Mordo Online

Chapter 197


Madness Devil, Mamon

Mordo Online 194 [Madness Devil, Mamon]


[Grade S quest ‘Mamon’ is complete.]

[As a reward, you gained 10 million EXP, 100,000 Achievement Points, 10 million Gold, and ‘Mamon’s Armor (Rank: A +)’.]

[You defeated the ‘Madness Devil’ Marmon!]

[Obtained ‘Demon Hostile’ title and EXP 931 million, Achievement Points 80,000, 8 million Gold and ‘Madness Crystal (Rank: S)’.]

[Item Details: ‘Mamon’s Armor (Rank: A +)’]

My Dragon: Armor made of flames used by Marmon.

Option: Ignore flame attacks below A + rank. DEF +500%, Reflects fire damage to target.

[Item Info: Madness Crystal (Rank: S)]

My dragon: A jewel enriched with the power of the Devil of Madness, Marmon.

Option: +1 random Steat and –3 other Steats of your choice (This effect will no longer increase the stats with EXP.)

“This is….. ”

Hayun stares at the blue window in front of her eyes with frightened eyes. Other things didn’t even come to my attention. After seeing the item information of ‘Madness Crystal’, a thrilling message was sent to Hayun’s body. With that item, you can awaken 7th Energy. Of course, one of the other stunts would be randomly negative 3, but honestly, there was nothing that would bother me so much if the AGI stunt wasn’t negative 3.

No, it didn’t matter if AGI Stead was negative 3. Energy gave him the power not to care about such ‘petty’ problems. Hayun’s mouth twisted.

“It was the worst personality, but the item you vomited is the best. ”

Simply by efficiency, it was the item that showed the strongest efficiency, except for the ‘Del Line’ among the items that had been acquired so far. Ha-yun opened his own user information window.

[User Info]

Name: Hoyun Level: 99 EXP: 23032473 (You can no longer increase ‘Energy’ Steat with EXP. Use EXP 10,000 only to increase ‘Agility’ Steat. You can use EXP 10,000 only to increase the ‘HP’ Steat. Other Steats can be raised using EXP 100,000.)

Title: Dragon Butcher (click ‘here’ to view and change title skill information)

Height: 173.2cm

Weight: 65.7kg

Job: Dual Sword Fighter


STR: (29 (+4)/50 (+1)

AGI: (52 (+2)/50 (+1)

HP: (52 (+1)/50 (+1)

INT: (10/50) +1

Wisdom: (10/50) +1

Energy: (54) (+2) (+0.3)/(50)

Magic Power: (10/50) +1

MP: (10/50) +1

Holy Power: (10/50) +1

Pain: (10/50) +1

Luck: (10/50) +1

‘Hmm…? ’

Having checked his Stealth Window, Hayun curled his head at the sign +0.3 next to the Energy Steat. There were no decimal places in the game called online. Even if there is a difference in power within the same stack, you cannot identify it as a stack in the game.

What is it?

Hayun curled his head and thought about the Steed, which is 0.3. His question was resolved shortly. It was because there was not a single one of his abilities that could raise the Steat itself.

‘This is how it appears that you absorbed Magi. ’

Hayun nods and looks at his stag window. He decided not to raise the Steat right now, but to catch more High Demons or other Demons to raise the 7th Energy Steat and use the item. Having been worrying for a while, Hayun shakes his head.

‘There’s too much left. ’

There are only two senior demons left, but it was not easy to fill the remaining 0.7 Steats. And like this time, I decided that it was better to keep the power up in advance because they didn’t know what timing and what strategy to attack with.

After all, even if the Demon King Nephilim was resurrected in 7th grade, it was powerful enough to fight. He greedily decided to use the item now to avoid doing anything wrong.

“Once before….. ”

Ha-young thought we should shoot as many ‘lucky’ steats as possible before using the item. I wasn’t sure if Marmon’s items were affected by Lucky Steat, but I still had a vague experience using it elsewhere, so I didn’t have to put it up for a loss.


[Fortune State has risen to 53.]

Hayun pushes all the EXP into Lucky Steat. Unlike other stems, it wasn’t a steed that exerted a predetermined force, so I couldn’t feel much of a change in texture even after taking the stet that reached the third awakening.

‘Well, I’m sure. ’

Hayun turned his head thinking that the game system would have been applied on his own. I could have used the item right now, but I had to do something before that. Hayun approaches Agarès, who falls on the floor.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. Did you get rid of Marmon? ”

Agarès answered in a lively voice how much he recovered from the foundations of Hayun. Hayun strokes her head with a relieved expression. With his warm hands closed, Agarès enjoyed the touch of his hands.

“Ha-young’s hand, it’s warm. ”

“I’m sorry. I should have expected this to happen….. ”

It was reasonably foreseeable that the creature who ‘resurrected’ Magdalene Cargas would likely return here. Hayun felt a creepy sensation all over his body, thinking that he might have lost his precious beings by mistake.

Agarès, who heard Hayun, shook his head with a slight smile.

