Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 533 The dragon attracts the wind

In mid-March of the 11th year of the New Calendar, the snow on the eaves began to melt. From morning to evening, you can always hear the continuous sound of precipitation.

The snow on the mountains has begun to melt on a large scale, and the wind on the mountains is no longer bitterly cold, but it will still take a few days for most of the flowers, plants and trees to emerge from the seemingly barren land.

A patter of hoofbeats came from a distance, passing through the undulating hills and farmland like waves, passing through the dense oak forest, and quickly entered the scope of Oak City.

Children and villagers on both sides of the road looked curiously at the speeding messenger, feeling that there must be something important.

But these people quickly continued to be busy with their own affairs. Many things had nothing to do with most people. Everyone has become accustomed to such a comfortable life.

If there is a war, then there is a war.

The Ice Bloodline has never been afraid of war, let alone death.

In the Oak City Ring Building, Lawrence received the battle report from the front line in his office.

What happened was almost a month ago. The Star Alliance forces encountered the Fire Dragon on Saadi Island, and the coalition forces suffered heavy losses.

Lawrence began to think and analyze specific things, and derived from the limited information that was consistent with common sense and the process of logical development between extraordinary beings and mortals.

Saadi Island is further south than the southernmost area of ​​the Kingdom of Io, and it is warmer than the Kingdom of Waves, but the temperature is not so outrageous that it is completely opposite.

In other words, there is a wider land besides Saadi Island and the territory of Morningside Church.

But that didn't matter, Lawrence quickly continued to think about the specific temperature.

"According to the letters written by the previous three kings, the occupied Feli area in the north of Saadi Island is more suitable for living than their kingdom. Even in the cold winter of November and December, only two layers of clothing are needed."

"The king is definitely not wearing linen clothes, but animal skins and wool clothes."

"There are also normal eating and fighting hours. The daylight hours of a day in winter are about eight to nine hours."

"It's definitely not because of the temperature. The reason why people over there refuse to call is because the winter here is too cold. It also shows that they are not used to the cold winter here. It proves that the area where they live must be more comfortable than here, so they can't stand it. "

"Then the most direct reason is that the navy over there is not strong and very weak."

In fact, the power of ships in this era has always been weak. Because of the suppression of merchants by marine creatures, pirates, and church nobles, maritime trade has never developed.

The technology of ships is mainly in the hands of pirates, and all countries are actually opposed to their people becoming merchants, or being taken elsewhere by merchant ships.

Lawrence was not surprised that the church had the power to destroy the fleet.

In the past, the Ice Land had always used more to fight against the less. Every time they went out to rob, the most powerful warriors would rob other people's refugees. Until later, starting from Luofen I, three generations organized large-scale riots. The team gradually became larger and more formalized.

The Land of Ice has always used more to fight against the outside world, instead of using less to fight against the many, and the weak to defeat the strong.

In the early days of the Pumixiu people, they were suppressed by the more numerous Wakili people. If they did not resist, they would die if they resisted.

Later, the Valkyries sent people over, but Lawrence beat her more and killed their daughter.

When Andrew Redbeard and others go out to rob, they always look for places with few guards and use a large number of elite warriors to attack unprotected peasant towns.

When Lawrence took people out to fight, he also used more elite warriors to fight the small nobles.

Later, the Kingdom of Deco retaliated and sent a team of wizard knights to retaliate, but Lawrence also killed them with more and less.

The old Earl of Sider also fell into this situation, thinking that he had brought enough elite warriors, but he did not expect that the small Pumexiu Town hid hundreds of warriors who dared to fight and kill, and died under Lawrence's group fight.

Whether it was the earliest revenge against the Kur people or the plundering of the Domu people, they were all done with more people.

The few times he was beaten, he was all attacked by others unexpectedly.

During the naval battle with Pig Trotter City, Lawrence's side seemed to have a small number of people, but in fact there were many high-end forces, especially weapons and equipment and personnel quality. Regular knights and nobles from other countries were also gathered to help.

Without the surprise charge of the cavalry mobile troops, coupled with some special terrain conditions, it would be difficult for the weak to defeat the strong.

This time, one dragon defeated the Star Alliance forces. It was indeed consistent with defeating more with less, but the main reason was that the quality was too high and the mobility was too strong.

Lawrence analyzed the reasons for the dragon's success and also thought about the reasons for its rapid departure.

Maybe it was time for transformation, and with the existence of witches like Catherine, Lawrence also thought about whether the dragon might also be transformed by a wizard.

But it soon seemed unlikely.

First of all, the transformation time can be used. Transforming after approaching directly can save a lot of time, and if you cooperate with the ship unit, you can achieve greater results.

If it is really a dragon, then this dragon must be intelligent.

The weather and climate at that time, plus the personnel should have no reason to avoid the battle. The dragon had already achieved some results and could continue to pursue and kill everyone in the sea.

"I feel..." Lawrence frowned, "I must be afraid."

Lawrence thought of the most likely possibilities.

Humans are not easy to mess with.

Although most humans are weak, dragon-slaying warriors and the like will appear among humans.

For a dragon, when you see someone yelling at it with a weapon and a group of people who don't know how to run, it's almost time to run.

If that dragon had the wisdom to have this knowledge, it would definitely live for many more years.

Lawrence quickly put the letter aside and said with a smile: "The order for artillery is coming. Let the craftsman's workshop suspend the manufacturing of farm tools first. The current ones are enough, and then we will focus on making cannons."

The appearance of the fire dragon did not create a crisis for Lawrence, and he had no intention of going to the front line.

The appearance of this fire dragon will only make Lawrence's artillery business better, and at the same time make the situation of the church's extraordinary beings and fire dragons and other giant beasts more dangerous.

As a prophet, Lawrence does not need to prove how powerful he is, nor does he need to go to such dangerous places to do troublesome things.

Whether the dragon was human or dragon, it now had Lawrence's attention, like a bear or a snake in the forest.

"Tell the people below about the appearance of the fire dragon, and write a task and post it in various taverns."

Lawrence leaned back on the chair, smiled, opened his arms, and said loudly: "Let everyone in Dumu Port, Ice Port, Pumexiu Town, South Town, Forest Town, Swamp Town, Pig Trotter City, and Feiyu Port know! There’s a dragon on Sadie Island!”

"Whoever can kill that dragon, I will grant him the title of Dragon Slayer Warrior! Reward him with money, treasures and a title!" (End of Chapter)

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