Morgana: The Mother Of All

Chapter 96: The First Arachne

"Wow... what happened to you, Morgana? You've grown so much."


"Ahh... Morgana?"



I uttered not a word as I slowly approached the spider girl.

"Y-You're scaring me."



"Nana-chan!" I exclaimed, placing my legs on her shoulders. "You're so beautiful. Let's fuck."

"Huh?!" Nana gasped in confusion, staring at my face. For a moment, she didn't know how to react to my words.

"Morgana!" She yelled, blushing like crazy. "D-Don't say that, you're making me feel embarrassed."

"Why be embarrassed? We've already fucked, and it's your fault," I said, moving my face closer to hers. "You're just too sexy; I can't help myself."

"B-But..." Nana stammered, trying to free herself from my legs. But she gave up when she couldn't. "Fine, but we can do it later, okay? I'm a little tired."

"Of course, my dear," I replied, offering her a smile. "Do you need anything?"

"Some food would be nice," Nana requested with an adorable expression. "I'm starving."

"Alright, then," I nodded, pulling back and giving her some space to move. "How does a raw steak sound?"

"Like heaven," she replied, giving me a nod. "And I don't mind if it's still alive."

"My, my! You truly have become a spider," I chuckled, turning around and mentally commanding my spiders to bring one of the slain gnolls. As we waited, I took the opportunity to examine her new form more closely.

She stood at an impressive two meters tall, a fascinating hybrid of human and spider, with six spider legs. Her upper body remained human, seamlessly connected to the spider's body where its head should have been, reaching down to her belly. Appearance-wise, nothing had changed except that the burn marks and whip scars had healed, leaving her skin flawless.

However, it was the lower spider portion that captivated me the most for a single, adorable reason. She was pink—the spider's body was pink, matching her hair, with her underbelly a delightful shade of yellow, like her eyes.

'Cute!' I thought, looking at her spider lower half, more specifically, the delicious little human pussy situated at the junction where her two forms met. This is simply adorable!'

"Here you go," I said, turning around just in time to see my spiders bringing a freshly killed gnoll. "Enjoy."

"Great!" Nana grinned in joy, and with a sudden jerk of her legs, the gnoll was slashed into pieces—her two front legs were blades like mine.

"Wow... That's savage," I exclaimed, staring at her with wide eyes.

"Hahaha... Sorry, Mother, I'm a little hungry," Nana laughed awkwardly, grabbing a piece of the gnoll and starting to eat it. "Ahh~"

'Cute and savage,' I thought, observing her eating the raw meat. She was clearly enjoying it for a former human. 'This girl will be deadly in the future.'

"So Nana-chan, what do you think about your new body?" I asked, dropping my body next to her and helping her with the meal.

"I love it," Nana answered, gulping down a chunk of the meat. "It's wonderful; I feel so much power."

"Let me see," she said, waving her hand in the air. "Wow... My rank has jumped from E all the way to C."


"This is awesome!" she exclaimed with her mouth full of meat. "And new skills, too!"

"Wait a second!" I said, interrupting her celebration. "What do you mean by your rank and skills?"

"Huh?" Nana paused, looking at me in confusion. "You know about the hunter's system, right?"

"A system?" I repeated, my eyes widening in surprise. The mention of the word 'system' caused my heart to skip a beat. "Do all hunters possess this system?"

"Of course," Nana nodded. "Every hunter receives the status window and the inventory when they first awaken their hunter abilities."

"Just the status window and the inventory?" I inquired, trying to see the similarity between the hunter system and my own system.

Honestly, I never expected that there would be such a thing—other people with systems. Given that Lilith said we designed my system together, I thought only I possessed it. But now I'm guessing I already had a system, and Lilith just modified it using her powers.

"Yes," Nana confirmed. "But I've heard that some hunters have had their systems altered due to certain skills they've acquired."

"How so?"

"For instance," Nana explained, taking another bite of the gnoll meat, "there was a scout with a unique tracking skill. This skill granted him access to a new interface—a map. Although the map was small, it proved to be incredibly useful for tracking targets and exploring dungeons."

"I see," I replied, nodding thoughtfully. "And what about you, Nana-chan? Have you acquired any new skills or abilities?"

"Yes!" She said excitedly. "My status changed, and I've unlocked many skills."

"Really?!... Tell me everything."

"Certainly," Nana nodded, swallowing the meat and accessing her system. I couldn't see her window, so I assumed she couldn't view mine either. "Let's see, I have two new titles: one called The First Arachne, and the second was related to you, Daughter of Morgana... hehehe, nice."

"Sob... I'm happy that I got a cute daughter like you," I said, tears welling in my eight eyes. "I love you, Nana-chan."

"Sigh... I love you too, Mother," Nana sighed, shaking her head. "And here I thought you were a terrifying monster."

