Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 32 The Wise Man in the Savage Kingdom

The darkness began to recede.

Lawrence continued to wait at the entrance of the cave, lost in silence for another moment.

When the sky gradually became brighter and he could see the weeds and water droplets one or two meters away in the dim woods, he slowly squatted down and walked out of the cave.

Laying the animal skin blanket behind him, Lawrence tied a rope around his waist so that the blanket was tied to his body.

Sharp wooden sticks were used to punch several holes in the animal skin blanket, and several ropes were connected from the animal skin behind the shoulders to the rope around the waist to create a simple cloak style.

Lawrence took his multifunctional wooden stick and set off. He was going back to sleep today and would talk about the work tomorrow.

The wooden stick is used to explore the road in front of the body. In addition to alerting the enemy and detecting the solidity of the land, this sturdy wooden stick can also support the body at critical moments and serve as a weapon.

Or it can be used to brake when rolling down a hill.

Similar to the rules and regulations of many factories, many of its functions do not come from fantasy, but from reflection after the fact.

After just a few steps, Lawrence discovered an unexpected fortune near a pile of rocks.

A squirrel with its head smashed and only its tail hanging outside.

Lawrence didn't want to talk to this squirrel. He didn't have the energy to handle these prey now, and he didn't want to waste his energy on these few ounces of meat.

This thing looks very light, I imagine it can be carried casually.

But Lawrence now has to hold the crutch in one hand and guard against accidents with the other.

The mountain road was very difficult to walk after it rained. Lawrence and Andrew were both short of food, so there was no need to waste time hanging this thing around their waists to get in the way.

Lawrence stopped not to eat the squirrel, but to find a crow standing on the grave of the unlucky squirrel.

The crow didn't seem afraid of people, standing there quietly looking at Lawrence.

Lawrence looked at the crow and felt that there wasn't much to eat and he couldn't catch it.

It would be a waste of time not to catch him even if he could.

Ignoring the crow, Lawrence said casually: "I'll leave it to you, little one, let's eat."

The crow tilted his head, as if he couldn't understand what Lawrence meant.

Lawrence wasted no time and quickly went down the mountain along the road he had trampled in the past few days.

Shortly after Lawrence left, the little crow, which was more than ten centimeters tall, jumped onto the wet ground and quickly pecked the squirrel's tail and butt.

After thinking about it for a moment, it quickly backed away, looked around, and after making sure there was no other danger, quickly jumped forward and pecked again.

After repeated attempts many times to determine that the squirrel was not in danger, the crow stood next to the squirrel and began to tear the squirrel apart with its mouth and claws, tearing out the squirrel's internal organs with its mouth and swallowing it.

Lawrence's head was a little dizzy. He knew very well that he couldn't always think about his discomfort and illness at this time. He should think about other things.

"It's really hard to be alone. It's not even possible to call Sophia up. Without a place to stay, it will be even more troublesome for two people."

"It looks like it's going to snow soon. This may be the only way this year. For now, let's help Andrew for a while, hunt, and survive the cold winter in the cabin."

Because of his illness, Lawrence temporarily lost the energy to fight.

Without tools and help, it is impossible to build a suitable house in a few days.

Usually this kind of thing takes several months in normal areas.

Preparations begin in the spring, during which time we do farm work and rest. Excluding windy and rainy days, we can barely finish it in the autumn.

It doesn't mean that work can be done when the rain stops. Usually when it rains, even if it only rains for one night, work will stop for three to five days before starting again.

One is that the road is slippery, and the other is that many people have their own things to do. If you want to assemble a group of capable laborers, you must call at least one or two days in advance.

It was faster in the manor. The nobles had the right to force serfs, and a simple wooden house could usually be built in half a month.

In terms of work efficiency, farmers who are off work and farmers who are not off work are two different things.

In this era, unless they are fighting a war or they are serfs who serve for life, they are all peasants who have not left their jobs.

"The Luofen Kingdom should be attacking the Southern Kingdom. They will mobilize this winter. After occupying the Southern Kingdom, they will set up the royal capital on more fertile land, closer to the south."

As Lawrence pondered matters of state, the barbarian kingdoms were always expanding, and they were particularly fond of occupying agricultural lands.

The Southern Kingdom has always been a piece of scattered sand, with hundreds of countries standing scattered like trees.

The same is true for the Luofen Kingdom. The king will distribute the land to the rest of the nobles for rule, and will not interfere with how the nobles govern and collect taxes. However, the rights and obligations are also equal. These nobles must send troops in the next battle!

The current royal capital is the occupied land. These barbarians are keen on robbery and invasion, believing that only brave men who die in battle can go to the kingdom of God.

This year's harvest will be much smaller than last year's. Although a large-scale production reduction may occur next year, there has already been a food crisis to a certain extent this year.

According to the thinking of the barbarians, this is God's will. It is God who reminds them that they cannot continue to be abandoned. It is time to sharpen their axes and armor and go out to prove themselves!

Lawrence believed that as long as he was in the sight of the Luofen Kingdom or the barbarian kingdom, he was destined to be unable to live in peace.

