Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 25 Beautiful legs, develop them

Early in the morning, Lawrence opened his eyes and began to think about the day's work.

Sofia had already gotten up and went to work. Because of her habit in the slave house, Sofia got up very early every day.

After getting dressed simply, Andrew walked in directly when Lawrence was putting on his shoes.

Andrew would knock on the door when entering his daughter's room, but only as he did to his baby girl.

When dealing with Lawrence, just go straight in as you would anyone else you know.

"Lawrence, I guessed you were awake. I'm going to check the trap today. Let's go together."

The strong Andrew held his thick arms and laughed and said: "We will take a shower together when we come back, and I just can't reach my back."

Lawrence really couldn't respond with a smile like usual. Deep in his heart, there was always a trace of incompatible luxury and self-esteem.

Lawrence himself also understood that his privacy and pursuits were more pretentious than those of many southern nobles.

But this is not just hypocritical, but also the difference between Lawrence and the world.

If you lose even these delusions, then you are just a mortal who is used to this era.

Quiet privacy and some small enjoyments are things that Lawrence values ​​very much before his life is threatened.

It's actually nothing to take a shower with a man, it's nothing to be pushed in by someone, and it's nothing to rub someone's back.

What made Lawrence feel uncomfortable was that he couldn't change these things and couldn't create his own rules and house.

"Okay." Lawrence raised his head and agreed quietly, then lowered his head silently and continued to put on his shoes.

Andrew said happily: "If the weather is hot, you can go directly to the river to take a bath, but in this weather it is better to take a bath in the house. By the way, Lawrence, what is this on your leg?"

Andrew looked at Lawrence's legs curiously.

Lawrence's legs were tied with loops and loops of material that made his legs look like they were wearing boots.

Lawrence stood up and said: "It's leggings, which are long strips of cloth wrapped around the legs. This can prevent the legs and feet from being sore after walking, but the most important thing is to prevent the legs from being bitten by insects."

Lawrence raised his leg and patted his calf, "You know, whether you are on a grass farm or on the road in the mountains and forests, there will be a lot of dangerous bugs, and being bitten is not a good thing."

"And every time when the weather is hot, the legs of those in my family will be bitten with red spots. Although wearing these leggings will be uncomfortable, they are still very good for the legs and feet. You can also use these leggings at critical moments. Untie something and use it as a rope.”

The biggest reason Lawrence wears leggings is to prevent mosquitoes. Mosquitoes in this world are extremely dangerous! !

Even in relatively flat areas like the royal capital, people would be bitten by parasites while working in the fields, and then die suddenly of fever.

The legs and feet can be said to be the hardest hit area. Regardless of men or women, even the noble barons in the family have many dense red spots on their legs from bites.

Lawrence would never take off his leggings at all. When he was rushing in the mountains and forests, he would often check his arms and body to prevent parasites from getting on him.

Andrew said excitedly: "Lawrence, why didn't you tell me earlier? Yes, I can use this to protect my legs!!"

It was obviously a very simple thing, but Andrew had never thought about it before, nor had he discovered such a thing.

Lawrence smiled and said: "Aren't you usually wrapped in animal skins? There is not much difference."

Andrew shook his head seriously, "No! My legs are bare in the summer, and I wear boots covered with animal skins in the winter."

Lawrence would dress up according to his own preferences and needs, while people of this era follow more ancient traditions and move closer to a unified style.

The costumes of the barbarians look strange, but in fact they are all the same style.

Lawrence himself is based on practicality and is not within the framework of the current social atmosphere.

Lawrence suggested: "The material is also very simple. You can just use some linen. Andrew, you and Salil can both use these leggings to protect their legs and feet."

Pants already existed in this era. Most of the nobles in the city wore noble clothes similar to ancient robes, and either did not wear them underneath, or wore a linen gown or trousers.

There are not so many fancy things here in the Barbarian Kingdom. Many people rely on animal skin coats and strong liquor to survive the winter!

Then there is the cold winter, when most people will rob and start wars, and the food and fuel left behind are enough for the remaining people.

Lawrence's proposal was quickly accepted by Andrew and Salil. Salil also had some scars from bites on her legs, so she quickly made four leggings.

Unless there are no bugs when there is heavy snow, you can encounter various bugs as long as the weather is slightly warmer.

Not only were there bite marks on Salil's legs, but there were also bite marks on Sophia's legs. She had lived in a slave labor camp, and the environment there was very bad.

Many slaves who look beautiful also need long skirts to cover the insect marks on their legs.

If a woman living in this era has flawless white legs with no trace of mosquito bites, it is either because winter has just passed, or the woman lives in a royal castle and must be a noble female noble.

Salil looked at Lawrence with joy on her face.

"Lawrence! You have so much magical wisdom that we don't know about. I want to thank you for your wisdom!"

Lawrence said politely: "Okay, then please help me prepare some more ropes and wood."

Sariel looked at Lawrence with a smile, "This is no problem, but don't you want to drink some wine? There is a barrel of wine in the cellar that is ready to be opened!"

Andrew quickly came over, "Lawrence! You're lucky, we can drink today!"

The wine at home is usually under the control of Salil. Today, Salil was very happy and was willing to take out some to thank Lawrence.

The value of goods is not on the price list, just like the prices of commodities in this era. It depends more on each individual's needs and psychological acceptance.

There is no doubt that Salil is very satisfied with the leg protection artifact that Lawrence took out.

In the past, Salil relied on skirts and pants to avoid mosquito bites, but sometimes she got used to these things and numbly accepted the reality of being bitten on her legs.

It has been this way every year, and gradually I feel that there is no need to change anything.

But the appearance of Lawrence made Salil realize that she was still not used to such uncomfortable things, and she didn't like being bitten by mosquitoes and sucking blood!

What changed everything was not leggings or a piece of cloth, but the impact and guidance brought by Lawrence.

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