Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 517 Good Days

On a summer morning, Lawrence came down from upstairs in a very good mood and put on boots suitable for hunting.

Get ready to go for a ride today and enjoy this beautiful day.

Since Lathander and others returned, Lawrence has been much more leisurely.

The holy war between the Covenant and the two churches is intensifying. In the west, there is a deadly battle between the three countries of the Covenant and the Church of the Dawn. In the east, Pig Trotter City and the Southern Resistance Army are simultaneously resisting the Church of the Holy Light.

The Southern Resistance Army is a resistance organization that naturally emerged under the brutal expansion of the Holy Light Church. They are basically local people in the south.

The third battlefield should be near the Elf Forest. Now the people of the Covenant are far away from the residences of the elves, and they no longer trade medicine, cloth and food with those elves.

Anyone trading with elves at this time, regardless of the reason, will be executed.

Even if the motive is very simple and innocent, just to make some money and obtain cheap medicines and treasures from the elves, a capital crime is a capital crime, and refutation is rarely accepted in barbarian society.

There have always been wars outside, and they were high-intensity wars. The intensity and number of people involved far exceeded previous wars.

Lawrence didn't pay much attention to these things. Any natural or man-made disasters in the outside world and how many people died were all outside matters.

Just like everyone else in this land, everyone just needs to live well, and there is no need to feel sad for those who are suffering outside.

Because he accepted that he was not a perfect person or a qualified king, Lawrence had an easy life.

The weather has been getting hot recently, and it is one of the few good days that is suitable for sleeping on the grass outside, or for taking a drive outside.

Lawrence called to Catherine and worked with Candice to saddle Catherine.

"Master!" Sofia quickly ran down the stairs and shouted anxiously to Lawrence who was about to go out: "Master, when will you be back?"

Lawrence turned his head suspiciously and looked at Sophia, who seemed to be in a hurry.

"I went for a walk and will be back in an hour or two. What happened?"

Lawrence rarely saw Sophia looking so anxious, and he didn't know what happened recently that warranted such anxiety.

Sophia breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly and happily: "That should be almost done. When you come back, I will show you the finished clock! It still needs a little time to sort it out, and it will be ready in the afternoon! I ensure!"

Lawrence knew that Sophia was making clocks recently, and smiled when he heard it, "Okay, I will be back early."

Sofia wanted to show Lawrence the clock she had made, and when faced with Lawrence's approval, she shouted happily: "Thank you, Master!!"

Lawrence quickly rode on the unicorn, "I'll go out first and will be back before evening."

"Master, thank you for your hard work!" Sophia happily thanked Lawrence.

Lawrence quickly left the castle under the watchful eyes of the maid and Sophia.

Sophia quickly rolled up her sleeves and went back upstairs to continue working.

In a room in the ring building outside the castle, several women in their teens, twenties, and thirties were repairing the silver machine in front of them with bare arms and sweating profusely.

The machine is like a huge monster, with a head like a bookstore and a long beard composed of many metal pillars lying on the ground. White hot air is coming out from many places, and at the end it is emitting a noisy and huge sound. sound.

The temperature in the room reached over fifty degrees, and due to the interference of some water vapor, most of the women's faces turned red, as if they had been in the sauna for a long time.

There was also a woman in this room who seemed to be fine. She was standing quietly in front of the monster, watching the changes in the monster.

Heidi watched the changes inside the water container that ordinary people couldn't feel. There was a special heating device under the container. The huge pressure was continuously tilting outward from the pipe, pushing the iron rod and the wheel to piston and plug at an alarming speed. .

Unlike traditional waterwheels and windmills, this equipment not only consumes a large amount of high-quality metal, but also uses dozens of unused processes in its craftsmanship.

Several female workers next to the machine are holding water-soaked mops to cool the iron pipes to prevent the equipment from overheating and malfunctioning.

When the machine continued to operate, the female workers nearby felt that it was very dangerous and could easily be eaten if they got close.

Clara ran to the window and panted, wiped her sweaty forehead with her sweaty arms, then quickly picked up the water bottle next to her and drank a few sips of water.

Tim came only once and then stopped coming. He continued to work in the clean and cool kitchen, washing vegetables and cleaning.

After Clara went to the window to drink water, Lolita also came to drink water. The water here was different from ordinary water. Some beans and sugar were added, which was a reward given by Lawrence to Heidi's team.

