Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 124 Living Contract

"Today we went to the town to find a blacksmith to make iron tools. We also went to Doug's house to let the puppies and the big dogs get together to see if we can learn anything."

Lawrence had made plans for today early in the morning. When he walked outside after eating, Seravan and others were already waiting at the door.

Every morning Lawrence would arrange the day's work and take a break if he finished it in advance. He could usually finish it an hour before dinner.

If you can't finish it, don't eat. The feeling of being hungry at night is still fresh in your memory, and you can finish it in advance the next day.

"Selavin, you guys are the housekeepers, cleaning the chicken coop and the sheep coop."

"Regglo goes back down the mountain to supervise the male slaves."

"Etty, your team will do the laundry today and clean up the weeds in the vegetable patch."

After Lawrence arranged things, he was about to go down the mountain. At this time, Etty asked: "Master, do you want to bring the pigs down the mountain?"

"I will bring a little pig when I come back." Lawrence planned to raise a fat pig to squeeze oil in preparation for the fried chicken festival. "We will raise a female first, and we will talk about the other two later."

Lawrence brought the rope again. A six-month-old piglet is not small anymore. It is easy to get lost if it is not held on hand.

Domestic pigs are different from puppies. They will not come back if they get lost, and they can easily adapt to life in the wild.

Sariel put the two puppies on the basket and led the two Dom sheep down the mountain.

Cows are not suitable for climbing mountains. The most suitable mounts for mountains are Dom sheep and moose. As for the better mountain wild boars, the kind of wild boars suitable for mounts are in the hands of nobles, and few domesticated ones are sold outside.

A powerful mount is harder to obtain than a knight's armor, which is almost the entire worth of a knight.

If it is that kind of majestic mount with excellent quality, the price will only be higher, a hundred times more valuable than a woman.

Lawrence looked at the Dom sheep in front of him, especially focusing on the tail of Nora the Dom sheep.

"I don't know if Nora is pregnant."

Lawrence felt that he needed to learn some veterinary knowledge.

Compared with treating people, being a veterinarian is more tiring, but you can earn a lot of money, and the psychological burden is not that great.

There is no need to see too complicated diseases. Apart from castration, the most important things are gastric lavage and delivery.

Although I don’t know how to do it, I can learn it, right?

After all, the cows and sheep in the manor are precious, and they will definitely raise cows in the future. Not raising cows in this terrain on the mountain is really a waste of a good place.

Soon Lawrence and others returned to Andrew's house, where they inspected the harvest of the five slaves this time, including a large pile of copper ore and iron ore placed outside the shed.

The Pumixiu were gone, and the barbarians were not a people known for their industriousness.

After Lawrence arrived in Pumexiu Town, he found that the situation was much more optimistic than he had imagined.

"Mr. Lawrence, he is drunk. He probably won't wake up until night."

The blacksmith's wife explained the blacksmith's condition.

Lawrence looked at the man sleeping soundly on the bed and said helplessly: "Vip also drank and fell asleep. Is there a lot of alcohol in the town?"

The blacksmith's wife explained: "Last time I brought back a lot of wine from the Ug people, wine made from acorns."

Lawrence didn't like drinking, and seeing the few remaining men in the village still living drunkenly all day long, he felt even more helpless.

Lawrence could only tell the blacksmith's wife what had happened, and agreed to come back in two days, and then he would borrow the stove.

After leaving the blacksmith's house, Lawrence went to Emma's house and explained the purpose of his visit.

Emma was taking the children to make baskets. After hearing this, she said: "After Kate left, Aili went to Dumu Village. The dogs and her children were also there, but you can go find Bull. Dogs are descendants of wolves.”

Ai Ali is Kate's woman, and Bull is Kate's woman, and she is also a tavern girl who works in a tavern.

She sings well and is very enthusiastic. She is familiar with many people in the village.

Lawrence went to the tavern and found Bull mopping the floor.

Bull felt someone coming in. He raised his head and saw that it was Lawrence and smiled: "Mr. Lawrence, I'm glad you can come to this deserted tavern. Would you like a drink?"

Lawrence walked to the table and sat down, "No, I heard from Emma that your dogs are descendants of wolves? My two dogs don't know anything, and I want to find a big dog to teach them."

Bull came over and sat down, "I don't think this will work anymore. It's difficult for dogs to get along with each other. When they are small, they can learn from the big dogs. If they are too big, it can only depend on their pedigree."

"That's it." Lawrence said helplessly: "I have been busy with other things and forgot about this matter."

