Morgana: The Mother Of All

Chapter 83: The Trial Awaits

"Yawn!.... I really need a shower...where on earth is my phone?" I stretched my arms, enjoying the nice and soft bed. "Oh, right, I don't have one."

After the timer of the unknown primordial form ran out, a terrible fatigue washed over me and I promptly fell into a deep slumber. Fortunately, I was already in the comfort of my own room.

" feels like a week since I slept," I rubbed my eyes, looking around the wooden cozy room.

"Oh!" I blinked in surprise as I noticed the two wolf girls sleeping peacefully beside me.

"Good morning," I greeted, smiling at the cute sight.

"Hmm...Morning, Mother," Ember yawned, her tail wagging.

"Morning, Mother," Luna echoed, stretching her arms above her head.

"How long was I asleep?" I inquired, feeling the hunger rising inside me.

"Three days, Mother," Ember answered, crawling towards me and latching onto my right nipple, while Luna claimed the left.

"Three days?!" I exclaimed, my eyes widening in shock. "I was that tired?"

"Yes, Mother," Luna said, licking my nipple before taking it into her mouth. She sucked gently, enjoying the sweet milk flowing onto her tongue.

"What about the others?"

"Busy," Ember answered, taking half of my breast into her mouth and swallowing it whole before letting out a happy growl.

"Ahh...good," I hummed, gently stroking their heads. "How are we doing for food?"

"There is plenty, Mother," Ember replied. "But the meat you gave us is almost gone. We didn't expect you to sleep so long."

"I see," I said, opening the shop and purchasing over 200 kilos of deer and boar meat. "Anything else I should be aware of?"

"Hmm... not much, Mother," Luna replied after taking a big gulp of my milk. "Mother Rhea has taken charge of the cave, organizing patrols, hunting parties, and gathering expeditions."

"Yeah, she gave me the order to stay put and guard you, Mother," Ember added, moving from my breast to my cock, "and keep you safe."

"She's too protective of you," Luna added with a giggle.

"Hmm," I nodded, not knowing what else to say. After all, Rhea had always been overprotective and obsessive, perhaps because I was her first mate.

"Enough talking," I said, leaning back on the bed. "My hunger is killing me."

"Hehe," my girls laughed, sharing a wicked grin.

"You can eat us, Mother," they both exclaimed, spreading their legs open. "Here, Mother, take what you need."

"Oh yes, I'm really hungry," I grinned, my crimson eyes glowing with lust.


"Ahhhh~... what a delightful way to start my day," I stretched my limbs, stepping out of my room and glancing back at the chaotic mess on the bed with a satisfied smirk.

"You'll have to try harder next time, silly girls, if you ever hope to best me in bed," I laughed, closing the door and making my way towards the room next to mine.

An important event happened while I was sleeping: the goblin girl gave birth. I felt sad that I missed it and wasn't there to welcome my daughters, but at the same time, I was excited to see the babies.

"Knock. Knock." I knocked gently on the door, waiting a few seconds before opening it and stepping inside.

"Oh my," I hummed, taking a glance at the naked green body lying on the bed and the newborn babies next to her.

"!!!" The goblin girl's eyes shot wide open when she felt my presence in the room. When her eyes landed on me, she immediately broke into tears.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, approaching her slowly. "Is there anything you need?"

"..." She shook her head, lifting one of the babies and offering it to me.

"Oh!" I exclaimed, holding the small goblin baby in my arms and feeling its warmth, the tiny fingers grabbing my finger, and the little face.

"Hello, little one. I'm your Mother, Morgana."

The goblin girl watched me closely. Seeing my expression, she smiled, and then her gaze shifted to the other babies.

She gave birth to five goblins, all female, with light-green skin, yellow eyes, and black hair. Not a single one had inherited my distinctive silver hair or crimson eyes.

"Hmm...That's a shame," I thought, looking at the five little goblin babies.

I had hoped that at least one of them would have silver hair or crimson eyes, but sadly, none did.

'It doesn't matter,' I thought. 'They are my children regardless of their appearance.' I gently caressed the cheeks of the baby in my arms.

"You'll grow up to be a fine woman."


After feeding the goblin girl with real food this time and nursing our newborns, I checked on the cowgirl. She had made some progress in her recovery but still hesitated to leave her room or interact with anyone. She only ventured out last time because she believed it was an order from me.

I nursed her with my milk until she was content, and I also provided her with ten stamina and mana potions to accelerate her healing process. But to heal her mind, she had to take the initiative and walk out of the room by herself.

