Morgana: The Mother Of All

Chapter 69: UGH!… A Crime Against Nature

"Hmm...Hmm~" happily humming a random tune, I strolled through the woods, following the trail north.

Beyond the towering trees with their expansive leaves, there was nothing particularly remarkable about this forest; just your average woodland with its typical animals.

'Boring,' I pouted inwardly. Yet, I had managed to spot a deer, an ordinary one with majestic antlers and four sturdy legs. No humanoid ones, futa versions, or anything in between. It ran away before I could reach it. I didn't chase it; I just kept staring at the deer with a fucked-up thought in mind.

'If I breed with normal animals, will that fulfill the quest condition?' I pondered, recalling that my race could reproduce with virtually any creature. Goodness! I even became pregnant by the forest itself.

Hold on a second... I don't want to fuck a goat, or a dog, or a fish... I'm not that crazy.

Not yet, at least.

But really, I can't stop thinking about it. If I impregnate myself with a deer egg, would my offspring be humanoid girls with deer-like attributes or simply ordinary deer?

"If all else fails, I might just give it a try," I declared, determination in my eyes.

"I almost forgot about the world tree seed nestled within my womb," I muttered, glancing down at my descent-sized belly. "I wonder how this little one will turn out."

Shaking my head, I continued my journey, occasionally glancing at the map to keep track of my location and the extent of my exploration. To my surprise, I had traversed more than five kilometers northward in less than two hours, which was quite impressive given my pace and my pregnant state.

The good news was that my belly remained relatively small, suggesting that I was carrying only one or two bunny offspring. Perhaps this was due to the infusion of my blood into my womb, or the influence of Celeste's royal seed, or perhaps it was a consequence of my stupid self-impregnation without assuming the Rabbit Form. I totally forgot about it.

Speaking of which, the rabbit form was an okay form, not as good as the wolf form, but it has its uses.

In that form, my appearance wouldn't change that much; my arms and legs would shift to those of a rabbit covered with silver fur, plus a nice fluffy small tail and long bunny ears to complete the look.

The most notable enhancement, however, was my heightened sense of hearing, surpassing even the wolf's hearing. But other than the extraordinary hearing and the ability to leap great heights, the rabbit form didn't offer much else. In fact, it came with a notable drawback.

I'll get spooked easily, and when I say that, I mean it. A fucking bird would make me jump in fear, a falling leaf, a bug, hell, even a small stick moving around would freak me out, and my first action would always be to hop and find refuge.

I didn't like this aspect, even though I understood that it was a natural survival mechanism for rabbits. It simply wasn't in my nature to flee and hide. The wolf form is more suited for me, resonating deeply with my true self, always hungry for blood.

So yeah, I'll only use the rabbit form when breeding.


"What was that?!!!"

With a swift motion, I leaped backward, shifting into the wolf form mid-air and landing gracefully on a tree branch. My reflexes were super quick, almost instinctual, and I was getting better at shifting forms.

My eyes darted left and right, looking for the source of the noise. However, the dense foliage of the tall trees and the thickness of the underbrush made it challenging to pinpoint the origin of the sound. The fact that the branch I was standing on wasn't strong enough to carry the weight of a big futa wolf girl caused my legs to sink into the bark, and soon I would fall.

'Shit, I need to move,' I muttered to myself, hesitating momentarily as I had no idea what had caused that thunderous noise. It could be some dangerous beast lurking nearby.

Using my blood chains, I lifted myself slightly, reducing the pressure on the branch. For five minutes, I remained motionless, scanning the area with my crimson eyes, alert for any signs of danger.

"Damn... maybe it was only my imagination," I whispered, gazing at the sky but only getting silence in reply. No birds flying, nor sounds of insects, or the wind. The place was dead silent.

"Hmmm... odd," I murmured.



Once again, that deafening sound rang out, this time louder and closer. The branch under me shook violently, almost sending me off the branch if not for my chains.

After stabilizing myself, I took a deep breath and turned my head in the direction the sound was coming from. This time, I was able to discern the source of the disturbance.

"WHAT THE HELL!" My eyes went wide, and my jaw dropped as I beheld the most grotesque creatures I had ever laid eyes upon.

Half spider, half... well... A FUCKING RAT!