In addition to two large buckets of cold bean soup every day, Lawrence also gave him lots of bread and fruit.


Heidi's voice sounded in the room, her voice majestic and cold, with the aura of command.

"Okay!" Lolita, who was eating strawberries, quickly wiped her mouth after hearing this, quickly walked to the big iron stove, and pressurized the closed water container.

The core of this team is Heidi. Now Heidi is no longer the ten-year-old girl at the beginning, but a cold beauty from the academy who has both wisdom and beauty. She is also the number one female guard with the most potential and strength among the saints.

Heidi did not choose to become a nun of God, did not choose the nun route, but chose to become Lawrence's escort.

His goal has been very clear since he was a child, which is to stay by Lawrence's side, but he doesn't care at all about the so-called God.

There is no faith in her heart, only the goal to chase!

"That's it!" Heidi ordered quickly.

Lolita also stopped quickly. After getting along with Heidi for a long time, she already knew how to cooperate with Heidi.

If you don't do what Heidi says, trouble will happen.

Heidi no longer asked Lolita to do anything, and Lolita was too embarrassed to leave at this time, so she could only endure the high temperature and continue to wait here.

Clara continued to stand by the window and watch, she could not help at this time.

Clara turned her head and looked out the window, just in time to see Lawrence riding out on a unicorn.

After watching Lawrence leave the field of vision, Clara looked back at the busy women in the room.

In fact, I really want to do something, but I can't help here.

The reason why I come here every day is not only because we can eat together and receive reward money, but also because of Heidi’s invitation.

Even if she didn't do anything but come here every day to eat and chat, Heidi clearly wanted her to continue.

Clara wiped the sweat from her forehead and took another sip of the hot cold bean soup.

It's so hot here!

Clara desperately hoped that she could work in the kitchen, but her mother and the others were not capable of doing this well. The master said, "Clara is too young. She should continue to go to school. She still has many things to learn."

Clara, who was just eight years old this year, became very unhappy when she thought about this.


In the afternoon, Lawrence came back from outside early.

As soon as he entered the area of ​​Oak City, he found a group of people waiting for him on the roadside.

This is near the residential area outside the ring building. It is within the actual scope of Oak City. The Holy Legion and the faithful believers of the church usually patrol the area. Outsiders cannot approach here without permission.

Since declaring war with the church, Lawrence has spent several years developing his own protective circle, increasing his immunity from assassination, and using layers of circles to exclude dangers from strangers.

Basically, most assassinations are done by strangers. If you can prevent strangers, you can prevent most of the dirty tricks.

The few people in aristocratic costumes in front were looking at this place expectantly, which surprised Lawrence very much.

who are they?

Why do the guards allow these people to stand here?

Lawrence was very confused.

For a ruler, the presence of uninvited strangers in his usual activity area is a very dangerous sign.

Lawrence rode the unicorn to the intersection, and several decent people in aristocratic costumes in front quickly knelt down.

"Your Majesty the Great and Merciful Prophet!" The man knelt on the ground and shouted excitedly: "According to your will, I have brought a new slave to you this time."

Lawrence became even more confused and asked condescendingly: "Who are you?"

The man raised his head in shock, looked at Lawrence and then quickly lowered his head, becoming nervous.

"Your Majesty the Merciful Prophet, I am Dulu, a loyal business partner to you. I have been looking for the best slaves for you in the past few years!"

Lawrence quickly realized that this guy was one of the businessmen who came here early to do business.

Because no one came over at that time, and in order to allow these merchants to bring food and goods in the future, we were very enthusiastic towards them at that time.

We can't call them friends, because at that time we treated them completely as distinguished guests.

Lawrence looked at the few Pumi Xiu people who were following him nearby. Maybe they remembered some trustworthy words he had said to these businessmen back then, so he felt that these businessmen were qualified to see him.

Lawrence recalled for a moment that he was indeed very polite to several businessmen in the early years in order to attract investment.

"Very good, it turns out you still remember this." Lawrence smiled and said: "Come in with me, I want to know what's going on outside, and I also want to see the top-quality slave you brought."

Lawrence has not forgotten Du Lu, but Du Lu is now very different from eight years ago. He wears more decent clothes and his hairstyle has changed. Coupled with the change in age, it is normal that he did not recognize him at the first time.