However, the group of barbarians who came out of the mountains were good at plains and sea battles, but they were not good at fighting in the mountains and forests, and they never wanted to go near the mountains and forests.

Normal people would do this. After all, areas near mountains are not good places. Whether it is barbarians or the kingdoms and empires in the south, they all look for trouble in fertile places.

Of course, the dominance in the barbarian period was not that strong. Now the barbarians are divided into the plains-dominated Luofen Kingdom, the coastal barbarians-dominated ice sea pirates, and a very small number of mountain and forest barbarians.

The mountain barbarians do not have much sense of existence. If they do not make progress, they will soon be forgotten by history.

The Ice Sea Pirates mainly go out to sea to rob coastal areas, even villages and towns including the coastal areas of the Kingdom of Luofen.

The main targets of robbery are livestock and grains. Their hometown is in a coastal area, and the harvest of crops and livestock is very low due to the cold, so they give priority to these when looting.

The plains barbarians don't like grains very much.

They have used barbaric violence to establish stable trading points and have trade relations with several kingdoms on the route, so they give priority to obtaining gold, silver, treasures and weapons from nearby neighbors, as well as humans and livestock that can be trafficked.

The war needs to be decided through a meeting, with the king, wizards and several nobles deciding together and formulating a careful invasion plan.

After making the decision, launching a war is a simple matter. It only takes a day or two to quickly assemble a team of hundreds of people to go out and rob.

Sometimes it was faster, and the nobles and serfs in the city could board the warship in one day.

Lawrence was thinking about the war that was none of his business, and as he walked he found himself near Andrew's house.

At this time, my head no longer hurts, my body feels much better, and I don’t have the same feeling of fever and coldness before.

"Fortunately, I am young and can get over a cold without taking medicine."

Lawrence breathed a sigh of relief. In this backward era, being young and strong is really capital and heritage.

Even when catching slaves, slim and young slaves will be killed first, because they usually die in the dirty and smelly cabin and do not survive to get off the ship.

Compared with a lot of knowledge and experience, the young body in the growing stage is the biggest help, which can virtually avoid most life and death tests.

"You have to have children while you are young, otherwise it will be very troublesome to have children when you are older. The level of medicine in this era cannot be expected. It is better for me to be younger when looking for a wife."

Lawrence was thinking about happy things and felt that Sophia could be a mother at the age of sixteen.

"Saryl will be sixteen next year, and Andrew will be very anxious."

Lawrence thought of the beautiful Salil. Andrew wanted him to marry Salil, but unfortunately Salil had no intention of marrying him.

After walking, Lawrence finally returned to the cabin safely.

Sariel was feeding the chickens. When she saw Lawrence coming back, she said hello: "Lawrence, you're back."

"Master!" Sophia popped her head out of the chicken coop and greeted happily.

"Yeah." Lawrence said, "It rained on the mountain last night. I didn't sleep well all night. Come back and take a nap."

Salil said, "Okay!"

Lawrence walked towards the house, but before he reached the door of the main house, he was stopped by Andrew in the yard.

"Lawrence, come here, I have something to ask you."

Lawrence looked at Andrew's serious look and thought about the reason. Was it about the dagger?

This is the only thing Lawrence can think of. He was too busy before and forgot to explain about the dagger.

"Hi, Andrew, I picked up a dagger in the mountains a few days ago. I used it very well, but I forgot it on the mountain and didn't take it down."

Andrew said impatiently: "That's not important. I heard Salil say, can you know the weather?"

Lawrence showed a strange expression, "What's wrong with this?"

Andrew looked at Lawrence's expression and asked solemnly: "Do you really know when it will rain or snow?"

"I know, but I'm not sure, maybe, but maybe not." Lawrence answered casually, and then asked curiously: "Who told you that I understand this? How do you know that I understand it?"

Sofia, who was not far away, took the initiative and said: "I told Salil yesterday!"

"Oh." Lawrence asked casually and continued to say to Andrew: "I rarely get wet in the rain, but I still got wet last night. Now I have to go in and take a nap, Andrew."

Andrew said: "That's really bad. Go sleep in my house. It's warmer in my house."

"Okay, thank you!" Lawrence happily went to Andrew's house.

The place he slept in was a temporary place, so it was naturally not as good as Salil and Andrew's bed.

The tired Lawrence quickly fell asleep comfortably, and he didn't care about the rain.

Most of the rain falls at night, so if you want to avoid it, the success rate is actually very high.

As long as you don't go out after dark, your chances of avoiding a heavy rain can increase to 90%! ! !

Lawrence, who relies on luck and experience to avoid heavy rain, is already a weather expert in Sophia's eyes.

Compared with ordinary teenagers and many adults, Lawrence particularly likes to speak in a condescending, educational and wise tone.

Wisdom and experience are wisdom and experience only where they are needed; when they are not needed, they are trouble.

This works well in front of Sophia and most people who are not familiar with him, and everyone thinks he is awesome.

This was not the case in his own manor, because he had been a country boy who had been working as an ordinary handyman since he was a child. When he talked nonsense, what he got was not thinking and trust, but slaps and sticks urging him to work.

So Lawrence got out of there.

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