Moral Reversal

21. GMO

Abby - Oh ! There is this new game that was launched today. We are going to try it. 

Jake - Glorious Mayhem Online ?

They both stopped eating looking at me rather curious.

Jake - What ?

Anna - No, it's just never heard you talk about a video game before...

Abby - Yeah, it's that one. I was really looking forward to this one. It's very famous overseas and this is the first time our country's own local server is gonna start today.

Anna - Yeah, it's her whimsy so I am going to join her. I am also somewhat intrested as to what all the fuss is about. They keep talking about it in my university.

Jake - Cool ! Wanna play together ?

Abby - will...!

Jake - Oh come on guys, stop getting shocked at every word I say. Remember changed guy ?

Anna - Yes you are right. It's just you never really liked her so it's a bit hard to imagine.

Jake - Wasn't i like that to everyone?

Anna - No, you specially hated her like a lot for some reason. 

Jake - Ah i guess it will remain a mystery forever.

' Ahh yeah he hated me after he found out about me and anna. Shit he seems like a completely different person now ? Is he pretending or something ? '

We finished the lunch talking about how we will play together, in the end we decided to go to my room since both anna and Abby had powerful laptops, Abby was an only child and her parents were really well off. And i could use my system. 

Abby - Woah ! Is this Rtx 4090 !? And ultra curved screen with 256 hz refresh rate ! Fuck ! you even have G19s Keyboard and this mouse !??

Anna - You changed your system ?

Jake - Yeah, i needed more power and my previous system was like some guy selected parts at random based on how pretty they looked.

Abby - Pffphhfffff....

Anna - You did select them based on looks....

Jake - Of course i did. 

Glorious Mayhem Online or GMO for short was a mmorpg with ground breaking new graphics and it's combat system was also debated as one of the best. That's why I also bought it last night, to try and play today in my free time. It was actually perfect that I had some companions. Plus spending time with my sister by playing video games could be the best thing ever. 

I had also watched some videos and read all kinds of cool stuff about this game. I was really ready to jump in.

Jake - So, let's start !

Abby - Yeassss let's do it. I wanna reach all the way to level 10 today.

Anna - Yeah let's do it. I have some time free today anyway. 

We were in my study/gaming room. They were sitting on my study table which was clean now because of jena. I was on my pc. 

Game started loading and asked for new ID registration. We all started our own registration process. 

Then it asked for what name I was gonna use. I typed Last-Cookie. I turned my head to see what the other two named themselves. Abby wrote Killer-Abstract and anna was Red-Lady.

The other two looked at me and each other and we all laughed together. 

Jake - Red Lady ? Do you really have to be so accurate ?

Anna - Hey ! It's my choice okay !! It's better than being a cookie at least !!

Jake - With the two of you next to me it's like I am gonna be murdered by you two and get eaten.

We all laughed again and continued ahead. Next it asked for our class.

There were 24 options so I chose a knight, gunner was really attractive class too and swordswoman was also cool. But I wanted to get in the midst of fight and rain carnage yet wanted to be last man standing so I chose knight with high defence and attack, it had low agility but I could cover for that by anticipating attacks and precise judgement. Plus a character was as fast as the players hands.

Abby chose gunner and anna chose a mage. 

We were all dps guys now. We all loaded in the village centre and looked up each other then we added each other as friends. 

Anna - Why are you a girl ?

Abby - And why do you have same haircut as my real self ?

Jake - It's white though so it's not same. And i didn't like the fitting of my Armor on a guy. Girls in armor looks much more cooler.

They both looked at each other like imagining each other in armor.

The quest giving NPC was surrounded by hundreds of Players. It was really crazy. 

Jake - We could manage a level 1-5 dungeon without advanced skills right ? What do you guys say ?

Abby - Yeah if we can find two decent players and don't make much mistakes...

Anna - Are you guys sure ? Everyone is going for that man there.....

Jake - It will be boring to wait for hours just to get a quest. Let's try dungeon, it's not like there is any penalty in starting dungeons even if we die.

Abby - Yeah, by the way you know a lot about this game...but yes let's go...!!

Jake - I saw some videos to see weather I wanted to play this game or not. 

We headed towards a beginner 5 level dungeon, killed some dog like monster that came on our way. We were halfway in reaching level 2 with just that. 

We had the basic gear that game gave to the noobs. And we collected some herbs and healing items from killing the monster in the field. 

When we reached at the entrance of the dungeon all sorts of people were shouting and spamming floating messages. Forming parties and calling for empty slots in their party. We also joined and Abby Started shouting for healer and any other party member. 

After a while two girls who looked like a swordswoman and healer type mage came towards us. Swordswoman was Mine_is_Glory and healer was Golden_kitty. 

The communication were dual channel as both chat and voice. We all had headphones on. So Abby spoke up.

Killer-Abstract - So you guys are together ?

Mine_is_Glory - Yes, she is noob but a friend. 

Golden_kitty - Hello !

Red-Lady - Are you guys ready for dungeon or wanna prepare more ?

Mine_is_Glory - No we are ready. Let's go. 


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