Morgana: The Mother Of All

Chapter 58: Time To Slay The Goblins

"Mother, everyone is in position, awaiting your command."

"Excellent," I affirmed, peering down from my vantage point at the cave entrance. Behind me stood a legion of wolves.

Last night's overdrive was….very fruitful.

More than nine hundred and fifty (950) wolves joined our pack. Five hundred and sixty-four (564) were my direct progeny.

Damn…that was a lot of pups I gave birth to. Honestly, with the way my pregnancy kept increasing in numbers, I thought I would reach a thousand by the end.

Intriguingly, the number of daughters continued to escalate with each gestation, surpassing my previous record of twenty-two. Astonishingly, during my latest pregnancy, I carried thirty daughters in my womb.

How did that happen? No idea. But if I get to make a guess, that must have to do with my level and the 'Broodmother' skill.

From the constant breeding, my level reached thirty-two, and my power level peaked at 1500. Yet, my rank remained stagnant at E.

I could sense the power floating through my veins, and my guess was that since leveling up strengthens my body, the 'Broodmother' skill might also enhance the quantity of offspring based on that.

I think that was the case, considering that the birth of my thirty daughters occurred subsequent to my transcending to level thirty. But I need more testing, and by testing, you know what I mean….push more babies.

Fuck…If I reached Level 100, that means a hundred daughters in one go? How massive would my belly be? I can't imagine.

As for my daughters, Ember and Luna fucked like rabbits in heat. Ember relentlessly impregnated her sister/mate without respite. Similarly, I never ceased impregnating Ember.

On two occasions, I stole Luna away, securing my seed inside her while Ember was preoccupied with childbirth. But holy shit! I think Luna possesses some skills that help with the breeding.

She ranked second to me, delivering eighty pups. Twenty of them were males, while the remainder comprised females and futas.

Surprisingly, Rhea secured third place with forty daughters, all of whom were mine, as I prohibited anyone else from impregnating her. Additionally, I gave birth to some of her pups.

The fourth position was jointly held by Ember and Azura, each contributing thirty pups to our burgeoning pack. The remainder of the offspring sprang from the unions of my daughters and granddaughters.

Surprisingly, my male grandsons refrained from engaging in any intimate relations until I granted them permission. As the Alpha, every member of the pack belonged to me, and my male descendants, as my dutiful Betas, respected my authority.

Step. Step.

"Mother, we've completed the task," Azura whispered, emerging from the right flank. "All exits have been sealed."

"Good... Ensure that no one escapes. Am I clear?"

"Leave it to me, Mother," Azura inclined her head slightly, then returned to the assignment I had entrusted to her and our daughters.

After scouring the area, we discovered that the goblin cave boasted two additional exits, one to the north and the other to the west.

I instructed Azura to seal these exits with her ice magic, leaving only the eastern entrance—the one I had already used to sneak in.

However, the other two exits were considerably larger, and Azura's mana reserves proved insufficient to seal them for an extended duration. Fortunately, I gave birth to daughters who could lend their assistance.

Azura's daughters  were the exact copy of her, both in appearance and magical abilities. Only I, as their Mother, could distinguish one from the other; the rest were incapable of telling Azura apart from her offspring.

With their ice magic, the two exits were swiftly sealed with ice, preventing the goblins from escaping when the carnage starts. And Oh boy, carnage I really crave. I won't rest until every single one of those green bastards is removed from existence.

To my right stood Ember, her bright yellow eyes fixed on the cave, brimming with anticipation to rend and tear goblin flesh.

Rhea too was having the same hungry gaze, she was slightly further to the right surrounded by our new daughters. Under all of that wilderness aura that she gives, Rhea was actually a very kind and devoted mother, tending to our daughters with unparalleled care.

'I knew she would make an excellent mother.'

Luna had taken up a strategic position above us, concealed in the canopy of a tall tree, accompanied by one hundred of my daughters. They would serve as our support and ensure that no enemy could sneak up on us once we ventured into the cave.

Fenrir stood at my left, leading his brothers—the male wolf-kin, or werewolves as I preferred to call them. The males were both larger and physically stronger than the females and futas, making them the ideal vanguard for our assault. However, the futa standing next to him, surpassed everyone in both physical strength and magic, second only to me.

