Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 500 Strange Flower

Lawrence did not press too hard on these mountain men. After all, the biggest reliance was not on being able to fight, but on being able to run.

Wearing shoes, especially running shoes, will definitely run faster than wearing animal skin shoes or going barefoot.

Without the strength of the lower body, this climb would not have been that easy.

It is difficult to become a friend of the mountain people. Lawrence has said hello to people from all over the world in this era, and he also knows the character of the original mountain people very well.

If you really have strength, then showing strength will make it easier to get the cooperation of these people. Once you want to become friends with the other party to obtain information, you must first accept the test of the other party.

For Lawrence, who planned to go home today, there was no time to waste here.

"Just answer the question I just asked. How far is it from the Green Forest Kingdom?"

Through the distance from the Green Forest Kingdom, the distance from Oak City can be judged to a certain extent. When asking these mountain people who have no units of measurement how far it is, it is difficult for them to give specific data. It is better to ask how long it takes.

Amanda shook her head, "I don't know, we haven't been to the Elf Kingdom."

Lawrence was not surprised, the mountain people had limited information.

Among the residents of the feudal and primitive era, only a very small number of people had some understanding of the outside world. Most of them did not even go to the village next door except the village where they lived, and they never left the land where they lived in their entire lives.

They only run away when they are young and children. Once they become adults, they shoulder the responsibility of the family and die after living for more than ten years.

"Are there geomancers here? There was a geomancer that broke into my manor before. I killed it and thought it was pretty good. Now I'm hunting geomancers." Lawrence made up a random mission.

When she heard that Lawrence was going to hunt the Geomancer and said it so confidently, Amanda's eyes changed instantly.

Amanda quickly muttered a few words to a few people around her, and soon the others looked at the man holding a spear in even more awe.

People with strength have the right to be arrogant.

Amanda quickly got some information from several older hunters nearby and relayed it to Lawrence.

"The Earth Dire Bear is always on the third floor. It only comes to us in autumn on the second floor. The elves are on the first floor."

Lawrence looked stunned and looked at the sky with a frown. This was not a dungeon.

"Where are the first and third floors? How to get there?"

Amanda pointed in one direction, "There is a layer below the end of the sky over there."

Lawrence compared the location and determined that it was in the west.

Soon Amanda pointed in the opposite direction, which was also the direction of the Ice Land.

"That's the third floor." Amanda introduced: "We have rivers, pools and forests on the second floor, and there are many mountains on the third floor, all of which are rocks."

Lawrence quickly determined his position, on the side of the Agama Mountains was the traditional mountain terrain.

Because the accumulated water from the snow-capped mountains flows out of the rivers in the north and south, it has not washed away the mountains in the east. As a result, this place has been in a primitive mountain environment for a long time, and there is flat land under the steep mountain roads.

In the west, there are many rivers flowing down from the snow-capped mountains. There is an alpine plain area at the foot of the snow-capped mountains. There is also a water outlet such as a waterfall in this alpine plain area, washing fertile nutrients to the downstream areas.

From the understanding of the territory of the elves, and the comparison of the distance traveled through the mountains.

Lawrence had a rough idea.

Just like the toilet where people sit, the Snowy Mountain is the last area behind it, the second floor is the toilet seat area, and the third floor is the ground.

The steep mountain water flow should have merged with the surrounding northern water flow, creating a large area of ​​plain fertile soil in the Witch Swamp below the Elf Kingdom and in the southern agricultural area of ​​the traditional agricultural powerhouse Kojako Kingdom.

In other words, the direction of the stream on the second floor should be from north to south, but it is definitely not directly up and down. It should be in the direction of about eight o'clock, and then after hitting the plain area, it will meander into the Witch Swamp, and then Divides into many tributaries and enters the sea.

The area on the second floor will not be too large, the largest is the third floor.

Adding up the three-tier area understood by the mountain people and the Agama Mountains area on the other side, the entire Agama Mountains should be equivalent to the area of ​​two provinces, at least larger than the current actual management area of ​​the Kingdom of Stars.

