Morgana: The Mother Of All

Chapter 85: So?… I’m a Spider Mommy

"Ugh!... Having eight legs is a pain in the ass," I growled, walking through the forest. It took me a good thirty minutes to get the hang of walking without face-planting into the dirt.

"Stupid trial," I cursed, as I made my way toward the X mark on the map, which I assumed was my nest.

During the time it took me to figure out how to walk, I learned a thing or two about this trial and my new body.

The map didn't provide a clear estimate of the dungeon's size, but from what I could see, it was a vast forest, spanning at least 50 square kilometers. Maybe even more.

There is life here; the trees are green, and there are a lot of flowers, birds, and even insects. Not to mention the monsters. I spotted three types so far: two were ordinary animals just a little bigger, bears and monkeys, but the last type was interesting.

A humanoid hyena-like creature, known as Gnolls. They walked on two legs, had light green fur or sometimes dark brown, and their eyes were yellow. They were surprisingly tall, standing at two meters with sharp teeth. But I didn't care about that, not a single bit. What caught my eyes and made me boil in anger was…


A fucking dog-like monster had the audacity to wear clothes, while I was stuck in my birthday suit!


Yeah, I know I like being naked, but that's not the point!

"Maybe I should kill them all?" My eight eyes glowed with killing intent, and my mouth twitched at the thought of slaughtering all the gnolls.

However, I resisted that urge for one simple reason: I'm too weak, and the gnolls have a little society in the form of a small village. They even used spears, daggers, clubs, and bows made from bone or wood.

"Sigh... Let's reach the nest first, then I'll figure out my next move," I sighed, resuming my journey.

The other changes that I discovered were tied to my body. Despite my massive size—standing at 5 meters in height—I was weak as hell. The reason for that was my status.

They got reset. No, I don't think "reset" was the correct term. It's more like I have a...well, a new status window. When I checked my status, I discovered that my old one was gone and replaced with a new one.


Name: Morgana

Race: Spider Queen

Gender: Futa

Level: 01

Experience: 0/100

Health: 200/200

Mana: 350/350

Stamina: 300/300

Skills: [Spider Web] [Venom] [Ovipositor] [Self Impregnation] [Host Impregnation]


Yeah... all my skills are gone, including my abilities, forms, and blood magic. Hell, even some of the system's features were MIA like the shop. Now, I could only access my inventory and map.

"I'm glad I stocked up on potions before," I breathed a sigh of relief, recalling the thousands of potions in my inventory.

Now, back to my new spider body. My skills were self-explanatory.

'Spider Web' was straightforward – I could shoot webs from any part of my body, not just my mouth or... ahem... other sensitive spots.

'Venom' allowed me to shoot venom from my mouth and fangs, and the venom could paralyze my victims.

But the last three skills were where things got really interesting. Hmm... why? Well....

That's because I lost my COCK! And it got replaced by this 'Ovipositor' skill, which is an ovipositor... Yeah, surprise! It's like a fucking tentacle, long and slimy, with a round tip. The ovipositor was connected to my new organ located at the base of my spider abdomen, next to my asshole.

'Do normal spiders have assholes?' my thoughts drifted to something more perverted.

Hey, I wasn't mad; on the contrary, I was actually excited!

A fucking tentacle dick! Imagine the possibilities. I can lay eggs inside someone's ass, pussy, or mouth, no matter the gender, and my eggs will hatch inside them thanks to the skill 'Host Impregnation.'

"I'll have to try that later," I grinned, feeling a rush of excitement.

As for the 'Self Impregnation' skill, it's a simple one like the rest: I could impregnate myself.

Currently, I can hatch two types of spiders: spider warriors and spider rangers. Warriors are melee units with strong defense, while rangers are ranged units, weak in defense but fast and agile, and can shoot venom and webs from afar.


"Wow... it's big!" I exclaimed—getting used to my strange, distorted spider voice—as I finally reached the X mark on the map.

The nest was located on top of a large hill; there were three trees growing on top of the hill, with a single large cave underneath them. The area around the hill was covered with spider webs.

"Now that's what I call a spider nest," I whistled, climbing the hill.

When I reached the top of the hill I was stunned, the view was beautiful. I could see the forest and a lake in the distance.

"Hmm... I need a break after all that walking," I sighed, lowering my eight-legged form to the ground beside the cave's entrance.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, enjoying the peaceful silence of nature. I could hear the birds singing, the wind blowing, the grass moving, and the insects crawling.

