Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 523 Exciting Science

After a light rain, the weather gradually became cooler.

A few days later, the weather was sunny and sunny. According to the guidelines of previous years, people took advantage of this time to dry their clothes, take out their old clothes and bedding and sew them again to see where they needed to be repaired.

By this time the land had also become dry, and the dust from the burned straw in the fields had been mixed into the soil.

Lawrence plowed the land to be cultivated next year and was busy with enfeoffment until he was reminded by Sariel.

"Lawrence, when I went to the manor today, I felt it was going to snow there, and it must be snowing here soon."

Sariel rode a Dom sheep to the field where Lawrence was working, and told Lawrence what happened today while he was collecting soil to prepare new potatoes for the winter.

Lawrence, who was busy, straightened up and suddenly felt that he had been busy for a long time and it was time to rest and enjoy himself.

"Okay!" Lawrence continued to finish today's work and asked while shoveling: "Sariel, how was your inspection at the manor?"

Sariel got off the Dom and stroked the old Dom next to her with one hand, while Nora, the Dom, was looking down for green grass to eat.

"I tell those people it's going to snow today or tomorrow, and they are recording today's weather conditions. I can't tell them anything else. Feelings are just feelings."

Salil couldn't explain her feelings clearly. Prediction of weather changes was a blood ability. If Lawrence hadn't insisted on doing this, Salil felt that others wouldn't be able to understand it, let alone learn it.

"Yes, there is definitely no way to be as accurate as you now." Lawrence thought for a moment, "Maybe it won't be possible in a hundred years."

Experience can be used to achieve a small degree of accuracy, and big data and meteorological satellites can be used to achieve most accuracy, but it cannot be guaranteed to be 100%.

At this time, Sophia ran over from a distance on a Dome sheep.

"Master! Sister Salil! Drive!"

Sophia rode the Dom sheep hard. Unlike Salil who was reluctant to ride the Dom sheep, this beautiful woman in her teens or 20s pulled the reins hard and kept hitting the Dom sheep with branches.

Dom Sophia, seven years old and an adult ewe in Dom, came running up panting, her young and pretty mistress having a habit of driving her roughly.

Sofia sat on the back of the sheep and shouted: "Master, the messenger has brought news from the front line, as well as letters from several kings outside!"

Lawrence felt that he was almost ready for the winter. After finishing the work at hand, he went back to rest with the last bit of soil for the winter greenhouse.

It's winter again, and people who have worked hard all year are waiting for this rare and comfortable time.

When Lawrence returned to the Ring Building, he also found that the atmosphere these days was much livelier than the previous days.

"It's been a lot more lively recently." Lawrence expressed his feelings.

Salil said with a smile: "Yes, the female nobles in Gran Province have also been trained. They are scheduled to work in the castle this year. Several of the previous maids have left. I am considering which nuns will be selected to help this year. Beow and the women from the Suleiman family all want to come."

Lawrence didn't say anything. In the past, women were asked to come over to help because of lack of manpower.

After there has been no shortage of people in the past few years, this kind of thing is actually a rule and custom, and it also has honorary significance.

In order to prove one's loyalty and to be familiar to future generations and the monarch, it is necessary to let one's own women and children work in the castle.

To put it into a modern understanding, it is probably that company managers let their children and wives do logistics work in the head office. To everyone, this is a fat job.

Personality and morality have not yet been enlightened in this era, and the concept of chastity is also very rare. Many people are Lawrence's captives and slaves. These people believe that letting their family members work in Lawrence's house is the meaning of existence in itself.

Compared to their own home, the Lawrence family is the real home in this land.

But times will also change. After you have enough food and clothing, you will develop morality and think about independent personality.

Seravan's wife is not his slave, but Lawrence's slave, so when Seravan's family works here in Lawrence, it is Lawrence who is using his domestic slaves.

Suleiman joined as a prisoner and surrenderer, and could be considered a slave, but her wife was a woman dependent on his existence.