Dulu breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the prophet was dissatisfied with the fact that he had not been here in the past few years.

This is indeed something wrong. Because I knew that we were not dealing with Pig Trotter City and later the church, we didn't want to get angry.

It was not until the business grew in recent years that Du Lu, who was feeling complacent, heard news from afar.

Dulu found that he had nothing to be proud of and established a chamber of commerce. However, those country people who had once looked down upon him had already established a prosperous country, and even the extremely powerful church could not help those people.

Lawrence rode the unicorn and led the merchants towards the ring building.

When he was about to go back and chat with the businessmen, he found Clara waiting for him outside the building.

"Master!" Clara walked over quickly and bowed her head respectfully to Lawrence who was riding on the black unicorn.

Not everyone is qualified to call Master Lawrence. Many people outside use the title prophet.

Even though most of the people in this land are Lawrence's slaves, master is only the exclusive title of a very small number of people, such as Seravan and Beow.

Clara didn't join too late, because due to her mother's relationship with her grandmother, she was also a member of the maid-slave system.

Lawrence knew about Clara, Lolita, Tim and Heidi playing together and that they had cliques.

Heidi's wooing of Clara was a normal choice. Compared to wooing Clara, Lawrence believed that Heidi's wooing of Sophie, who was from a lower-class background, was a wise act worthy of praise.

Sophie is a country girl who was sold to the frozen land by outsiders. She was born into a poor family and does not have a noble bloodline. However, she works hard enough and is a lucky swordswoman who can often get guidance from Lawrence.

Heidi was of noble birth, not only a pure-blood witch, but also a noble princess. She had clear memories and knowledge reserves before coming here, and she also had the pride of a noble.

It is not easy for such a proud female aristocrat to put aside her prejudices and take the initiative to win over Sophie and some talented women.

At least Sophia didn't.

If Sophia could rely on her absolute advantage to win over the little girl back then, then many things would not go so smoothly for Heidi without the help of Clara and Tim.

In the early days, Clara was still a child when she joined, and Tim was also a little maid in the family. Sofia only regarded them as maids, not as helpers.

Lawrence understood Sophia's mentality very well. She was already in the master class and couldn't let go of her face to win over those people. A proud girl always felt that she didn't have to pay attention to some things and could just continue to be proud.

If Sophia is really intelligent, maybe Heidi is also one of Sophia's subordinates?

Lawrence thought for a while and felt that this was impossible.

Some people are really set in their bones.

Heidi was like this. Lawrence felt that the hatred he noticed in Heidi's eyes when they first met was not fake. What Heidi hated was not those who destroyed the country, nor Lawrence, but her own misfortune.

Sofia couldn't control such a goal-oriented girl.

Lawrence also maintained a caring and laissez-faire attitude towards Heidi and his group, and had always been good at guiding them to become talents useful to this land.

"Clara, what's going on? I guess it's not a bad thing." Lawrence chatted with Clara humorously.

Clara quickly showed a happy and sweet smile, nodded and said: "Yes, Heidi and the others have successfully made a steam engine. It is a very big steam engine. It has been running for two hours without any problems! It can rotate back and forth thousands of times." !”

Lawrence was not surprised at all and smiled: "Today is such a good day."

Clara said quickly: "Master, I will take you to see the steam engine. Everyone is waiting for you!"

Lawrence made a choice between lightning and lightning.

The businessman must be put last. The first person to see now should be Sophia, but Heidi and the others must also be appeased.

Lawrence smiled and said: "I just came back from outside and was planning to take a short rest. I also felt your efforts. You sweated a lot today, right? Your face is dirty."

After hearing this, Clara covered her hot little face with her hands and said sheepishly: “It’s very hot in the house, so I drank a lot of water.”

Lawrence smiled and said: "Well, then you go tell Heidi and let all the people who have worked hard go take a bath in my big bathroom and enjoy it quietly. I will invite everyone to dine tonight and listen to you at the dining table. Tell us about this effort.”

"Thank you, Master!" Clara thanked her excitedly, and after Lawrence gave her permission, she jumped back to inform everyone.

After Lawrence arranged the order, he asked the businessmen to wait in the guest house of the Ring Building while he went home to see Sophia. (End of chapter)

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