
Life in the Forest 5 – Choice Predator

At the dawn of a new day, the little jelly was again basking in the morning sunshine while laying on a large tree branch. After luring two more female beasts the other day and consuming them in the same manner, it finally managed to completely assimilate their species’ genome.

What this means is that it can now fully alter their biological data and make adjustments wherever it feels like. For instance, it can now partly transform any part of itself into the beast’s antlers and have as many of it as it wants at any density or thickness its biomatter would allow. It can even form as many limbs or modify its skeletal structure without increased burden or energy expenditure.

However, this doesn’t mean it could go beyond its own amount of accumulated biomass. Simply put, if it only has enough mass to form three whole attached bodies, then it can only form three whole attached bodies and not a hair follicle more. This is the extreme equivalent exchange of its own cellular mass.

After doing experiments, it decided to rest and prepare for the next day, so it hollowed out a portion of the top of a large tree near the lake. This is so it didn’t have to stray too far while hiding its presence. Throughout the night, it used its enhanced senses through its blob state to detect as many different kinds of creatures of the night as it could.

Once it successfully consumes a predator species, it’ll then hunt for a night-active species so it doesn’t have to waste time whenever it gets dark. Technically, it can still go out at night in its blob form since it didn’t need light to see, but this form is its most vulnerable state and doesn’t really possess any other means of defending itself other than forming a coat of acid or other chemicals. Not only that, taking damage in this form would also cause it to receive said damage twice-fold and would cause it to lose more biomatter. Being low maintenance and energy efficient comes at this cost.

Now that it was well energized, it looked through its possible options. One creature it found the other day, was another type of four-legged creature with red-orange fur, pawed feet, a more pointed muzzle with a black nose at the tip, pointed triangular ears, and a fluffy tail.

While it confirmed that it was a predator, it was much smaller than the horned beast it currently has assimilated. It was sleek and agile, and very quiet when stalking other creatures. Because it was small, this made it feasible for its horned-beast form to take on.

The problem lies in the fact that they were hard to find and that they were too small to hunt any of the larger prey. It would need to hunt a great number of them if it wanted to convert its size to match its own mass, but the fact that they were cautious, rare, and could easily slip through narrow obstacles made them a bad option as a first target.

Another option was a seemingly larger version of this small predator. They shared similar features such as their heads and their pawed feet, but these beasts were much larger and bulkier, and either had grey or dark fur. They howled through the night and had a much more intimidating presence. Both the boon and the problem with this creature was that they hunted in large groups.

Being in a group means it would be able to solve its assimilation requirements all at once. However, they were also much more cunning and fiercer than the smaller version, but the most dangerous part about them was that they showed a coordination in hunting that implied a higher level of intelligence.

While this creature was well suited for its purpose, it was a great risk to hunt them since it would mean facing a highly coordinated group of predators. Too many unknown variables make this an incredibly risky choice, so the jelly had to plan thoroughly if it ever decided to take them on.

The last of its options was the largest and fiercest predator it found in the region. This monster was incredibly large and had a hulking frame that completely dwarfed the males of the horned four-legged beast. Despite its size, it could stand on its hind legs and raise its massive forearms that were as thick as tree trunks and had sharp claws at the end.

Not only that, the jelly once witnessed one of these monsters face an entire pack of the intelligent howling creatures. Despite their coordination, their claws and fangs couldn’t even penetrate the thick bristle-like fur of the great monster, especially the large cluster of it around its neck like a mane. Unable to cause any damage, the pack was forced to flee while losing two of their own to the great maned monster.

This was the epitome of evolution that the little jelly could ever hope for. To be able to stand at the top undaunted, powerful, and having nothing to fear. This great beast was its final objective. Once it has claimed its genome, it was sure that this was the right creature to turn into its gene anchor. With a powerful gene anchor, it would no longer have to fear other creatures and could safely accumulate more genetic factors without risk of being biologically unstable.

Giddy with excitement for what could be a bright future, the jelly wasted no time in plotting for the coming hunt. Finally deciding which predator to hunt in order to secure its future, it decided to take a huge risk.

To improve its chances, it opted to improve its chemical capabilities. Not forgetting its own ability to incorporate even plant matter into its body, it scoured the forest for the right materials.


After a day of travel, Rakai finally arrived at his home village on the northwestern edge of the great forest. The Kaijin are a strong and hardy people who preferred living simple lives. Their people are spread apart into many villages that line the forest at the edges of the Woods of Prismor.

Despite their simplicity, they were intelligent and fierce warriors that lived mostly by the rules of nature. Their capacity to learn was great, but most chose the hardship of their current lives over the convenience offered by the greater cities.

The reason for this is that they see themselves as the guardians and keepers of Prismordia, the untamed lands and the origin of magic. Should their kind ever shirk their duties, the great beasts and wild magic would go rampant and free across the world, laying ruin in their wake.

Two disasters have already occurred and each time they brought with them a violent change. First was the release of magic into the known world, referred to as the Flow. Like the changing seasons, the Flow streamed across the world bringing with it the rise and fall of the Tides of Magic. New creatures born of said magic came about as well as the emergence of monsters.

The next disaster, however, was more devastating and would forever be a blight on this world’s history. Unknowable things entered from beyond the physical plane, known as the Outrealm, wherever wild magic was left unchecked and harmed the Materium. The worst of these beings were the Niskarii, formless abominable creatures of malice and corruption that seek to erode and consume all life within the Materium.

