Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 536 Family

In order to pay attention to the attitude of the warriors in the territory towards the fire dragon, the prophet conducted investigations in Pumexiu Town and Dumu Port.

Harbor Abbey

"This time I'll take a look at the shipyard and the security situation here. I'll also come over to see the latest batch of immigrants."

Lawrence said something else to Bull and Hela.

There are many women in the monastery, and there are also many talkative people.

Wise prophets know these things well.

Bull has come to the Harbor Monastery since the end of Eternal Night and has a clearer understanding of things here.

"I don't know much about things at the shipyard. It should be going very smoothly. There has been overtime work at the shipyard in the past two years."

"There should be no problem with security. During the Evernight, some refugees living outside were robbed by another group of refugees, but it was quickly resolved. After spring, there were fewer people, and there were things to do at the docks and fields. Just It’s quiet down.”

"Of course, it's always been nice here at the Abbey."

Bull told what he knew.

Lawrence, the two saints and several nuns were drinking tea and chatting on the rooftop terrace, chatting about some official matters.

Lawrence asked: "Are all the children born this year going well?"

"Most of them went well." Bull replied: "I counted these after I came back. Last year, more than 2,000 new children came, most of them came in winter."

The long night is the time when couples spend the longest time together. In the spring, due to farming matters, and in the autumn, due to the busyness of various things, most babies will appear together.

Children conceived on winter nights are basically born in the cold winter. The busiest time for Boer every year is the period after winter.

The main tasks Lawrence gave Bull were to visit various monasteries and deliver babies to pregnant women.

Inspections are usually carried out in the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn, and are mainly concentrated in the period when the weather is good.

The main task of delivering babies is to use healing skills to deal with some emergencies. Normally, the nuns are mainly responsible for this matter.

After seven or eight years of development, both Dumu Port and Pumixiu Town have a group of experienced midwives, and the monastery will also teach this very important knowledge to women to visiting women and internal nuns.

The main purpose of the monastery is to collect dowry money from outside, and secondly to train women who can work for the prophet's family.

However, with the concentration of high-quality people and the joining of a group of nobles and extraordinary people, the monastery has made breakthroughs in terms of knowledge and power.

The positioning of monasteries in different periods will also change. Currently, monasteries have more and more functions. Lawrence is not sure which one should be prioritized and which one should be removed. He can only continue to develop and see the situation.

"Is there anything worthy of attention among this immigration?"

Lawrence crossed his legs and casually chatted about women.

Bull smiled warmly and said nothing.

The person in charge of this kind of thing is Hela, who introduced the female slave this time in detail.

"There is a female slave who performed very well. She is a female noble from the Snake family. Her name is Awenla. She also has a sister Audrey. Darian from the Yu family who was here before is also here, but these two The performance of the people cannot be said to be very good.”

Lawrence nodded, remembering the two witches he had met before.

"I remember that the ability of those two is charm control, and the other one is summoning wind."

Hela said respectfully: "That's right, as you know, compared to the useless abilities of the two of them, Awenla's ability and loyalty are more outstanding."

"Her abilities are [Walking] and [Swiftness]. Walking means she can walk and run normally anywhere. She can move quickly whether on walls, water, or trees."

"Swiftness can use its own extraordinary strength to make the speed faster. She has been trained in swordsmanship since she was a child. She was supposed to be an excellent female knight, but her family is not that brave. When encountering something, the first thing she chooses is to run away. .”

"After the women of the Snake family collectively surrendered to us, Awenla accepted our education and believed that you are her master."

Lawrence felt that this woman seemed to be mentally disturbed, and asked curiously: "Her parents were killed?"

"Yes, they were all killed by Beow's men. Our warriors didn't want to keep them because Audrey had visited the Ice Land before, but they only killed her parents."

Hela said it was normal and didn't think this was anything.

In the barbarian country and army, this kind of thing is normal. Any existence that is considered worthless and dangerous will be promptly eradicated.

The other party's parents are wizards, and they are much more dangerous than lions and tigers. The barbarian warriors who have experienced the terrifying abilities of wizards do not want to keep these dangerous creatures at all.

