Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 23 The Price of Knowledge

Lawrence held up the trophy in his hand, a pregnant female rat.

Just one mouse does not mean that it has defeated the rats, nor does it mean that there will be no other rats in the house.

But success brings confidence, and Salil, Emma and others have regarded Lawrence as a rodent exterminator!

"Lawrence!" Salil urged happily: "Are there no other mice in the house? Catch all those nasty mice so that this winter can pass comfortably!"

Emma also happily requested: "Mr. Lawrence, there are many mice in my house. Please help us find those mice that are stealing food."

Lawrence still has a lot of things to do. "I have to collect wood to make some tools these days. I don't have time to go down the mountain to deal with rats."

Emma was not in a hurry about this matter, and became a little cautious after being rejected by Lawrence.

"Okay." She looked a little embarrassed, unlike the last time she joked with Salil in front of him.

Lawrence is also not good at talking to women and thinks about what to do with the rat carcass.

When there is enough food, there are some foods that you actually don’t want to eat.

The nearby villagers eat everything, whether it's pork or the offal of cattle, sheep, and pigs. They basically make the best use of it and don't waste the rare food.

Lawrence was mainly worried about viruses in rats, and there was no list of rats in the normal diet.

"Emma, ​​you have a dog at home. Feed this mouse to the dog."

Lawrence handed the fat mouse to Emma.

As a housewife of this era, Emma is naturally not afraid of mice.

She pinched the mouse's tail happily, looked at the gift from Mr. Lawrence, and said happily: "Thank you, Mr. Lawrence, Philip just needs to eat more. When Philip gives birth to a puppy in a while, I will give you one." May I?"

Emma's family dog ​​is called Philip. He is a big dog that guards cattle and sheep, but because he has less food, he looks tall and slender.

This kind of dog is usually tied up near the livestock shed. It is not a shepherd dog that can move freely. It has almost no way to obtain food. Whether it can eat enough depends entirely on the economic level of the owner.

Lawrence was touched. He lived in the mountains and really needed a dog.

"Okay, thank you Emma."

Emma said enthusiastically: "You're welcome! I should go back and wait a few days before coming back."

Lawrence and Saryl send Emma away.

After Emma left on Dom, Lawrence asked Saryl, "Saryl, don't you have a dog?"

Salil shook her head, "I had two dogs before, but they both died after half a year and a year. Then I didn't want to keep them anymore."

Raising a dog also depends on luck. Some people can raise a dog casually, while some people can only raise a dog for half a year if they take careful care of it.

The dog's personality and the time it takes to grow are important.

Lawrence consoled him: "Actually, most dogs are like this. They die as soon as they are raised. It is very rare for dogs to live for more than five years."

Saryl smiled, "Thank you Lawrence."

Most dogs give birth to puppies when they are one or two years old, just like humans, continuing the life of the species before unexpected risks arise.

No matter how bad the environment is, no matter how unexpected it is, the overall number is actually always increasing.

Salil's idea of ​​not wanting to get married was a very unusual idea in this era.

Lawrence remembered what Salil and Andrew had said before, that Salil did not get married because the people in the village had objections to her.

But judging from Emma's attitude and Andrew's connections in the village, there is no such thing?

Lawrence felt strange, but it was not easy to ask about this kind of thing.

The other party has long said that he does not want to marry him. Lawrence has Sofia and does not want to pester Sariel. On the contrary, he has always wanted to leave here as soon as possible, so naturally he will not ask about other people's privacy.

"Master!" Sophia walked out of the house and said quickly: "I found a mouse hole in the house! There are live mice hiding in it!"

After Lawrence heard this, he looked around for something, "Wait for me to find a stick with a sharp point."

Lawrence went to the kitchen to find a bent branch, and whittled it with a dagger to make a barbed arrow stick.

The rat extermination operation quickly continued. Lawrence spent an afternoon repairing various holes inside and outside the house, while also trying to eliminate and trap the rats.

Most people don't have time to trouble rats. If they have a little time, they just want to lie down and rest, or go out and chat.

Lawrence realized one thing: hard work can avoid many troubles.

Salil will take the initiative to clean the house and clean the sheep pen and chicken coop regularly.

When I have free time, I will prepare daily necessities and deal with housework and farm work. I can’t take any time until it’s dark.

If she is a lazy woman, let alone rat infestation, other messy troubles will follow.

It was precisely because of Sariel's hard work that things seemed to go so smoothly this time. It was almost solved just by catching a few mice.

Whether it is on earth or here, whether there is a good woman who is diligent and thrifty will affect the quality of life and family mood of the family.

How come such a good girl like Salil has no suitors?

Lawrence still couldn't figure it out.

Sofia saw her master catching the mouse and standing there in a daze without expression, "Master?"

Lawrence heard Sophia's call and looked at the loyal and well-behaved blond girl next to him.

The sunlight reflected golden light on Sophia's body. Although her body was still thin, she had been working hard to live.

Salil's matter has nothing to do with me.

Lawrence smiled at Sophia.

"I'm fine. Sophia, you need to eat more so that you can grow up quickly."

Sophia nodded seriously, "I will!"

Lawrence was extremely grateful for his investment, but he also felt that he had neglected to care for Sophia these days.

I was so preoccupied with the new house that I neglected the most important thing about women.

If only one person lives in the new house, it will not be luxurious and comfortable.

"Sophia, I will teach you writing and arithmetic after you take a bath tomorrow. From now on, I will teach you knowledge for a while every night."

Sophia looked at Lawrence in surprise, "Master, are you a scholar?"

Writing and mathematics are patents that only a few people can master in those ancient countries, let alone backward areas like the North where barbarians dominate.

Lawrence said proudly: "Of course, just follow me and learn!"

"Yes!" Sophia happily agreed. She had only received half of the aristocratic education before.

Soon the two of them continued their busy work and helped Salil restore the messy house to its original state.

During dinner in the evening, Andrew suddenly said:

"Lawrence, can I ask you a favor?"

Lawrence said cheerfully: "Of course, Andrew, I was just thinking about how to thank you for the wood and farm tools provided to me."

Andrew looked a little embarrassed, but finally made his request.

"I hope you can teach Salil how to read." Andrew said quickly: "In return, I can provide mutton and eggs, axes, and wood to help you build that wooden house."

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