Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 520 Harvest

After talking to Dulou, Lawrence asked Dulou to take away five "best female slaves".

Not only did these five top female slaves not make Lawrence drool with satisfaction, but they actually made the smart Lawrence discover their heritage and strength.

Lawrence regarded the quality of beauty as a sign of power.

There may be some beauties among small forces, but whether they can hold on to such beauties is a test of strength and luck.

The big forces rely on their vast territory and wealth, as well as enough search personnel, to find some beauties more easily.

There will certainly be various means of cooperating between beauties and the people behind them.

Beauty may not have any strength in herself, but there is no problem in seeing her as strength.

Lawrence himself has this process. The quantity and quality of beauties around him are directly proportional to his own strength.

During Sophia's time, Lawrence was just a thin and lonely boy, with only a little slave girl by his side who was too cautious to do heavy work.

During the Salil period, the lonely Lawrence broke away from the heavy land labor, began to have his own shack, and had enough time to think.

During the Kehalan period, Lawrence during this period already had his own wooden house, had more than a dozen slaves, and could eat fried chicken.

During the Delenn period, Lawrence's power expanded rapidly, annexing the mountain tribes and several population centers at the foot of the mountains.

During the Catherine period, during this period, through continuous business and fighting, it had already gained influence and reputation externally, showing its fangs in both the south and the west.

During Cassandra's time, the fists were strong enough to break the traditional barbarian forces and force the church's pursuers to flee.

During Heidi's time, she had basically become the overlord of the Ice Land.

In the future, whether it is conquering the Kingdom of Gran or destroying the Kingdom of Io, Lawrence will have the opportunity to obtain new high-quality beauties. However, Lawrence has been busy in recent years and has no intention of doing so.

Now the Star Alliance has not yet been stabilized, and the elves' problems have not been properly resolved, but it has already gained the favor of some elves.

If the situation of the Star Alliance is stabilized in the future and the problem of elves is properly resolved, then the quality of the beauties around us will definitely improve.

Beauty in the normal world cannot represent the strength of a country, but this world is a world with extraordinary bloodlines, and the bloodline of extraordinary people can make future generations even more powerful!

Abundant living conditions also make it easier to produce beauties.

Lawrence no longer had any expectations for the Baiyang Chamber of Commerce, nor did he regard the Chamber of Commerce composed of a group of small businessmen as some mysterious organization.

Soon Lawrence went to summon envoys from various countries to discuss the population issue, and his statement to protect the populations of various countries quickly gained gratitude.

It was Lawrence who had been expanding the population crazily. Now Lawrence allows their country to prevent their citizens from running elsewhere. This is indeed something to be grateful for.

Monasteries are only set up in the land of ice. Churches set up in various countries are responsible for preaching and selecting talents.

The reason why church pastors can brew beer and make bread with different flavors is because these people have money and time. It is difficult for ordinary people to eat, and they certainly do not have unique brewing techniques.

Churches in various places will also receive local donations and be built with the help of local people.

This kind of thing is very normal in this era, so Lawrence naturally has no reason to refuse.

Letters went back and forth, and by the time the matter was finalized, it was already harvest time.

In order to win the recognition of everyone, Lawrence worked hard during the autumn harvest and harvested wheat diligently in public. He did the work of more than a hundred people a day for nine consecutive days, until all the nearby land was harvested. .

The joy of the harvest soon spread throughout the frozen land.

Because of the joy of the harvest, the adults became particularly tolerant, and the children also felt the joy and kindness of their parents after a little hard work.

People quickly pushed the carts, and after handing over the portion of grain given to the prophet, they rushed home with the borrowed carts, called women and children to load the grains and went to the port market to sell them in exchange for pots and pans. Needlework, fabrics, and precious oil, salt, sauce, and vinegar.

The most important thing is wine. It is not just barbarians who like to drink. Most men outside like to drink, especially men who are engaged in heavy manual labor.

There are wild fruits everywhere during this season. Merciful Lawrence allowed slaves to pick ripe wild fruits without destroying the trees. He also allowed some qualified soldiers’ families to sell these fruits to the market, so many children could also buy them. Get cheap fruit.

Under the sun, there are also some shady businesses, such as the traditional hook-and-rail business.

This kind of business is usually not good, because there is no shortage of women in the ice land, and men here can easily find partners. According to local teachings, only men and women who have been blessed by the prophet and the church will give birth to healthy children.

It is easy for young teenagers to get married, especially those with soldiers and craftsmen in their families. Usually these people have spare money to enjoy themselves.

Serfs who farmed generally did not have any extra money, and what money they had could only be controlled by the man who was the head of the family. However, these people had to feed the family, buy wine and clothes, or donate it to the church, and they were reluctant to spend it. To a strange woman.

Cathedral of the town of Pumihio.

Lawrence rarely went to the monastery anymore, and spent most of his time in the church with the teenagers, teaching them the latest techniques.

The technology of steam engines and clockwork clocks has been shared with the craftsmen of Ironforge, and has also been demonstrated to the foreign student nobles of the military academy and several churches and monasteries.

In addition to encouraging technology, Lawrence has always paid close attention to the cultivation of the younger generation, and has a good relationship with the children of the past and the teenagers of today.

After class, Lawrence was about to leave the classroom when he was greeted by the young people in his seat.

"Prophet!" A young man in his twenties raised his hand and asked excitedly and respectfully: "Prophet! When will we conquer the Elf Forest? The wheat has been harvested now, and it's almost winter!"

Lawrence looked at the Valkyrie immigrant. This man was a descendant of the Olua family and had pure blood.

While having strong strength and fighting consciousness, he also has a strong desire for war.

Lawrence said calmly: "Koda, as long as the elves want to continue in the forest, what I have to do now is to let the God-given land grow, not to let those elves disappear."

Keda felt very confused, "Wouldn't it be better to let them disappear? If you kill some elves, the rest will be obedient."

Lawrence shook his head, "God did not allow us to live here to fight with other races, but to prove to all countries and races that we are the best here."

"After conquering the Elf Forest, do you want me to leave here and go there to become the Elf King?"

Koda was stared at by Lawrence and quickly flinched, "That's definitely not okay... You should be here."

"That's it." Lawrence said to the others: "The elves can't eat, nor can they enjoy the heating, wine and food we use. This is God's torture to them."

"It's like letting a person never enjoy delicious food and can only eat crusts of bread forever, watching people not far away eating meat and drinking wine. This is a better proof of our strength than killing them."

Keda and the others were convinced!

The bread crust of this era is not the soft and soft crust of the civilized world. Considering the backward baking methods in this world and the fact that most of the time we eat bread that has been cold-dried for half a month, most of the bread crust at this time is burnt. Moldy things are things that most people don’t eat.

This year's grain harvest will be bumper, and winemaking and cooking techniques will also develop accordingly.

Lawrence blocked the food sales channels to the elves, and all countries tacitly abide by this rule because of Lawrence's profit concessions.

The Elf Forest is rich in fruits, but for the elves, eating meat and bread is the life they want. (End of chapter)

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