Mordo Online

Chapter 216


Evil impulse

Mordo Online 213 [Evil Taekwondo]

Ha-yun pours his energy into the crystal bead that comes out of his pocket. Blue light flowed from the crystal bead. A familiar voice flows from the crystal bead.

[Now, wait a minute. I’m sorry.]

It was Hamann’s voice that felt urgent somewhere. Hayun frowns and looks at the crystal bead. The crystal bead showed Haman’s face and surroundings. It was as if there was a war going on and the paperwork was messed up.

Haman squeezes at the paperwork as he shouts to quickly check around. According to him, the commotion on all sides became more intense. After a few minutes, Haman stood in front of the crystal bead with a look of fatigue. He opened his mouth in a completely powerless voice, unlike when we met a few days ago.

[I’m sorry. I haven’t been able to reach you lately because I’m so distracted.]

“Did something happen? ”

He frowned slightly and asked Haman. Something ominous came to Hayun’s mind. Haman opens his mouth with a stiff expression.

[Suddenly, the Beasts appear. There are huge numbers of monsters pouring out from some villages that have suddenly disappeared like Crown Town.]

“ ……. ”

When he heard Haman’s words, he kept his mouth shut. It was less than half an hour after meeting Nephilim. I didn’t expect to launch an attack in such a short time. Ha-yun asked in an urgent voice toward the crystal bead.

“From which side are the Beasts attacking? ”

[I can’t specify where I am. It’s spilling all over the country, except for the north.]

“How much damage do you have? ”

[It’s not exactly aggregated yet, but it’s not that bad. Beasts are moving somewhere rather than attacking people.]

Hayun nodded with a thankful look at Haman’s words. From the point of view of the devil, one human was a resource for the creation of Magi. It was impossible to make use of those resources after they later dominated the materiel system without massacres as soon as they occurred.

I have to say, ‘Lucky for the unhappiness. ’

However, Hayun thought it was a good thing that demons did not brutally attack humans.

“The Beasts are probably moving towards the capital. Please check the movement and let me know how far you’ve come. ”

[Beasts are coming to the capital?]

Haman asked in a frightened voice. Hayun nods a small head and positively says. I didn’t expect Nephilim to react so quickly, but it was inevitable that demons would advance to the capital sooner or later.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can, so please contact Emperor Hamann as well. ”

[Got it.]

In Hayun’s words, Haman nodded without hesitation. He looked a little surprised by his quick answer. Thinking about the previous incident, I expected to react with rebuttal to what Hayun said, but I didn’t think it was stupid enough to judge the situation.

‘Well, once it’s Duke. ’

Hayun nods as he recalls the Duke’s previous appearance. If he had pride in such a stupid and incompetent subject as Raman, there was no way he could run such a huge city. He turned his head towards the party members as he reassessed Hamann in his head.

“I’ll go to the space movement to get there as soon as I can. Gather around me. ”

At Hayun’s words, the party members nodded and gathered around him. Latia grabbed Hayun’s sleeve with an anxious expression.

“There is no damage yet in the capital. ”

“Yes. I asked you to talk to the Emperor first, so you will gather troops. ”

In fact, even if I gathered a lot of ordinary soldiers in front of the Demon Army, it would mean nothing, but I couldn’t say that to Latia in this situation. Latia trembled with a deep anxiety as she looked at the place where her blood was. Hayun pats her hair and opens her mouth in a generous voice.

“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure to protect you. ”

“Ha-young……. ”

Latia nods with a reassuring expression. Ha-yun created the foundation. It was difficult to arrive at once because of the distance, but it took less than a day to arrive if it was used without rest.

‘It’s okay.’

Ha-yun looks worried at his party members. Long distance spatial shifts inevitably cause nausea. It’s himself. I’m used to moving space, so it’s less than that, but his party members weren’t. Having been worrying for a while, Hayun decided to use space movement to the limit of the party members.

“Then, let’s go. ”

Hayun and the party members disappeared as if they had melted into the air.


A red land that only feels desolate. Under the red-brown sky, there was a demon with black skin on his gray hair. Nephilim is the name of the demon sitting on a luxurious throne that doesn’t fit on a deserted beech. Demons were the culmination of all demons, the symbol of strength and despair.

Nephilim sits on the throne, and the crystals float round in the air. Nephilim twists his mouth as he looks beyond the crystal bead at the demon’s horde.

“This is the kind of army you need. ”

Nephilim murmured as he remembered the demons who had gathered before. Demons were less populated than humans, so there was no such thing as massive pressure that only the army could unleash. Of course, even though the 100,000 army was powerful enough to massacre 100 demons, Nephilim also thought that the visible sense of humiliation was important.

“They’re just ornaments that will make entertainment run wild anyway. ”

Nephilim licks his lips with his tongue, staring at the demons and demons facing the capital. For him, all of these battalions were decorations that would allow him to climb the battlefield to fight against Hayun. After all, the outcome of this battle was determined by the outcome of a human battle between Himself and Hayun. The number of demons was meaningless in front of him.

Nephilim thought of Hayun as he sowed a vast energy.

He was a strong human. He didn’t see it himself, but he was powerful enough to feel its power through the Ice Devil. Raynald appeared in Nephilim’s head. Raynald was an incredibly powerful man, but that man, Hayun, was as powerful as he was. Rather, it seemed to have a stronger power than Raynald.


