Moral Reversal

11. Another day

In the backseat of my car going home i was looking through the window but not paying much attention to outside world. 

I understand the range and limit of my ability today. I don't know if i could improve it later somehow or not. 

In short i can keep my focus on only one person at a time. And i can deliberately on and off the ability at will, which was surprisingly a big relief. I realized that after going past one random old lady who was walking around library garden. Her thoughts were filled with nauseating thoughts of fucking me in ways i could get nightmares in. The least offending of which involved me shoving my entire head up her business. 

If i really really focus i could get a buch of readings of different people at once but it was all jumbled up, plus my head hurt after that like hell.

When i returned it was already lunch time, Beatrice was at her office, Hinako at dojo. Anna stayed at the dormatary of university where she studies her medical degree for some reason beyond my understanding. And dear kristy was bit of recluse, my kindred spirit same as me. Usually eating in her room. Leaving only me i guess ? And of course the staff also gets a lunch break i think.

I told one of the maid to get my lunch in my room, there were some 20 something of them. I went directly to my room. somewhere in the middle jena had joined me somehow. 

I want to have my way with her but the way she carries hershelf and how trusting my mother are about her plus her uptight attitude. I think she reports every single detail of me to them. I will have to think of a way in which doesn't leave me as a giant pervert in the eye of my family. 

According to internet i still had four years before i am legally obligated to donate either my sperm or having direct sex. This years are considered precious and innocent for boys in this world. 

I doubt that it will change their love for me because of this but there will be a little awkwardness somewhere in between our wholesale family moments. Which i refuse to accept. 

I spent all day just laying around playing video games and looking for some show or movie which doesn't involve shit load of guys and gross romance. It was a hard search but i did found some hidden gems, it was based on virtual gaming, historical fantasy stuff and even some cartoons which were for adults.

Dinner was very important to all of us since it was the only time we were all together. Of course except Anna who pops up now and then but usually stays at her dorm. Kristy had told me this before so when the time came i went downstairs happily.

At the table only Hinako was present. Time management was a big thing to her. 

I take my seat and get comfortable. Hinako was looking at her phone, but after a while looked up at me. I just smile at her. Which in turn breaks her sharp gaze into a absolutely handsome face filled with affection. 

Jake - What time do you come back home?

Hinako - at near 6 i think.

Jake - classes continues till evening?

Hinako - no, last class ends at 4. I just have to do some paperwork and other stuff.

Jake - ?

Hinako - You can call me hinako if you want. It's really pleasant to hear you address us as mother but you don't always have to do it. 

Jake - Ah Hinako san then....

Hinako tilts her head adorably on the side asking me why i added san at the end.

Jake - ahh isn't that the proper address for someone who is older than you and whom you respect?

Hinako - Who taught you that?

Jake - Anime and manga ?

She smiled, somehow adding even more perfection to her already perfect face.

Hinako - You watch anime ?

Jake - Doesn't everyone?

Hinako - No actually. No one except Kristy usually shows any interest in them.

Jake - Really ? This family seriously needs to up it's pop culture game i think....

This time i get a genuine laugh out of her which was the most beautiful thing ever.

Jake - What about you?

She seemed a bit surprised at that but answered immediately anyway.

Hinako - I used to watch them when i was young.

Jake - Lost interest?

Hinako - No more like i had no time for afterwards i just never went back on that track.

Jake - We should rewatch something you liked again together someday....

I smiled at her, getting a surprised yet pleasant reaction from her.

Hinako - Sure. I would like that...

Kristy had come down when in the middle of my smile. And had just heard the last line from Hinako.

Kristy - What ? What would you like ?

But before Hinako could answer i spoke up,

Jake - Nothing. It's a secret.

Kristy pouts looking like one adorable fish.

Kristy - That's no good jake, you know it hurts in your tummy when you have secrets from others ? 

Jake - That's a lie if i ever heard one. How does she spew stuff like this with a straight face ?

I asked hinako, dragging her into our conversation. She just shrugs off my question just like that.

Kristy - Come on tell me, Hinako never shows that expressions unless she's really looking forward to something.

I look at hinako who is already glaring at kristy but i could notice a bit of red across her cheeks. 

Jake - It's nothing really, we were just planning to rewatch one of Hinako's favourite anime from the old days together. 

Kristy - Brother.. brother... brother Are you saying that you are interested in anime now? 

Jake - Intrested? I think i am a certified weeb since I watched two whole different anime seasonal and even read few interesting looking mangas in just one and a half day.

Kristy looked genuinely surprised at that, and she was not alone. Even Hinako looked like she was hearing this for the first time.

Jake - What?

Hinako - Nothing, though you should be careful how much time you spend on entertainment.

Jake - Yeah, i was just bored today. Tomorrow the tutor is gonna come so i will know where i stand in study department.

Kristy - Wait a minute there....dial back a little come this is the first time i am hearing this ?

Jake - Aren't you all day stuffed inside your room doing dark deeds....

Kristy in high embarrassing voice - I don't do dark de....that stuff...!!!

Jake - Yeah...yeah.. people call you pure and innocent Kristy don't they ?

Even Hinako laughs at that and Beatrice who finally came down also joins her in it, without even knowing what was going on. That's some great chick you have found there hinako.

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