Morgana: The Mother Of All

Chapter 49: Unexpected Discoveries

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, Mother,"

"Take four of them down and leave one for me," I ordered, observing from under the bush five goblins gathering water from a narrowed river. Behind me were Ember and Azura. I took them outside the protective barrier for the first time. While Luna stayed behind, taking care of the little ones.

We were on our way to fetch Rhea to live with us, but along the way, my nose detected a goblin's scent. Feeling the need to vent out my anger on the little green bastards, I decided to make a quick detour and track them down. It was also a good opportunity to 'introduce' my daughters to the goblins and test how to farm 'Life essence' for my blood magic skills.

Upon seeing that there were five goblins, I decided to let my two daughters do the hunting while I supported them from behind.

"Remember, work as a team," I instructed. "Communicate and cover each other. These goblins may be small, but they can be dangerous in numbers."

"Don't worry, Mother. We'll take them down together," Azura assured, small water bubbles floating around her hand. Ember, on the other hand, crouched, ready to launch herself at the nearest goblin.

Meanwhile, I activated my 'Crimson Forge,' crafting five thin blood chains. My intention was to capture one of the goblins alive and assist my daughters if some of the goblins tried to escape.

With a nod, the two beautiful wolf girls sprang into action. Their movements were graceful yet deadly. Ember leaped at the nearest goblin, her claws bared and her teeth flashing in the sunlight as she swiftly ripped off his arm and head.

Azura manipulated her water bubbles, transforming them into sharp icicles with a simple flick of her wrist. Her magic cracked with icy energy as she sent a barrage of sharp icicles toward the goblins. The ice shards pierced their targets with deadly accuracy, freezing two goblins solid.

"Impressive, Azura," I praised, my eyes fixed on the frozen goblins. "You've managed to control ice magic to this extent."

Azura beamed at the compliment, her eyes sparkling with pride. "Thanks to your training, Mother."

"Nah!" I waved it off. "It was all you; I just showed you the way." While I was complimenting my blue futa wolf, the two remaining goblins that were inside the river opened their eyes wide in shock. They immediately turned to attempt an escape, but sadly for them, I had already anticipated this and moved my blood chains closer in advance.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked, a chilling tone coloring my voice.

My blood chains wrapped around their legs. I threw one high into the air, and Ember, with brutal action, jumped, her claws digging deep into his flesh. Her right claw was inside his chest, while the left claw was inside his stomach.


Landing on the ground with impact, she proceeded to rip him in half. His cries and struggles did nothing but awaken Ember's primal side, just as I did when I first encountered the goblins. Ember opened her mouth and began devouring him.

I said nothing, leaving her with her first-ever meal. Azura, too, didn't react to the sight before her. Instead, she turned to the frozen goblins, shaping a long sword made of ice in her palm.

When I discovered that Azura possessed ice magic, I made sure to show her different types of weapons—simple and not complicated ones, like swords and axes—and how to create them.


"Wow... Mother, this sword is great!" she exclaimed, jumping in excitement when she managed to slice the frozen goblin in half using the ice sword.

Good... at least my training method worked,' I thought, satisfied with the results. I don't know why or how, but I knew how to train my daughters to some degree. Maybe I was some type of trainer back in my old world.

Anyway, no matter what I was back then; it no longer matters. What matters now is that I'm Morgana, the Breeder and the Mother.

Shifting my focus from the cute blue-eyed wolf to the ugly green shit, I raised him high into the air. My blood chain was wrapped around his limbs, and he struggled to break free, but all his attempts only tightened the chains.

"Now I need to figure out how to obtain life—" I didn't get to finish my sentence when I immediately got the answer to my question—Blood.

I could sense the blood from Ember and Azura's kills. My mind went into auto mode, utilizing the newly obtained knowledge about my blood magic.

"Damn, this is cool!" I whispered, observing with wide eyes as the blood began to float and gather into a crimson orb right next to me.

The blood orb was the size of my fist at first, but when all the goblin blood had gathered, it shrank drastically.

"Ugh, do I have to swallow it?" I asked, already knowing the answer. Opening my mouth and pinching my nose, I swallowed the filthy goblin blood orb.

"!!!" Surprisingly, it tasted really good. I knew this taste, but I couldn't pinpoint it. It was on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't remember; the essence slid down my throat. A warm sensation spread through my body, and I felt a surge of energy coursing through my veins.

[20 Life essence obtained]

"Is that a good amount or not?" I wondered as I opened the shop in the blood magic section. Only when I obtained my first life essence did the cost of the skills become visible.

