Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 61 Crows and Ritual 1

Lawrence collected some branches, broke the bark of two big trees, and used daggers and flames to burn a gap at the roots of the trees.

A Dome sheep alone cannot pull too heavy a piece of wood, so Lawrence plans to cut down trees and transport them after it snows for a while, and when the snow is compacted enough for skiing.

The three people collected more than 200 kilograms of wood, which can be used to make tools and fuel.

The way home was a mountainous road with ups and downs and passed through an overgrown bush area.

The bushes here have shrunk a lot due to the weather, and the plants that originally reached Lawrence's waist began to shrink and fell off most of their branches and leaves.

The height and coverage area have been greatly reduced, and now Lawrence can easily walk through these bushes.

The difference between summer, autumn and winter is like a young and energetic girl, a passionate woman, and a thin old woman with a stooped figure after old age.

After returning home, Lawrence started making tool racks to store things he usually uses or will use in the future.

After Sariel put the wood on the open ground behind the house to dry, she went into the house to get something. She saw Lawrence making tools by the window and came over to take a look.

"Lawrence, what are you doing?"

"Make a tool rack to store my tools," Lawrence said.

Salil stood aside and looked at it. After being quiet for a while, she suddenly said: "You have something to do every day, and you are not afraid of loneliness at all."

Lawrence smiled and said, "No, I don't do things alone. Aren't you two staying next to me?"

"I would definitely feel lonely if I were the only one in the house."

Salil said happily: "That's it. I thought you liked to live alone, but I didn't expect you to be the same as me."

Lawrence said nothing and continued to go about his business.

Salil quickly went to do other things, and Lawrence continued to do carpentry in the light of the window.

Yesterday I went to Emma's house. Emma's dog was killed and eaten. Naturally, there were no puppies to give away.

The reason for killing the dogs was very simple. All the winter food of the Pumixiu people was taken away or burned by the Kur people. Although some food and meat were snatched back later, when they were distributed, priority was given to men who had made military exploits.

The pig in the pigsty outside now was earned by Lawrence through murder and meritorious service. Neither Emma nor the men in her family picked up the heads, so they naturally belong to the lower-middle class under the distribution system.

People can't live anymore, and there is no food to feed the dogs. Besides, Emma's dog is very thin, so thin that it looks like it is about to die. If it does give birth to puppies, it will be eaten by itself.

The mother animal in a hungry state is extremely protective of food. Even if the puppy comes even close to the food bowl, it will be treated as a competitor.

Although it was Lawrence who originally wanted to raise a dog, Salil's dog-raising plan also fell through.

Pigs and chickens are raised for food, and the sheep raised are also sold. The only Dom sheep, Nora, who was raised by her own hands, is not very smart.

Salil sat outside the door shelling peas while Sophia drove the sheep out to graze for an hour or two.

Just when Salil was alone in boredom, a black crow fell from the sky and landed in the open space three or four meters away.

Sariel found the crow looking at the vegetable basket at her feet, and all the peas she peeled fell into the vegetable basket.

The crow's eyes were looking at the green peas, and Sariel quickly put the vegetable basket between her legs to protect it, and then looked at the crow with an unhappy face.

The crow took two steps forward, about ten centimeters away, and continued to look here.

Sariel quickly picked up the broom placed in front of the door, raised it and waved it at the crows, "Go away! There are no peas for you here! They don't belong to you!"

The frightened crow quickly flew away from the dangerous woman.

Sariel paid no attention to the crow and continued peeling the peas.

Out of sight of Salil, the crow quickly flew around and landed on the roof, but it was looking towards the chicken coop.

The chickens, roosters and hens in the chicken house are eating feed. Since Lawrence and Sophia came here, the food in the chicken house has been greatly improved, and the smallest chicken is more than ten centimeters tall.

After observing for a while, the crow spread its wings and flew into the chicken coop, hoping to find some food here.

The next moment, the big rooster in the chicken coop walked towards the little man.

It has a red comb, white head feathers, black belly, yellow wings, dark black tail, murderous eyes, and curved and sharp chicken feet when walking.

It is like Andrew in the henhouse, extremely powerful.

The crow is inferior to this raptor in terms of size, agility, speed, and strength.

Even the mountain eagle in the Agama sky has to avoid the sharp edge at this time.


The crow quickly flapped its wings and fled the fighting area.

The crow did not fly away from the area, but flew to the roof again and looked at the woman shelling beans at the door.

One minute passed, ten minutes passed, and soon after more than ten minutes, it was time to eat.

Lawrence came out of the house and shouted to Sophia in the distance: "It's time to eat!"

The crow on the roof quickly flew off the roof and landed on the ground not far from Lawrence.

Lawrence saw a crow landing on the ground, and looked at the crow carefully. He felt that it looked like the crow that often scavenged on the mountains.

Thinking of this, Lawrence grabbed a handful of peas from the basin under Sariel, pinched a few and threw them out.

"It's time to eat." Lawrence repeated what he had just said softly.

When I was in the mountains before, because I was too lonely, I always liked to say something ritually while eating.

Perhaps the clever crow remembered some of the words and associated them with eating.

When a few peas were thrown out and fell on the ground, the crow was not frightened away by this sudden move. Instead, it quickly jumped to the place where the beans fell, bent down, picked up the peas with its long beak, and swallowed it. .

Salil showed an expression of confusion and surprise, and asked carefully: "Lawrence, do you want to eat this crow?"

Lawrence said quickly: "No, no, no, I won't eat it. I think it's good to keep it. We don't want to hurt this crow. It doesn't eat much, and it looks very smart."

Salil thought it would be great to raise a crow, and she was even a little eager to try it.

She quickly picked up a few peas and threw them at the crow.

Her throwing skills were top-notch, and the peas hit the crow's head accurately like shotgun blasts.


The frightened crow screamed and flew away.

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