Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 1 Slave House 1

The royal capital of the Luofen Kingdom is located on the southern border of the country, close to the territories of other countries. It is an aggressive and barbaric country.

The country is vast, but many places are not suitable for living.

Especially in the north, it is difficult for most creatures to survive because of its proximity to the ice sea.

This kingdom with a population of tens of thousands has been a place of attack since ancient times. There are only pirates and bandits who are too poor to survive and run away. There is no invasion from the outside.

Warcraft, orcs, elves, and sea tribes, this place, like most fantasy world settings, is empty and low-key.

It had been two years since young Lawrence came to this world, and he had only heard of the existence of magic in the lies of some knights and drunkards.

There are not many magicians in the entire Luofen Kingdom, at least Lawrence, the son of a baron, cannot see such big shots.

The orcs and elves have seen some of them, and the Sea Clan has heard of a lot. Fishing boats often bring back monsters that are said to be sea monsters from the Sea Clan.

Before entering the slave house, Lawrence simply arranged the old clothes he had worn for more than two years, and arranged his carefully cleaned hair with his hands.

Fourteen years old, 1.7 meters tall, with a gentle appearance and a scholarly air.

Unfortunately, this is an area ruled by barbarians and military aristocrats, and this appearance is often looked down upon, or even deliberately bullied.

Lawrence touched the inner pocket of his clothes. There were fourteen silver coins there, which were his family separation fees.

Among the children of a noble, only the eldest son has the right to inherit and can inherit the complete family property, while the other children will be assigned to some positions or given a sum of money.

Or just drive away directly.

The territory and title were all given to the eldest son, so the eldest son was naturally responsible for supporting his parents and had nothing to do with the rest of the family.

In this backward world, children start working after they are three years old. When they develop sexual impulses that easily affect the status of women and fathers in the family, they are kicked out.

The Baron's family does not have much status, but there are a lot of things to do every day. Lawrence, his brothers, sisters, and brothers are like workers every day, responsible for farming, animal husbandry, transportation, and managing the estate.

This world is not a beautiful one. Since I came to this world, I have lived in endless slavery and oppression every day.

Lawrence wanted to escape from this cruel oppression and did not want to be bullied and beaten because he was weak.

Even in the eyes of many people, this is life and there is nothing wrong with it.

Freedom is at your feet.

Even though he knew that what he was going to do was irrational and would put a great burden on his future life, before leaving the royal capital of Tran Big Hoof City, Lawrence still thought about it deeply...

I really want to buy a beautiful slave girl! !

After leaving the royal capital and going to the cold and cold places in the north, it is impossible to meet a beautiful woman who suits his aesthetics there.

The probability of being favored by the other person is also very low. No normal woman would think of living in the mountains.

Unlike those brainless barbarian nobles, Lawrence had discovered the signs of war, so he decisively made up his mind to leave this place.

War will bring wealth and fiefs, but they are the achievements of a few people. Lawrence has realized his social status over the years and will not dream about the plots in knight novels.

As soon as he stepped into the slave house, all the moral integrity he had in his previous life disappeared.

In this life, I also want to be the "master".

The business in the slave house is quiet. There is not only one slave house in the city. This place is like a high-end home appliance mall and is a normal facility.

The person in charge of the reception was not a graceful and charming woman, but a fat woman who was sleeping soundly on three long benches.

Fortunately, she was not alone in the store, there was also a young girl with short hair who looked like a man and an old man.

The young girl was squatting on the ground repairing the oil lamp, while the old man was frowning at the counter and settling accounts.

Soon the young girl discovered Lawrence. When she saw a young man coming in, she said directly: "What are you doing in here? Get out quickly! This is not a circus!"

The girl's shout quickly alerted the old man, but the fat woman was still sleeping soundly.

Lawrence explained: "I'm here to buy slaves, am I going wrong?"

"No, no, no! You're not wrong!" The old man stood up quickly, but then looked at Lawrence again, "How many coppers do you have?"

Lawrence took out a silver coin and said, "I also have silver coins, but I only buy slaves that I like. If they don't like them, I will leave without leaving a single copper coin."

The old man said excitedly: "I have a lot of high-quality slaves here. Please take a seat. What kind of slave does the guest want?"

Lawrence took back his coins and asked, "What kind of slaves are here?"

The old man came out from the counter, "My name is Malouf, this is my shop, I have more than 20 slaves here, some can grow potatoes, some can raise horses, and there are male slaves who deliver pigs!" "

Lawrence narrowed his eyes, "Sounds good, but I only want a beautiful slave girl, and she must be beautiful!"

Malouf had seen perverts and boys who were obsessed with women. Although he was surprised by this boy's request, he quickly accepted it.

"Okay! We also have some beautiful slaves here, Mai Rui, go to work!"

After looking at Lawrence, the tomboy named Mai Rui reluctantly walked into the locked passage inside.




The fat woman's snoring kept ringing in the hall. Lawrence endured it because he didn't want to cause trouble, while Maloof felt a little uncomfortable and quickly walked over there.

"Get up! You stupid pig, go to work! You're a stupid and lazy fat pig that only knows how to eat!"

The fat woman was quickly woken up and hurriedly covered her face and fled into the house.

Lawrence glanced outside the door. The door to go out was obviously open.

Just now, Lawrence vaguely noticed the appearance of the fat woman.

Although she is fat and not good-looking, she is somewhat similar to the girl just now. She should be a mother and daughter.

No matter how beautiful women in this area are when they are young, they will look like fat women soon after marriage, including women from noble families.

Either they died of malnutrition and starved to death, or they were extremely fat. There are very few women over forty who still maintain a normal figure, and the same is true for men.

Soon the thin Maloof came over and sat across from Lawrence. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile: "I am Maloof, Brown."

Lawrence: "Lawrence, Bert."

Maloof quickly reacted, "Is he a child of Baron Bert's family?"

Lawrence nodded, "Yes."

Every time a child of Baron Bert's family reaches adulthood, that is, over the age of fourteen, he will get the right to manage a part of the area.

It is not the right of inheritance, but the baron will stipulate the income of the wheat field or orchard, and then give it to his adult and married son to take care of it.

The right of inheritance is given to the eldest son. In the future, the income from these places will still be given to the head of the family who inherits the title.

Underage children like Lawrence work with the women and are also responsible for assisting in other places, helping their brothers and sisters-in-law.

As the number of children increases, there will gradually be no more land for the new children. At this time, they will be like wild beasts, driving out the dishonest people who are getting stronger and bolder.

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