Mordo Online

Chapter 162


labyrinth of cold

Mordo Online 1600 [Frosty Horseman]


“Iron Wall!”

As soon as he approached the Ice Golem, Wolf used the skill to draw the attention of the Ice Golems without hesitation. There were ten ice golems about twenty meters long, and it felt like the whole cave was filled with ice golems. The appearance of the Wolf standing alone in front of the huge ice golems seemed insecure.


The chef rolls his feet roughly with an awkward shout. Bang! With a heavy sound, the surrounding cave shakes roughly. The golems raise their fists and strike down the chef holding the shield. It seemed reckless to block a fist bigger than the body of a Wolf with a single shield.

“Holly Barrier! ”

Erina’s magic envelops her body before her fist hits Golem’s Ball. A shield with a silver shield prevented the attack of the Wolf. Bang! The Wolf’s body was shaken roughly, but it didn’t bounce far without collapsing or enduring shock.


The walls inside the dungeon were smashed as ice golems with huge bodies tried to rush to the ballpark in front of each other. The ice golems were clutching between the passages and were unable to move smoothly. In this situation, being ‘big’ was a handicap in itself.

“Ice Edge! ”

Latia launches an iceberg towards the Ice Golems. Hundreds of ice fans the size of a man’s forearm flew towards the golems. Ting Ting! Her attack, which has a fairly high rank, is doing little damage to the Ice Golem. Hayun shouts back at her.

“Latia! I think I’m resistant to Ice Attribute Magic! Attack with Fire Magic! ”

“I see!”

Latia looks a little unconvinced, even though she says so. It wasn’t Ha-young’s intention, but at some point she began to use ice magic most often. Wizards were usually able to use several attributes of magic, but it was common practice to go later to use only the attributes of magic that matched their bodies.

It was a good thing for Latia to have talent in Ice Magic, so I didn’t stop using only the magic in its innards, but I couldn’t help but hunt monsters that were resistant to this cold damage.

Boom! Boom! Kung!


The Wolf swallowed an immersion as it stepped back to see if there was a limit to holding back from the attack of the Ice Golam. Hayun slowly snapped his feet at the ice golems that were coming forward. Hayun shouts at Teña, who is staring at the ice golems with a tenacious look, before flying into the air.

“Teña! Help Mr. Wolf stop the ice golems in front! I will attack from behind in the meantime! ”


Teña nods at Hayun and approaches the Ice Golems who are attacking the Wolf. She lifts herself up with a sleek body and starts attacking with the legs of the Ice Golem. Ice golems with fairly blunt movements began to fall into chaos without catching up with Teña’s quick movements.


Returning to the back of the Ice Golem, Hayun pushes forward the eclipse and unleashes the magic powers contained within the eclipse against the Ice Golems indiscriminately. The ice golems that Aggro was attracted to the Wolf began to wander in a movement that seemed like they had no idea what to do.

They bump into each other in a narrow passage, as if they didn’t know who to attack first. When he saw them like that, he remembered Kargas, who had lost his self before.

‘It’s a lot easier to deal with than the power you have. ’

The ice golems were definitely strong. It was a mere physical spec, but it had much more power than the Tree Spirit and Sphinx. However, the fact that there were many of them acted rather disadvantageously in this narrow passage dungeon.

They were disturbed by each other’s movements and began to collapse almost unilaterally, as if slaughtered. Hayun glanced at them like that.

‘This is….. ’

Ice Golems with such a huge physical spec were no ordinary monsters. It must be an elite monster, but it was very good news for his party members who didn’t have much EXP left until the 3rd Awakening.

‘I want to hunt here, unless it’s a quest. ’

Ha-young thought so with a slightly pitiful expression. Even though the current situation of dragons was a little better than it is now, the ‘Frosty Horseshoe’ would have been a really good hunting ground. Dungeons where elite monsters can be killed are not uncommon. Most elite monsters only appear with a large number of ordinary monsters, but many elite monsters are not uncommon.

However, this dungeon called the Frosty Horse Palace was made easier to catch because such elite monsters came out in groups at once, rather than in groups at once. The best dungeon for EXP hunting.

Hayun decides that if the dragons’ wounds are healed and time allows, he must return here and defeat the Ice Golems one by one.


[Defeated Ice Golem at Frost Horse Palace.]

[You acquired 217,000 EXP and 7489 EXP.]

Ice Golems are organized so easily for the party members that they are useless compared to their massive usefulness. Hayun smiles satisfactorily at the tremendous experience given by the Ice Golems. If there were only a large number of individuals in the Ice Golems, it would not be so difficult to capture the 3rd Awakening as well as the 4th Awakening.

“It’s so much easier than I thought. ”

The chef smiles with this light expression. Hayun nods and agrees with him.