"This is a crime against nature.... Ugh... I think I'm going to be sick," I exclaimed, struggling to process the sight before me.

Imagine a spider standing on four spider legs, and where the head should be was a fucking half rat's body, complete with beady red eyes, twitching whiskers, and a mouth filled with yellowed teeth. It even possessed the rat's front limbs, oddly formed and seemingly designed for grasping.

The lower half, that of a spider, was adorned with a gray and black pattern, and covered with black hair. These creatures were big, too big. Even though I couldn't see their whole bodies due to the thick trees and bushes around me, I could tell they were bigger than a horse.

"And they're heading this way," I exclaimed, watching in horror as the spider rats effortlessly crushed trees in their path. "Shit!"

I had to get away from here, or I'd be crushed to death by those huge spiders. But as I was about to jump, I spotted a figure ahead of the spider rats.

"AHHH!" The figure screamed in fear, and that scream, the voice, was a female and young. Narrowing my eyes, I quickly managed to figure out the identity of this person.

Reddish-brown fur, a pair of animal ears, and a fluffy tail, a short and slim figure. It was a Kitsune, a fox girl.

And she was in danger.

"Ahhh!... Stay away!" the fox girl yelled. Her small body was shaking in fear, tears running down her face as she kept moving backward, trying to get away from the spider rats, but they were closing in, and they looked hungry.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath. I couldn't just let her get eaten, she was a beautiful and cute fox girl, and although she possessed more animalistic traits, she was still an adorable one. The problem was I didn't have time to rescue her.

"Damn it..." I muttered, my eyes flicking back to the approaching monsters. My hands moved of their own accord, crafting a long blood spear. "Fuck it... I'm going in!"

With my blood chains, I propelled myself through the air, hurtling directly toward the spider-rats. At that moment, I gave no thought to my own safety or that of my unborn daughters. All that mattered was saving this kitsune.

"AWWWWOOOO!" I howled, flying through the air like a rocket. My body moved on its own, my hand raised above my head, aiming for the closest spider rat.

"GET AWAY FROM HER, YOU FUCKS!" I yelled as my hand came down with the full force of my momentum, sending the spear into the spider rat's head, piercing right through it.

"AHHH!" The fox girl cried out in fear, jumping backward. Her back hit the ground, and she closed her eyes, curling herself into a ball, trembling in fear.

With swift efficiency, I crafted another blood spear and, using my chains, launched myself upward, only to descend with even greater force, impaling another spider rat.

"Ngh... fuck, this is disgusting," I muttered, shaking my hand to remove the spider rat blood before creating two more spears and landing on the ground.

The moment my wolf feet touched the soft soil, the remaining spider rats made a move. Hissing loudly, they turned their ugly heads in my direction, aiming their rat arms at me.

"Oh, crap!" I exclaimed, quickly ducking down and moving to the side as a loud bang rang out. The spot where I had stood just a few seconds ago was shattered and blown away, the dirt and stone flying in every direction.

'Shit... what the hell was that? Air magic?' I wondered, moving to the right and attacking another spider rat. I stabbed it with my spear, and with the help of my chains, I managed to pin it to a tree.

I was in the middle of killing it when suddenly I felt something warm and sticky hit my shoulder, almost making me lose my balance and fall.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled, turning my head to the source of this disgusting fluid. But only to find a thin yellow web covering my right shoulder, "Fuck!" I cursed, swiftly cutting the web with my claws.

I didn't have much time to think, another spider rat was targeting me with its rat arm, and another and another, it wasn't hard to dodge the shots since they were pretty slow, but there were so many of them, shooting in different directions, and the loud bangs, dust and dirt flying everywhere, disturbed my vision.

I was thinking of using my 'Return' skill, getting the hell out of here, I wasn't exactly the greatest warrior, and being caught in the crossfire wasn't the best idea, but I knew these abominations wouldn't let me escape.


Crack! Crack!

Taking a deep breath and cracking my neck, I flashed a predatory smile gazing down at the spider rats.

"Grrr...I won't go down without a fight!"


Hello dear readers. how are you all doing?

I want to informe you that the second book of the novel have been released on Kindle, you can check it out.

Thank you all for the support and have fun.


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