I didn't give her a name yet, but this woman was my daughter with Fenrir, my second pregnancy with Fenrir yielded a single daughter. This outcome was a consequence of my experimentation with blood magic.

I infused my blood mana directly into my womb right before Fenrir impregnated me. The result?

The strongest futa wolf in my entire lineage. She possessed dark-chocolate fur and hair of the same hue, with striking red tips. Her eyes, crimson as blood, made anyone who met her gaze feel uncomfortable. Her physique was athletic, akin to Azura's, with well-defined muscles, and like Azura, she bore crimson tattoos across her arms, legs, and chest.

Yes!... Her dick mirrored mine, featuring a red hue, a pointy tip, and a knot.

From her appearance, one might assume that her magic was blood like mine, but no. On the contrary, she possesses fire magic; the flames, however, were crimson, matching her eyes.

"Alright, let's do this," I said, taking a deep breath. "Remember my order," I said, my tone heavy, carrying an air of command.

"Yes, Mother," All replied in unison.

The air was cracking with anticipation as I emerged from my hiding spot, in my glorious wolf form. I gazed down one final time at the cave entrance before raising my head and releasing a thunderous howl.


My howl served as the signal, and in that instant—



Hell broke loose.

Hundreds of bloodthirsty wolves surged towards the cave.

Two goblins came out, checking, but the moment they stepped out of the cave.



Four wolves pounced, tearing them limb from limb, before they even had the chance to scream.

The ground shook with the force of hundreds of wolf paws pounding against it. The air was filled with the sound of howls and roars as my daughters, granddaughters, and grandsons joined me in the assault. Close to a thousand wolves were a force to be reckoned with.

Charging inside, we were met with a few goblins trying to block our path.

Seriously? Can a small green creature stop a two-meter bloodthirsty werewolf?


Of course not! That's why it took a single claw from Fenrir to slice all of them in half.

"Well done, my son," I praised him since he was too adorable. Perhaps I should reward him later with a good breeding?

Deeper into the cave, we reached the large pit where hundreds of goblins cowered inside it, holding onto their makeshift clubs and spears in a pathetic attempt to defend themselves.

Around them were the kidnapped bunny girls, and by the looks of it, we interrupted a mass breeding session.

"SLAY THEM ALL!" I commanded, my roar echoing through the cave. "LEAVE NONE ALIVE!"


My wolves howled, leaping into the pit, they descended with purpose—to bathe in goblin blood. The goblins stood no chance against our might, and soon the pit was filled with the sound of howls, snarls, screams, and the sickening crunch of bones.

"Found you!" I didn't care about the little green shits. My target was someone else. The big leader stood at the rear, frantically beating and shouting in a futile attempt to rally his goblins.

Without hesitation, I leaped into the pit, landing with my sharp claws impaling a goblin, ending its existence. Two more attempted to ambush me from a blind spot. I noticed them swiftly summoning my blood chain, but before I got the chance to use it.


A crimson fireball flew past me, colliding with the goblins, incinerating them instantly. It came from none other than my crimson futa daughter.

"Impressive, my daughter," I praised, pushing my claws inside a goblin's mouth, and pulling his jaw out. "Your fire is very powerful."

"Thank you, Mother," she smiled, conjuring another fireball that annihilated another goblin. "Let me assist you, Mother."

"Hmm?..." I pondered for a moment, before turning and pointing in a certain direction. "You can lend me a hand by forging a path ahead. Can you do it?"

I really didn't need her assistance; I couldn't bring myself to reject her offer. She was, after all, my daughter, and it was only right that I accept her eagerness to help.

"Consider it done, Mother," she asserted, crossing her arms. Her eyes closed as she channeled her magic.

"Oh!...interesting" My eyes widened, seeing crimson flames began crawling upward, covering her fur until her entire body was wrapped in a cloak of crimson flames.

My daughter then raised her hands above her head, gathering all those flames in a giant crimson fireball that grew with each passing moment.

"UGHAAA!" When she was satisfied with the size, my crimson daughter roared, throwing the fireball in the direction that I previously pointed at. And Damn! What a powerful magic she has.


A massive explosion rocked the cave, sending goblin bodies flying in all directions. The blast was so intense that it carved out another crater.

"Impressive indeed," I remarked, my eyes widening in surprise. "Let's just hope the big goblin survived, I still want to kill him with my own hands."

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