Morgana: The Mother Of All

Chapter 91: Heat and Terror

"So Nana-chan, tell me about yourself?" I asked, slowly making my way to the nest.

"Hmm?...about me?" She asked back, "What do you want to know?"

"Anything, really," I said, my interest genuine. "Your family, friends, school life – anything you're willing to share."

"Oh...umm...Well...I used to live with my mom before enrolling in the academy. I turned nineteen last month, and as you can see, I'm a Rank-E hunter."

'She didn't say anything about her father' I thought for a second and decided not to say anything about it.

"Nice, you're still young," I commented, trying to put her at ease. "How about your school life?"

"'s hard" she sighed, "I enrolled in the institute with the support of my mom. She paid for my tuition and everything else. But..."

"But what?"

"But...I can't keep up with my classmates. The Capital's Hunter Academy is the number one institute in the entire world and only the best of the best are accepted. I was only accepted because of my magic"

"Oh… Magic, you say? What kind of magic do you possess?" I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. Or what's close to an eyebrow for spiders.

"I'm a support type" she answered, "I have the ability to boost all stats by 200% for an entire hour using my voice."

"WOW...that's a lot" I was stunned. A 200% boost, that's freaking awesome! Imagine if I had this ability.

"I know...right" Nana giggled, "But the problem is that my mana pool is really low, I can only use it once a day"

"Hey, don't let that stop you," I said, encouraging her "There's always a way to make up for your weakness and I'm sure you'll become a powerful hunter in the future"

"Do you think so?"

"Yes, I do!"

"Haha...thanks, Morgana," Nana laughed, "You're the first one to encourage me like that, besides my mom."

"Oh...Really?" I was a little surprised by her words. I mean, I'm a giant black spider encouraging a human girl.

"Yes!" Nana replied, "Even my teacher treats me like a kid when they don't try to get into my pants."

"Yeah, I can see why"

"Huh?...what do you mean?" Nana asked in confusion.

"Well, you're cute, and that pink hair makes you look even more adorable."

"C-Cute!" She stammered, her face turning red. "Y-You think I'm cute?"

"Yes, cute!" I nodded, "cute and very hot, I'm barely able to hold myself from jumping at you"


"Nana-chan, are you okay?" I asked, sensing her stiffness on my back.


"Nana-chan?" I called again, but she didn't respond. I could hear her fast heartbeat and feel the heat from her body.

"Ugh!" She moaned, rubbing her pussy against my back. "Ahh~ My body is so hot, Morgana"

"!!!" I was taken aback by her sudden move. I could feel her love juice leaking out, drenching my shell. That fat guy must have used a powerful aphrodisiac messing up her mind and body. I bet if not for this aphrodisiac, Nana wouldn't be so accepting towards me.

"So Nana-chan, tell me about your world?" I asked, trying to distract her until we reached my nest. "How's life there?"

" world?" she let out a soft moan. "Before I was born, life on earth was extremely dangerous to the point that humanity almost went extinct"

"What happened?" I asked, not surprised by the fact that she came from Earth, I expected that the moment I saw that teacher using a tablet. I remember that tablet. Sorry, wrong term – I don't remember, but I know.

I don't remember my life back on earth, but I have knowledge of the world I used to live in. Think of it like I know what a phone is and how to use it, even though I don't have memories of it.

Like an inherited knowledge of the monsters.

"Monsters, Morgana" Nana answered, "They appeared out of those gates and started attacking humans."

"And humanity was powerless against them, right?" I guessed, already knowing the answer.

"Yes... they were no match for the monsters at the beginning" Nana continued, "But that all changed when the Blood Queen appeared"

"Blood Queen?" I asked, liking the title.

"She was the first hunter, and the most powerful one, she was able to reclaim more than 25% of the lands all by herself, thus creating the very first city. The Crimson Capital."

"Wow...that's impressive" I commented, "But why is she called the Blood Queen?"

"That's because she was a Hemomancer or a blood mage if you will" Nana explained "She was able to control blood and make it her own weapon"

'Hey! That's similar to my blood magic?'

"Interesting… What happened to her? Do you know her real name?"

"Her name was a mystery and she died fifteen years ago" Nana replied, "But not before establishing the most powerful family that still controls the capital to this day"

"What a woman!" I praised that woman. She sounds like a hero. And I respect heroes.

"Y-Yes she was..." Nana mumbled, suddenly going silent. I could feel her hot breath against my back, along with her love juice that kept streaming down.

This girl was fucking in heat.

'Fuck!' I cursed inwardly, trying to resist, but the smell, the heat, and the temptation were getting stronger, and my ovipositor was calling me to give Nana-chan a proper treatment.

