Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 38 Sword Skills 2

A few people were busy on the mountain for a while, and when they returned to the house in the evening, they saw Andrew walking in the fields.

"Andrew, are you waiting for us?"

Lawrence walked over and said hello with a smile.

Andrew heard Lawrence's voice, and the barking of dogs.

He looked at the field again, "There are a few birds looking for food in the field. I thought we picked up the beans in the field clean enough. What can those birds find when they fly down?"

Lawrence smiled and said: "Maybe it's looking for bugs to eat."

Andrew looked at Lawrence in confusion, "There are also bugs crawling in the snow in winter?"

Lawrence explained: "They can't crawl in the snow, but they can hibernate in the ground. Whether they are bugs or flies, they are actually still alive in winter, but they are not as active as in summer."

"Just like seeds, small animals like frogs and snakes hibernate, and so do bugs."

Andrew mused, "I thought only bears slept in the winter."

"The bears here don't fall asleep easily," Salil said. "They always come out to cause trouble in the winter."

Lawrence explained: "These bears may have been awakened by hunger while sleeping."

Andrew reminded: "Bears in winter are very dangerous. You'd better not walk around in the mountains in winter."

Several people walked towards the house, Lawrence nodded in agreement.

"Definitely." Lawrence looked at Andrew sincerely again, "Andrew, can you teach me swordsmanship? I want to learn some self-defense swordsmanship."

Andrew smiled and said: "Swordsmanship is not for self-defense. I'm hungry and it's time to eat."

He quickly went into the house and was busy with dinner, as if he didn't want to teach him any swordsmanship.

Lawrence was a little disappointed, but he didn't give up on the matter and quickly followed.

"Andrew, let me help."

Swordsmanship and knowledge in this era are very precious things. Lawrence easily passed on his knowledge to others, but it wasn't that Andrew didn't pass it on, but he didn't want to pass it on simply.

Unlike Lawrence, Andrew regards his swordsmanship as very precious, just like a traditional craftsman regards his cooking skills. It is very precious.

Lawrence can make traps, write and read, build tool houses, farm and hunt, and can even learn to drive a sled dog very quickly.

Andrew didn't hate Lawrence, and from the bottom of his heart he always wanted Lawrence to be a member of the family.

But this does not mean that he is willing to teach Lawrence everything.

When sleeping at night, Andrew took the initiative and said: "If you want to learn my swordsmanship, you must first strengthen your body. You are too light now."

Lawrence quickly regained his energy, sat up and said, "Okay! I also think I look too light now."

Lawrence thought again about the food for the three dogs these past few days.

The three dogs were very active. They ate a full bowl of potato soup every day and were fed some dried meat and eggs. Most families simply could not afford to raise such large dogs with a strong appetite.

Three dogs ate enough food for five or six children.

Lawrence himself and Sophia were full, and at the same time they were bringing three sled dogs with big appetites, so naturally they felt a little sorry.

The next morning at dinner, Andrew suddenly looked at Salil while he was eating.

"Salil, I'm going on a long trip tomorrow."

Salil looked at Andrew and said with an obviously disapproving expression: "What are you going to do?"

Andrew had already guessed Salil's reaction and said, "Go to Binghai to borrow some money from my old friend."

Lawrence ate quietly. He knew that Andrew was going out to buy slaves, but it was obvious that Andrew was unwilling to tell the truth to Salyl.

Saryl didn't understand Andrew's thoughts, "Borrow money? Why should we borrow money? We don't lack anything."

Andrew glanced at Lawrence and said softly: "I want to buy a piece of farmland at the foot of the mountain, so that we can have more farmland in the future and no longer have to risk hunting in the mountains."

"I'll be back soon, maybe a month or two."

Salil objected directly, "No! It's fine now. We don't have to live in the town."

Andrew said: "Instead of living in it, I want to buy some land close to the town. Even if we don't plant it, we can give it to Lawrence to plant it."

Lawrence was silent. The way to acquire land in this era was not just money.

Compared to Salil, a local, Lawrence is more aware of the local inside story about land ownership, which is the default law of strength in barbaric kingdoms.

Andrew himself has said before that money can't buy anything here, and it's impossible for local villagers to sell their land for external currency.

But if Andrew robs directly, no one except the victim will object, and the victim will usually receive other compensation from the tribe.

Everyone from the tavern owner to the rest of the town welcomes Andrew to join them.

Salil's objections had no effect. Deceived by Andrew's lies, the girl finally had to accept the fact that her father was going away.

Andrew seemed to have prepared everything a long time ago. After talking in the morning, he packed up and left at noon.

Before leaving, Andrew stared at Lawrence with beast-like eyes.

"Lawrence, promise me you will protect Salil!"

Lawrence nodded solemnly, "Don't worry, leave it to me! I will do everything I can to protect Salil!"

Andrew was still a little worried. He was actually not optimistic about Lawrence's power.

But because of this, Salil herself was able to suppress Lawrence.

Andrew didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, but at least he wouldn't have done this kind of thing before. Only now that he had two more trustworthy people at home did he think of going out.

Without too much nonsense, Andrew soon rode away on Dom Sheep under Salil's reluctant gaze.

He brought not only dry food and mounts, but also swords and spirits.

After Andrew left, Salil was a little depressed, but fortunately Sophia stayed with her and quickly accepted it all.

Lawrence gets up every morning to run and walk his dog, consciously exercising his physical coordination.

The three sled dogs are Lawrence's best mentors. They not only increase Lawrence's running speed and give Lawrence three competitive teammates, but also improve Lawrence's fighting and reaction abilities.

Lawrence would always fight with them with a stick.

At first, I practiced swordsmanship, but after two days, I realized that if I continued like this, I would not dare to be cruel when hitting people in the future, so I simply abandoned the wooden stick and started practicing wrestling instead.

When the three big dogs besieged him, Lawrence gradually figured out a set of rolling counter-killing techniques and a quick stand-up technique while being pushed down time and time again.

After standing up under the attacks of three big dogs every day, Lawrence found that he had become stronger.

In Lawrence's opinion, the three sled dogs are much better than Andrew as mentors.

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