Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 497 Impulse

Lawrence quickly arranged everything and was ready to set off with only a basket on his back and a spear as a walking stick.

As soon as he took a few steps with the spear and stick, the women behind him followed him.

Lawrence walked out of the house with everyone and came to the outside world where snow was still falling.

The sky was still gloomy, and Salil said with some worry: "The weather is bad today. This kind of weather is not a good sign. We should go out tomorrow."

Lawrence smiled and said: "There is not much good weather in winter. If we don't set out at this time, it will be even more troublesome for me to walk if the snow melts."

"Okay, I'm off!" Lawrence didn't waste any time, quickly turned over and mounted the black unicorn, and walked directly to the passage of the castle under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Salil and others followed and walked out. They wanted to go outside and watch Lawrence leave.

But when they went out, they only saw the shadow of the black unicorn, one man and one horse, who had disappeared into the oak forest.

Many roads in the mountain forest are circuitous, and many oak trees are planted nearby. Their main function is to prevent the enemy from attacking in a straight line.

Sariel thought about watching Lawrence for a while, but standing at the entrance of the castle, she couldn't see far. If she was upstairs, she could see more.

The elder Lathander said: "Let's go in, Lawrence should be back soon."

The rest of the people also nodded and began to go into the room to do their own things.

On the other side, Lawrence quickly arrived outside Shanfeng Manor.

This time Lawrence takes no one, no dogs, not even unicorns.

"Okay, just send me here." Lawrence patted the black unicorn's head.

After the unicorn stopped at the river, Lawrence got off the unicorn and stepped on the cold and hard snow with his feet to make the long leather boots sewn by Saryl more comfortable and fit.

The unicorn looked at Lawrence and gently pressed the side of his cheek against Lawrence's arm.

"Stop being such a spoiled brat. This time it's my business alone. I have to walk the next road alone." Lawrence smiled at the unicorn, turned around quickly, and walked forward firmly, "Don't worry. , I will go back soon, if I haven't come back in half a month, you can bring them to me."

Under the gaze of the unicorn, nearby residents, and several large dogs squatting on the high river bank, Lawrence held an iron spear and stepped on the ice, walking towards the end of the river.

As we walked further, the snowflakes in the sky became larger, like broken dust, which shattered into a ball of finer particles after hitting the body.

Lawrence squinted his eyes as he advanced in the wind and snow. He felt that catkins dancing in the wind could not describe the real snowflakes. Salt in the air was the best metaphor for this kind of heavy snow.

A large amount of snowflakes soon accumulated on his body and on his brown bearskin hat.

Lawrence was physically strong. When he felt something was wrong, he realized that there were large snowdrifts on his arms, shoulders, and head.

As I walked, these pieces of snow shook off and fell, and some fell, but soon new ones fell.

"Ah! Elf of the snow-capped mountains! You hold my back and arms like a woman, warming my body! Stay with me!"

Lawrence was alone and bored, and shouted loudly in this place where no one knew him: "Crowfeather Seer, come to visit!"

"Hahaha! There's not even a reply." Lawrence smiled, and a lot of snowflakes fell from his body.

The snow and glaciers were no longer visible at the feet. At a glance, there was only blurry white snow and mountains that seemed to be always gray.

"No wonder it's easy to get separated from people in heavy snow. Sound can't travel too far, and the line of sight is disturbed by snow flakes. Moreover, the sloping mountain makes it easy for people to lose their center of gravity and become disoriented."

Lawrence talked to himself, quickly became quiet again, and continued to move forward step by step.

The river does not extend slopingly toward the mountains, but rainwater from high places gathers from all sides to low-lying areas.

The mountains on both sides are the source of water for this big river.

Usually the river is not that fast. Only after a lot of rainfall and water accumulation fall on both sides will rapid floods form.

Especially when the rainwater that falls in a large area of ​​the mountain forest in a short period of time collects along the steep slopes on both sides of the low-lying river, it will form a powerful current that pushes the planks of the waterwheel.