Not all wizards ran away. Many people died when they conquered the Kingdom of Io. Especially when you encounter a solitary wizard in a remote area, it is like stepping on a bomb. If you are not careful, a group of people will. The death was horrific.

It is very difficult for normal people and wizards to communicate, especially during wars. When the two sides encounter each other, it is like encountering a frightened beast, and something fatal will inevitably happen.

Lawrence has occupied the Kingdom of Gran and the Kingdom of Io for several years, but he still doesn't dare to let his men go to the countryside to govern. Even the locals don't dare to go to those dangerous areas.

"Are her parents dangerous?" Lawrence felt that Audrey and Avila's parents were not stable nobles.

Hela replied: "It's a bit dangerous. The She family has always been a vassal of the royal family. Their parents are all close ministers of the king. But don't worry, I have trained these female slaves."

Lawrence nodded, "What happened in the Kingdom of Io is in the past. I think it is inappropriate to call this group of women immigrants and slave girls. It is not conducive for them to introduce themselves to the outside world."

"That's good." Lawrence had a good idea, "From now on, we will call these people trainees. They will become nuns, saints, shield maidens, maids and other noble professions in the future. Even becoming female nobles is not too difficult." The difficult thing is that you have to stand out from the moment you come to the monastery for training.”

Hela said respectfully: "Yes, Your Majesty the Prophet, your kindness will make these trainees feel the warmth of God."

Buell did not say such compliments in front of Lawrence, but he still maintained respect and respect.

Lawrence appeared as Mr. Lawrence from the beginning. Except in the eyes of Salil, he was a young man who was always lazy and did not work. In the eyes of others, he was a wise man.

Of course, Bull knew that Lawrence spent a lot of time enjoying himself, but he also saw with his own eyes the huge changes Lawrence brought about.

In Bull's view, Lawrence's kindness is not inconsistent with his strength, and it is natural for Lawrence to enjoy all this.

Hela quickly said: "Do you want to rest here at night?"

Lawrence sometimes stayed in Dumu Harbor, where there was a special resting place, and of course he could rest in monasteries and churches in various places.

As the founding prophet of the Church of the Star, Lawrence has the authority to interpret various rules.

"Sounds good, but I have a lot of things to do later, so I can only have dinner here."

Bull stood up from the chair, "I'll make arrangements."

Lawrence raised his hand to stop him: "No, just the same food as usual. I want to see what people here usually eat and whether they eat well."

Of course, Bull and Hela would not refuse this request and quickly asked people to prepare today's dinner.

"The food in the monastery has always been very good, especially in the past few years. You can eat chicken, fish, and pork, and there are eggs and bread every day."

Bull introduced the things here to Lawrence. Lawrence didn't want to just hear about it from others, but also wanted to see it for himself.

So when the nuns began to eat, Lawrence watched from a distance with the two saints.

The place where the nuns eat is a hall. There are several rows of long tables in the hall. At the end is a table with food. Every day, the kitchen will bring the iron barrels and wooden barrels with food in advance, and Baskets filled with bread, eggs and vegetables.

There are more than 500 people in the monastery, which is already a large monastery. However, they usually eat separately when eating, and some people are responsible for cooking and maintaining order.

Today is the weekend, so dinner should be richer.

The nuns lined up to receive their share of food, holding their rice bowls on a rectangular wooden tray.

The main course for dinner was pork and mushroom soup, the main course was acorn and wheat mixed bread, and a plate of salty batter made from beans.

The pork in the pork and mushroom soup is cut into small pieces of pork. Apart from a small amount of pork and mushrooms, the most is potato vermicelli.

Every nun's rice bowl is the same size. Regardless of age, whether a nun here or a newly arrived slave girl from outside, everyone can get a palm-wide bowl of pork soup.

After placing the pork and mushroom soup at the table, you have to pick up the bread and the bean porridge that goes with the bread.

Some formal nuns will be given eggs, but of course this is not all. Most nuns can only eat one egg a day, and only some nuns with status can eat more.