Nephilim looks down at his body. It felt completely different from when it came to Berrial in the past. A powerful power that constantly boils from the body as if it were a god. Nephilim didn’t think that even though he was strong, he would lose.

“I look forward to it.”

Nephilim was impatiently looking forward to fighting Hayun. Baal’s inclination to pursue strong power was mixed with his consciousness and burned his struggle. Nephilim grabbed his fist with an expectant look. With that simple move, the surrounding earth shook like an earthquake. Baal, who remained in consciousness, cried out that this was his only chance to shake Raynald’s nightmare.

Nephilim thought this situation was really trivial. I felt as if God had deliberately intended this. Now he and Hayun’s guilt was no different from that of himself and Raynald in the past.

At that time, Raynald appeared somewhere like a human now called Hayun, and slaughtered demons with a powerful power that he could not even think of as human. If it was different then, Hayun would only use the twin instead of the Del Line.

“Twins……. ”

Nephilim recalls two double swords he used to enjoy in the past. In fact, when I became that strong, I didn’t rely much on the performance of the weapon, but the two sacks were as different as the sword. It was a sword more than the Del Rhine, but even if it was glorious, it was an invincible sword.

“Now we have to take it back. ”

Nephilim twisted his mouth and thought about the twist that Hayun was using. I didn’t know how to get Palmion’s hammer to break his seal, but Hayun was definitely using the full pair of seals. It caused violent discomfort to him, who was the master of that sword in the past.

Whoever said it was his own. It was a powerful force that no one else but himself could use. The ferocious greed boiled from Nephilim’s heart.

“Let’s get going. ”

Nephilim rose from the throne. He lifted one hand and cleaved the air. The void is torn and the power of one of his most powerful powers, the ‘Gate’, rises. In the past, Nephilim did not have the power to use the Gate anywhere, but now that it has descended on Baal’s flesh, Nephilim has been able to create a Gate that can come back to the Demon and the Material System at any time.

Nephilim’s body walks towards the black gate. Only the splendid throne remained lonely in the desolate land where he disappeared.


Having arrived in the capital in one day, Hayun’s party was able to see the capital in complete assurance. People were relocating somewhere packed with nothing to spare, even if it was an evacuation order. When he saw them like that, he took a sigh of relief, realizing that his words had been properly communicated to Darian.

“Ugh, ooh! ”

Teña, who was standing next to him with a pale look, grabbed the nearby tree and began to fill his insides. I used to move space in succession, so it wasn’t too much. She wasn’t the only one with a pale expression. All the party members were twitching in half syncope.

“Ha-young….. Ah, I’m going to die….. ”

Liroa cries, barely holding back what she wants to be inside right away. I thought I’d get better if I was jealous, but I didn’t want to show such ugliness in front of Hayun.

“Now that we’ve arrived at the capital, let’s sit here and go. ”

Hayun sits next to the procession of those who are taking refuge with an irresistible expression. I wanted to treat it with fundamental power, but there was no way to treat it with fundamental power because it was a problem caused by confusion in the senses, not direct wounds.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Ha-young. In such a busy time….. ”

Erina also sat down with a pale expression. The fact that she had to rest because she was dizzy in a situation where she might not know when the demon would come in, made her heart heavy, but it was too much for her to go to. Hayun shakes his head and opens his mouth.

“I’m fine now that I’ve confirmed that the demons have not arrived in the capital. Because if I am, I can stop myself in the worst case possible. ”

Only Nephilim could stand against Hayun. The demons, other than Nephilim, had nothing to do with a few thousand coming up or a few thousand coming up. Hayun once again bites his lips roughly as he recalls the fact.

Nephilim would have known that in the battle between himself and Nephilim, ‘power’ meant nothing. It was because the two forces were already so powerful that they could not be overcome by the size of the force. Nevertheless, he kidnapped people for entertainment and turned them into monsters.

Hayun recalls the appearance of a middle-aged woman and a child he saw in the past, and grips his fist roughly. A beast-like force burst out of his body.


Hmm. I’m glad I came home, but I could use some more.

As I mentioned earlier, I will be caught in the country tomorrow and dragged (…) to the reserve.

Even if you use it, it looks like it’s going up at dawn in Sujol.

The comments will be driven to this point. However, I will not comment on the story as comments can be sporadic.

Dimap//Thank you.

It’s not even a Javelin scholar or an Orc…

Because if you snap ten ducks//and crush them in an instant, you don’t get a dose. I didn’t know it when I read it, but I wrote it like this. Heh.

Yachtsman//Special Lunch Box…

Who’s the incense princess?

JinLusty//It’s been a long time.

Osorra//Thank you!

MokuMoku//Ah… this blind spot blah blah blah blah… Agarès lost his’ fight ‘as a senior demon (chatter….)

infe//Heh, it’ll be fun later!

Jaimeologist//Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh

Mr. Wat Joo-aja//Shut up

MorPhjne//Yep. It’s a setup that says you’re dead.

If ten ducks//dragons use Mana, it cannot be solved simply by fundamental force because it is the curse of the manner in which the Mana turns into magic and attacks the user’s body.

Jaime scholar//reserve. I hate to go.

The setting that you cannot go to magnetism because you do not know the coordinates before or after the left and right//. Just wait for the story to close, please. Heh.

Scented Princess//Poor…

//Thank you!

Thank you MokuMoku!

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