Lawrence suggested: "Forget about Suliman's family, Beow's women can come over."

Beow was Lawrence's subordinate and a slave who had been raised since childhood. His wife was also recommended by Lawrence and was equally eloquent as Lawrence.

At the same time, Beoff's family has also been a slave of Lawrence since early on. Beoff's mother is also a slave of Lawrence. Relying on this relationship, the family has become the ruling aristocracy of Iceport, allowing his wife and children to continue to enjoy this convenience. Just normal behavior.

In this environment, if Beoff's descendant had an independent personality, it would be a terrible thing for the entire family. It would mean that all the efforts of a generation have been wasted, and they will fall directly from the clouds where the stars and the sun can be seen into the abyss.

Lawrence is not not open, nor is he fully open. He allows some people to have their own ideas, but he will also have his own base and ensure the interests of his own people.

People seeking independent personality and ideas can try overseas.

Facts have proved that people with independent personalities still need to eat and go to work. Lawrence knows very well that he cannot guarantee that he will be good to everyone, so he naturally chooses to leave the benefits to those he trusts.

"Okay!" Salil didn't understand Lawrence's complicated thoughts at all. She just felt that Lawrence would save himself the trouble after making his decision.

Salil, who was in a good mood, continued to chatter: "The female nobles of Durila are all arranged to work in monasteries and churches, and there are many of them in our castle. This time, after the arrangements in Gran Province are completed, the next batch of She is the beautiful female noble selected from the Kingdom of Io a few years ago."

Lawrence only destroyed the royal family of Xiong, and killed some of the other families, but later his kindness showed up, and many people were left behind.

In the early years, the attitude towards wizards was extremely unfriendly. At that time, they had no intention of accepting the surrender of wizards, so they killed them whenever they could. This also led to the following barbarian generals generally following the prophet's wishes when performing tasks, and finally staying. They are basically young and beautiful female nobles.

In order to prevent assassinations, Lawrence provided at least three years of education to the female nobles he absorbed. In addition to teaching writing and language, he also provided ideological guidance.

"Maids don't need to be replaced so quickly." Lawrence felt that there was no need to be so frequent. It would be too expensive to replace them every three or four years.

Salil retorted: "But many people change their looks in three or four years. Girls quickly become fatter and lazy after their most beautiful three or four years."

Lawrence said no more and entered the office to check the letters of greetings sent by several kings.

Many people died in the war this year, but each country also occupied some land, some were several towns, and some were a small city.

The occupied land needed to be populated, so the restless people who thought about immigrating all day were moved here.

The wealth gained from war and robbery was also spent in several southern cities, stimulating the prosperity of the local market and stimulating the manufacturing of merchants and products from various countries.

The land owned by the church was all the best land, and some nobles from various countries began to migrate out, resolving internal conflicts.

Sariel stood next to Lawrence and looked at the words on it curiously.

"What are you talking about?" Although Salil was literate, she read slowly, and Lawrence quickly changed to the next one.

Lawrence explained: "They greeted me and thanked me for my support this year. They have asked the fleet to send me gifts, and expressed their willingness to help if the elves need to fight."

Sariel said casually: "The female elf named Stella has already taken a boat down the Ice River and took away three boatloads of food. I heard that she relied on the bounty for catching the thieves for us."

Lawrence nodded, "That's right. She has obtained legal income through her labor. I agree with her going back with 10,000 kilograms of grain."

Sophia asked curiously: "What about catching thieves?"

Lawrence continued to read the letter and said casually: "Due to the large number of sailors and foreigners in Dumu Port, there are often petty thieves, as well as people who lose bets or hurt people after drinking. Our soldiers lack the experience to track down things that don't happen before our eyes." I won’t care about the matter.”

"Stella has tracking technology and can quickly find the murderer. If she hadn't insisted on going back to the Green Forest Kingdom after making enough money, I would be very willing to keep her with generous treatment."

Sofia was shocked: "Has our territory become unsafe?"