“I don’t know if I’ve ever benefited from such a large number of monsters. ”

“Haha, it was a pity that those ice cubes bumped into each other and fell! ”

In Hayun’s words, Teya thought about the ice golems as she grabbed the boat and laughed and laughed. It took quite a while to smash everything as big and strong as it was, but it was much easier to catch compared to other monsters that have fought so far.

“Hmm. How long will it take to feel that magic? ”

Lactarsha looks around at the caves and asks Hayun. At this point, Hayun puts one hand on the ground thinking that detection technology should be used again. The fundamental forces of reality emanated from his body. Hayun opens his mouth with both eyes closed.

“At this rate, I think I’ll get there sooner than I thought. I think I’ll be able to arrive tomorrow, even if I’m late. ”

“Oh, I thought you might be struggling, but that’s not so bad. ”

Lactarsha smiles satisfactorily with a slight admiration. Hayun replied with a slight smile to her words.

“However, it’s forbidden to be careless because you don’t know what’s going to happen where the magi is. Even if he was dead, he was one of the seven demons in the past. ”

“Well, I guess that’s why Reynald was so miserably defeated. ”


Hayun smiles at Lactarsha’s slanderous curse. The party members left the body of the ice golem behind and moved back into the dungeon.

Since then, members of Hayun’s party have met a group of Ice Golems about twice more. Now, Hayun’s idea of expecting the Slow Party members to take the third awakening of the Steates was accurate, allowing all the party members to set foot on a new course during the battle with the Golem.

After the battle with the Ice Golem, Lyroa shines her eyes as she recalls the ‘Dark Flame’ magic power she just used at the end. She yells down at her hand with an unreliable expression.

“Well, something great, Ha-young. ”

“This is the awakening you told me about. ”

Lyroa and Latia stare down at their hands, elongated in admiration for the amount of magical power that had changed markedly. Is it because EXP cutlines were almost similar, or because the amount of EXP given by the Ice Golem was huge? All the party members were able to rise to the third awakening at the same time.

“Mr. Ha-young. I… ”

Erina opens her mouth by grasping Hayun’s sleeve with an unbelievable expression. Hayun turns her head and asks.

“What’s going on? ”

“I can think of the blue spear that Ha-young said in front of me. ”

“…… Yes? ”

Ha-yun opened his eyes to what she said. Even before, there was a blue window that came to Wolf, but it never happened since then, so I wasn’t thinking much about it.

Erina opens her mouth as she looks through the blue window in front of her eyes.

“Hmm…… It says you acquired a skill called Recovery. ”

“You’ve earned quite a high rank skill. ”

Recovery was the leading recovery magic in the B + ranks. Erina stares at the blue window in front of her eyes as if it were amazing. She looks at the spear and passes her words to Ha-young.

“Is the world that Ha-young is looking at…… filled with these blue windows? ”

“Well, it doesn’t come out that full. ”

Ha-yun smiled at the price of his mouth and answered her. It was only when she said that the whole front of her eyes was full of blue windows, but nothing was so uncomfortable because it disappeared immediately if she didn’t care. Erina shakes hands with Hayun and smiles like she’s satisfied somewhere.

“Thank God I had the same experience as Ha-young. ”

She smiled as she said so. When he saw her smile, he sighed, swallowed a short dip, and blushed his face. Looking at them like that, Teña said in an envious voice, stretching out her lips.

“Ah! I wanted to learn a new skill too. Only Erina is lethal!”


Erina hugs Hayun’s arm with a proud expression.

Having defeated two ice golems, Hayun’s party found a giant door made of ice. Deep maggots were flowing through the door, sprinkling with beautiful blue light. Hayun pauses at the door and looks back at the party members.

“There’s probably a boss monster in here. ”

The party members who heard him looked at the door of the ice, emitting a blue light, with a slightly nervous expression. Wolf strokes his beard and asks Hawyun.

“If you say boss monster….. do you think it has something to do with Agarès’ corpse? ”

“Yes, I think it’s most likely. ”

Wolf shrugged his shoulders with the expression that it would be fun to hear Hayun say.

“I can’t imagine I would come here and attack this place until I heard about the harsh Horse Palace. ”

Wolf said as he looked around to see if the fact that he was here wasn’t easy to believe. Then Teña smiled at him with a playful expression.

“Hehe, I’m saying something that looks really old, Grandpa. ”

“Argh. You’re actually old. ”

Wolf said with a slight fist to Teña’s head with a playful expression. When Ha-yun saw him like that, he laughed. In fact, at his age, Wolf wasn’t actually very old among the party members, but he didn’t really think he was younger than himself because of the unique atmosphere of the Wolf.

“Well, I’m going in now. ”

He said that to his party members and swung his pair towards the huge closed ice gate.


Wow… I really can’t write today…

This is a novel that I’ve been forced to write for seven hours…

Hmph.. I’ll recharge it after a sigh and use it more.. I really don’t like the condition..

Remarks are in the next story!..

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