very…modern? When did you learn?” Since Fen’s mother had most likely taught her to speak there was a good 40 year difference in language between what I knew and what she knew. It would be like someone from the 1960s talking to someone from the 2000s, very different word usage. 

“For fun. I’m a certified genius,” I said as we sat at the booth. “I also know Spanish, Dari, and Arabic.” Normally I wasn’t so open, but this woman had connections. I wanted to become indispensable. 


“Amazing, you picked a good one,” her mother said. “Farrah’s dad was expensive, and he was the top of the men available back then. You though…I didn’t think your father-” 

“One rule I have, please,” I said. “I really don’t want to know who he is.”

“That’s dumb,” Fen said, surprising me. “You should rethink that stance. We are all the representatives of our parents and ancestors. Whether you like them or not.” I opened my mouth to say something, but shut it. She wasn’t wrong, and I was leaning more toward finding out the truth as of late. She didn’t spill the beans. “I didn’t think your father ever sold. Or else he would have been the top of my list for Farrah.”

“Well lucky for me he didn’t,” I said, quickly recovering.

“Which of course was why he tried to have you kidnapped,” Farrah’s mother said. I dropped my smile, caught off guard. 


“Heard about that?” 

“After the fact, yes,” she said, a small smile on her lips she sipped what I guessed was tea. 


“Do you know if it will happen again?” I asked. She eyed me, her eyes much stronger than the wrinkles on her face let on. 

“I’m sorry,” Farrah cut in, in English. “You’re going too fast. Did you say kidnapped?”

“Yes, I told you about that,” I said, switching back to English.

“I thought that was more of a misunderstanding,” she admitted. 

“Oh no, your daughter’s father is quite a rare commodity,” her mother said. 

“Do you know why I was…targeted?” I probed. 


“From what I understand, a business deal,” her mother said. I slowly nodded, but she changed the subject. “Look at my manners. I am Fen.”

“Russell,” I said with a nod. She waved her hand and a waiter rushed over. Fen ordered for the table and the mother and daughter caught up. 


“Any morning sickness? How is work? Any trouble? Need anything?” Fen asked. I listened in but thought furiously. 


I hadn’t been positive Fen was very connected, but she was proving far more resourceful than I expected. In the world of the underground there were always many levels. Unless you knew a good broker it was easy to step on someone’s toes. Brokers were the phonebooks of the underground. They knew everyone. Had all the gossip and had their fingers in all the games they could. I hadn’t been able to find a good one yet, but I hoped Fen was open to helping me fill in a lot of the blanks. 


The food came. All authentic Chinese food Fen assured, “The chef is a friend of mine.” Rare to find the delicacies, I knew most all of the food and dug in. Using chopsticks expertly I helped Farrah pick items that wouldn’t upset her stomach. 


“My dainty American daughter. Back home this is the type of food that all young girls would eat for their child’s health,” Fen said.

“Weren’t you born here?” I asked. 

“Yes, but I’ve spent a lot of time back home,” she admitted. “Have you ever been?”

“I’m sure you know I haven’t,” I said. “I didn’t travel much before.” 

“Yes, I heard,” Fen said. “Very tragic, but you’ve been living it up since you came here. I hear you even knocked up the Gammot girl.”

“You heard about that?” I asked. I eyed Farrah who nervously watched her mother.

“I did, I was worried you had kept it from my daughter, but it seems she knows,” Fen said with a nod. Her eyes focused on me. I felt her judging me so I relaxed. “Patricia herself called me. Congratulating me.”

“Really?” I asked with a laugh. “She was an utter bitch when I told her.” 

Fen barked a laugh. “Always has been. But she is already leveraging our connection to try to get a property out from under me.”

“How does that work?” I asked.

“Favors,” Fen said with her nose scrunched up. “I’ve actually been trying to get a few properties from her for years, but she didn’t budge. Suddenly she starts the conversation…very interesting.”


“She say anything else?” I asked.

“Just that you’re building your own little…network of women,” she said. Her hand moved over top of Farrah's. “I respect it, but someone in that network happens to be my daughter.” I sensed the threat there. I scanned for anyone watching us out of my peripherals and there was an Asian woman at the bar watching us as she sipped a drink. 


“You know what, yes, I have spent some time in China,” I said leaning forward as I spoke in Mandarin. 


“Yep, a small village outside of Beijing,” I admitted. “One thing I always respected about the villagers was their close familial ties. Everyone knew who you were, who your parents were, who your cousins, aunts and uncles, and everyone you were connected to. With that, they knew all the dirty little secrets. They’d gossip and whisper, but still if that person needed help they would be there.”


“And that’s what I’m building. My family. There will be good and bad. Fights and arguments. But my family. Farrah is already a part of that family. The question is, do you want to be?” I asked. 

She was caught off guard by that comment. “What do you mean?” She asked. 

“I mean, you think you’re interviewing me? Like I wouldn’t notice that woman at the bar? Who is, that? Someone to beat me up and scare me off if I don’t please you with my answers?” I asked. She didn’t look at the woman, or react. “No, mother-in-law. I’m interviewing you. Farrah is mine, as sure as that kid inside of her is mine. You couldn’t keep me from her if you tried.”

Fen tsked. “What about the whore’s at her stip club? You’ll slum it with anyone?” She asked, still speaking Mandarin. Farrah appeared to only catch about half of the words.

“No, they’ll be a part of the family as well. I plan to bring us all together to start our empire.” 

“Empire?” Fen asked. 

“Yes, do you think I could make an empire focusing on Minnesota? No, I’ll travel the world. Have kids, wives, and connections everywhere. And I want Farrah there with me. Raising our kid to be something more than some private school educated brat. This world is ripe for the taking, mother-in-law. All these women in the world. In it for themselves and the 1 or 2 kids they can pop out? I will have hundreds of kids. I want them everywhere. In every country around the world. All of them knowing exactly who their father is. Loyal to me, my wives, and the rest of my family.”

She was slowly starting to see it. The full scope of the plan I had been making over the last few months. “It won’t happen tomorrow. Hell, not for another 20 years. But don’t you think your granddaughter could thrive in a world where she has connections everywhere?”

Licking her lips she studied me but finally nodded. A smile creasing her face she asked, “What do you want from me?”

“Backing,” I said. “And for you to put me to work.” 

“What kind of work?” 

“I’m a man. How many do you have in your employ?” I asked.

“A couple,” she said with a shrug. 

“Since you didn’t have them impregnate Farrah, I doubt they’re worth much. How many of those are willing to get their hands dirty?” I asked. I had been aching for missions lately, and after my night with the Gothika girls I had been itching to kill a little too much as of late. “How many opportunities could be made easier if a man that you are related to was willing to do whatever you needed.”

“I need quite a bit,” she said. “What are you willing to do?”

“For the right price, anything,” I assured. “Ask your daughter. She knows what I can do if I need to. But that is for another time. Tell me, are you willing to risk trusting your daughter to me?” 

“I…believe so,” She said in English. “Maybe she lucked on a good one.” Farrah smiled wide as I took her hand. “Before that though, I want you to handle the Nightingale problem of my daughter’s.” Farrah stiffened, but I nodded.

“Already in the works,” I said. “I’m hoping to wrap that up this week.”

“Really?” Fen asked. “How?” 

“I work in mysterious ways,” I said and left it at that. “This is delicious.” I noted as I started eating again. My mind working a mile a minute. I had a lot to do before I wrapped up Florence’s tenure, but I could manage. 


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