"I am!" I yelled in protest. "It's just that you're too cute."


"Sigh..." Nana sighed again, dropping her head and returning to her system. "Anyway, let's see what else I've gained."

"Yes, please," I said, moving closer to her, eager to learn more.

"My spider race is called Arachne," Nana explained, "and in addition to my previous enhancement skill, I've acquired five new skills." She continued reading from her window, "The first skill is Thread Mastery, which allows me to produce and manipulate silk."

"Cool, so you can now create your own web?" I asked, curious about the skill.

"Yeah, let me try it," Nana nodded, testing her skill. A moment later, a thin string of silk was coming out of her spider butt, and it was pink.

"Pfft..." I couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't laugh!" Nana yelled, blushing as she tried to cut the thread with her legs.

"Hahaha... Pink, how cute," I laughed. I didn't mean to, but this was too funny. "Hahaha... sorry, Nana-chan, but a pink thread is too much."

"Ughh...." Nana groaned. She finally managed to cut the thread and was blushing like crazy. "Stop laughing, Mother."

"Hahaha... I'm sorry, Nana-chan," I said, trying my best not to laugh. "I'll stop, just don't get mad."

"Fine..." she sighed, "May I continue?"

"Please do."

"Okay, then," Nana nodded, returning to her system. "The next skill is called Venom."

"Venom? Does this skill allow you to inject paralyzing venom into your prey?" I asked.

"Yes," Nana confirmed. "So, I assume you possess this skill as well?"

"I do," I nodded. "I guess it's a basic skill for spiders."

"Awesome!" Nana exclaimed. "The next skill is called—" she suddenly stopped, her face turning red as she kept staring at her status.

"Nana-chan?" I asked. "Is there something wrong?"

"..." Nana said nothing, only giving me a weird look. "The skill is called The Queen's Eggs."

'Ah!... I see,' just from the name of the skill, I knew what it was.

"Ohh... So, you can now lay eggs?" I asked, giving her a perverted smile. "Shall we give it a try together?"

"Morgana!" Nana exclaimed, slapping my leg with her own. "Stop joking around."

"Hehehe... I'm just kidding, Nana-chan," I laughed, rubbing the spot she slapped. "But seriously, I've been your mother for less than a day, and I'm already so proud of you."

"Proud? Why?" she asked with a confused tone.

"You've grown so much that you can have kids on your own," I answered, giving her a sly smile, and teasing her more. "As expected of my daughter."


"Anyway, the next skill is—"

Oh! She ignored me. I guess she got used to my teasing rather quickly.

"The next skill is The First Arachne's Kin," Nana said, reading her status. "It gives me the ability to transform any female into an Arachne."

"Oh!" I exclaimed. "So you can turn other females into spider girls?"

"Yes," Nana nodded. "But there's a condition."

"A condition?" I asked, raising a spider eyebrow if there was such a thing. "What kind of condition?"

"The female must willingly submit to me," Nana replied, her face flushed with embarrassment as she revealed the details. I could tell that the idea of transforming ordinary girls into spider girls excited her, especially since spiders were Nana's favorite animal.

"And the last skill?" I asked, snapping her from her thoughts.

"Ahem... The last skill is called Human Form," Nana said, taking a deep breath. "It gives me the ability to transform into a human."

"That's a useful skill," I commented. "So you can turn back into your former human self?"

"I believe so," Nana nodded. "But I won't know for sure until I test it."

"Then test it now," I urged.

"I would like to, but my MP is low," she replied. "I'll need some rest before testing it."

"Not a problem," I said, standing up and pulling out a mana potion from my inventory.

"M-Morga..." Nana was momentarily speechless, her eyes darting between me and the potion.

"Yes, Nana-chan..." I said, smiling at her reaction. "I have a system, too."

"H-How?" she asked, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Shut up and drink this," I cut her off, shoving the bottle into her face. "I want to see your human form."

"Eh?....Thanks!" Nana exclaimed, gratefully accepting the potion and chugging down its contents.

"Ahhh!" She sighed in satisfaction, wiping her mouth. "It's been a while since I drank one of these."

"So? Are you ready?"

"Yes, let me try it," Nana nodded, closing her eyes.

Moments later, a pink mist covered her body, and the transformation began.


It was swift, and in less than three seconds, she stood before me in her human form. Nana had returned to her previous appearance before the Arachne transformation, including the burn marks and whip scars.

'Phew...' I sighed in relief, sensing that her aura had shifted to match that of a human's. In her Arachne form, Nana's aura was pink, but as a human, it was white. This meant she could safely return to Earth without anyone noticing any difference.

"So?... How do I look?" she asked.

"Hmm?" I hummed, moving my gaze up and down, staring at her naked body. "Sexy... Let's just fuck already."

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