“It’s okay. I was counting on Ha-yun to come back. ”

“ ……. ”

He kept his mouth firmly shut, looking at Agarès, who, like Lyroa, sends himself pure, selfless favours. He stroked her cheek and said,

“Thank you for getting tired of the party members while I was gone. ”

“…… Yes. ”

Haryun said in a kind voice, kissing her lips lightly. Agarès’ cheeks are slightly red. She closes her eyes with a happy expression, gathering her hands to her chest.

“I’m sorry, Ha-young. I’m so tired, wait… ”

Before reaching the end, a small breath of saliva flowed out of Agarès’ mouth. Hayun pulls out a simple bed from his magic pocket and lays Agarès on it. After laying Agarès down, Hayun takes a step to find the party members. With the use of ‘Detection’ technology throughout the ‘Forest of Giants’ using Basic Power, Hayun found the party members who had taken refuge quite a distance from Rare.

Sheik. Hayun’s body slashes the wind and shoots forward. Even without the use of sunset, his Agility Steat had the power to rise to the 4th Awakening. Haryun’s body moved at a speed that exceeded the sound speed lightly.

It took Hayun less than a minute to get to where the party members are. They were all on guard with a tense expression.


The first person to find Hayun was Leroy. Liroa rushes to Hayun with tears in her eyes. Hayun turns his head to Wolf, holding Liroa. Wolf opens his mouth with a worrying expression.

“Is that demon lady okay? ”

Wolf asked Agarès how much he had anticipated that Hayun and Mamon would have fought in the wake of the enormous explosion near Rare. Hayun nods with a slight smile.

“Fortunately, we arrived not too late. ”

“Thank God. I owe that demon lady a huge debt. ”

The other party members, including Wolf, took a sigh of relief and then took a hard look. The fact that she had fled leaving only Agarès with a strong enemy called Marmon was pressing on their hearts, and when she heard that she was safe, she felt relieved at once.

“Has Hayun been hurt anywhere?! ”

Riroa asks with a worried look when the clothes on Hayun’s right arm are torn. Hayun smiles, lifting up his regenerated arm and asking him not to worry.

“Yeah. I got hurt a little bit, but I managed to win. ”

“Now you treat the High Demon like nothing else….. ”

Wolf looks a little tired looking at Hayun, who doesn’t look tired at all. Even if the Demon King was resurrected, I didn’t think he would be able to defeat Hayun.


At the words of Wolf, he lightly laughed and scratched his head. In fact, Hayun’s party was no longer functioning as a party. Since obtaining ‘Del Rhine’ in the Northern Snowfield the last time, it was because Hayun became too powerful.

In fact, before that, it was a party that was heavily focused on the power of Hayun. Since then, it has become a party that has practically nothing to say, even if it is called the ‘One Man’ party. Ha-yun looked at his party members and thought,

‘That’s why we’re not together anymore. ’

For Hayun, his party members were not merely temporarily joining forces to subdue demons. For Hayun, they became the reason to live in this world, the reason to protect it.

The precious beings who made him rise in solitude, which could not be replaced by anything else.

What if the party no longer functions as a party? It really didn’t matter to Hayun that the party members couldn’t be powered.

‘But I need you to be stronger….. ’

When he left, at least the party members had to be strong enough to defend themselves. And no matter how powerful the party members were in the battle against the High Demon, they were incredibly powerful, based on a common human being. Even an Intermediate Demon can win without the power of his party members, so if demons started attacking simultaneously, the power of his party members could be of great help.

“Are you really hurt anywhere, Mr. Ha-young? If I get sick, I will magically… ”

Erina strokes Hayun’s cheek, who continues to think quietly with a worrying look. Ha-yun shakes his head with a smile on his mouth.

“I’d rather ask Agarès for a blood-recovery spell than me. ”

Now, Hayun’s body state was better than the first by absorbing Marmon’s magic. There was some mental fatigue, but it wasn’t that severe. Agarès, who was badly wounded in the battle against Marmon, would not be in much better shape.

Erina nods as she smiles.

“I see. Where is Agarès now? ”

“Sleep where the battle against Marmon took place. I tried to heal the wounds, but I can’t even heal the fatigue that builds up….. ”

“Then let’s get to where Agarès is. ”

Erina said with an urgent expression that it was still in her heart to leave Agarès alone. Hayun nods and walks to Lactarsha. He took out a chunk of heavy paperwork from the inventory and handed it to Lactarsha.

“Here’s what you asked for. ”

“Thank you. This happened while you were away. I was worried I didn’t do anything wrong. ”

“No. I should have expected there might be a danger here when I thought Cargas was resurrected, but it’s my fault I didn’t expect it. ”

Hayun shakes his head with a bitter expression. When I came to think of it now, I couldn’t even understand why I didn’t think of it that simple.

“I’m worried the lab might be better than that. ”

Ha-yun opened his mouth with a stiff expression. The battle between him and Marmon was powerful enough to change the surrounding terrain. Even though I won quite unilaterally, I couldn’t help but notice that the power I had was so powerful.

“Let’s go check it out. ”

Lactarsha, who had a good understanding of the situation, shrugged his shoulders and moved his steps.


I’m a little worried about the future of the story. I don’t know how to get the finishing touches…

I’ve never finished a novel before, so it’s really hard to get through the second half.

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