After clarifying the general location in a few words, Lawrence didn't waste any more time.

This time we mainly explored the snow-capped mountains, and only a small part of them were explored. In fact, there are many unknown places in the three-layered mountains, and there are also many things worth exploring in the plains here.

Amanda looked at Lawrence, "Any more questions?"

"That's it." Lawrence picked up the spear, "This big wild boar belongs to you. If the elves give you trouble, you can tell them that a man who claims to be the Crowfeather Prophet has been here."

Lawrence turned around and walked towards the mountain.

Seeing this, Amanda suggested: "Warrior, our village is not far away, please let us entertain you."

The Great Earthly Violent Bear is a threat to the entire tribe. If this person can kill the Earthly Violent Bear, then the number of wild boars will not decrease so fast, and there will be no other threats to the people of the tribe.

Lawrence did not agree and left here quietly.

When Amanda saw this, she quickly turned around in despair, and cleaned up the battlefield with her companions, cutting the body of the big boar into pieces and carrying it back to the village.

After ensuring safety, several hunters began to disperse and look out, and soon a dozen old men and women came over. Together, these people carried chopped meat and bones, and returned to the settlement like ants.

The smell of blood can easily attract beasts, whether they are small beasts or birds, which is more troublesome, because bears have a keener sense of smell than these small animals. If these animals can detect it, so can bears.


During this time, Lawrence often had to stop and adjust the direction, just like a helmsman who controls the direction of a ship when sailing on the sea. He needs to constantly adjust, rather than going all the way to the end.

"I originally planned to have some food before leaving, but it wouldn't be good if I were ambushed. My equipment is both a deterrent and a problem for greed."

Lawrence didn't believe those mountain people. The mountain people all knew something about poisons. They might not have thought of this at first, but when they invited them to dinner, they decisively refused.

"I'm strong enough to get home safely now, so there's no need to worry."

The fat gained in winter made Lawrence more able to endure hunger and cold, and he also carried some high-calorie substances with him.

Especially now that we are only five or six days away from home and there is food to eat on the way, being hungry for a day or two is not a problem now.

In two days, we can almost cross the mountains and return to the vicinity of the manor.

And counting the time, Catherine and the others should have come out to look for themselves. With Gale and Crow searching, he would be able to meet up with those people as long as he entered the other side of the Agama Mountains.

So whether you encounter a giant pig or a giant deer, or you encounter wild fruits and strange plants on the roadside, there is no need to stop and think about whether you can eat them.

Climbing up steep mountains and climbing over one peak after another, Lawrence stepped on the muddy ice and snow, and soon came to a strange canyon.

The ground here was stained red with blood, and the climate was obviously much colder than on the second floor, but there were giant flowers growing all around, at least ten in number.

These flowers stand on the ground like bottles, each flower is more than ten meters away from the other flowers.

The ground was covered with ancient blood, and a large number of bones were piled next to the thirty or forty-meter-high cliffs on both sides of the valley.

There were bones of wild boar, deer, and some giant snakes and bears.

When Lawrence was wondering where this place was, a giant flower more than ten meters away quickly began to stir.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lawrence subconsciously ran out in the opposite direction.

After running for more than ten seconds, I turned around and looked at the valley a few hundred meters away. I saw a burst of fog emerging from the valley. The surrounding area began to look like a heavy fog, completely shrouded in white. in the gas.

Lawrence hurriedly left a little further, and when he turned back, he felt even more terrifying. The mist was still spreading!

Lawrence, realizing something was wrong, ran faster without any intention of stopping to investigate.

This time it was not about exploring something unprepared. Lawrence just wanted to go home now and didn't want to be involved in various bizarre incidents.

The fog quickly reached its limit and then shrank back.

The mist inside and outside the canyon was like a burst of smoke, returning to the bodies of those giant flowers.

Lawrence soon heard the roar of the Geomancer Bear and memorized the place.

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