Mordo Online

Chapter 91


Once peaceful.

Mordo Online 90s [Once Peaceful]

“Wow, wow!! ”

Lyroa, who entered the butterfly garden, burst into admiration without keeping her mouth shut. Her eyes were shining. She wasn’t the only one who was surprised. He wasn’t as impressed with his mouth as Leroy, but Hayun was a little surprised to see the butterfly garden.

‘I never thought it would be so beautiful. ’

He turns his head and looks around. The butterfly garden was filled with moths that emitted colorful light. There was no such thing as butterflies emitting light on Earth, but it was different in the online world.

As the butterflies pass by, the powder that emits light of different colors flies away. Hayun and Lyroa were immersed in the dreamy atmosphere and watched the herd of light emitted by the butterflies without saying anything to each other for a while.

“Haeung. It’s so pretty, Haeun. ”

Liroa hugs his arm like a precious treasure and speaks in a gloomy voice. Hayun nods. As he looked at the butterfly garden, he moved his steps with a slight smile.

“Shall we go inside a little bit? ”


Liroa answered him with a bright voice. She snorts and walks inside the butterfly garden behind Hayun. Inside the garden I saw some people who came to see the garden like them.

Originally, it was crowded with tourists from all over the country, but soon after the rebellion, many people were not seen. Ha-yun took a slow walk, looking around.

I didn’t have much of a conversation with Liroa. They just looked around quietly and slowly walked forward. While walking so quietly, all of a sudden, Liroa bursts into a small smile. As Hayun curled his head and looked at her, she looked at Hayun’s eyes and spoke.

“For some reason, it’s nice to have this quiet time with Hayun. ”

“Yes. I haven’t been out of my mind for a while. ”

If you think about it, it was only for a few months that he and Leroa had this kind of time alone. In the meantime, I’ve always been with party members or fighting monsters to build up my strength. Hayun felt an unexplained sense of happiness.

“I love you, Ha-young. ”

“ ……. ”

In her sudden confession, Hayun shudders and closes her mouth. Looking for words to answer for a while, he awkwardly scratched his head and replied, realizing that he could not return a cool word with his lame speech skills.

“I love you, too. ”


When he heard his words, he rubbed his cheek on his arm as if he were happy with his unique silly laughter. Then a butterfly suddenly sprayed purple light in front of her eyes.


All of a sudden, she twirls with a scream as the butterfly flies right in front of her eyes. Haryun hurriedly reached out her hand and grabbed her body, but as she twitched her ankle, Liroa looked down on her left foot with one eye twitching.

“Phew….. ”

“Are you okay?”

Hayun knelt on one knee and stroked her ankle. I didn’t think it was that big, but there seemed to be a lot of trouble walking right away.

“Wait a minute. I’ll fix you up soon. ”

A wound of this magnitude did not take a few seconds to heal with fundamental force. Hayun tries to bite his thumb to shed blood. In that way, Liroa stopped him.

“Wait a minute, Ha-young. ”


In her absence, he looks up at her with his head curled up. Liroa grasps his hand and says.

“It won’t take long to heal this much. You don’t have to heal Ha-young until he bleeds. ”

She had been treated by Hayun before, so she knew exactly what he had to do to heal. She didn’t want Hayun to shed any blood for herself.

Hayun strokes her ankle with a worrying look and asks.

“But isn’t it hard to walk now? ”

“Well….. ”

Liroa blushes her cheeks a little embarrassed and avoids her gaze. Livoa, who was breathing for a moment, said to him with a small voice that seemed to crawl in.

“I want to get on Ha-young’s back. ”

She said that, and Liroa bowed her head with a red bitten face. Ha-yun burst into laughter at her cute reaction. It felt fresh to see her like this, who was so aggressive that she could not find shame in bed.

“Here we go.”

He turned his back towards her and lowered his body as she eased up. Liroa carefully put it on his back. Ha-yun stood up with her on his back. I didn’t feel any weight enough to say that Liroa’s body was like a feather.

“Howw……. I’m sorry, Ha-young. Ha-young is my master and I’m sorry to ask you this. ”

“Hahaha. Never mind. Riroa is no longer a slave. ”

Having never thought of her as his own slave since the beginning, however, more recent experience with her affairs has led him to think of her as a lover of equal relations, not as his own ‘slave’.

And when he heard it, he said, “I am going to make my cheeks swell.”

“No. I will live as a slave to Hayun for the rest of my life. ”

Liroa said that and took Hayun’s back. She had nothing to do with it if she could be with Ha-young. And if it was a relationship, it meant that one day we might break up. But slaves and masters are different. If she continued to be ‘useful’ to Hayun, she could continue to be with him in the future.

“ ……. ”

Ha-young looks sad to hear her say that. Leroa has lived a long time as a slave. Its deeply rooted tenacity could not easily be changed. I had no choice but to do this with Hayun’s ability. There was nothing that could cure this outside of time.

“Ehehe. He’s so warm. ”

He wrapped his arms around his neck and rubbed his cheeks around his neck, whether he knew or not the complicated heart of Hayun. A happy laugh came out of her mouth. Ha-young laughed at her cute behavior, which felt beyond her back.

‘By the way….. it’s too small. ’

Ha-young smiled slightly, feeling the sad size of his chest touching his back. Obviously, compared to Latina, Erina, and Teña, Lyroa’s breasts were very poor. Liroa, who was quick to notice, noticed what he was thinking, even though he only saw the breezy atmosphere from Hayun.

“…… Ha-young. You think my breasts are small now? ”

“Huh? Oh, no! ”

Hayun, who was stabbed in the teeth, shook his head with an urgent voice and shouted. Liroa bites Haryun’s thirst lightly as it becomes clear that he thought more of that reaction.

