Mordo Online

Chapter 193


Madness Devil, Mamon

Mordo Online 190 [Madness Devil, Mamon]

After Hayun left to retrieve Lactarsha’s data, his party arrived at Rare in Cargas. While he was away, Wolf, who temporarily led the party, opened his mouth as he looked at Rare, who remained as if he had been devastated when they left.

“Looks like we got here sooner than we thought. ”

“Oops… I miss you… Ha-young…. ”

Lyroa murmured the name of Hayun with a dark expression in the corner. After reaching her like that, Erina strokes her head with a sweet smile in her mouth.

“Just wait a bit. I’ll be back today. ”

“Yes……. ”

In Erina’s words, she nods with a gloomy expression. When Erina sees her like that, she rubs her hair with a little more strength, as if she were cute. Wolf also moved to the center of Rare, where the entrance to the lab opened with a distinctive grin. He looked back at Lyroa and Latia and said:

“Please open the entrance as you did last time. ”


“I see.”

In his words, Lyroa and Latia nodded gently. Wolf walks into Rare in case he doesn’t know anything. The Wolf’s steps, which were moving towards the center, suddenly stopped. I sensed a ‘smell’ that should not come from here right now, sensitive to his senses.

Wolf stares at Teya with a stiff expression. Teña also developed a sense of smell like a Wolf. Whether he smelled it or not, his face was hardened.

“This is….. ”

“Everybody be careful. ”

The Wolf pulls out his shield and guards his surroundings. Then Agarès approached him and curled his head.

“What’s going on? ”

“I smell blood. It’s pretty dark, too. ”

Wolf said that in a low voice. According to him, Rare’s insides were filled with a terrible smell of blood. The chef opens his eyes and pokes around a few times.

“That’s weird.”

It was not normal to think about the smell of this dark blood in Rare. If it smells like faint blood, you might think that monsters that came into Rare while they were gone died fighting each other, but the smell of blood that flows in Rare wasn’t that bad right now.

It smelled like dozens and hundreds of monsters died in herds. If this large number of monsters wanted to die in this place at once, it was impossible unless a war broke out. However, there was no way that there would be an endless war in Rare Cargas, a little further from where the monsters were passing.

“What happened….. ”

Wolf swallowed the immersion as he stroked his beard. Agarès opens his mouth to the deeply troubled Wolf.

“Shall I go, check and come? ”

“Hmm……. ”

After listening to her, Wolf continues to worry for a while and shakes his head. It was dangerous for the party members to fall apart in the absence of Ha-young. The Wolf grasps the shield and opens his mouth, looking back at the party members.

“Let’s go to the place where the blood smells first. There may be battles, so be prepared. ”

At the words of Wolf, the party members were each nervous. The Wolf slowly shifted from the lead to the direction where the smell of blood flowed, keeping an eye on the surroundings. The more you move in the direction where the smell of blood flows, the more disgusting the smell begins to darken.



Slowly moving forward, the Wolf stops walking at the sound of a faint cry. The sound of crying meant that there were not only corpses on the side where the smell of blood flowed, but also other living beings. The eyes of the Wolf who heard the cry narrowed. It was a familiar cry that I had heard somewhere.

“Where was it?”

Wolf recalls the identity of the sound left in his memory. However, as if I hadn’t heard it often, it didn’t come to mind easily. Meanwhile, Teña approaches the Wolf with a stiff expression.

“Grandfather. This cry….. is not similar to that of the Beast at the time? ”

“Ah……. ”

In Teña’s words, the Wolf burst a short elasticity. According to her, the sound of this cry in his ear was similar to that of the beasts he had met in a small village without a name in the past.

“Bo, Mr. Wolf, over there! ”

While Wolf and Teña are talking, Erina, who finds something, yells at one side with her finger. Wolf turns his head in the direction Erina points to. A horrible form of beast that seemed to clumsily attach the bodies of Cyclops and Ogres was slowly walking towards them.

“Why is the Beast here…..? ”

Wolf raises his shield with an incomprehensible expression. I couldn’t understand why the Beast appeared here right now, but what was certain was that they were making a clear enemy of themselves. Wolf turns his head towards the party members and nods. The party members who had already spent close to a year together understood what Wolf wanted to say.

“Dark Side! ”

“Ice Edge! ”

Starting with the magic of Latia and Lyroa, the fight against the Beasts began. Beasts under magical attack begin to rush towards the party members with a terrifying roar. The Wolf jumps forward with a shield and stops their attack. Bang! Stunningly intense shock shakes the body of the Wolf.

“You’re strong!”

The Wolf swallows a short immersion in the shock of hitting the shield and screaming. It had a powerful power that could not be compared to the beasts from the human corpse before.


