Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 69 Witches

Surrounded by towering trees, these lush green plants don't look like winter at all, as if they are still at the junction of autumn and winter.

The temperature nearby is also five or six degrees higher than outside, and there is an uncomfortable humidity in the air.

Lawrence discovered that it could be hotter or colder than outside.

Humidity not only makes summer more uncomfortable, it can also make winter more unbearable.

"Do Cloda people like to bathe in hot water?" Lawrence felt that he was too quiet and asked casually.

Salil led the way and said without looking back: "The holy spring is a sacred place used for cooking and offering sacrifices. You are only qualified to soak in it for a while when you are killed."

Lawrence asked curiously: "Then how do you usually take a bath?"

"No washing." Salil gave a very simple reply, and added: "The dirty things on the body will form clumps and fall off by themselves, or they can be removed by themselves."

Lawrence felt that Salil was still angry about not helping her push the stone just now.

But the stone can't be pushed by itself.

Lawrence defended himself: I'm still not good at dealing with women. If I can't be the main one, it will be a bit unpleasant to get along with her.

Lawrence thought about Emma again.

The Pumixiu people are also like Emma. They will not go to the mountains to live with me to escape the heavy taxes of the lord.

How can I be a person that others are willing to follow?

Lawrence suddenly thought of this question.

Sophia is his slave. In theory, if he owns many slaves, he can be an obedient man.

But if you have so many slaves, you need to let them eat, at least survive, and have a place to live, otherwise these slaves will run away.

You also need some self-defense force, otherwise some slaves may come to the bedside and watch you in the middle of the night.

Lawrence thought about it and found that it was easier for a fierce man like Andrew to become a leader.

This is a no-brainer.

To gain respect in this complex area, you either have to kill someone or beat them up.

Previously, because he successfully killed a person in the battle against the Kur people, Pumi Xiu's people gave him basic respect, and the loot would be divided according to the head.


The sound of breaking through the air came from the dense forest. Lawrence looked forward subconsciously and saw a spinning thing flying towards this side.

Salil raised her right hand and firmly caught the flying ax.

"It's me! Salil!" Salil shouted to the forest ahead: "We are here to exchange supplies! We brought salt!"

Lawrence looked ahead in fear, and then looked down at the sharp stone ax in Salil's hand in front of him.

Two men soon walked out of the forest.

The Cloda people wear shabby clothes made of animal skins and Gebu, necklaces made of beast teeth, and wolf bone and pig bone helmets on their heads.

"Who are they?" The Cloda man looked at Lawrence and Sophia.

Sariel solemnly explained: "This weak-looking young man is Lawrence. He has also killed people, and he is also a wise wizard!"

Lawrence was suddenly shocked!

Damn it, I haven’t even seen the witch yet, and I’m going to become a wizard?

The Clodagh looked at Lawrence with suspicion, wariness, and solemnity.

"Kill me with your witchcraft, and I will believe you are a wizard!"

The two Cloda men pointed their spears at Lawrence and approached with great caution.

Sariel said quickly: "He is still an apprentice and has not yet become a real wizard. He is too young."

Lawrence closed his mouth quietly and stood there honestly.

The two tough men in front of me are both 1.85 meters tall. Although they are not as fat as Pumi Xiu, they both have strong and muscular bodies.

The Cloda man looked at Lawrence's figure and appearance up and down, and quickly found evidence that Lawrence was still young from his clean face and thin figure, so he put away his spear.

"You can't be here, you need the wizard's permission."

Salil said directly: "I am about to take him to see the wizard."

The two Cloda men quickly moved out of the way, obviously having a certain amount of trust in Salil.

Lawrence followed Sariel and walked between the two barbarians. After walking far away, he quickly whispered: "Saril! You didn't tell me this in advance!"

Salil said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, you know a lot of things anyway."

"But I don't know witchcraft!" Lawrence was a little annoyed.

Salil still didn't care, and responded with a smile: "There are many kinds of wizards, and those who can treat patients are also wizards."

Lawrence didn't want to talk nonsense with this woman who couldn't communicate, "Hurry up and complete the deal. I want to get out of here as soon as possible."

Even though she was beautiful, rich and powerful, Lawrence couldn't stand this woman who always made decisions without permission.

Sariel saw that Lawrence was really angry. She had a happy counterattack against Lawrence for not helping just now, but also had ambivalence about wanting to ease the relationship.

"Don't worry, the people here are easy to talk to!"

Lawrence remained silent and greeted him with an ax as soon as he arrived. Is this considered a nice thing to say?

Seeing that Lawrence didn't say a word, Salil continued: "The girls here are very enthusiastic. When my father comes over, he will always find beautiful women to do that kind of thing. Lawrence, if you want, you can, the Cloda people will send it to you." Food as a thank you.”

Lawrence said in a low voice: "No, I'm not that kind of person."

