Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 13 Praise

Before it was fully light, Lawrence got up and set out.

In addition to hats, clothes and sticks for exploring the way, I also set out with the leftover food prepared last night.

Sophia appeared at the door of the cabin, stood behind Lawrence and said, "Me too."

Lawrence said, "No, you continue to help here today. I'm going to confirm the situation there again today."

Sophia is a slave, and a slave must listen to his master and nod his head: "Yes."

Lawrence quickly set off, and not long after walking he saw Salil squatting beside the farmland.

Salil stood up quickly. She didn't look like she was going to the bathroom. She was also wearing a thick fur skirt and was wrapped tightly.

"Sariel, what are you doing?" Lawrence walked over and asked curiously.

Sariel glanced at the farmland, "I'm looking at the crops in the field. I can see the seeds coming out in the morning."

Lawrence nodded, not paying much attention to these.

"It's almost winter now, so growing them early is not a good thing," Lawrence said.

Sariel said: "No, it will snow very early in the winter here. Both germinated seeds and ungerminated seeds can survive the long winter in the snow."

Lawrence discovered the problem, "Then I have to finish my work quickly. I hope the snowstorm here in the north will come later this year."

Maybe it was because she brought back prey, but Salil was very talkative today.

"In the past two days, we are preparing to go to the mountains to exchange supplies for the winter. We have prepared the sheep and furs. If you catch prey, you can go over and have a look together."

Lawrence nodded, which meant that Andrew and Salil were very busy these two days, so they probably didn't have time to help him.

"Okay." Lawrence remembered something, "Sariel, what did you use to make the rope?"

Sariel said: "The wool used is Dom sheep, which is only suitable for riding. Its wool is thin and short. We like to use the wool of woolen sheep to make clothes and ropes. Before winter comes, everyone will prepare a lot of woolen sheep. hair."

"We raise snow mountain sheep and snow mountain goats here. Cashmere sheep will die of illness after being raised in the mountains for a few months."

Lawrence said: "Different regions raise different animals, just like bacon. Each place has its own indigenous method that suits the local environment and habits."

"Different goats have different needs for food and environment, and different places will also produce different environmental tests."

Saryl looked at Lawrence, "Lawrence, you know so much. Are you a scholar?"

Lawrence is not a scholar. He has always been a serf in this world, and he was also an oppressed person in the previous world.

However, Lawrence thought that he was rightly considered a scholar when he thought about his knowledge of mathematics, Chinese, physics, chemistry, history and other knowledge.

"Yes, I am." Lawrence agreed jokingly, and then got down to business, "Besides wool, is there anything else suitable for making ropes? I want to make some simple traps, and I need some that are not easy to break. rope."

Salil was very familiar with the area and found just the right thing after a little thought.

"There is some sword-leaf grass growing on the sunny hillside near the river. After pressing the sword-leaf grass out of the water, it can leave something like silk thread. After drying, it can be made like wool. We use it to weave the things we need. farm tools."

Lawrence had never heard of the name of sword-leaf grass, and there were no communication channels such as books and pictures in this world. People everywhere used some simple and easy-to-remember names to call things around them.

"Okay, thank you!" Lawrence thanked him proactively.

Just say thank you, nothing is lost.

Salil was very happy, "After crushing the sword-leaf grass, the juice inside can be used to wash your face and hair. The girls here all use this kind of thing to wash their faces."

Lawrence smiled and said, "Really? No wonder your skin is so good, Salil! But even without this, you are still a beauty!"

The man's casual compliment quickly made Salil act shy and excited, "Really? Am I beautiful?"

Lawrence was a little surprised, "You are very beautiful. You are the most beautiful beauty I have ever seen!"

Actually no, the blonde beauty he saw in the slave before was the most beautiful beauty, and Lawrence also looked forward to Sophia becoming such a beauty soon.

Salil was very happy, "No one has ever told me before that I always thought I was not good-looking."

In an era without mirrors and selfie phones, people’s opinions of their own appearance often came from the opinions of others.

Those who are pursued and praised are naturally beautiful women.

If she is ignored by others and always lives alone, she must not be considered a beauty.

Andrew is the kind of cheerful and enthusiastic person, but he seems reticent when getting along with his daughter, and he doesn't know how to get along with his own daughter.

Young Salil needs more praise from her peers and young people.

Lawrence, who was soft-spoken and dependent on others, quickly encouraged: "Sariel is a rose on the mountain. If you were born in the city, such beauty will definitely arouse competition among young men, and everyone will choose in a duel." There is no boy qualified to pursue you."

Salil has the simplicity of a country girl, and she believes whatever others praise her.

After discovering that Lauren in front of her was a very gentleman and good boy, Salil took the initiative and asked: "Lawrence, why aren't you married yet?"

Lawrence spread his hands, "Because of poverty."

"Poor?" Salil didn't understand and asked again: "Poor?"

Lawrence explained calmly: "I don't have land or houses that I can inherit. In the city, only those who own land and houses are considered civilians. People like me who have been working for others are tenant farmers, or serfs at worst." .”

Sariel asked: "But you must have spent a lot of money to buy slaves."

"Those are separation fees," Lawrence explained.

"The separation fee is used to buy land and houses, or to do some business, buy a knife and ax and go out to find a way to make a living."

"After buying equipment and mounts, you go out to rob, join pirates or border slave-catching groups, which are all popular ways out."

"I didn't want to do this, and I didn't want to be someone's guard or lackey, so I left there early."

Sariel completely understood Lawrence's thoughts, "I don't like that kind of thing, nor do I like buying slaves."

Lawrence said: "I still treat Sophia very well. Even if she is not a slave, it is normal to pay a woman to take her away and let her do things. It is the same for everyone."

In this era, there were no betrothal gifts, only simple selling of daughters.

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