"Now, let's see," I said, settling onto the sofa in the living room. "What should I focus on today?"

There were numerous tasks I could undertake, both in my land and in the cave. However, the most pressing matter that could not be delayed any longer was the spider queen. I had already wasted three days, and if I didn't act soon, her entire race would face extinction.

"You know what to do?" I asked, my tone authoritative.

"Yes, Mother," one of my bunny daughters replied, bowing her head. "I'll deliver your message without delay." She swiftly exited my cabin and opened a portal to the dungeon.

I had instructed her to inform Celeste and Rhea about my departure, explaining that it might take a few days.

"All done here; time to save the spider race," I said to myself, opening the map and teleporting to the waypoint. Thankfully, I had relocated the waypoint from Hikari's home to the dead tree before I passed out.

"Oh!" Appearing inside the underground tunnel, I spotted a few spider rats. They were small, the size of dogs, and didn't pose much of a challenge.


Nonetheless, I had to slay them. I had no idea how the trial would unfold and whether I would be transported physically or mentally. Allowing spider rats to mature within the cave could pose a problem. So, I spent an hour clearing out the underground tunnel, after which I blocked the entrance with a massive rock.

"My apologies for the delay," I said warmly to the giant spider. "How are you feeling?"


She opened her eyes and gazed at me. For a moment, they lit up with hope and happiness, but soon they darkened.

"I'm ready to take the trial," I said, placing my palm on her belly.

[Do you want to take The Spider Queen's Trial?]


[Caution: The trial will transport you into a separate dimension, and you won't be able to leave until you complete or fail the trial.]

"Yes," I said. The moment I did, a massive amount of energy rushed out of the spider queen and into my hand.

"!!!" My eyes widened as I felt the amount of energy and information flowing through me. Before I had time to think, everything went black.


It didn't take long for my vision to return, and when I opened my eyes, I saw only darkness.

"Hmm...this is interesting."

I was currently floating in an empty space surrounded by darkness. There was no light, no smell, no wind, no ground, or anything else—just myself and a red holographic system window.

[Welcome, Breeder]

"Oh... the trial knows that I'm a Breeder," I raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps this is Lilith's doing?"

Immediately, another red window appeared, providing me with all the information I required.

[The Spider Queen's Trial

Location: Rank E dungeon

Objective: You are the final Boss of this dungeon. Your task is to defend your nest and survive for seven days.


Spider Queen's Core

2.000.000 life essence

2.000.000 BP]

"Wow...Not bad," I grinned. The rewards were generous, especially the life essence. With this amount, I could buy powerful blood magic skills.

'Defend the nest and survive,' I thought, staring at the objective. 'What do you mean by the final boss?'

[Best of luck, Breeder]

With that final red message, the world around me began to change. The dark void cracked and faded, but I was occupied by the changes happening to my body.

"What the hell?"

It felt like my body was melting and morphing—my body turned liquid, losing its solid form, and then I began to change.

"AHHHHHHHH" I screamed, feeling the pain of my body changing.

The pain was unbearable. My limbs were twisted, my head was spinning, my skin was cracking, my muscles were burning, my bones were breaking, my organs were torn apart, and my blood was boiling.

"Ughhhh...." I groaned, the pain was overwhelming. I couldn't focus or concentrate on anything.

'What's happening?' I thought, trying to regain my sanity, but it was too much.

"This is bad!" I felt my limbs growing, my bones extending, my muscles expanding, and my skin stretching.

"AHHHHHHH!" I cried out, my voice distorted and strange.

"Nghhh...!" I closed my eyes, trying to endure the pain, but the only thing I saw was an image of the spider queen.

The pain soon faded, and the image of the spider queen slowly faded from my mind.

"Ahhhh!....Nghhh!..." I groaned, opening my eyes, trying to move my body, but I felt something strange, my body felt lighter, but at the same time heavier.

I tried to get up, but something was wrong with my legs; they weren't moving properly, and I couldn't feel them.

"What the fuck?" I cursed, looking at my legs. "What is this?"

They looked like a spider's legs: black and hairy, with razor-sharp blades at the end.

"So this is the trial?" I sighed, strangely calm despite the drastic changes. 'I had become a spider, a massive black spider with eight eyes and legs.'


[6 days 23 hours 59 minutes ]

'Phew...I can do this' I thought, my eight eyes fixed on the red window.

"I'm a spider now," I stated, my voice strange yet filled with determination. "A big bad dungeon boss."

"Hehehe… This would be fun."

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