Their tainted magic tore at the very fabric of existence and once taken root, they were extremely difficult to remove.

It is for this very reason that the Kaijin have taken it upon themselves to forever become the watchers and first line of defenders against the unknowable forces that would come from the heart of magic of their world.

As Rakai neared his village, some of the Kaijin going about their business stopped at his approach. One of the guards at the gate came forward to greet him.

“Seeker Rakai, it is great to see your return. Elder Uruwan has sensed your coming and informed us ahead of time. The elder will see you once you’re done with your business.”

“Arnun, I thank you. It warms my heart to see my home after a long time.” responded Rakai with a stern smile.

The guard, Arnun, simply grinned and went back to his place at the side of the gate.

As Rakai entered the gate, he was surprised to see the man waiting for him behind the gate. It was a tall Kaijin, even taller than him, with grey-brick colored skin, black shoulder length hair, a cross scar across his face, and two horns on his forehead. The man had his arms crossed and looked at him sternly.

“Brother Rikarn, what a surprise. I expected you were still within your trials to be groomed as chief.” Rakai exclaimed in surprise, but was welcoming towards the other man.

“Hmph. The trials can wait. Why would that be more important than a man welcoming his brother home?” responded the man, his brother, Rikarn.

Patting Rakai’s shoulder, he looked at him thoroughly from his legs to his hair. “Have you gotten thinner? The monsters outside Prismor must be soft.”

Rakai chuckled at this comment. “Not so, brother. If you’ve seen the things I’ve seen, you’d be surprised at how many things aren’t as “soft” as you’d think.”

“Hmph. Well, I’ll trust your word for it. After all, as the Seeker, only you are allowed to venture and bring news of the world to us. Alright, I won’t hold you any longer. Kirili and Misesha are waiting for you.”

Hearing about his wife and daughter, Rakai’s expression softened deeply. He nodded at his brother and went off towards the familiar road to his home.

Greeting everyone along the way, he stood before the familiar entrance of his home with a bit of hesitation. It has been many moons since he’s last seen his wife and daughter. How much has his wonderful daughter grown?

“Miai, is that you? Give me a second, I’ll be right there.”

The voice of his wife, Kirili, sounded out from behind the folds. It seems she mistook his presence for their neighbor’s wife, but it didn’t matter as hearing her voice soothed his very soul.

“Fish has been rare as of late, so I may need to bring more cloth to trade for din – “

As a modest looking woman with gentle features, brown hair, and two small horns walked out, her voice cut off when she saw who it was behind the folds at the entrance. Dropping the empty basket in her hands, she immediately jumped to embrace the man before her.

“My love! It’s you! I could’ve sworn you wouldn’t be back until another fortnight! Wait… Elder Uruwan, that sly old coot! This was why he told me to prepare a lavish supper for tonight!”

“Haha, Kirili my love, you’re still as beautiful as when I first laid my eyes on you.”

The two lovebirds were about to share a long moment with each other, but it was cut short as another excited cry startled them.

“Dad! You came back early!”

A young Kaijin girl, barely in her teens, leapt from the top of the hut to land in between them. Catching the girl by her armpits, Rakai raised her up as he assessed every little nook and cranny of her.

“Misesha, you naughty little kitten, let papa see how much you’ve grown.”

The three of them giggled as they all embraced in a hug and entered their home.

Later that night, Rakai knelt and bowed as he faced an old Kaijin who sat opposite of him. Though old, the Kaijin exuded a strong aura of authority and power, a power Rakai personally experienced since he was young.

“Looks like things are seemingly working well for you, Rakai. How’s old Jortus treating you?” the old Kaijin asked as he closed his eyes and smoked a pipe.

Rakai grinned at the way Elder Uruwan addressed Jortus. Despite looking like a middle-aged man, Jortus was actually as old as Uruwan and were both old friends. Dabbling with magic apparently comes with some visible benefits.

“Jortus has been good to me, Elder. I have learned much in our travels and gained more in the ways of the open world.”

“Hmm, I see. I take it there’s a reason for your early return?” asked Uruwan as he looked at him with one eye.

Rakai tensed upon hearing this question. “Indeed, there is, Elder. I come to you bearing troubling news.”

Rakai recounted their recent investigation then became silent after he finished. After listening to Rakai, Uruwan went into deep thought as he put down his pipe. “I see. You all encountered the trail of an abnormal slime after investigating a tear in the Materium. The slime’s tracks originally appeared to be heading here but eventually moved towards the Green Cradle.”

“That is correct, Elder.”

“Hmm. What do you think, Rikarn?” the elder sent a question towards the only other man in the room.

Rikarn crossed his arms as he gave his opinion, “Old Jortus said there’s no Niskari taint, right? In that case, I think we should put this aside in the meantime.”

“But brother…”

Uruwan raised his hand to stop Rakai. “Now now, Rakai. Rikarn and I didn’t say we’d completely ignore it. It's just that it’s currently out of our hands if it’s really headed towards the Cradle. Normally, I wouldn’t let something like this go, no matter how vague, but currently we don’t have the manpower as we’re pressed by something more concerning.”

Rakai’s eyes widened when he heard that. “Something more concerning?”

Uruwan let out a sigh as he answered “Indeed. A Fallen Seed has broken through the Materium.”


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