Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 119 Summer

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and goats, sheep and Dom sheep have changed their wool.

Early in the morning, after just finishing her meal, Sophia took down two 40-centimeter-long chopsticks from the wooden stand in the corner.

Even in summer, Sophia wore long sleeves and long trousers, and the trousers were lightly tied with small ropes to prevent insects from getting in.

The boots on his feet are a pair of gray rabbit skin boots, and his hands are also wearing a pair of wolf skin gloves with exposed fingers.

Sophia was carrying a wooden jar with a lid that could be closed, and it was still empty.

"Master! I'm going to catch bugs."

Sofia said hello to Lawrence and then set off.

Lawrence reminded: "Pay attention to sun protection and bring an umbrella."

"Okay! Master!" Sophia happily picked up a fixed wooden umbrella that couldn't be closed and quickly went out.

Today is a seven-day weekend. Sophia doesn't have to study or practice shields and axes. She can play games and sleep without any worries.

Sariel blew into the hot tea soaked with flower petals in front of her and smiled: "Ever since she discovered that the hens in the chicken coop started hatching eggs, Sophia has something she wants to do."

Lawrence, who was grinding stones, smiled when he heard it.

As the temperature rises, the hens in the chicken coop also begin to hatch eggs, and new chicks will join them in more than ten days.

The survival rate of chicks is very low, and they will face diseases, natural enemies, and various dangers. However, in general, five or six eggs in a clutch can survive as long as they do not encounter plague.

The survival rate of livestock in the northern kingdom is lower than that in the southern kingdom, in the Agama Mountains it is lower than in Tran Big Hoof City, and in the Wakili people it is lower than in the Agama Mountains.

Livestock can only grow in a continuous state, and food can only reach the point where one pound of seeds can yield three pounds of millet.

Farming by the Ice Barbarians is very simple, and Andrew is already very particular about people.

What Lawrence wants to change is the original planting method and improve planting and breeding technology.

There is no need to change the whole world, just improve the fields and livestock in your own manor.

Lawrence said: "Just let Etty and the others do this kind of thing."

Salil smiled and said: "Etty has been doing it. There have been a lot of bugs recently. I have to make the mosquito net today."

"Yes." Lawrence responded. Mosquito nets were indeed a necessity, and the other necessity was straw mats.

Fortunately, straw mats are easy to make. Three of the six new slaves currently joining are women, and they are all between ten and twelve years old.

These women have strong learning abilities and also have certain survival abilities.

The only trouble is that these women are probably the most vengeful among the existing Ug people. If they are a little younger, they will forget some things. If they are older, they will understand that survival is not easy.

At this time, the three Ugren girls still need a long period of observation.

When they realize the barbarism and cruelty of the Ug people, and realize that life today is much better than in the past, then they will officially join Shanfeng Manor.

The current grouping of Shanfeng Manor is a three-person group mode.

Top: Lawrence, Saryl, Sophia

Middle level: Reglo, Seravan, Itty.

Bottom: Reglo team, Seravan team, Eti team, Miners team

Reglo's group: Reglo and two male slaves, mainly responsible for hunting, patrolling, and supervising.

Seravan group: Seravan, shepherdess, and Ug female slaves, mainly responsible for construction, livestock raising, and agricultural product processing.

Iti's group: Iti and the two remaining Ug girls are mainly responsible for growing vegetables, weaving, leather processing, weeding and cooking.

Mining group: three Ug slaves, who do most of the hard work and are general slaves.

A good management model can better stabilize the security of the manor. Lawrence is responsible for arbitration and has the highest interpretative power to formulate rules and trials.

When there was a conflict between Reglo and the others, Lawrence conducted a fair trial.

Now Regloro was arranged by Lawrence to go to Andrew's Lodge, where he supervised five slaves digging.

Compared to Shanfeng Manor, Reglo preferred drinking and chatting with the men from Pumexiu.

Seeing that Salil was about to go out, Lawrence said, "Help me move the stone mill to the shed."

"Okay!" Salil quickly picked up a stone plate weighing more than one hundred kilograms.

Lawrence held the other one to himself, which will be put to the finishing touches today in the shed outside.

In summer, the weather gradually gets hotter and the sun becomes dazzling.

Lawrence's log cabin is still a little short of being topped off, and the final boards and bricks are being made these days, while direct sunlight is allowed into the cabin to dehumidify.

There were only a few pine trees left in the pine forest, and Lawrence built an arbor in the shadow of the pine trees.

The shed is supported by four five-meter-high tree trunks, and a grass cover is laid on the top to block the sun. You can sit and lie here during meals and naps, and feel the mountain breeze from three sides.

After Saryl brought Lawrence's tools, she went to take care of Dom the sheep.

This kind of thing is usually taken care of by the shepherdess, but the Dom sheep has also been Salil's friend for many years. Sometimes Salil will feed the Dom sheep herself and card the wool.

After breakfast, the manor consciously entered work mode.

