Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 566 Water People

The road leading to the second level of the mountain has been investigated clearly, and the 500-man team led by Lawrence mainly faces terrain and plant obstacles.

On the way, Sophia followed Lawrence on a Dome sheep, and said excitedly: "Master, will we encounter a violent earth bear?"

Lawrence looked at the mountain road ahead, "Probably not. The road we are going to take this time has been cleared. It will take us about four or five days to get there."

Sophia became even more excited after hearing this, "So fast? It's closer than our home to Pig Trotter City!"

Lawrence smiled, there were a lot of things going on here.

"Thanks to Dashiell's abilities, hers and Delenn's ability to connect the roads between the mountains, even if it's just a few roads, is a huge convenience for us."

"Heidi's crow also helped a lot, finding the most suitable route from the sky. If we look at it from the perspective of the mountains and trees, many roads cannot be found."

Hearing Heidi's name, Sophia suddenly felt uncomfortable, "I will also tame a big crow in the future and teach it to speak. Heidi is a little girl and she has always been a little girl with small breasts!"

Lawrence laughed at Sophia's little girl-like willfulness.

"Heidi's breasts are not small, but they are not as majestic as our Sofia's. We Sofia, don't always care about this kind of thing. You have so many sisters, why are you always at odds with Heidi?"

When Lawrence said this, Sophia reluctantly said: "I don't know, but I just don't like her."

Lawrence has a guess that this mutual exclusion is definitely not a mutual exclusion of abilities, but mostly a mutual exclusion of experience.

For Sophia, being a little slave girl was a uniquely intimate relationship.

Among the current witches in the family, only Heidi and Sophia have this attribute, and both of them are so girly, so it is indeed easy for them to fight.

However, after the last comfort, these two people have been able to restrain their emotions a little.

One is engaged in steam-related technologies, and the other is engaged in clockwork-related technologies.

Both sides will also secretly learn the other's technology, and will also pay attention to the other's technical theory while belittling the other.

Lawrence likes this learning atmosphere very much. With a good opponent, he will be more motivated in life.

Otherwise, Sofia might be like before, sleeping in doing nothing all day long.

Salil came out of the car and walked over and said, "Why is it not as cold here as in the manor?"

Lawrence smiled and explained: "The temperature in the mountains has dropped a lot. The reason why it is not as cold as in our manor is because there is not so much cold wind here."

Salil didn't understand, "But aren't there a lot of snow-capped mountains nearby? Look over there, I can see the snow-capped mountains, the white ones, right?"

Sariel pointed to the snowy mountains beyond the mountains.

It had been more than a day since they left, and everyone also walked into the mountains.

The direction of walking is not to go to the high mountains, but to go through some mountain tunnels and get closer to the lower mountain roads.

From this angle of Lawrence, you can see the general outline of the mountains. There are more than 20 large and small mountains to the north.

These mountains are like sitting Buddha statues. After the low mountains are higher mountains, and the mountains are getting higher and higher, until the farthest blue mountain is surrounded by mountains and a white horizon.

There are many places on the top of the mountain that are white, like a bride wearing a veil.

After looking at it like this, I felt that the mountains ahead looked like soldiers standing with helmets on.

Lawrence remembered the legend of the Ice and Snow Goddess that he had made up before.

I hope not many people believe it...

Lawrence felt that it would be better not to make up random stories in the future. Since there is faith and supernatural power in this world, it would be safer to talk less nonsense.

But the most important thing is to become stronger. Once you are strong, you don't have to be afraid of those messy things.

Just like if the berserker ability had not been awakened, many political actions and power appointments in the Kingdom of Stars would be very different.

Precisely because he has gained extraordinary power, many things can be implemented directly without so many scruples. Even Sophia does not have to follow him as an early warning device all day long, and Salil and Delen can also relax and do not have to be bodyguards to intimidate them every day. .

While Lawrence was thinking about something, Sariel asked curiously: "Lawrence, what are you thinking about? Do you have a lover you want to see on the snowy mountain?"

Lawrence didn't want to discuss this topic and said directly: "Sariel, don't always pay attention to this kind of thing. This time we are going to Snow Mountain Castle to inspect the construction status there, not to climb the Snow Mountain."

"Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly. According to the information sent back by Heidi, they have built a resting place for us outside the mountain ahead."

Lawrence quickly rode the sheep to the front of the team, and Salil curled her lips and followed.

The road underfoot has obviously been repaired, and there are signs of burning in some places.

In such pristine areas, fire is always the best cleanup tool.

Even if the burning is not clean, it is less laborious and faster than other methods.

All the dead branches and leaves that are in the way and all kinds of insects and animals hidden in the rotten soil can be eliminated with just a fire.

And there is no need to worry about the spread of fire. During the rainy season, most areas with dense growth are difficult to burn, and the fire will gradually extinguish when it reaches here.

Especially the distribution of mountains, rivers and rivers makes the fire easy to control.

The large animals nearby have been expelled and hunted, and some small wolves and deer were encountered along the way, but they all ran away quickly after seeing a large number of humans.

Let alone hundreds of people, a group of wolves chose to leave quickly when they saw a Salil, let alone hundreds of barbarians now.

If humans saw hundreds of wild wolves roaming in the mountains and forests, they would immediately run away and hide instead of provoking such a large group.

After walking on the mountain road for four or five days, Lawrence soon arrived at the first stop, a water pool full of two-meter-high aquatic plants and reed plants.

The water on the mountain converges from the Snowy Mountains, forming a lake where a large amount of water accumulates.

Salil stood by the lake and asked, "Did we go the wrong way? Aren't we near the waterfall?"

"No, this is still the upper level of the mountain." Lawrence looked at the large lakes and swamps ahead, "The melting snow on the mountain has formed an area rich in water and grass. At the end of the lake is a large waterfall area, and below the waterfall is the second floor. .”

Sariel asked curiously: "How big is this lake? It looks huge!"

Lawrence looked at the endless lake, "About 800 or 900 square kilometers, about the size of fifty Oak City."

"It's so big!" Salil nodded, "How many people live here?"

Lawrence replied: "Less than a hundred. I met these people last time Delen came here."

Catherine became interested, "Is there a place to live here? I see there is no solid ground here, and there is water and aquatic plants everywhere."

Lawrence looked at the water of the calm lake, "They live on the water, weaving a huge plant island with dried water plants, and live on the floating water island to avoid night attacks by wild boars and bears."

Sariel thought of something and was about to ask when Lawrence continued: "Although bears and pigs can swim, they can't smell human scent in the water plants, and they don't know the specific location of the island."

"There are no big fish in the water here, only some small fish as big as a palm. Unless the big wild boar and the wild bear swim in the water to escape the high temperature, you can't find these people."

"And the people here can also fight and bear the losses caused by various accidents."

Lawrence continued: "The people here are water people, and there are a few mountain people on the other side of the waterfall. The water people will exchange fish for meat with the mountain people, and they will also exchange beds and ropes woven with water plants for animal skins."

"Before we arrived, there was a fragile trading system here, but now it's ours!"

Lawrence looked at the dozen or so wooden boats approaching in the distance, "Dren and Heidi are here." (End of Chapter)

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