Lawrence's route was not to climb directly from low to high, but to follow this waterway into the mountains, approaching the big snow-capped mountain that has always been in everyone's sight.

The wind and snow soon subsided, but Lawrence did not.

There was strangely less snow nearby. In many places, there was only a dozen centimeters of snow, and the sun was exceptionally bright.

There is a warm feeling when there is no wind in the air.

But soon when a gust of wind blew over, it was so cold that it made people feel like their skin was shattered.

Lawrence swept the snow off his body with his hands. He didn't do this just now because he couldn't sweep it all away. Now that the weather is clear, he naturally won't let these snowflakes cover his body.

The sunshine here was extremely dazzling. Looking at the bright sun hanging on the high mountains, Lawrence realized that he had walked from morning to around one or two in the afternoon.

Turning around, Lawrence could no longer see the river he came from. He had obviously only walked for five or six hours.

Lawrence looked at the road ahead again. There was a mountain ahead, and there was no way out left or right.

When I was at home, I could see the big snow mountain, but after entering the mountains, the trace of the big snow mountain disappeared.

There are continuous and steep mountains nearby, and they are all covered with a lot of snow, so they all look the same.

Lawrence determined the direction, looked around and then chose to go northwest.

Although he was facing a high mountain, Lawrence didn't want to take a detour and went directly to the hillside a few meters high and began to move his arms.

It was not difficult to climb up, and Lawrence had no intention of doing so just yet.

Before turning over, leave a mark.

Lawrence needs to give guidance to the people behind him. If something happens to him in front, and the people behind him don't have the ability to accurately sense direction, even the perception abilities of crows and witches are very limited in such mountains.

There are no trees on the mountain, but there are many rocks.

Lawrence sat down to rest for a few minutes, replenished some food and some wine to warm up, and then began to work, piling up road signs on a high ground.

After doing these things, Lawrence's body was fully functioning.

After a little acceleration, Lawrence quickly climbed over the hillside with his backpack and spear on his back, stepping on some rocks on the cliff.

Behind the hillside is another mountain, another road.

There is no need to care about the direction of the river. The next step is to go deep into the mountains.

As the sun set, Lawrence found a sheltered pine forest.

Alpine trees, mainly pine trees, grow here. There are many traces of wild animal activities in the woods, but they all look very small and there are no traces of giant animals.

Lawrence found a place to light a fire and took out the dried meat he carried to heat it.

The damp pine wood gave off a lot of smoke, which reminded Lawrence of what seemed like a long, long time ago. He remembered that he had lived alone in the wild, and he was burning pine branches in the house and got choked, which made him feel uncomfortable all night.

Thinking of what happened more than ten years ago, Lawrence couldn't help but smile and chewed the beef jerky in his mouth gently.

The snow in the woods didn't look very clean, so I didn't drink the water here for the time being, and only used the water I brought to moisten my throat.

"It's time to find some water tomorrow, and I hope we can see the Snowy Mountains tomorrow."

Lawrence looked at the burning flames, and the smoke blew to the other side without blocking his view.

At the same time, because it is a semi-open fire, there is no need to worry about the smoke not escaping.

"This mountain should be smaller than I thought. The northern location of the Agama Mountains has been discovered. It only takes a day or two to paddle from Dumu Port to Feiyu Port."

"With this distance as a reference, and also taking into account the difference between mountain roads and water routes, if these are taken into account, the straight-line distance to this mountain should not exceed ten days."

"If I can't reach the snow-capped mountains in three days, I have to go back."

"The food I carry with me is enough for more than ten days. If I need water, I have to find a clean place to replenish it. The snow here has been frozen for I don't know how many years. I always feel a little worried."

While Lawrence was thinking about things, he soon felt movement in the distance.

A white creature less than one meter tall is approaching here cautiously.

When Lawrence looked at it, the white snow wolf was also squatting quietly in the snow, staring at the dangerous man sitting by the campfire.

The two sides looked at each other for two or three seconds. Snow Wolf looked at Lawrence and the piece of beef in Lawrence's hand.

