Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 575 Crying Luke

Winters in Kojako are always cold.

Leaves fall from the trees, leaving dry branches behind.

Kelda and her ten-year-old son Luke collected twigs and fallen leaves in the fields to make a fire for cooking.

Luke worked with his father, throwing branches into the basket.

After a while, Luke stood by the basket and looked into the distance.

In front of him was a large field of barren fields that had been harvested. After the wheat and other grains were harvested, there were only some unburned plant debris left in the field, as well as some weeds that died as soon as they grew up.

The hay is like a rope stuck into the earth, like the down of the earth.

Beyond are forests and hills, and the setting sun.

Luke turned around and looked in the direction he was looking. In the distance was a quiet village. There were children and young people chatting and playing games at the intersection of the village. There were also adults quietly basking in the sun at the entrance of the village.

"Father, when will we go back?"

"This is not enough, pick up more."

Luke looked at the man who spoke, his eyes full of grievance.

"I'm not talking about going back to the village, I'm talking about going home. When are we going home? Back to the town!"

Kelda, who was bending down to collect firewood, slowly stood up and threw the rotten wood in her hand into a basket one meter away.

"It's not yet time, we haven't finished our work yet."

Kelda didn't know how to comfort the child. He said with a fierce face: "It's only been two months and you can't stand it? This time is very important. If you don't obey me, I will deal with you when I get back!"

Luke doesn't want to stay here, he wants to go back to Pumexiu Town, or to the manor, to celebrate the New Year with his mother, brothers, sisters and younger brothers and sisters.

Although it was warmer here than back home and it didn't snow as often, Luke didn't like it at all.

Kelda liked the child born to Sister Pumi very much. This child was stronger and more obedient than the other children.

"Listen Luke, I brought you out this time because you are better than your brothers. You are almost a man. When you return from this mission, I will help you find a strong wife. You will definitely He will be an excellent warrior!"

Luke looked troubled, "I don't want to kill anyone, why do I have to kill someone? Can't I just not kill someone this time?"

Kelda looked at the boy seriously, "Luke! You must forget such stupid words! How could you become so cowardly?"

"If you want to survive on the battlefield, you must kill people. Of course you don't have to do this, but you must remember that you must never say such things in front of others, not even our family members!"

Luke asked: "Can't you tell your mother and sister?"

"No! No one can!" Kelda was very anxious, "You must not expose your thoughts! If you let others know that you have such naive thoughts, you will be laughed at for the rest of your life!"

Luke didn't believe this and looked for refutation from his memory, "Viscount Seravan didn't dare to kill anyone before, so he got the approval of the prophet."

Kelda became more and more anxious, "No! Seravan personally went to Pig Trotter City to kill his enemies! He also participated in several battles, and he killed many people!"

Luke thought for a moment, "Neither the craftsmen in the manor nor the people in the monastery killed anyone. To become a noble, you don't have to kill people. Besides, I don't want to fight with others."

Kelda became angry. There were some things he did not say to his son, fearing that his son would tell people in the village.

Only Kelda and the ten warriors knew the specific details. If the refugees in this place knew that the elves would attack here, they would have run away long ago.

What the prophet will assess this time is the ability of everyone to unite the rest, including various indicators such as command and mobilization.

Now he has hidden the refugees who have gathered here, but he has also allowed his son to have only a partial understanding of what is going on and does not understand the specifics at all.

"The elves have not started a war with us, and those elves have been staying well in the forest. There are also loyal elves around the prophet. Why do we have to set up a trap to kill the elves?"

Luke was still chattering.

Kelda didn't want to hear these words, "Shut up! You loser! How could I have a son like you? Do you want to be beaten?!"

Luke closed his mouth, but his face still looked unconvinced.

Kelda became even more angry, "If you don't want to stay here, get out! Go back, I'll have someone take you back tomorrow. If you dare to tell others what you just said, I'll beat you to death!!"

Luke felt so wronged that he wanted to cry, but he still held it in. He turned around angrily and walked toward the village.

He was obviously staying at home well, but he had to come to a place like this to fight, and he still had to secretly ambush the elves.

Luke quickly returned to the entrance of the village. The few men sitting at the entrance of the village did not look at him. These people were just like the past two months, sitting and resting boredly at the entrance of the village every day.

Luke has no friends in this village. His father does not allow him to talk to the other children. He only works every day, and he cannot understand the Kojako language of these people.

The silence around him and the scolding from his family made Luke feel extremely lonely and uncomfortable when he returned to the dark room.

Luke couldn't help but cry. The tears fell and were quickly wiped away, and then his sleeves became wet.

clang! !

Clang! !

The iron bell in the village chief's house was rung, and the impact of the hard knocking quickly spread to every corner of the small village.

"Enemy attack!! Everyone comes out! There's a fight!"

Luke quickly stood up from the bed and walked out of the cabin in panic.

There was already chaos outside. The woman took the bewildered child and quickly hid in the house, while the men quickly ran towards the entrance of the village.

Many people also fled directly to the other side, wanting to escape further.

Luke soon saw a familiar person, but it was not his father, but the group of people who had often eaten together in the past two months.

This group of people took off their dirty clothes, put on well-maintained leather and iron armor, and put on iron helmets.

There were also men from the village gathered around these ten people. The men's faces were equally panicked, and the ten people were constantly cheering and comforting these people in Kojako language, explaining what they should do next.


Ten warriors led more than thirty men towards the outside.

Luke suddenly became nervous and followed quickly.

When we followed the team to the entrance of the village, the sun had not yet set, and the figures and forests in the distance were clearly visible.

Luke saw a corpse lying on the edge of a field in the distance. A group of tall men in black robes had passed by the corpse for a long time and arrived about ten meters away from the village entrance.

The body was split in half, with the head and body separated by several meters, and the ground was covered in blood.


Ten warriors quickly rushed forward with villagers holding farm tools.

Luke stood there, surrounded by adults and children who were as panicked as he was.

Luke's feet couldn't move, his hands were cold, his lips were trembling, and tears of regret kept pouring out of his eyes.

The elves rushed over and quickly spread out, trying to surround everyone as if dealing with wild beasts.

The young man next to Luke was quickly stabbed to death by a long sword. The elves' movements were fast and accurate, far beyond what ordinary humans could resist.

After another familiar and unfamiliar villager fell to the ground beside him, Luke quickly tightened his grip on the ax in his hand.


The sword and ax collided.

Luke saw the elf competing with him, a female elf who looked very young.

The female elf was also surprised. She saw a human boy who was crying hard.

Luke's arm exploded with great strength, pushing away the long sword that the female elf had struck, and then quickly swiped upwards with the ax with both hands.

The heavy ax struck from the female elf's waist to her left shoulder, and huge cracks quickly appeared in the female elf's body.

The severe pain made the female elf unable to hold the weapon steady, and the sword began to fall.

Before the sword fell to the ground, Luke's body appeared behind the female elf, and a beautiful head fell to the ground.

Luke didn't know why he wanted to kill people, he didn't know why these elves came to attack everyone, and he didn't know why the prophet had to kill them.

But he didn't have time to think about those things. After standing here surrounded by elves, he had to kill if he wanted to survive!

Luke had no second choice. He took this path without thinking about anything.

Luke was not the only killing machine on the battlefield, there were several others who ended one life after another more ruthlessly than him.

Although the companions around him fell to the ground, unlike those elves who became slow and hesitant when their companions were reduced, the more capable the murderer on Luke's side, the more determined he was! !


The elf quickly left corpses on the ground and quickly disappeared into the blood and moonlight. (End of chapter)

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