Bull comforted: "It's okay, they can learn to look after the house and catch rabbits by themselves. As long as they bark when they see strangers and drive away foxes and mice."

Lawrence asked curiously: "How do you get a wolf dog? How do the descendants of your wolf do it?"

Bull quickly said: "This is not a good thing. If the wolf has too much blood, it will be disobedient and eat too much. Sometimes I am scared when I see it when I go home, and I dare not let children get close to it."

Lawrence found that it made sense. If we really got a wolf, it would be troublesome to tame it.

If you don't want the offspring of domesticated hounds, why do you want wolves...

"That's it." Lawrence thanked: "Very good Bull, I understand."

Seeing that Lawrence cared about dogs, Bull introduced: "Mr. Lawrence, if you want a good dog, you can actually exchange it with the Snow Cave Man. The Snow Cave Man is willing to exchange the extra puppies for wine and vegetables."

"Okay, I remember that." Lawrence remembered that several of Doug's dogs were acquired from the Snow Cave People.

Doug does have strong dog training skills, but due to time constraints, he cannot cultivate better pedigree dogs. He has always obtained stable puppies from the Snow Cave people.

Bull quickly said in embarrassment: "Mr. Lawrence, I want to ask you to help me with something. If it doesn't work, forget it. I am not qualified to ask you for help."

Lawrence smiled and said: "You tell me, I want to know what it is first."

Bull nodded and said in embarrassment: "I am pregnant, and the father of the child is not from Pumixiu."

"Whose is that?" Lawrence thought for a moment, "Vakiri?"

The Ug people were recently exterminated, the Kur and Dum people were also slaves, most likely the Vakiri, and the town is still ruled by barons.

Maybe Bull entertained them the last time the baron came over.

This kind of thing is not a shame. For the sparsely populated Pumixiu people, the town needs foreign blood, and the seeds of the Wakili people are better in everyone's opinion.

Bull said in embarrassment: "It belongs to a slave. I want you to meet him. He has always wanted to meet you again."

Lawrence frowned, "Is it Taloki?"

Bull quickly denied, "No, he used to be a slave of the Dumu people, and then he was captured by Vipu as a slave to fetch water for Vipu's pigs."

Lawrence quickly remembered who it was. When attacking the Dumu people, he did meet a slave who escaped in the chaos and said a few words.

But then I forgot about it.

"He is Vipu's slave, how do you want me to help him?"

Lawrence didn't understand how Bull could get along with that slave, but it was hard to say such things, so there was no need to go into details.

Bull said happily: "Vip wants healthy Ug slaves very much. If you are willing to exchange, he will definitely be willing."

Lawrence said: "But I need a slave to mine. If I give it to Vip, can that person mine?"

Bull said awkwardly: "He is indeed a little weak and can't fight. I heard that your slaves can all eat. You can ask him to help you herd sheep and raise pigs. Sometimes I will go up to help you. Do things.”

Lawrence thought for a moment, then looked at the kind girl who was looking at him expectantly.

"Okay, I promise you." Lawrence asked smoothly: "What does Vip want the Ug slaves for?"

Bull replied: "Drink blood."

Lawrence did not continue to ask. Anyway, the Ug people are not civilized people, and they do a lot of sacrifices and cannibalism.

Exchanging a cannibal slave for a human who can negotiate normally and can be regarded as a friend of one's friends is a good deal.

Lawrence quickly found Vip. After he sobered up, Vip heard Lawrence's intention and happily agreed directly without asking Lawrence why he did this.

Lawrence brought a relatively strong Ug slave, and Vip brought the young man named Kenny.

Because it is an exchange of slaves, both parties need to sign a new slave contract.

The ritual is very simple and in line with the bizarre wisdom of primitive humans.

Lawrence paid for a can of wheat and a ten-pound weight of bacon for Friesen's wife's twig whip.

Then, with the frightened eyes of the Friesen children, he slapped the little boy from the Friesen family several times on the buttocks, making him cry loudly.

The little boy who was beaten remembered the face of the man who hit him, and also remembered roughly when he was beaten like this. The contract was established!

With the rest of the village notarizing themselves, and the important little boy remembering them deeply, Lawrence and Vip exchanged slaves.

Friesen's wife received the child's share of the reward and took her child home with satisfaction.

Lawrence didn't want to hit the child, but it was helping another man escape a bloody wound.

The savages were very particular about certain customs, and Lawrence didn't want to change them casually. He could only say sorry to the little boy who was beaten, and find an opportunity to give him a piece of bread as compensation in the future.

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