"Get out!" Lawrence scolded coldly: "Or I'll kill you!"

"Ugh..." Snow Wolf quickly made a timid voice, bent over and turned around to leave.

It goes very quickly and very quietly.

After the snow wolf left, Lawrence continued to eat his dinner and thought about exploring the mountains.

At present, this mountain does not have particularly complicated terrain. This is mainly because I am on the road and the roads I take are relatively flat.

What I walked today is not a completely straight line. Life is not a game. When you encounter a low road that can be walked on both sides, you will still take a detour instead of always pressing the space to jump to it.

Thinking about climbing the mountain, Lawrence suddenly felt a little thirsty.

His eyes quickly fell on the snow in the distance. When he saw the white snow, Lawrence thought of something else.

The Barbarian King quickly stood up, picked up the spear at his feet with one hand, and walked towards the position of the snow wolf just now.

There are still footprints of the snow wolf on the ground.

"That wolf's blood happens to be hot."

Lawrence narrowed his eyes, "This must be the spirit of the mountain guiding me to eat hot food."

"Thank you, spirit of the mountains!"

Lawrence quickly gave chase.

Although he has a warmer and waterproof ice bear skin, and plenty of food and drink, the appearance of wild beasts on a boring night awakens Lawrence's male desire to hunt.

Whether it was squirrels or rabbits, Lawrence always killed whatever he could. He didn't kill wild boars and bears before because he couldn't beat them.

I never had the chance to fight a wolf before, but now that I have encountered it this time, I can’t let it go!

Lawrence no longer thought about saving energy, conserving energy, and not doing unnecessary hunting. Instead, he quickly chased after the snow wolf after seeing the footprints left by the snow wolf.

"The wolf hasn't gone far yet!" Lawrence quickly quickened his pace.

The snow wolf in front is searching for traces of food. Although it is not hungry and can carry it for a few more days, spring will not come for a while, and there is not much food now.

Snow Wolf seemed to have discovered something. After looking around, he kept smelling something with his nose.

After feeling the unique male scent of the barbarians wafting from a distance, the snow wolf quickly escaped into the distance without any hesitation.

One minute……

three minutes……

five minutes……

Lawrence arrived belatedly and looked at the footprints on the ground. He clearly saw traces of running away rather than walking slowly.

"Have you been discovered?" Lawrence sighed, as his desire to eat and hunt gradually calmed down.

Lawrence quickly turned around and walked back, "I now have the ability of a barbarian to become mad and the ability to talk to witches, but I lack the perception of a wizard, a keen sense of smell and clear vision."

"Currently, all I have is combat strategy ability, and I have the strength to fight wild beasts, but my ability to search for wild beasts has not been improved, and I rely on the assistance of others."

The fighting ability of the barbarians has never been weak. When it comes to hunting, they can kill wild boars and wild bears. Back then, a group of people from Pumixiu Town alone killed a wild boar that was bigger than Pige, and even Pige's The wild boar father was also killed by several of his own people.

Compared with combat ability, search ability seems to be lacking.

Compared with fighting the snow wolf, being able to keep the snow wolf and find the snow wolf is very important.

At the same time, beasts like snow wolves are also very aware of the terror of savages, especially male savages. Lawrence can make this hungry snow wolf retreat with just one look.

If he didn't run, he would die and be skinned and torn apart, just like the animal skins the man was wearing.

This smart snow wolf relied on good luck to successfully survive the winter.

Lawrence quickly returned to the bonfire. The flames here were almost extinguished, with only some remaining flames.

After adding a few pieces of wood, a lot of smoke quickly burned out of the bonfire, and then flames slowly emerged.

Lawrence checked his backpack and then checked the surrounding snow. After making sure that no man or beast had stolen his backpack while he was leaving, Lawrence breathed a sigh of relief.

"You can't be so reckless in the future, and you can't forget what you have to do just because of something."

Lawrence warned himself seriously: "I am not a barbarian, I am a civilized person!" (End of this chapter)

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