Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 127 Water Quality

As soon as Lawrence returned outside the manor, a black crow flew over quickly.


The crow quickly landed on the sheep's back, and quickly flew out with flapping wings.

When Lawrence saw this, he quickly said: "It seems to have discovered something. I'll go over and take a look."

"Me too!" Salil followed.

Sofia followed without saying a word, and the two Dom sheep entered the manor by themselves.

The shepherdess at the door heard the noise, quickly came over and took the two sheep in, and then went to notify Seravan.

Lawrence followed the crow for several hundred meters and found a dead blue sheep near the stream upstream.

The blue sheep is a kind of sheep that is good at climbing and can avoid the attacks of large prey on cliffs.

This kind of climbing and walking is relatively limited. It is not really like walking on flat ground, nor can it be ignored to the extent of gravity by just leaning a little.

The front is not a stream under a cliff, but is at least a hundred meters away from the mountain in the distance.

Lawrence looked at the blue sheep carcass that was being eaten by crows in front of him, and felt that this body should have been hit here by the stream.

How it died was uncertain. Most of the body of the blue sheep had been disposed of, and there seemed to be more crows than flies on it.

A group of crows stood on the body of the blue sheep and screamed strangely. Before Lawrence could get close to it, the big crow quickly flew over and caught a small crow.

The crowd of crows soon became chaotic. Lawrence saw a large number of crows flying up to support the little crow that was pinned down by the big crow. He quickly bent down to pick up the stones and threw them forward.

The rocks quickly hit the crows, and the crows who originally wanted to fight back quickly flew out in panic.

The front quickly became empty. Lawrence walked up to the big crow and picked up two crows that had fallen into the stream and were fighting.


The big crow behaved very ferociously, chasing and beating the little crows, vowing to kill the little crows.

Lawrence threw the little crow into the pile of rocks on the shore, and put the big crow on the shore to bask in the sun.

"It's really troublesome. This crow didn't ask me to come here because it found food. It's using me to attack these little crows."

Lawrence didn't mind helping the big crow to destroy the little crow. It seemed that there was no possibility of harmonious coexistence between the two crows, and they had to decide the winner.

Compared to the small crows who always come in groups to cause destruction, Lawrence is more willing to help the sparse but smarter large crows.

Unless the little crows are dealt with, the number of big crows will not increase, and the resources suitable for birds in the forest will always be limited.

Compared to the matters between the crows, Lawrence has more important things at the moment.



Lawrence heard the sound and looked over, and found that it was Salil who provided precise fire support and hit a small crow with a stone the size of a candied date.

The crows did not dare to stay here anymore, and soon flew into the mountains and forests in groups to avoid the barbarians.

Lawrence used a wooden stick to push away the broken body of the blue sheep, and said to the two people who came over: "Look down at those things in the water."

Saryl and Sophia looked down at the stream.

There are many active black bugs in the clear stream. These bugs are swimming in the blood water near the blue sheep, and they are also twisting near the rocks and the shore, and they are densely packed in a large area.

Lawrence used wooden sticks to move the blue sheep from the water to the shore.

"This is why you are asked to drink hot water. Sometimes the river water that looks clean is not so clean."

"Let's go, there will be birds and bugs and beasts decomposing this body."

Salil and Sophia looked at the bugs in the stream with disgusted and frightened expressions.

No matter how high the force value is, it is very powerless when facing those tiny bugs in the water.

"Lawrence, is our water still drinkable?" Salil was worried about the water source.

Lawrence explained: "It's okay, don't scare yourself, just boil the water to solve most problems."

Both Saryl and Sophia felt much relieved.

Sophia said: "Then we need to prepare more firewood. After the water is cold, it must be boiled before drinking."

Lawrence smiled and said: "No need, just boil it once. I will explain this to you tonight, go back first."

Lawrence glanced at the crow on the shore, which was shaking the water on its feathers.

In order to prevent the big crow from being retaliated by the little crows, Lawrence walked over and put his right hand on the ground, "Come up."

The big crow looked at Lawrence suspiciously, and after three or four seconds, he stepped on Lawrence's hand.

"That's right, don't worry, I will help you deal with those little crows, and practice archery and throwing skills at the same time."

Lawrence put the raven on his shoulder and led everyone home.

The manor was also peaceful today, and Seravan harvested a dying pheasant from a nearby trap.

There were more animals in summer, and the traps were often visited by reckless animals. Everyone in the manor could eat meat almost every day.

I was actually happier when I couldn't eat meat because I could eat bread and other things.

Etty had prepared water for washing hands, and Lawrence asked: "When did the water come?"

Edith said: "Just when you came back."

After hearing this, Lawrence said: "Take this water to water the ground, and then fetch water for cooking, and boil a pot of hot water for us."

"Yes." Although she didn't know why, Edith agreed first.

Salil took the initiative and said: "I'm here to help, Sophia and Lawrence, you guys rest."

Lawrence returned to the cabin, and while sitting down to rest, he also thought about the issue of drinking water.

Except when cooking, boiling hot water will be troublesome at other times, especially in summer when most people like to drink cooler mountain spring water.

“You can use a wooden kettle to store hot water, cool it down for easy drinking, and you don’t have to worry about heat preservation in the summer.”

"Now the food and farming issues can be put aside for a while. Let's stop and solve the closely related drinking water issue first."

Lawrence asked Sophia to rest and walked into the cabin.

The wooden house has two floors, but the roof can be regarded as a third floor.

In order to prevent possible troubles, the second floor was designed in the form of a corridor.

Design a wide and large staircase from the middle of the first floor to the second floor, and then the second floor staircase extends from the left and right, finally forming a square middle space.

In this way, not only can the situation of the living room downstairs be seen from all sides of the corridor, but the situation outside can also be observed from the corridor window above the door.

If someone or a wild animal approaches, shoot from the window.

There was also a small doghouse-style window on the second floor that led to the roof. Lawrence came to the roof from the small window and stood on the roof looking around.

It is definitely not possible to drill wells on the northern slopes. The only places where wells can be drilled are near the streams in the south.

Originally, I thought it would be enough to divert water from nearby streams, but the diverted water is suitable for irrigation, not suitable for feeding livestock and poultry or for drinking.

"Go to the blacksmith tomorrow to make some iron tools. When you get back, I'll spend some time solving the well water problem."

Drilling wells is a technical job and an important project of this era.

The craftsmen who mastered this technology were basically old people in this era, and Lawrence had not come into contact with such people when he was working in the manor.

Usually a well can be used for hundreds of years, so there are not many things to do with wells. They are mainly used when nobles build manors.

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