"Not really, it's just that there are often too many people to control." Lawrence explained patiently, "When people from different regions and languages ​​are mixed together, it is easy to cause problems. Many things have actually always existed, and we are just pretending to watch. That’s all.”

“It didn’t seem to be that much until recently when we made time to take care of it.”

"Don't worry, this kind of thing will be improved soon. I believe there are many outstanding talents who will take up the mission of justice."

Lawrence was actually a little reluctant to let go of the female elf Stella whom he had only met once. Although this female elf refused to obey him, she was really easy to communicate with and she was dedicated to her work.

The elf goddess detective, the more she thinks about this matter, the more pity she feels.

Lawrence quickly changed his focus, "The list for this year's winter will be sorted out as soon as possible. As long as there are no problems with the people from last year, they will also be invited this year."

Sariel said: "Okay, Countess Olua of Valkyrie should be here soon."

Lawrence suddenly remembered what happened to Countess Olua, more specifically, Ice Harbor and Lofing Harbor, as well as the news from the east.

This year, I have been preoccupied with enjoyment and stability. Even in terms of government affairs, I have focused on the West and neglected my connections with the East.

But this is not a big deal. I haven’t fully understood the mountain in my backyard yet. Should I go and see it again this year?

Just as Lawrence was thinking about whether to go to the snowy mountains, Jade walked in.

"Master, are you busy now?"

Lawrence looked at the dignified female professor with seaweed and snake-like green hair.

"You're not busy, what's the matter?" Lawrence and Jade didn't have a very good relationship. Although they had done everything they needed to do, it was like the difference between goodwill and intimacy.

Jade is not very capable and has a weak sense of presence. She is responsible for education most of the time. She is a witch who appears frequently but is not that important.

Jade said respectfully: "When the merchants returned to the south, my subordinates in the south had been contacted one after another. I want them to establish a trading point in the river area in the forest below the Viper tribe. I hope to get your permission."

Lawrence thought about this matter, "Why not choose a good place? Will there be businessmen passing by that kind of place?"

Seeing that Lawrence did not object to this proposal, Jade said confidently: "Yes! There are many extraordinary people who need precious materials in the swamp, and there are many villages and tribes nearby. In addition to providing food in exchange for our cloth, seasonings and medicines, Jade , and sometimes we get some precious materials.”

Lawrence had no time to develop the swamps in the south, so he nodded when he saw that someone was willing to explore this mysterious area.

"Okay, I agree, as long as the tax aspect is determined."

"Yes, Master!" Jade agreed happily, and explained the unnecessary explanations, "Our college's research often requires some monster medicines, and sometimes we need to take students out to experience the dangers outside. .”

"Last time our people encountered poisonous flies, swamp monster lizards, bipedal flying dragons, and swamp four-legged fish in the swamp. There may be many strange, dangerous and powerful monsters in there."

“And the access from there to the south and west is very important to us.”

Lawrence nodded, but didn't think so.

The main reason why the swamp has not been paid much attention to is that the roads are one-way and there are gaps such as waterfalls and stairs. Except in winter, it is difficult to go upstream most of the time.

"You take charge of this matter, and I will provide some help."

Lawrence thought about the problem. If there is no convenience, then create convenience.

There is a drop in the river, so wouldn't it be enough to use a seesaw or special tools to move the boat from a lower place to a higher place in the current?

There was no such convenience before, but now with the steam engine, it is not impossible.

If the relationship between high and low heights is solved, it will be a huge boost to water and land transportation in the entire mountainous forest area.

It happens to be a few months of vacation in winter, so it’s good to have something to do.

Lawrence quickly gave up exploring the snowy plateau. He had recently had trouble with the elves. This year he would not go out on adventures alone. He would just enjoy life at home and use his brain to develop technology.

The research and development of technology is no longer a one-person affair. There are a lot of female scholars in the college who have learned advanced knowledge. They all discuss science and technology together in the bathhouse or on the big bed. It is exciting to think about it. ah! (End of chapter)

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