“Hmph, I don’t care about the breasts to meet, I don’t care. After all, you think only of the breasts. ”

“Well, that’s not it. ”

She turns her head, farting in a firm, crouched voice. Hayun looks around to relieve her feelings somehow with a grumpy expression.


Turning his head, he finds an ice cream shop far away. The method of releasing anger to eat itself was very classical, but it had its own effect. Especially in Liroa, I like sweet foods, so it will work even better.

“Wait here, Leroy. ”

“Where are you going, Ha-young? ”

Liroa looks up at him with a frightened expression. Her eyes shook with anxiety. He smiled at her like that and replied.

“I’ll get something to eat at the store over there. ”

“Then me too! ”

Hayun heads to the ice cream shop, far away, ignoring what Liroa said. Liroa sighs as she looks at Hayun running into the store. It was a show of how inexperienced he was.

“Ehehe….. ”

However, she did not dislike the innocence of Hayun. In fact, Riroa laughed as she looked back at Hayun, who was running to the store.


At that time, a boy, who was passing through the garden, looked at Lyroa sitting alone and hardened. Behind a handsome boy with a dark head, two knights were moving together, as they escorted him. When the boy saw Lyroa, he suddenly trembled and quickly approached her.

“Beautiful Lady. Do you enjoy being alone? ”

“ ……? ”

From the very beginning, Liroa looks at the boy who speaks frantically and curls his head. Liroa said to the boy with an awkward smile.

“I’m sorry, but I’m waiting for my master. ”

“Master…? ”

The boy who heard her looked at her with a shocked look. The boy bites his lips tightly with his head down.

“Who would dare enslave a beautiful lady like you? I, by the name of Lane Pandral, will save you from that demon’s hand! ”

“No, that’s….. ”

Lyroa couldn’t speak with a embarrassing look. I never imagined that I would run like this angry with the word ‘master’. Liroa frowned and thought she was not well caught by a strange person.

“My master and I are not what you think they are. ”

“Leroy, I got some ice cream. Eat this and get angry.. ”

Ha-young walks in with ice cream in both hands at an astonishing time. The most expensive ice cream in the store (gold powder was sprinkled) was bought by Hayun, smiling at the mouth and handing out one of the ice creams in both hands to Liroa.

“You! You’re the bad guy who enslaved this beautiful lady! ”

Lane shouted at him, pulling his sword from his waist as soon as he saw Hayun. Ha-young nods in a situation he doesn’t understand at all. Liroa sighs deeply as if her head hurts and yells at Lane.

“No, that’s not what Hayun and I have to do! Why do you keep bothering me! It’s been a long time since I’ve had two! ”


Lane flinches at Liroa’s furious voice. He pondered for a moment as he looked back at Lyroa, shaking his head and shouting.

“What have you done to brainwash Lady Gong?” ”

“ ……. ”

Hayun, who guessed the situation in the conversation between Lane and Liroa, looked at the knights who followed the boy’s escort with an absurd expression. The knights were also looking at the boy with the expression that he was tired of something. They continued to sigh deeply, but did not stop the boy from breathing directly.

“Hmm….. ”

Hayun swallowed up the immersion, worrying about what to do with the situation. It was much more convenient to have discernible sheep teeth at this time. You can just smash it without worrying too much. But I couldn’t do that to a kid who burns such a strange sense of justice.

I didn’t mean any harm to Riroa with a nasty intention.

“Hmph! If it was the way a friggin ‘guy like you would have used it, it wouldn’t be so bad! ”

“ ……. ”

Ha-young has put ice cream on the bench where Liroa sits because of the attitude of a kid who doesn’t seem to be able to solve it. After dropping the ice cream, Hayun opens his mouth to tell the boy something. But before he tried to speak, the outrageous cry of Leah resounded.

“Stop saying that right now, kid! ”

Liroa stood up and shouted at Lane.


Sweet (?) event… I don’t know why my father is a Horse Boxer, but

I had a batch of chicken (…). But it’s a horse suit. Why a chicken?

Chickens are chickens.

Dimap//Thank you!

Orangebs//vain//Is that so.. I’ll use it with more care.

Lowen Crown//HUGH… one day I will definitely use!! 1 4P. Heh heh.

I wiped my mouth…!!

inno0822//Yes, that’s right. It’s cute.

Seung Goi//she was a john M (..)

JinLusty//Ah, in the arms of the protagonist…

It’s hard to nickname//In fact, compared to the works in the top 10, we still don’t have enough.

Renfred//Leroa has a good position called ‘Empty Oil Alone’..!

//blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Mr. Wat Joo Jae//Huhu, and then the Demibeast Wife and Elves will be added. Heh.

Guardian Cardnell//Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh I’ll have to ask you for an appropriate illustration someday.

Jubilee//blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

There was pride in being so good at orangebs//* *… but I think H Scene will go as planned. But I’m gonna cut it down a little bit. Heh.

Peeka//Somehow it feels like a psycho rather than purity, but I’m thinking blah blah blah, the elf personality is as cold as the king.

MokuMoku//Pang Pang!

akksi//blah blah blah blah blah Amon!!!

qoewh//blah blah blah Thank you!! Heh heh. This is the inverted macho (…)

Lowen Crown//Balbourg is fighting to make it sweet blah blah blah blah

I dream of King Harem//Thank you!

Bobbylow//Chest is important (Serious)

KILIyan//blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah..

JinLusty//I wrote a novel while I closed my eyes.

Bloodhell//Ha-young’s strength remains. Heh. Heh.

Ilos//Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh. There’s a slight possibility of air, though.

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