With deep sunken eyes, the Wolf rotates about half a wheel and smashes the Beast’s head. Surely the Beasts had an unparalleled power, but the Beasts were not the only ones who had an unparalleled power. His party members all finished growing to the 3rd Awakening Level in the ‘Frost Horse’.

“Iron Wall!”

With the cry of the Wolf, the eyes of the surrounding beasts are drawn to him. A blue thorn begins to emerge around the body of the Wolf like steel. A beast with a clumsy appearance attached to the ogre’s arm and the body of a Cyclops rushes to him and swings his fist roughly. Seeing his fist swinging, the Wolf grasps the shield and opens his mouth.

“Mountain Shield. ”

Kwaang! The green energy is starting to burst out of his body. Wolf swings his shield at the fist of his head, which flies towards him. Pusuk. Ogre’s fist hit his shield and crushed the mountain.


“Dark Strike! ”

“Ice Javelin! ”

“Fire Spirit Agni! Burn the enemy with your strength! ”

While the Wolf is eye-catching, the party attacks attack the Beasts. A unilateral bombing that takes place between strong tankers. Even if the Beasts had a hard body, they were attacks with unbearable power.

“Arghhhh!! ”

Arrien’s arrows hit the beast with a precise eye, screaming and grabbing his face. Arien shoots a sophisticated arrow and explodes the Eyes of the Beasts who are under magical attack and are in chaos. Unlike magic, the arrows are incredibly fast, so the Beasts start rolling the floor in an instant. Lactarsha looks at Arien satisfactorily.

‘I can’t help it. ’

Arien shoots an arrow with her back straight and calmly, which is beautiful enough for the same woman to see the admiration flowing. Lactarsha is also his daughter (?) nodded, thinking it was the most beautiful.

“Krrrr!!! ”

The Beast’s attack did not end with it. Beasts of so many numbers that they don’t know where the hell they came from are starting to overwhelm the party members again. The chef frowns, staring at the demons, who look beyond a hundred cubits. I couldn’t understand why so many beasts came out of here.

“Wait a minute.”

Agarès stops the front of the Wolf as he raises his shield and runs towards the hordes of monsters. She opens her mouth to Wolf, recalling Hayun’s ‘Protect Party Members’ request.

“I’ll take care of the rest. ”

“Well……, but. ”

Wolf stares at Agarès with a non-challenging expression. I heard that Hayun restored her power a while ago, but I heard that she is not fully recovered yet. It’s real. Anyway, she looks cute, so she was a little uncomfortable to take care of the Beasts with a girl who had not yet recovered.

“That’s all right. Eat like this. ”

Looking at the cheek with a slightly worrying expression, Agaré opens his mouth with his arms against his waist in a proud voice. Seeing her cute gesture, the chef nods with a light smile.

“I see. But let’s gather our strength together and deal with it. You can’t just watch while you’re fighting. ”

Chelp said as if his body was scratching, wielding a shield into the air. Agarès shakes his head as he listens to Wolf.

“It’s okay. You don’t have to. ”

Agarès, who said so, took a light step and approached the Beasts. All the party members had a worrying look on her face that seemed to be in danger somewhere. If you only look at it, it was natural to make such a look because a girl with a fancy appearance is walking towards more than a hundred monsters.

But to the extent that they did not have to make such a worrying look, Agarès was strong.

Don’t you dare!!

A massive chill emanating from the origins of Agarès sweeps around. It was as if Hangi was in the Northern Snowfield and attacked the party members. More than a hundred monsters were easily swept away by the cold to become a mass of ice.

Wolf understood why Agarès said, “I don’t need help.” Obviously, if they had this power, it was more likely that they would be disturbed to help. With frightened eyes, the Wolf suddenly looks at Agarès, who has dealt with over a hundred monsters.

“I’m strong, because Ha-young healed the wound. ”

Agarès said with a kind expression, looking back at the party members. Light laughter flowed among the party members. Wolf nods with a seek smile.

“Definitely strong. I think I know why Ha-young told me to lean on you. ”

“Did Ha-young say that? ”

Agarès, who listened to Wolf, dimly smiles with her eyes shining. The fact that she was being trusted by Hayun made her heart tremble. The chef opens his mouth, staring at the frozen beasts.

“By the way….. I need to see where these came from….. ”

The bears are locked in their thoughts as to why the beast pops out of here. Before his thoughts continued, a little boy with blonde hair appeared there, suddenly tearing apart the space. A boy with a cheeky appearance opened his mouth looking around with frightening eyes that did not suit his appearance.

“What, where’s Ha-young? ”

The boy twisted his face with the expression that he was disappointed somewhere. Explosive maggots emanated from the boy’s body. A storm of Magi with intense power swept around, unable to say anything but the word ‘disaster’.


Lunch box (…)

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