The overall living atmosphere here is still very slow. No one is urging people to work with whips, and there is no need to worry about food.

Eating breakfast every day represents work, and eating dinner also represents rest.

Things like taking care of livestock or patrolling will come earlier and later, so as a reward you can eat four meals a day.

After Reglo came down the mountain in the past few days, the manor had become much quieter. Except for the sound of Seravan knocking on wood and hammering nails, there were only the crows of cocks, the chirping of insects, and the croaking of frogs from the river.

Spring and summer are the most comfortable times here. Once autumn enters, you have to prepare for the dull and long winter.

If you don't store enough food and fuel, winter will be difficult.

Lawrence felt that spring had passed. After spending a morning cleaning the stone mill with a brush and assembling it, he poured a handful of wheat and started trying.

Long-term exercise, strong physical strength during the growth period, coupled with sufficient food and rest, made Lawrence much stronger than before.

Fifteen-year-old Lawrence pushed the wooden stick on the edge of the stone mill with one hand to turn the heavy stone.

There was a nice and heavy friction sound between the two stone plates. After turning seven or eight times, Lawrence had already switched from one-handed to two-handed pushing.

Gray-white debris also squeezed out of the stone mill's discharge port, and Lawrence showed a strange expression.

"Maybe it's because of the wheat, or maybe it's because of the stone grinding. The powder that comes out is not that white."

After finishing speaking, Lawrence quickly realized the problem.

"The wheat is not rinsed and washed. These wheat are not the ones Emma uses specifically for flouring. They are given by others when the livestock was castrated last time. There are a lot of other things mixed in."

"These people are not simple at all. They must have been mixed with ash and sawdust."

The Pumixiu people's unit of measurement is the jar, and no one needs to be taught how to put things into the jar.

Lawrence quickly went to wash the water and put the filtered wheat in the sun to dry, while he went to eat and take a nap.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, the wheat was dried and the flour grinding continued.

During the first pass, all that came out was broken wheat. These broken wheat were collected and gradually poured into the stone mill to continue grinding.

On the second pass, white flour fell out of the outlet.

"Okay! Success!"

Lawrence wiped the sweat from his forehead and barely managed to complete several small goals set in the spring before reaching summer.

Building a wall (already completed)

Place the beehive (completed)

Build new cabin (almost finished)

Build a water-powered mill (half)

Excavation of sewers (already completed)

Obtain 500 pounds of food (completed)

The May 3rd Plan: Make 300 earthen pots, 300 meters of hemp rope, 30 baskets, 30 pounds of animal oil, and three sets of new wool long-sleeved trousers (in progress)

River fish farming (already completed)

Improve your archery skills to a range of 20 meters (roughly completed)

Practice fighting skills until Salil falls (in progress)

Five are definitely complete, two are roughly complete, and three are in progress.

Although it is somewhat different from expectations, overall I am very satisfied.

Continuing to do the unfinished business, when Lawrence sat down to rest, he began to think about summer plans.

Three Summer Change Plans

Renovate the chicken coop: move to a wooden house, transform the stone house into a chicken coop cut with wooden boards, and provide separate activity areas for roosters, hens and chicks.

Renovate a wooden house: make furniture, tools, and daily necessities

Transform the riverbed: facilitate the use of the river, lay wooden boards on slippery areas of the riverbank, and create ferries and drainage channels.

Because there are still matters involving the Pumi Xiu and the Wakili people, Lawrence has no plans to expand for the time being. He will wait until the population and supplies of the manor are stable before expanding towards the other side.

In the ordinary and busy days of leisure, the Pumi Xiu people quickly prepared everything, and Kate rode a moose outside Shanfeng Manor again.

Kate put down an iron pot, "Mr. Lawrence, my father and Vip asked me to bring a gift. I hope to get your permission to let us capture three crows."

Lawrence was a little confused. He just caught the crow and told me...

"Okay, I agree, but you can't catch crows outside the forest."

Lawrence has clearly distinguished several groups of crows. The crow he raises is a large crow. When it reaches adulthood, including its beak and tail, its body length is about fifty centimeters.

There is also a kind of crow nearby, which is slightly smaller and also prefers group activities.

The Pumixiu people believe that all crows are Lawrence's contractual partners, because crows often bring bad luck and omens, so they did not capture them directly, but first obtained permission from the Lord of Crows.

Kate quickly went to the forest to catch crows, and Lawrence called his own crows back in advance to avoid the fate of these crows being captured and used as nautical birds.

Pirates and merchants would carry crows with them when they went to sea. They would release the crows to see if they came back, and thus determine whether there was land nearby where the crows could stay.

The crow has enough intelligence to return before its energy is exhausted, so if it does not return, it will be exciting for the pirates and they can be sure that there is land around them.

Usually this is the last resort, usually the last test after going in the direction and drifting for more than ten days or more than a month.

Those who survive will become even more superstitious about the importance of crows.

Lawrence looked at the iron pot that Etty brought in and felt that the food of the Pumixiu people might not be enough.

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