"Tsk!... This is shit!" I cursed, seeing that upgrading my 'Crimson Forge' would cost 5000 life essence. And four goblins had only given me 20.

"Sigh... I need to suck more blood," I sighed again, not believing what I had just said. "Am I turning into a vampire? Do I get it as a form in the future?"


"Shut the FUCK UP!" I roared, waving my hand and causing the blood chains that were wrapped around the goblin's limbs to snap, tearing off his arms, legs, and head.

[5 life essence obtained]

Repeating the same process, I absorbed his blood, obtaining only five essences. Sighing in frustration, I turned to my daughters, only to see them looking left and right, as if searching for something.

"What's wrong?" I asked, approaching them.

"Didn't you hear that, Mother?" Azura replied with a question.

Raising an eyebrow, I said, "Sorry, I was thinking about something. But hear what?"

"We heard some strange sound," Ember replied, wiping the blood from her feast. "Something like... Aaa," she paused, trying to find the right words to describe the sound. "Bing or ding. I heard it only for a moment, and then it disappeared."

"!!!" My heart skipped a beat at her words. "Are you sure? You two heard a ding sound?"

"Yes, Mother," they nodded in unison.

'Could it be?' I wondered in disbelief. My mind was consumed by a single thought. "Ember, Azura, I want you to say the word 'Status' in your minds."

"Okay, Mother," they nodded.

"Wow!" Ember took a step back, her eyes widening as she gazed at the air in front of her. "Mother, I'm seeing things!"

'I knew it!'

Turning to Azura, I saw her nod, confirming that she, too, was seeing something. I already knew what both of my wolf daughters saw—the status window of the system. I didn't know if they had a system like mine or if my system was responsible for giving them the status window.

The moment I thought about their status, it appeared suddenly before my eyes.

Name: Ember.

Title: The First Daughter of Morgana

Race: Wolf-kin

Gender: Futa

Rank: F

Level: 02

Experience: 12/200

Power Level: 423

Health: 210/210

Mana: 160/160

Stamina: 105/105

Pregnancy Status: Not Pregnant

Skill: [Return]

Name: Azura

Title: The Daughter of Morgana

Race: Wolf-kin

Gender: Futa

Rank: E

Level: 02

Experience: 12/200

Power Level: 754

Health: 210/210

Mana: 160/160

Stamina: 105/105

Pregnancy Status: Pregnant [Wolf-kin / Time Till Birth: 6 days and 12 hours]

Skill: [Return] [Water Manipulation] [Ice Manipulation]

"Interesting..." Their status was pretty much the same as mine, with the only difference being the new 'Power Level' entry.

'I wonder if this status represents the typical strength, agility, and intelligence?' I thought.

Pressing on the 'Power Level' entry, another window appeared, explaining it to me. As I had guessed, the 'Power Level' combined all the aspects into a single status. It was categorized into ranks, starting from Rank F (01–500) and progressing to Rank E (501–1500) and so on.

"Mother, what does all of this mean?" Azura asked, her eyes wide with curiosity as she took in the floating window displaying her statistics.

"It's your status window, dear, something like mine," I explained gently. "It shows your current abilities and strengths. You'll be able to track your progress and see how you're improving."

"Oh!... That's great, Mother!" Ember exclaimed. "But we can't read it. Can you teach us?"

Smiling, I nodded. "Of course, my dear."

Remembering that I hadn't checked my status in a long time, I swiftly opened it to see how far I had improved.

Name: Morgana

Title: The Mother of Wolves

Race: Breeder

Gender: Futa

Class: –

Rank: E

Level: 10

Experience: 564/9000

Power Level: 1256

Health: 300/300

Mana: 200/200

Stamina: 150/150

Pregnancy Status: Not Pregnant (Hidden: World Tree)

Skill: [Return] [Breeder's Form] [Egg Transfer lv1] [Charm] [Pregnancy Control] [Seed and Egg Sack]

Passive Skill: [Breeder's Body] [Fertile Body] [Birth Recovery] [Offspring Loyalty] [Lactation] [Lustful Pheromone] [Cum Nutrition and Flavor] [Universal Communication] [Broodmother]

Blood Magic: [Crimson Forge]

Seed Sack (01/04): Hobgoblin

Egg Sack; (00/04): -

Breeder's Form: [Wolf Form (Rank E)]

"Hmm?... Fuck, too much info," I muttered, feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information displayed.

"I hate it."

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