"This is nice," I murmured, opening my eyes and looking at the sky. "The day is still young, and there's much to be done."

Stepping into the cave, I examined the place. It was spacious enough to house twenty people inside. Some parts of the floor were also covered with spider webs.

"Hmm... how should I do this?" I wondered, standing at the center of the cave. Focusing my mana, I activated my skill.

[Self Impregnation]

"Ahhh!..." A soft moan escaped my lips as I felt a delightful sensation within my abdomen. The slimy eggs shifted, inching their way from my organ to the ovipositor.

"Hmm... that's it," I breathed, feeling the eggs travel through my ovipositor and stop just a few inches short of the entrance.

I looked down and saw a bulge growing out of my ovipositor, stretching the organ to its limit. Then, suddenly, the skin beneath my abdomen shifted, revealing a human-like pussy.

"Ahh... what the hell!" I gasped, feeling a slight pain as my ovipositor moved on its own, penetrating my pussy.

The size was a bit too large for the entrance, but the natural lubrication helped me slide all the way in.

"Ahhhh.... Ngh" I panted, feeling my insides being stretched out.

Once I was fully sheathed, the pleasure began. My walls were massaging every inch of my ovipositor as the eggs traveled upward.

"AHHH!" I cried in pleasure as I felt the first egg coming out of my ovipositor, filling the inner walls of my pussy and causing them to stretch even more.

"Damn!... It's like... Ahhh... I'm breeding myself," I moaned; the pleasure was unimaginable.

Soon my insides were filled with eggs, stretching out as much as they could. And before I knew it, I was full, all the way from the entrance to the deepest point: my womb.

"YES!.... Thank you, Lilith... I LOVE YOU!" I cried out in joy at this unique experience. "This is how self-impregnation should be!"

Having the entire process be internal?.... Boring!

Using your own dick/ovipositor to impregnate yourself?.... HELL YEAH!

"This is why I like this horny world."


Thirty minutes later, the eggs were ready to hatch.

"Ah... I think it's about time," I said to myself.

The eggs in my womb were showing signs of life; they had doubled in size, and the hard eggshells had cracked slightly.

I had no idea how my spider body worked or how spiders gave birth, but since I had human reproductive organs, I decided to push like any human female and hoped the rest would follow.

I slowly got up, taking a position where my back was leaning against the cave wall, my two spider legs were raised up and wide open, two legs were holding the large spider belly, and the rest were on the cave floor to steady myself.

"Push!" I urged myself, putting a little more pressure on my stomach.

Soon the first egg slid down to my inner walls, stimulating every nerve in my body.

"Ahh... fuck," I groaned, feeling a wave of pleasure flowing through me.

After a couple of minutes of pleasurable hell—due to not having my Breeder skills—the egg was finally at the entrance, but it was a tight fit.

"Come on!" I gritted my teeth, pushing harder.

"AHH!..." with a moan of relief, the egg was out of the cave.

"Fuck..."I sighed, leaning back again, "One down"

"AHHH!" With a cry, the second egg joined its sibling.

"Two down," I panted "Again!"

Before long, ten eggs lay before me—six spider warriors and four rangers, and they hatched immediately.

"Hehehehe... you cute little spiders," I laughed, seeing the ten little spiders crawling toward my legs.

The six warriors were the size of a cat, with dark blue bodies, and their front legs were blades like mine. The rangers' bodies were different; they were smaller and had light brown colors, with wider abdomens.

"So I'm a spider mommy now," I whispered, amazed by the strong connection I felt with my little spiders. I could mentally control them however I wanted.

"Are you hungry, my little ones?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

"..." The little spiders didn't respond, but the hunger in their eyes was obvious.

"Alright, here, eat this," I said, taking out a small piece of boar meat from my inventory and tossing it in front of the spiders to see if they could eat it.

To my surprise, the moment they saw the meat their eyes glowed with excitement, and the first to move was one of the rangers. It dashed at the meat, quickly tore off a small piece for itself, and ran away.

"Hehehe... little rascal," I laughed.

Soon all of them began eating. The warriors were a little aggressive towards each other and fought over the piece of meat. However, in the end, the rangers won the battle for the meat thanks to their speed and agility.

"Hahaha... Don't worry, little ones, there's plenty of meat," I assured them, taking out a huge piece of boar meat from my inventory.

"Eat and grow strong, soon we'll be hunting together."

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