However, I couldn't risk it yet, I started to like this girl, and if I played my cards right, I could win her over to my side. And she could be my eyes and ears back on earth.

The only problem was that I had no idea how to contact her if she returned to Earth. This trial was in a separate dimension, and that dimension happened to be connected to Earth.

'I wonder if I can return to Earth through the gate portal' I thought about the possibility.

But, if I do that, I'll definitely fail the trial and be sent back to the underground tunnels, and if I somehow wasn't teleported back, I may get stuck on earth with no way back to Lilith's world, away from my kids.

My horny playground.

"Ah!... Here we are!" I announced, seeing my nest up ahead.

"Already..." Nana groaned in disappointment. "I want to stay here for a little longer"

'Sigh, this girl...' I sighed, trying hard not to turn around and fuck her like crazy.

"We can play as much as you want later, okay?" I assured her, stepping inside my nest and heading for the deepest part.

"Oh! Really!" she exclaimed in excitement. "Promise?"

"Yes, I promise" I nodded, using my threads to lift her off my back and place her on the ground. I swiftly took from my inventory some fruits Cotton had given me before. A tasty apple, but the inside was red like a watermelon.

"You can take the bandages off, Nana-chan"

"O-Okay" Nana replied, removing the bandages and looking around, her eyes went wide when she saw the place.

"Ah!... This place is huge" she exclaimed, looking at the massive cave with spider webs all over the place. "I like it"

"Welcome to my humble home," I said, dropping the apples beside her. "These are for you"

"Ah! thank you!" She thanked me, quickly taking one and biting into it. " sweet"


'Wow, this fast?' I chuckled softly, watching her devour the red fruit, leaving no trace behind. She swallowed it in less than a second.

"Ahh~" she let out a satisfying sigh, her lips were stained with red.

'Damn!' resisting was getting harder and harder by the second.

"Nana-chan, I have something, so I'll be right back, okay?" I said, trying to keep myself together and my tentacle dick from slipping out and freaking the shit out of her.

"Oh, sure Morgana," Nana nodded, taking another red apple. "Take your time."

"I won't be long," I added, rushing out of the cave as fast as I could.

"Phew... Watch the entrance and don't let her leave" I commanded four of my smallest spiders "And don't harm her" I added before making my way to another part of my nest.

"Well... how do you like my home?" I grinned, staring at the horrifying sight before me "Teacher!"

Lying on the ground, wrapped in threads were Nana's team members and teacher.

When I heard Fatty saying that he had drugged everyone, I immediately ordered my spiders to capture them. The guys must have used a powerful sleeping drug mixed in with the food and in the fire.

A strange blue leaf, when burnt, releases a mist that acts like a knockout gas. Even my spiders were affected when they approached. The only option was to fish them with the web from afar.

The two boys were easy to control, and even if they woke up, dealing with them wasn't hard, but the teacher was a different story.

He would definitely wake up when I attempt to breed him, if that happened, it would spell the end of me. The safest option was to kill him while drugged, but I wanted him to create stronger spiders.

So I came up with a solution, a brutal one.

I ordered my spider to rip both his arms and legs at the same time. It was painful, but it worked. From the pain, he snapped out of the drug, waking up and attempting to slay my spiders. Too bad he didn't have an arm or a leg to strike with...hehehe.

"What the hell are you!" he screamed in horror. Another side effect of the paralyzing venom was that the victim remained fresh. So when my spiders injected the venom inside him, the risk of dying from blood loss was slim, even with the wounds still open.

"Me?" I grinned, bringing my face closer to him. "Hmm?... Make a guess"

"Gulp!...S-Stay away!...Y-You Monster!" He stammered, my distorted voice must sound scary to him.

'But Nana-chan was okay with my voice.'

"You're the dungeon Boss, Right?"

"Ping Pong!... Congratulations" I applauded him, as good as it gets with my bladed legs "Yes, I'm the boss of this place. Nice to meet you"

"You Bitch!... What have you done to me" He roared, tears began to fall from his eyes. "I..."


"Don't play the victim here" I slapped him hard on the face with the back of my legs. "You all came here to kill me, so it's natural for me to fight back"

"Y-You're not going to kill us?" He asked, his voice was weak and filled with fear.

"Kill you?" I chuckled, shaking my head, "Why would I kill such a precious host"


"Yes, Teacher-kun!" I chuckled, activating my skill, and releasing the long tentacle monster from its hiding place.



"Shut the fuck up and ready that sweet ass for me" I flipped him over on his stomach and ripped what remained of his suit.

" We're going to have some fun"


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