We also have to eat together when eating. The rule here is that after everyone has prepared the meal, everyone can sit in front of the food and say a few hymns before eating together to thank God for the food.

"That's Awenla." Hela introduced the girl with the best performance to Lawrence, and then asked, "Do you want her to come over?"

"No need." Lawrence looked at the girl named Awenla from a distance. He couldn't see clearly from too far away, but the other party seemed to have noticed his gaze and turned his head to look here while eating. .

Lawrence quickly left here and asked again: "There is an ordinary-looking girl beside Awenla and Audrey. Who is that? I am not referring to Dalian."

Hela didn't know the matter clearly and couldn't answer the question.

Bull explained: "It's Lana. Her father was our original Kurr prisoner. Later, he was killed by a violent earth bear in the manor. You gave those people the surname Bear Claw. The mother of this child died of illness two years ago. There was no one to rely on in the end, and there happened to be a shortage of people in the monastery, so she came to work."

Lawrence quickly remembered this.

When the manor was attacked by a violent bear, many people were beaten to death and crushed to death. Many people were actually killed randomly in panic.

These people, like the group of victims who took up arms to fight against the violent bears of the earth, were all given honor.

At that time, because I was in grief and had killed the Geomancer, I didn't distinguish them carefully. As long as the dead people were taken good care of, I also hoped that they could be relied on when something happened in the future instead of running away.

The honor of Lana and some people is due to this very watery coincidence.

Lawrence thought about the legendary dragon-slaying warriors again. Maybe there was some coincidence and luck involved in dragon-slaying, and even the way the dragon died was subject to discussion.

But no matter what, when the earth was violent, there were indeed some people who bravely fought against the earth's violent bears.

This incident also led to Lathander continuing his previous successful experience when he went to the mountains to hunt the earth-violent bears.

Lawrence will not deprive these people of their honor, let it pass, and regard it as an encouragement to some people.

Those who sacrifice bravely to protect their homeland and follow the prophet's instructions will receive honors and rewards, and will be able to pass on this honor and benefits to their family and future generations.

"How is her performance?" Lawrence remembered Lana's name and was also curious about the performance of this Kurian girl.

Bull smiled and said: "It's not that good. Before me, she was under the supervision of Brielle. She was usually the most active in eating, and she obeyed orders in work. However, she was not active in matters of faith, and she was not active in her own affairs. Honor also behaves retarded.”

Lawrence nodded, "It doesn't matter. There is no need to have strict requirements for her. As long as she works hard and thinks about eating every day, it means that she likes it here and is willing to live here."

"Her father and mother have given their lives for me, and she can live here peacefully until the day she wants to leave."

Lawrence thinks Lana is a normal person.

People can have faith, but not having faith is not a heinous thing.

Lawrence thinks that people who can think about eating happily every day and are willing to work are normal people and do not need others to compare themselves with each other.

"Yes, prophet." Bull remembered this after seeing Lawrence say this.

Lawrence was reminded of the bear claws and thought this was an opportunity.

By promoting the surname Bear Claw, more people are encouraged to pursue higher honors.

Lawrence quickly said: "I will rest here all night today and ask Dalian and Awen to come over. I want to understand the affairs of the five major families with them. If there are women from other families, I will also send someone who is familiar with the situation. .”

Plans can be changed, and Lawrence decided to stay in the monastery today to learn about the major families in the Kingdom of Io.

The surnames and patterns of the Xiong family, the Fish family, the Bird family, the Snake family, and the Lizard family should all be related to the merits of their ancestors.

If you can learn from it, then there will definitely be a corresponding family in your own kingdom.

For example, the Bear Claw Family, the Dragon Slaying Family, the Craftsman Family, the Forest Family, etc.

It's not obvious yet, but there are signs.

The emergence of such forces is normal. As a country develops, various internal forces will definitely follow, such as the Civil Service Group and the Wuxun Group, or forces that arise due to various plans.

Lawrence needs to refer to the establishment process of aristocratic power in this era, and the history of the Kingdom of Io is of great reference significance.

"Yes, Prophet." Hela quickly understood what Lawrence meant.

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