Morgana: The Mother Of All

Chapter 107: The Nightmare Tower

"This skill is good... this one is great... this one is... Damn! It's hot... AHHHH!" I screamed, my voice echoing in the chamber. "I can't decide... Too many skills."

Ranking up unlocked too many skills in the shop, and most of them were great and breeding-related. Although some don't seem useful to me now.

For example, I found a skill called 'Futanarization' that allows the user to transform into a futanari and grow a dick. But the fact that I'm already a futa made it useless to me. However, I was tempted to buy it for two reasons.

First, I could use the skill on others, giving them a temporary dick to play with. The second reason was the chance of the skill working on me, granting me a third dick.

I tried to use that transformation ability that I received as a reward for ranking up to grow as many dicks as I possibly could. Sadly, the limit was only two dicks, and that also applied to my other parts—boobs, arms, legs, etc.

Another limitation was that I couldn't form a second pussy or anus, no matter how much I tried. I could only hope that this limitation would be lifted once I ranked even higher.

Now back to the skills.

I was in a difficult spot. The temptation of buying every single one was killing me, but I didn't want to overwhelm myself just yet. Owning a thousand skills is both an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time.

Advantage, because there is a high chance of having the perfect skill for every situation. Disadvantage, because having so many skills is difficult to manage and master. Plus, I don't want to spend my whole life sitting down reading skill descriptions.

So I had to pick wisely. Buy three or four skills, master them, and then move on to the next. This way, I'll have more control and a better understanding of the skills.

For now, three skills in the breeding section caught my attention: 'Womb Crest,' 'Take and Give,' and 'Influence.'

Womb Crest was a simple yet powerful skill, a crimson tattoo on my crotch right above my dick. The tattoo would passively store sexual energy. Once full, I could use the energy to give the next offspring that I will give birth to a boost in power, rank, magic, and maybe some unique abilities.

'I have to test it first to know,' I thought, buying the skill instantly.

Take and Give was an interesting skill. The description said that I could activate the skill during sex to give or take a skill from my partner. The chance of success depends on a number of factors, like my relationship with the target, their rank, physical and mental state, power level, and the rank of the skill that I want to take or give.

From the name of the skill, I'm guessing it could be dangerous if not used right. 'Take and Give,' not 'Copy,' so I'm guessing that the skill I take from my target would be lost forever once I take it away, and the same could be said for the skills I give.

"Sigh....I'll test it with a simple skill from the shop," I muttered, purchasing the skill. "At least I'll be able to buy back the skill if I lose it."

Now the last skill, 'Influence,' was probably the most OP skill that I ever saw. The skill allows me to influence every aspect of my target: his mind, body, personality, thoughts, skills, stats, everything.

'This skill is broken!' I thought, feeling excited just by thinking about all the possibilities it could have. One of them burned brighter in my mind.

Gender change.

Yes, I could change the gender of my target, both mentally and physically. How fucking awesome is that!

However, using the skill needs some requirements. I can't just simply pick a target and activate the skill and BOOM! The cute little prince became a princess.

Skin contact is required, and any type of my fluids inside the target's system, blood and semen being the top ones. Another factor that I need to keep in mind is my target's power compared to mine and their mental state. The skill has a better chance of succeeding if I use it on my children than on some random person I never met before.

With all three skills, I could have some fun. Hehehe...

After upgrading the skills that I can to the max, and skipping the blood magic ones for now, I teleported out of the Altar's underground chamber.

Now I could use the skill 'Egg Transfer' to impregnate my partner with my own eggs. Great if I encountered a female-only race or an infertile woman. Another notable upgrade was my seed, eggs, and Dimensional Womb slots: fifteen for the sacks and ten for the womb slots.


"There she is!"

"Mother, come quick!"


My children gathered around me, with various expressions on their faces. Some of them were curious, some were worried, but the majority were happy and excited.

"Sorry, I was busy," I replied. "What's wrong?"

"What is that, Mother?" one of my wolf girls asked, pointing in a certain direction. When I followed her finger, I was stunned.

Piercing the clouds like a spear, a giant black tower reached for the skies, standing out like a sore thumb among the white clouds. The tower was made of black stone, probably obsidian, decorated with crimson runes that glowed like blood.

The Nightmare Tower is here.

The sight was both beautiful and terrifying. I already knew that the Nightmare Tower was huge, but I didn't expect it to look so impressive.

"Hmm?... Why do I feel like a giant flaming eye on the top would make the tower more amazing?" I rubbed my chin, wondering where that came from, but in the next second, I brushed it off and made my way to the tower gate.

Luna was there at the gate. She was about to place her hand on it, but quickly pulled back when she saw me approaching.

"What is this place, Mother?" she asked, looking at me with her crimson eyes full of curiosity.

"It's called the Nightmare Tower," I answered, stopping in front of her. "A place where we can grow stronger by fighting monsters."

"Cool!" she exclaimed, looking at the gate with bright eyes. "Can I enter?"

"Not yet. I want to test the tower first," I said, placing my hand on the black gate. "Make sure no one approaches the tower while I'm inside."

"Okay," she nodded, turning her gaze away from the gate. "Be careful, Mother."

"I will," I smiled. "Let's go."

With a gentle push, the gate opened, revealing the inside of the tower. However, I was unable to see anything but darkness.


The familiar ding sound echoed in my head as I walked inside.

[Welcome to the Nightmare Tower]

A blue system message appeared in front of me, blocking my path.

[Would you like to proceed as a Challenger or Administrator?]

"Administrator," I said without a second thought. I won't challenge the tower or allow my children to enter until I know the details of it.


The next moment, a portal made from blue flames appeared in front of me. Intrigued, I stepped in only to find myself in a completely new space.

"What a strange place." The space was similar to a cloudless night sky filled with countless stars that moved and danced, forming beautiful and complex patterns.

"Hmm?" I narrowed my eyes, noting a few objects floating around me. A gray planet, a small blue crystal orb, a round mirror, and a black wooden box.

Extending my hand, I grabbed the crystal orb, and the moment I did, the orb sunk into my palm like water, and a blue system window appeared in front of me.

[Congratulations, you have been granted the role of an Administrator for the Nightmare Tower N 666]

[The title: The Administrator has been unlocked]

[The Administrator: While inside the tower and in the role of the Administrator, you're immortal, your words are the rule, and your command is absolute. There is nothing that you can't do. Everything can be changed, upgraded, destroyed, or reborn according to your will.]

"..." I stood there in silence, reading the description. "This is OP."

The Nightmare Tower N 666 is under my complete control. I'm the only one who can enter or exit, change its rules, or destroy it.

"I like this," I grinned, turning my attention to the floating planet. Examining it, I discovered that this planet was Lilith's world because the only highlighted areas on the gray surface were my land and the places I discovered.

The mirror allowed me to see inside the tower. That's when I discovered that only the first ten levels were unlocked, and currently, they were empty.

As for the black wooden box, it was a gift from Lilith. How did I know that?

Well, because there was a letter attached to it that said.


[I hope you like it, Morgi. I made it specifically for a horny bitch like you.

P.S.: Be careful; sometimes it bites, but I'm sure you'll like it.]


"Hmmm..." I hummed, not sure about what to feel or think. But still, I opened the box, and the moment I did, something jumped out, latched itself to my face, and pushed something that felt like a dick down my throat.

'Fuck you, Lilith!'

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