Soon Lawrence felt wise for his decision. After approaching the forest buildings such as tents and shacks, Lawrence saw the Cloda people who were like victims of the disaster.

Many women were even half-clothed, exposing their narrow lactation organs, and the children they were holding were tearing them apart with their mouths like wild beasts.

Men will also wear some animal skin clothes, while many women hide in dark shacks and look outside. Most of the women wear very little clothes, as if they are just wearing animal skins to keep warm.

Whether they were young women or women raising children, Lawrence felt like primitive women in their thirties or forties, and many of them even looked very strange, like idiots.

Salil took out the double axes on her waist, and some male Cloda people who were curious and wanted to get closer no longer came near.

After walking through these shack areas, Sariel took Lawrence to a clean open space. In front of it were human buildings, such as the clean and tidy wooden house of Andrew's house.

In contrast, it seems to be a residential area for two kinds of creatures.

There are young Cloda people patrolling here, wearing clean clothes made of animal skins and Gebu.

It wasn't actually clean at first, but after passing the shack area outside, Lawrence suddenly realized that these people in front of him seemed to be nobles among primitive people, and they were born to lead the group.

"Salil, you haven't been here for a long time. Why hasn't Mr. Andrew come?"

The guard greeted Salil in a friendly manner and looked at Lawrence and Sophia curiously.

Sariel put away the ax and said easily: "This is my friend Sophia and Lawrence. We came to exchange supplies and brought salt and cleaner charcoal."

The guard quickly moved away. At this time, the door of the wooden house was opened, and an old woman with gray hair slowly walked out.

"Saryl, come in."

Salil saw this woman and said happily: "Yes, Lathander."

Lawrence remembered that in the language of the Lofen Kingdom, this word meant volcano.

The woman turned and walked into the wooden house. Sariel reminded Lawrence and Sophia in a low voice: "Lathander is the witch here, and her daughter Delenn and I are good friends."

Lawrence saw the witch for the first time, and was both excited and afraid of the magical power of this world.

If he could leave now, Lawrence would definitely want to leave.

However, after Salil went in directly, Lawrence could only go with Sophia to see the true side of the world.

The wooden house is not the imaginary family structure. After entering the house, you can feel the rolling heat. A circular boiling hot spring is in the center of the house, with a diameter of two meters wide.

There was a log lying across the top of the hot spring. Lathander stepped on it directly and walked to the other side.

Salil said: "Let's go around. If we fall, we will be scalded to death. The water here is very hot."

Lawrence nodded in agreement.

That piece of wood has been boiled in hot water and heated by the heat all day long, so it must be slippery when you step on it.

The three of them walked around half of the room, where there was a hanging stove that came down from the roof, and a half-meter-wide red pool on the ground, which emitted astonishingly high heat, causing the air above to change.

Lathander sat in front of the hanging pot, her blue eyes stared at Lawrence for a short moment, and then looked at Sophia.

"Who is this girl? Andrew's child?"

Salil explained: "She is my good friend! She, like me, does not belong here."

Lathander nodded, "What did you bring and what do you want to exchange?"

Sariel said happily: "I brought salt, and Lawrence brought charcoal and copper stone. We want to exchange animal skins or something else!"

Salil quickly put the salt shaker she was carrying on the ground, and Lawrence also put down the charcoal he was carrying.

Lathander did not move, and soon a wild girl wearing an animal skin skirt and a half corset came out from the next room.

Salil took the initiative to say hello, "Dren!"

Delenn walked towards Salil and gave her a strong bear hug. The hug between two primitive women with equally plump and strong bodies gave Lawrence a modern sense of sexiness and health.

Delen quickly let go of Saryl and looked at Sophia.

"Hello, sister."

Sophia looked at the tall and big sister and hid behind Lawrence.

Delen showed a helpless smile and quickly squatted down on the ground to take a look at the goods this time.

She dipped her finger into the salt in the salt shaker and tasted it.

At this time, Lawrence found that when the other party squatted down, the leather skirt in front of him and under him was a little unable to hold it.

Delen raised his head and looked at Lawrence with sharp eyes, looked up and down and said: "You want to have sex with me?"

Lawrence was a little confused. At this time, Salil quickly said: "He doesn't want to!"

Salil reminded Lawrence: "Lawrence, don't choose the wrong opponent. If you want to do that kind of thing with Delen, you will be beaten to death! My father is not her opponent, she is the leader here. !”

Lathander corrected, "Andrew doesn't want to fight Delenn."

Lawrence calmed down quickly. The barbarians on the other side of the ice sea inherited some habits of the mountain barbarians. For example, if a man as a conqueror wants to have sex with the woman of the slain, he must fight.

Literally fighting.

The kind of fighting that occasionally hits you in the mouth and face, or kicks you in the crotch. If you react violently, you will bite off a piece of meat.

Of course, only a few ice barbarians can enforce this kind of mortal rule, but this is not an area of ​​ice barbarians, but an older mountain and forest barbarian area.

If you want to find a woman here, you don't need parental permission, nor do you need betrothal gifts or falling in love, you only need strong force value.

This sexy and wild savage beauty in front of you is very easy to control. As long as you can suppress her, push her to the ground so that her hands and feet cannot move, and then hit her with fists until she is dizzy and unable to fight back.

Be careful not to kiss, otherwise you will lose your tongue.

As a civilized person, Lawrence said rationally: "Yes, I don't want to, I'm still a child."

Delen showed a bored expression and continued to look down at the other things.

"The salt is average. The black charcoal is better than what I got last time. It can be used as a sacrifice to the holy spring. The copper and stone can be used to make weapons. The iron nails are good. I rarely get these things."

Delenn gave a rough estimate of several items.

Lathander listened quietly.

Lawrence felt that the old wizard probably didn't know how to count, so he didn't express his opinion.

As the leader, Delenn quickly gave a fair price.

"You can exchange for pig skins, wolf skins and rabbit skins. What do you need?"

Sariel said: "I need some clean meat, your copperware can also be used!"

The Cloda people lack iron tools, but they do not lack copper tools. They have their own copper-smelting technology, but their own demand is not large.

The entire village has about 1,670 people, and only one third is in the slum area.

Hunting is not the main business. The main business of the mountain barbarians is breeding and gathering.

The shacks are for gatherers, one-third of the people living near Delen are managers, and the other third are craftsmen and breeders.

Lawrence saw Salil and Derren exchanging supplies, thought for a moment and said, "I need a bag of soil and some vegetable seeds!"

Everyone in the room looked at Lawrence.

Delen didn't understand, "What do you want soil for?"

Lawrence said seriously: "I have nothing to do in winter. If I want to grow some vegetables in the house, I need some fertile soil."

Delenn looked at Lathander. This seemingly simple but bizarre request required identification by the tribe's wizard.

Luosanda thought for a while and said directly: "No, the soil here is a gift given to us by God, you can't take it away."

Sariel said helpfully: "Lawrence is not an ordinary person. He is a wizard apprentice, although he doesn't know magic yet."

Upon hearing the sorcerer's apprentice, Delenn and Lathander both looked obviously surprised and shocked.

"Really? Why can't I feel it?" Delen was a little doubtful.

Salil quickly assured, "It must be true! Lawrence is the smartest person I have ever met, and also the laziest. He doesn't want to use any strength at all!"

Delenn looked at Lawrence curiously. After repeatedly examining the young man with doubts, Lathander nodded in agreement.

"Okay, you can take away some of the soil and seeds."

With the wizard's consent, the next thing is simple.

Salil had no idea of ​​staying the night. After completing the transaction neatly, she hugged Delen goodbye.

Delen looked at Lawrence and Sophia, "Goodbye, my sisters and brother."

Lawrence took the initiative to help Salil push the stone this time, without any effort.

Sure enough, the big rock was pushed!

After closing the boulder door, Lawrence asked curiously: "Why did she call me brother?"

Salil said casually: "She thinks you and Sophia are wizards like her."

Lawrence was very concerned about this matter, "Dren is also a wizard? What kind of witchcraft does she know?"

Sariel said: "Dren can turn the earth into mud, or turn the mud into solid rock, but she is still very weak now, and it will take a long time to recover after using it once."

Lawrence looked at Salil in astonishment, "What about you? Is your ability a rain forecast?"

As Salil walked, she looked left and right cautiously.

"I'm telling you, you can't tell others. My father asked me not to tell others. I didn't even tell Emma."

With a very small voice, Salil was about to reveal the big secret that she had been holding back for many years.

Lawrence said quickly: "Don't worry! I'm not that kind of person."

Salil was very excited to finally be able to tell others about this.

Of course there is danger in other people's words, but Salil feels that Lawrence doesn't care about it at all and won't be afraid of it.

"I've actually wanted to tell you for a long time. I don't know what my ability is, but my father told me that he used to be an invincible warrior, and then a witch found him and gave birth to a child, which is me. !”

Lawrence listened to the story attentively, "What about the witch?"

"She went to find another man to have a baby again." Salil said casually, "She wants to have a boy."

Lawrence did not expect that the magical world also favored boys over girls.

"Is the witch in Talim Mountain a relative of yours?"

Salil shook her head, "No, she is a poisonous witch who fled here to live a long time ago. Neither the Cloda nor the Pumixiu people have any contact with her, especially the Pumixiu people who are close to the mountain. Will be poisoned to death."

After thinking about it for a while, Lawrence came up with a very outrageous idea.

[It would be great if she would get along well with us. In the spring, we can borrow some poison gas from her to kill the insects. 】

Lawrence carried a basket of volcanic fertile soil on his back. He had all the soil seeds and fertilizers, but now he just needed pesticides.

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